edX on Google Cloud Platform

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of edX on Google Cloud Platform

edX on Google Cloud Platform

Do you want to run edX platform on your own?

See how it’s possible with few clicks

1. go to https://bitnami.com/stack/edx2. under GCP click LAUNCH

3. click on Launch Open edX Now

4. set NAME, PROJECT (on google cloud platform, you will probably need to create new project & setup billing)select DISK SIZE and SERVER TYPE (n1-standard-1 min.)select REGION where server will be hosted

click on Create

5. wait few minutes while everything is prepared

don’t close this window

IP address

http://<IP address>/ - Main page

http://<IP address>:18010/ - course administration

you can sign in with:username: user@example.com

password: assigned under Application Info

But it’s better to have your own email and password, so we let’s

create another user.we’ll login into Django


go to http://<IP address>/admin/ and sign in

Lots of admin stuff here. in line Users click +Add to create new user

type username and password, then click Save

type your email, name and check in checkboxes.Save

We need to create User Profile for new user.on User profiles line, click +Add

select newly created User and Save

That’s it.Now you can login under your email

and start making content.

But there are still lots of things to set before you go to public

Like having website on your own domain.

Or displaying your own theme on the main page.