Ejemplos de cartas de reomendacion

Post on 27-May-2015

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Transcript of Ejemplos de cartas de reomendacion

Original copy

Original copy Sinaloa

Original copy Madero

Original Copy Tampico


I Pt. Luis Armando Garcia, Association of Sinaloa (Sinaloa Conference) that is located in Rio Humaya # Pte. Col. Guadalupe, in this city of Culiacán Sinaloa Méx

With this letter I certified and I assure you that pastor Nick Garza Ríos, who I have the pleasure of knowing for more than 16 years, is a Christian person, helpful and a wiling to consecrated the gifts that the Lord have give him.

He is a very hard working person, responsible on his activities and a person with a highly moral principals. Recently we had the opportunity to have his unconditional support on a evangelism campaign which ended with a lot of success. And there is way I do not have no inconvenient of highly recommending him.

For the use of his convenience, the present is extended in the city of Culiacan the 27 day of march of 2009

Translated Copy Sinaloa


I Pt. Moises Reyna Sanchez, President of SDA, Hidalgo Veracruzana Seccion, I certified that we don't have no doubt of highly recommend him.

Pt. Nic Garza

Is a honest, upright, hard working, a very valuable person with a highly moral principals

For the use of his convenience, the present is extended in the city of Boca del Rio, Veracruz, at the twenty-seven days of the month of march of two thousandth and nine

Translated Copy

Translated Copy Madero

Seventh day Adventist church To whom it may concern:


The Lord bless your family and you in the holy work of serving the Lord and his work, gritting

With this present letter I feel good recommending Pastor Niceforo Garza Rios to work in the ministry work, he was working with me on a evangelist campaign in the central church of Madero City, he had a brilliant presentation, and on a short period of time he got the love of the congregation, working from sun to sun for the good well of the soles, he has a lot of talent to pole out baptismal decisions, 14 souls ware baptized, for the glory of God and we have 8 more persons pending to be baptize he was powerful used by the Lord on this church, and I want to add that this church it is very exigent about preaching, do to that the mayoralty of it’s members are professional people.

On the other hand it was a week of wonderful miracles, a little baby had “hidrosefalia” pastor Niceforo prayed with a lot of faith his pray it was inspired the litter girl needed to be operated but the miracle did not wait the little girl was healed, to weeks later we were presenting her at church; I watched him closely,He is a prayer man a working man and a dedicated man.

With out adding more to it I thank you in advance for your consideration to the present letter hoping this letter is good For the use of his convenience,


Translated Copy Tampico

The present letter is to inform you that pastor Nic Garza has given his services as a evangelist speaker in the Tampico north district, in the times that he has been here our churches had received abundant benefits. One of the campaigns that last two weeks we baptized six persons in the next one he had with as we baptized twenty souls for the honor and glory of God.

After the campaigns the churches have been left with a cooperation and work spirit remembering many advises that Pastor Nic have left them.

Do to that reason I as a District pastor abundantly recommend this servant of God, as a man that the Lord use as instrument for the salvation of the souls. I want to emphasize that in the person of pastor Nic we have find a consecrated, dedicated and with a lot of charisma, the church children have love him very much in a very short period of time, at so great that after he finish his campaign many children had come to church as a result of his preaching, a gain I sincerely thank all those persons that support him in the activities he have to do on other churches, being sure that were ever he go will be a blessing, as he has been here in our field. May the Lord blessed pastor’s Nic ministry and all those persons that will open the doors for him to present the word of God

With out adding more to it I am grateful for the help and support that you’ll provide for him, I am courteous and servant at your service