식물이란 무엇인가 - KOCWcontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2015/gachon/...수분...

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Transcript of 식물이란 무엇인가 - KOCWcontents.kocw.net/KOCW/document/2015/gachon/...수분...

▌식물이란 무엇인가? 녹색 (Green), 덜 민감한 꽃과 열매 생산의 잎과

뿌리를 가짂 유기체, 계통학적으로 동물이 아닌

박테리아, 곰팡이, 조류, 육상식물 등 포함

녹색식물 (Green Plants) : 세포->세포막(물질이동 제한)

과 세포벽 (Cellulose) / 세포질내 세포소기관 (엽록체-엽

록소), 미토콘드리아 <-DNA

광합성 (Photosynthesis) : 태양에너지 + 물분자의 분해

및 산소분자의 방출 + 탄소의 포도당(Glucose)합성의 화

학적 반응 <- Green Plants

▲ A tomato plant shows the basic characteristics of a flowering plant: the underground root, a shoot system consisting of stems and leaves, and the reproductive structures borne on the shoots. Axillary buds arise in the axils of leaves and produce lateral branches. The terminal bud at the apex of the plant is responsible for upward growth.

▲ A diagram of a basic plant cell.

▌영양생장 구조 Vegetative Structure

○ 뿌리 Roots

토양으로부터 물과 양분 (양료, nutrients)의 흡수와 호흡 <-

곰팡이 및 균근균 / 식물체의 지지체 역할 / 뿌리털 (수분의

흡수) / 줄기의 물관부와 체관부로 이동 (수분포텐셜)

√ Tap root System (저장조직/민들레) <-> Fibrous roots

(단자엽 식물) - adventitious roots (줄기조직) / Prop

roots (Corn) - Buttresses root (Mangrove Tree)

▲ The importance of the root is emphasized during germination. The radicle, or primary root of the embryo, is the first plant part to emerge from the seed. Shown here are germinating corn and bean seeds.

▲ The roots of most lawn grasses form a fibrous mass, whereas a dandelion has a well developed taproot where starches and sugars are stored to help the plant survive the winter and produce new leaves in the spring.

▲ A radish seedling root covered with root hairs.

○ 줄기 체계 The shoot system

줄기 (stems) -> 기본 틀 및 지지조직 + 가지(branches)와 잎

(leaves) + 꽃(pollinator)과 열매(dispersal agents)

젂도기관 -> 관속조직 : 목부 (xylem) + 사부 (phloem)

초본(hervaceous)과 목본식물(woody plants)의 차이 : 형성층에

의한 목부의 생성과 보호조직(수피)

줄기의 변형체 (짂화) : 육질 (사막의 선인장-녹색줄기) / 무성생식

수단-> runners/tubers/rhizomes/corms

잎(Leaves) -> 다양성 (크기와 모양) : 태양빛 <- 광합성 및 호흡(이산화탄소 흡수 및 물 + 산소의 방출)

잎 조직의 구성 : 기공 / 후막 및 유조직 / 책상 및 해면조직 / 목부 및 사부

잎의 변형체 : 덩굴손 (tendrils) / 구근 (bulbs)

▲ Natural selection has led to numerous modifications of the normal stem form.

▲ This leaf section shows how various cells are organized to promote phothosynthesis.

▲ (a) In peas, leaves have been modified into tendrils. (b) The bulbs of onions consist of overlapping fleshy leaf bases that store nutrients and persist underground during the winter.

▲ Leaves exhibit a wide range of variation related to the environmental conditions in which they occur.

▌생식생장 구조 Reproductive Structures

○ 꽃 Flowers

동물에 대한 식물 꽃의 매력(형태/색채/향기), 비즈니스 (생식활동

sexual reproduction)

양성화 및 단성화 / 완젂화 및 불완젂화 / 자웅동주 및 자웅이주

꽃의 구조 : 꽃받침(萼) sepal – calyx / 꽃잎 (花瓣) petal – corolla /

수술 [(stamens – 수술대(花絲) 및 꽃밥(葯) 및 암술(pistils – 암술

머리, 암술대 및 씨방(ovary)]

수분 (Pollination)과 수정 (Fertilization) : 수매화, 풍매화 및 충매화

▲ Wax melon flowers, like those of all members of the squash family, are unisexual, but the plants are monoecious.

▲ This diagram of an eggplant flower shows the major parts of a typical perfect flower.

▲ Animal-dispersed fleshy fruits are preadapted to serve as human foods. Some common fleshy fruits crops are the (a) fig, (b) pomegranate, (c) pineapple, (d) strawberry, and (e) apple.

○ 열매 Fruits

종자의 보호 및 분산자의 유인 수단 / 정착 – 발아 - 생존

육질의 과육 및 종자의 보호 (소화방지막 코팅 및 크기) /

인간의 유실수

○ 종자 Seeds

피자식물의 쌍자엽식물 : 배 (embryo) -> 자엽(cotyledons)

-> shoot system + 유근(radicle) -> tap root

단자엽식물 : 배가 작고 배유가 큼

▲ Wind-dispersed fruits like (a) the samaras of maple trees, (b) the winged seeds that are released from Dioscorea capsules, and (d) the fruits of Clematis all have morphological adaptations that foster movement in the air. The seeds of many geraniums (c) are catapulted as the follicles dry and dehisce, while the squirting cucumber (e) gets its common name from its unusual method of shooting its seeds. The seeds of Hedysarum canadense (f) and alfalfa (g) are equipped with barbs or hooks that help them adhere to passing animals that serve as agents of dispersal.

▲ Seeds must contain reserves of stored food that provide energy for germination and seedling establishment. In a grain of corn, the endosperm tissue provides nutritive material for the embryo. In a common bean, the food reserves are in the cotyledons, or seed leaves.