Effective Practices and Open Pedagogy

Post on 06-May-2015

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Transcript of Effective Practices and Open Pedagogy


Effective Practices in Open Pedagogy

David Wiley, PhD


You Don’t Have To “Do It”

You can adopt OER and continue teaching as you always have


Outcomes Assessments Activities

“Backwards Design”


“Backwards Design”

1. Identify outcomes.

2. How would you know if students achieved the outcomes? (“If they were able to...”)

3. What activities would help students achieve the outcomes? (reading? writing essays?)


Effective Practice

Hattie’s “Visible Learning”


Scope of the Research

Over 800 meta-analysesOver 50,000 studies

Over 80,000,000 learners


Effect Size

Measure of magnitude of impactIndependent of sample sizePopular for meta-analyses


Formative Evaluation of Teaching (.9) “When teachers were required to use data and evidence-based models, effect sizes were higher than when data were evaluated by teacher judgment. In addition, when the data was graft, effect sizes were higher than when data were simply recorded.” P. 181


Organizing and Transforming (0.85)“Overt or covert rearrangement of instructional materials to improve learning. (e.g., making an outline before writing a paper).... The types of strategies included in this category (such as summarizing and paraphrasing) promote a more active approach to learning tasks.” Pp. 190-191


Teacher Clarity (0.75)Clarity as rated by students (not other teachers) in “organization, explanation, examples and guided practice, and assessment of student learning.” P. 126


Reciprocal Teaching (0.74)“The emphasis is on teachers enabling their students to learn and use cognitive strategies such as summarizing, questioning, clarifying, and predicting.... The effects were highest when there was explicit teaching of cognitive strategies before beginning reciprocal teaching.” P. 204


Feedback (0.73)“The major discriminator is whether feedback is clearly directed to the various levels of task, process, or regulation, and not directed to the level of ‘self.’”


Feedback (0.73)Task level: Correct / incorrect. “You need to include more information about...”Process level: Required learning processes. “You need to edit this piece of writing by attending to...”Self-regulation level: Self-monitoring, directing. “You already know the key features of the opening of an argument. Check to see whether you used...”Self level: Personal. “You’re a great student!” Pp. 173-178.


Teacher Student Relationships (0.72)“Developing relationships requires skills by the teacher – such as the skills of listening, empathy, caring, and having positive regard for others.... Teachers should learn to facilitate students’ development by demonstrating that they care for the learning of each student as a person and empathizing with students.” Pp. 118-119


Worked Examples (0.57)“Worked examples reduce the cognitive load for students such that they concentrate on the processes that lead to the correct answer and not just providing an answer.” P. 172


Weren’t We Talking “Open”

Combining these effective practices in the context of open


“Disposable Assignments”

Students hate doing themYou hate grading them

Huge waste of time and energy


“Valuable Assignments”

Students see value in doing themYou see value in grading themContribute to the greater good


1. OER as Worked Example

Help students understand the design of the OER you’ve assigned


2. Remix OER

Assign students to organize and transform OER to more teach effectively


3. Provide Feedback on Remixes

Offer multiple types of feedback on student remixes and require revisions


4. Reciprocal Teaching

Have students teach each other using their remixes


5. Continuous Improvement

At end of term, engage in data-based formative evaluation of the course. Incorporate

student work in new version as appropriate.


i. Create Clarity

Students should understand what their remixes should contain, how they will be graded, and how

they potentially will be used


ii. Create Trust

Establish relationships with student that demonstrate your confidence in their abilities

to create great OER remixes


Worked Examples

Wikis vs BlogsRick Noblenski on Wikis

District Policies on Blogs and Wikis http://pm4id.org/



(And thanks!)