Effective Threat Assessment

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Effective Threat Assessment. Presented by: Chris Jaekl. Can it happen to you?. Columbine High School – 1999 Virginia Tech College – 2007 VERY CLOSE TO HOME! Sikh Temple Shooting, Oak Creek, Aug 2012 Azana Spa Shooting, Brookfield, Oct 2012. Course Objectives. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Effective Threat Assessment

PowerPoint Presentation

Effective Threat AssessmentPresented by:Chris Jaekl

Can it happen to you?Columbine High School 1999Virginia Tech College 2007VERY CLOSE TO HOME!Sikh Temple Shooting, Oak Creek, Aug 2012Azana Spa Shooting, Brookfield, Oct 2012Describe the Cycle of Violence, and help you understand some of the clues that indicate the potential for violence.Describe actions to take when confronted with:An active shooter. Law enforcement officers who are responding to the situation.Recognize potential workplace violence indicators.Describe actions to take to prevent and prepare for potential active shooter incidents.Describe how to manage the consequences of an active shooter incident.

Course ObjectivesWhats the answer?

Fight Denial.the primary obstacle to effective threat assessment is denial.Deter violence Detect know and understand the precursors to violent behavior.Principles of Effective Threat AssessmentPremeditated violence is predictable and preventable.Violence is situationalIn Threat Assessment in Schools, the U.S. Secret Service identified several principles to understanding threatening behavior, among them:Targeted violence is the end result of an understandable, and oftentimes discernible, process of thinking and behavior.Targeted violence stems from an interaction among the person, the situation, the setting, and the targetThe central question of a threat assessment is whether a student poses a threat, not whether the student made a threat.Understanding Threatening Behavior6Threatening behavior:Threats to cause bodily harm or death to another person (including stalking, bullying, or other abusive or aggressive behavior) Threats to commit sabotage, destroy, damage, or deface real or personal property located at the workplace Unusual, bizarre, or menacing behavior or statements that a reasonable person would interpret as carrying the potential for violent acts Understanding Threatening Behavior7Our ability to deal with threatening behavior is enhanced when we understand how a person decides to use violence as an option:Violence as an optionFour primary factors are considered before resorting to violencePerceived JustificationsPerceived AlternativesPerceived ConsequencesPerceived Abilities

Dealing with Threatening Behavior Understanding Violence8Violence as an optionPerceived Justification:Simply put, does the person feel justified in using violence? Perceived Alternatives:Does the person perceive that he/she has any viable alternatives to violence that will bring about the desired outcome?Understanding Violence9Violence as an optionPerceived Consequences:How does a person view the consequences associated with using violence?Generally, if a person views the consequences as acceptable, violence is likelyPerceived Abilities:Does the person believe that he/she can successfully use violence and overcome you? Like animals, people can sense fear and indecisiveness and will use this to their advantage. Do not let the person you are dealing with know that you are unsure of yourself!

Understanding Violence10Violence as an optionPerceived Abilities:There are several things that can easily be done to reduce a persons perceived ability to successfully use violence against you!Self confidence: Exhibit confidence in yourself and your actions. If you are not sure of what to do in an incident, DO NOT let anyone know that! Your self confidence will tell others that you are in control. Self control: Always exhibit self control. A person that tries to get you excited is trying to make you lose control. If you lose control, the other person can gain control. Dont let this happen.

Understanding Violence11Violence as an optionPerceived Abilities:There are several things that can easily be done to reduce a persons perceived ability to successfully use violence against you!Attitude: As with self confidence, always maintain a winning attitude. This is the belief that no matter what happens, you will win and you will survive. This in turn translates into self confidence. The self confidence you gain from a winning attitude can be sensed by other people and will likely lessen their perceived ability to use violence against you

Understanding Violence12I was looking for people that were looking for me.Precursors to Threatening/Violent BehaviorPrecursors to ViolencePrecursors can be of a verbal or non-verbal nature. It is critical to our survival that we be able to recognize both categories and act on these prior to becoming involved in a violent encounter.Non verbal precursorsConspicuously ignores you: Generally, when we speak to another person, we will at least get some type of eye contact from that other person, if not full participation in a conversation. However, if a person conspicuously ignores you, refuses to make eye contact, talks to other people as if you are not there, etc., that person is showing contempt for you. This could be an indicator that the person is gearing up for a violent encounter with you.Displays animated behavior: Through animated or exaggerated behavior, a person may be gearing up physically for direct violence against you. Understand that this type of behavior could indicate a violent encounter is imminent, and make an appropriate decision to avoid the violence!

Precursors to Threatening/Violent Behavior14Precursors to ViolenceNon verbal precursorsCloses distance: A person that tries to get close to you and reduce your reactionary gap may be trying to feel you out to determine how close you will let them get to you. While most people will respect your personal space, a person that is intent on attacking you will feel the need to get close to you. Masking movements: This could be a simple move of the arm or wave of the hand to mask another movement that could be aggressive. If you see a person trying to distract you with some type of simple innocent movement, be aware of other aggressive movement that the person may be taking.

Precursors to Threatening/Violent Behavior15Precursors to ViolenceNon verbal precursorsAbruptly stops all movement: This could be the calm before the storm. If you see this, especially if it follows some exaggerated movements, prepare yourself for a violent encounter.Presence of alcohol: Of all psychoactive substances, alcohol is the only one whose consumption has been shown to commonly increase aggression. Alcohol will reduce a persons inhibitions and increase aggressive behavior. The alcohol that the person has consumed makes him/her think he/she has the ability to successfully use violence against anyone (everyone has heard of beer muscles). The bottom line is this: If you deal with a person that has been drinking alcohol, prepare yourself for a violent encounter.

Precursors to Threatening/Violent Behavior16Precursors to ViolenceNon verbal precursorsMental Illness: mental illnesses in and of themselves do not always indicate violent behavior is imminent. However, there are 3 recognized factors that frequently do indicate a potential for violence when they are present with some type of mental illness:When the person feels that his/her mind is dominated by forces beyond his/her control, that person may resort to violence to fight those perceived forces.If the person feels that someone else wishes him/her harm.When the person feels that other peoples thoughts are being put into his/her head.

Precursors to Threatening/Violent Behavior17Precursors to ViolenceNon verbal precursorsMental Illness: Autonomic vs. predatory aggressionAutonomic aggression is our response to a surprise attack.you dont think about the response, it just happens.Precursors to Threatening/Violent BehaviorAutonomic Aggression

Precursors to ViolenceNon verbal precursorsMental Illness: Autonomic vs. predatory aggressionPredatory aggression involves preparation..it is very cognitive. ALL predatory aggression meets certain DSM IV criteria.Many mental health issues equate to the potential for violence!

Mental Illness: Lack of empathySeveral studies have been done that show a correlation between a lack of empathy and a tendency toward violent behavior.

Precursors to Threatening/Violent BehaviorPrecursors to ViolenceVerbal precursorsExcessive Emotional Attention: There is a high correlation between emotional distress and physical conflict. If you are dealing with a person that is talking too loudly to you or is arguing belligerently with you, you could be in trouble. If this person starts to identify you as the problem, that person may feel that violence against you is justified. Veiled Threats: You better be careful, You dont know who you are dealing with, Youll be sorry for messing with me!. There are all veiled threats to you. The person that makes these types of comments is stating what his/her intentions are. If you hear this, understand that this person has already justified the use of violence against you. It is now up to you to show him/her that his/her use of violence against you will not succeed.Negotiations You Dont Start: A person that attempts to start negotiating with you, making demands, and setting conditions is attempting to take control away from you. It is critical to remember that you must stay in control of the situation at all times.

Precursors to Threatening/Violent Behavior21Precursors to ViolencePhysical/Situational precursorsBoxer Stance: A person that blades his body to you, clenches and unclenches his fists, balances his weight on both feet, and brings his arms up from waist level is getting into a fighting stance. If you see this, immediately create distance from this person, and attempt to verbally control the situation, but be prepared for violence. The Hand Set: Most people do not have the ability to initiate an attack with their hands at their sides. A person who has his/her hands up is getting into the natural position from which to launch an attack!

Precursors to Threatening/Violent Behavior22Precursors to ViolencePhysical/Situational precursorsThe Shoulder Shift: Before a person is able to move, he must tighten up the muscles in the area of his body that he wants to move. A person that shifts a shoulder back or down could be preparing to punch/grab at you, or kick you. If you see the shoulder shift back from a normal position, recognize this as a signal that the person is preparing for violence.Target Glance: Most people will instinctively look to where they want to strike or attack before they actually make a move. If you notice a person that is making target glances to where you are recognize this as a threat and move. If that person doesnt have a target, he usually cant attack you.

Precursors to Threatening/Violent Behavior23Precursors to ViolencePhysical/Situational precursorsThousand Yard Stare: A person whose eyes are focused off in the distance, even if you are standing right in front of him, is said to have a thousand yard stare. This is similar to stopping all movement, and could be the calm before the storm. This person may be justifying in his mind the urge to attack you, and could explode with startling suddenness.One on One Encounters: If you are dealing with a person one on one, this could invite a violent encounter, as the person feels he is just fighting one person. If you are with 3-4 friends, most people will not feel they can overcome that many people at one time. Remember the old saying There is strength in numbers!

Precursors to Threatening/Violent Behavior24Precursors to ViolencePhysical/Situational precursorsVaso-constriction. Vaso-constriction is the opposite of vaso-dilation. During vaso-constriction, the capillaries are constricted. This constriction leads to a reduction in blood flow to areas of the body, including the brain. Vaso-constriction is a survival response that is deeply rooted in our brain..it indicates that a person is not thinking rationally. Have you ever seen a person that is white with rage??? Consider encouraging the person to breath, or simply offer the person a drink of water!Precursors to Threatening/Violent Behavior3 Step Process:CommunicationContacting Law EnforcementRemember, ANYONE can call 911!Response to being threatened with a weaponDealing with Threatening Behavior26Communication:All of the communication techniques are battle tested from Law Enforcements Professional Communication Skills trainingCreate a supportive atmosphereRemain calm.Pay attention to the other person.Listen actively and positively.Show that you are listening and trying to understand what the other person is telling you.

Dealing with Threatening Behavior27Communication:Use model similar to police communication:R request cooperationE explain reasonA allow choiceC check decisionT take actionDealing with Threatening Behavior28Communication:Dealing with a person in Crisis:Calm yourselfCenter yourself and get focusedDevelop an intervention strategyCrisis Intervention Techniques:Try to get the persons attention.Check on the persons perception of reality.Try to establish rapport with the person.Explain your perception of reality.Move toward resolution of the situation.

Dealing with Threatening Behavior29Contacting Law EnforcementWhen Crisis Intervention fails, or the situation exceeds your ability to deal with the crisis, contact Law EnforcementIf the crisis is slowly developing, call:Non-emergency law enforcement numberIf you believe the crisis is an emergency, call:911!ANYONE can call 911! Dealing with Threatening Behavior30