Efficient ways in using Thinking Maps in writing in...

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Efficient ways in using Thinking Maps in writing in USJane (Lining Jian)


◎ Why do I choose this topic?

★Writing is an indispensable part of middle school in learning

English.However,the present situation of teaching writing in middle school in

China is far from satisfactory. Especially in middle school students. They can

hardly write. After the observation of many classes in US, I find that Thinking

Maps can be a good strategy in teaching how to write. What strategies are used

from Thinking Maps? What can Thinking Maps help middle school student to

improve writing skills efficiently? Aftering using Thinking Maps it comes the

critical thinking in almost every students. Therefore, the main objective of this

study is aimed to identify whether the use of Thinking Mapping strategy is

effective in improving the students’ writing achievement.

◎ Why can Thinking Maps work in English writing?

A Thinking Map is made based on marvelous thinking, a concept which describes

how the human brain processes various ideas and information that are associated

to each other through relationship hooks (Buzan & Buzan in Budd, 2003; Murley,

2007; Siriphanic & Laohawiriyano, 2010; Al-Jarf, 2011). It consists of a central idea

or theme and related ideas branching out that are connected together via

relationship hooks. Subsequent ideas are linked together, forming a hierarchical

map of the user’s ideas. A variety of applications are possibly elaborated through

Thinking Maps. For instance, Thinking Map is an effective way of generating

limitless ideas in that each idea that branches out increases the range of possible

associations (Buzan & Buzan in Budd, 2003).

By using language, students can talk and understand each other.


◎ The statement of the research problem.★The specific examples I can’t find during our school visiting. But I found they use thinking maps in all kinds of subjects especially in English writing.★The experiments that I can’t do to evaluate the value the outcomes of usingThinking Maps during my training in UCI.★How to draw the findings to the result I intend to have in the conclusion.◎Function of writing in learning English for the middle school students

Writing is one of the language skills that will never be left in education. It is very

essential part of the lesson, not only in language class, but also in other classes

such as Biology, Mathematics, and History etc. Writing skills are complex and

sometimes difficult to teach, requiring mastery not only of grammatical and

rhetorical device but also of conceptual and judgmental elements (Heaton ,1988).

As Harmer (1998) stated writing as a skill, of course, it is a basic language skill,

just as important as speaking, listening and reading. Students need to know how

to write letters, how to put written reports together, how to reply to

advertisements and increasingly, how to write using electronic media. They need

to know some of writing’s special conventions (punctuation, paragraph,

construction etc).And Thinking Maps are the good ways to start learning writing.

2.A literature review

2.1 Two Criteria of Writing Between US and China of Middle School

2.1.1 The Criteria for Evaluating Grade Six to Eight Foreign Language students

Writing for different age of students is very important, what is the criteria for

evaluate the students in Middle school of US, especially the students who are

from Grade Six to Grade Eight. At this period of age we provide teachers with a

variety of instructional approaches that might include, but are not limited to,

direct instruction, as-signed reading and writing, conversations with native

speakers, and presentations of authentic and accurate cultural situations. The

students should involved the following as the book Foeign Language Framework

for California Public Schools. It told us learning a kind of foreign language should


★ Clearly written and accurate explanations of listening, speaking, reading, and


writing in the language being studied

★ Using different tricks in the class to arouse students’ interests. That can include

A logical and coherent structure that facilitates efficient and effective teaching

and learning within a lesson, unit year aligned with the Language Learning


★Activities and texts that organize the content in a logical way such that

prerequisite skills and knowledge are developed before the more complex

concepts and understandings that depend on them

2.1.2 New Criteria for Writing in Middle Shool in China

Before I went to US, I have done some research about English writing in middle

school. The study bases on the students who are in Grade 7 to Grade9 in China.

The students are required to master the following writing skills and reach the

level 5.

★In the proper use of punctuation

★Use phrases or simple sentences to write a description of their own creation


★Be able to write a short text segments , such as the simple instructions , rules

★Can revising and correct the mistakes of the essay with the help of the teacher

and coorperation in peer or in groups.

Compare the criteria of the foreign language learning between China and the US,

In the US, teachers will focus on the tricks that they teach in English writing.

Therefore how to make good use of Thinking Maps as ways of teaching English

writing will be the signifient problem. (Foeign Language Framework for California

Public Schools K-12.Canifornia Department of Education,2001.)

2.2 What is technical writing

By carefully reviewing, analysing, and evaluating current literature and research

on the use of thinking-map technique in teaching and learning with reference to

the current trend of thinking-map technique in education, I would like to put

forward his argument on the methodology critique and on how the use of

thinking-map technique is effectively implemented in teaching and learning in the


US. Technical writing is characterized by certain formal elements, such as its

scientific and technical vocabulary, its use of graphic aids and its use of

conventional report forms. As Gordon and Walter (1962) emphasized that

technical writing is writing in which there is a relatively high concentration of

certain complex and important writing techniques, in particular description of

mechanisms, description of a process, definition, classification and interpretation.

Technical writing refers to a type of writing where the author outlines the details

and operations of administrative, technical, mechanical, or scientific systems. The

main goal of technical writing is to educate, direct, and give others the ability to

use a certain system. The following will show you how it will be.

2.2.1. Always have in mind a specific reader, real or imaginary, when you are

writing a report and always assume that he is intelligent but uninformed.

2.2.2 Before you start to write, always decide what the exact purpose of your

report is; and make sure that every paragraph, every sentence, every word,

makes a clear contribution to that purpose and makes it at the right time.

2.2.3. Use language that is simple, concrete and familiar.

2.2.4. At the beginning and end of every section of your report check your writing

according to this principle : “first you tell the reader what you are going to tell

him, then you tell him what you have told him.”

2.2.5. Make your report attractive to look at.

2.3 Theory behind Thinking Maps

2.3.1.Definition of Thinking Maps

★Thinking Maps are eight visual-verbal learning tools, each based on a

fundamental thinking process and used together as a set of tools for showing

relationships. Thinking Maps give us a common language for meaningful learning.

★Thinking Map was developed as an effective method for generating ideas by

association in the 1960s (Murley, 2007). A Thinking Map is a graphic organiser in

which the major categories radiate from a central idea and sub-categories are

represented as branches of larger branches. It is a visual tool that can be used to

generate ideas, take notes, organise thinking, and develop concepts (Budd, 2003;


Murley, 2007; Siriphanic & Laohawiriyano, 2010; Al-Jarf, 2011). In other words, it

is a tool for language teaching that helps the teacher introduce or bring together

multiple words that are linked to one subject or theme.

★In order to create a Thinking Map, we usually start in the middle of the page

with the central theme or main idea. From that point, we work outward in all

directions to create a growing diagram composed of keywords, phrases, concepts,

facts and figures. Murley (2007) explains that Thinking Map graphically show

ideas in a relational context, with the main topic at the center of the map, major

subtopics on branches radiating from the main topic, and sub-subtopics around

each subtopic that can be created with paper and pens or with one of several

computer applications.

2.3.2 Eight main features of Thinking Maps in US class are as the following:

We name them Circle Map, Bubble Map, Flow Map, Brace Map, Tree Map,

Double Bubble Map , Multi-Flow Map and The Bridge Map.I would like to

introduce four of them which are often used in daily writing and take one of them

as an example to help build the writing process.


★Circle Map

The Circle Map is used for seeking context. This tool enables students to generate

relevant information about a topic as represented in the center of the circle. This

map is often used for brainstorming.

★Bubble Map

What if you wanted to describe the qualities of animals? Use the

Bubble Map for descriptions of qualities and characteristics


★Tree Map

The Tree Map enables students to do both inductive and deductive classification.

Students learn to create general concepts, (main) ideas, or category headings at

the top of the tree, and supporting it.

★Flow Map

The Flow Map is based on the use of flowcharts. It is used by students for

showing sequences, order, timelines, cycles, actions, steps, and directions. This

map also focuses students on seeing the relationships between stages and

substages of events.

Therefore how to use Thinking Maps and how it helps the middle school students

in writing is very important.

2.4. Process Writing Approach by Using Thinking Maps

2.4.1 What I have observed in the class

Thinking Map is an open source program that allows you to make maps. I’ve

recently discovered the program and, once I did, I realized the useful it can be for


students and for teachers and I decided to implement it in my lessons.

2.4.2 How it improve the writing ability

Thinking Map technique is also seen as a teaching tool that can effectively

improve students’ writing ability. It helps the students brain-storm, generate

ideas, relate main ideas and supporting details. Buzan (in Al-Jarf; 2009) asserts

that mind-maps can be used to generate ideas, take notes, develop concepts and

ideas, and improve memory. Additionally, it is a great way to introduce an overall

topic, increase student involvement, and get thoughts down quickly.A research on

the use of Thinking Maps software in enhancing the students’ writing ability was

conducted by Al-Jarf (2009). The findings of the research are presented as


The sample groups consisted of students who had difficulty generating ideas in

writing paragraphs with topic sentences and supporting details. A Thinking Map

software was used to help students brain-storm, generate ideas, relate main ideas

and supporting details. The Thinking Map software uses lines, colours, arrows,

branches to show connections between the ideas generated on the thinking

map. Every week the software was used to create mind maps for the essays they

had to write. Before instruction, no significant differences were found between

both groups in their writing ability. Both groups were exposed to the same writing

instruction. After instruction, post-test results showed that experimental students

who used the mind-mapping software, made higher gains in writing. Significant

difference in writing achievement were found between students who received

tradition writing instruction that depended on the textbook only and those who

were trained to use a mind mapping software to brainstorm, generate and

organise ideas as measured by the posttest.

This means that use of the Thinking Map software proved to be a powerful tool

for improving students’ ability to generate, visualise and organise ideas. It made

the topic more tangible. Thinking Map raised the good and average student

performance and the performance of the lowest-performing students as well.


They became faster and more efficient in generating and organising ideas for their

paragraphs and were able to generate more detailed ideas than students who did

not use the mind mapping software. Moreover, the present study revealed

positive effects of mind mapping on students’ attitudes towards the mind

mapping prewriting activity.

2..4.3 Take one of possible lesson plan in using Thinking Maps in ESL lesson

Let’s take an example of a classroom session where a teacher wants to discuss the

food in western countries (let’s say the United States of America) and more

specifically the following three points:

★Introduce the different kinds of food that they eat in Holloween

★Talk about which food do they prefer and why

★Talk about the meaning for the food that people will eat in different activities

The three points above are the learning objectives which the students are

expected to able to at the end of the lesson. It can be clearly seen that enhancing

certain vocabulary and improving the students’ speaking skills are emphasised in

the lesson. The learning and teaching process is conducted through some steps as

illustrated below. Additionally, the guidance pictures in making the Thinking Map

step-by-step are also presented. No images and colours are used in the Thinking

Map, yet it is still able to visualise information and organise ideas, as can be seen


Step1. Brainstorm

First, start by putting down the word 'food ' in the centre of the writing space, like


Food in Halloween


This Circle Map helps students thinks a lot and opens our minds to get the

vocabularies that they have learnt.

Step2. Talk about which food do they prefer and why

Next, ask the class what comes to their mind when they think of food. When

doing this stage, the students can come up with words in other languages (it is

highly recommended that the teacher always encourages the students to speak

up in the target language, English). Subsequently, the teacher helps them by

putting down the correct word in English. As the students come up with words,

the teacher starts drawing out the Thinking Map branches, like this flowing map,

it helps students understand the tasks and make things logical.

Step3. Talk about the meaning for the food that people will eat in different


Then, after the branches of the Thinking Maps are drawn, the students now have

the names of the food on the partly-finished Thinking Maps. The teacher can take

the conversation forward by asking pointed questions about the food for different

activities. It comes to the tree maps.

Food we eat in holloween I prefer to eat Why

Reason 1

Why Reason

Why Reason


Follow-up activities:

The following are a series of possible activities (after completing the above

procedures) that the teacher can take forward:

★Ask the students to write a short paragraph about the food that they like or


★Ask the students to be seated in pairs. Then, hand out one reference

conversation guide to one pair of students and get them to have a conversation

about what they eat in different festival, for example.

★Engage the entire class in conversations about favourite food , why they eat it,

what can food bring to us.who will cook the food for them…

★To make a more artistic Thinking Maps, the teacher can ask the student to draw

some symbols or images representing each keyword (if possible).

★Write a paragraph for what they have disscuss in the class. You can choose My

favorite food as the topic( describe the food you like and dislike and why ) You can

choose My favorite feastival food( talk about the festival and the traditions)

3.My finding in English writing by using Thinking Maps

3.1. Thinking Maps create critical thinking

★What is critical thinking

Thinking isn’t something you choose to do, any more than a fish chooses to live in

The activities

Halloween Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day




water. To be human is to think. But while thinking may come naturally, awareness

of how you think doesn’t. Thinking about thinking is the key to critical thinking.

Critical thinking means taking control of your conscious thought processes. If you

don’t take control of those processes, you risk being controlled by the ideas of

others. The essence of critical thinking is thinking beyond the obvious—beyond

the flash of visual images on a television screen, the alluring promises of glossy

advertisements, the evasive statements by some people in the news, the half-

truths of propaganda, the manipulations of SLANTED LANGUAGE, and faulty


3.2 What advantages do Thinking map give us?

Thinking map helps to enhance students vocabulary and makes things logically.

Thinking Map is a good way to pracitce students’ thinking abilitiies especially in

China. This can be made possible if there is a requirement to integrate thinking

mapping technique in the EFL subject at schools. Sometimes students can open

their minds and review the vocabularies in their mind. When thoughts come

together they write things in the order and make it clearly.

3.3 What disadvantages does thinking maps inflence us?

Using Thinking Maps should give clear instruction. This can make the concept of

this strategy more meaningful for the students. Additionally, any teachers who

introduce Thinking Mapping technique in their classrooms should, as a matter of

urgency, be aware of the awkward situation experienced by the students when

first making a Thinking Map in which many images, symbols, and colours are

often used. The teachers, therefore, should give sufficient time and guidance for

the students to practice making it regularly. As a result, the integration of

Thinking Mapping technique in the EFL classroom will not become a haunting

spectre that hinders the students' improvement in the English teaching and


4. Conclusion

★ A good strategy for teachers to teach English writing.


I think the current paper provides some clear insights that Thinking Map is a

technique that offers many possibilities for teachers of English as a foreign

language, that it can be used to support various language learning activities and

that it is recommended as a way to deliver meaningful learning for students

(Buzan in Budd, 2003).

★A Thinking Map is an effective means to take notes and brainstorm essay topics.

Consequently, Thinking Maps technique seems to be particularly suited to helping

students in planning their writing as the approach encourages students to reach

for and adapt a deeper level of understanding of the writing topics. The evidence

suggests that Thinking Mapping may impact on students' abilities to plan and

organise their ideas for writing tasks under exam conditions. Besides that,

Thinking Maps are also most valuable when the key objective is to develop a

comprehensive understanding of all the key concepts involved in a subject area. It

can aid creativity, organisation, productivity, and memory.

A Thinking Map involves writing down a central theme and thinking of new and

related ideas which radiate out from the centre. By focusing on key ideas written

down in our own words and looking for connections between them, we can map

knowledge in a way that will help us to better understand and remain

information. Furthermore, in the reading aspect, Thinking Mapping technique is

helpful to provide students with meaningful displays so that learners can develop

a wider and deeper understanding of the content that is learned

★Something I still can not solve .

However, there are some drawbacks in terms of getting used to making mind-

maps that need to be paid attention to. As mentioned earlier, the undeniable

obstacles of using Thinking Map technique in the EFL classrooms are apparently


Overall, I find the disadvantages of Thinking Maps are far outweighed by their

advantages. In my opinion, the best thing about Thinking Mapping is that it is so

simple to make that it is worth being given a try.



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