Edward Charles Fletcher Jr. - usf.edu · Edward Charles Fletcher Jr. 2 PUBLICATIONS Peer Reviewed...

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Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


Edward Charles Fletcher Jr. University of South Florida

College of Education

Department of Leadership, Counseling, Adult, Career and Higher Education

4202 East Fowler Avenue – Stop EDU105

Tampa, Florida 33620-5650

(813) 974-0029 (office)

(309) 310-2446 (mobile)



2009 Ph.D., Workforce Development and Education, Ohio State University, Columbus

2006 M.Ed., Career and Technical Education, University of Missouri, Columbia

2002 B. S., Business and Marketing Education, University of Missouri, Columbia


2016-Present Associate Professor

University of South Florida, Tampa FL

Department of Leadership, Counseling, Adult, Career and Higher Education

College of Education

Career and Workforce Education

2010-2016 Assistant Professor

University of South Florida, Tampa FL

Department of Leadership, Counseling, Adult, Career and Higher Education

College of Education

Career and Workforce Education

2009-2010 Assistant Professor

Illinois State University, Normal IL

Department of Marketing

College of Business

Business Teacher Education

RESEARCH AGENDA Dr. Fletcher’s research agenda focuses on understanding the role and impact of career and

technical education school reform efforts (i.e., career academies) on student schooling

experiences, achievement, and engagement, as well as improving outcomes as students transition

from secondary to postsecondary education and work – particularly for students of diverse ethnic

and racial backgrounds.

Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.



Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Fletcher, E., Warren, N., & Hernandez-Gantes, V. (2018). Preparing high school students for a

changing world: College, career, and future ready learners. Career and Technical

Education Research, 43(1), 77-97. https://doi.org/10.5328/cter43.1.77

Hernandez-Gantes, V., Keighobadi, S., & Fletcher, E. (2018). Building community bonds,

bridges, and linkages to promote the career readiness of high school students in the

United States. Journal of Education and Work, 31(2), 190-203. doi:


Fletcher, E. (2018). Characteristics of career and technical education faculty across

institutions of higher education in the United States. International Journal of Adult

Vocational Education and Technology, 9(1), 42-58. doi: 10.4018/IJAVET.2018010104

Mackenzie, D., Tan, T., Fletcher, E., & Jackson-Williams, A. (2017). Effect of major re-

selection advising on undergraduate students’ academic performance. NACADA Journal,

37(1). doi: 10.12930/NACADA-15-029

Fletcher, E., & Chang, M. (2017). Feedback from the triad relationship as predictors of the

satisfaction of student teachers. Business Teacher Education Journal, 43, 61-68.

Hernandez-Gantes, V., Jenkins, S., & Fletcher, E. (2017). Promoting active and sustained

school-business partnerships: An exploratory case study of an IT academy. Journal of

Research in Technical Careers, 1(2), 26-35. doi: https://doi.org/10.9741/2578-2118.1023

Fletcher, E. (2017). Exploring the perspectives of career and workforce education graduate

students regarding their experiences in an online degree program. The Journal of

Research in Business Education, 58(2), 23-38.

Fletcher, E. & Gordon, H. (2017). The status of career and technical education

undergraduate and graduate programs in the United States. Peabody Journal of

Education, 92(1), 236-253. doi: 10.1080/0161956X.2017.1302219

Fletcher, E. & DiCicco, M. (2017). Exploring teacher concerns of pre-collegiate urban

teaching academy students. The Teacher Educator, 52(2), 114-137. doi:


Fletcher, E. & Tyson, W. (2017). Bridging technical skills gaps between high

school students and local employers. Journal of Research in Technical Careers, 1(1), 20-


Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


Fletcher, E., Nguema, A., & Ashford, S. (2016). How field experiences influence perceptions of

learning to teach in a pre-collegiate urban teaching academy program. Action in Teacher

Education, 38(3), 278-296.

Fletcher, E., & Ashford, S. (2016). Unintended consequences of a state accountability policy in

a pre-collegiate urban teaching academy program. The Journal of Research in Business

Education, 57(2), 26-41.

Fletcher, E. & Tyson, W. (2016). A longitudinal analysis of young adult pathways to STEMH

occupations. Career and Technical Education Research, 41(3), 191-211. doi:


Fletcher, E. (2015). We “Grow Our Own”: A multi-case study of a high school urban

teaching academy. Business Teacher Education Journal.

Fletcher, E., Gordon, H., Asunda, P., & Zirkle, C. (2015). A 2015 status study of career and

technical education programs in the United States. Career and Technical Education

Research, 40(3), 191-211. doi: 10.5328/cter40.3.191

Fletcher, E., & Djajalaksana, Y. (2015). Instructional strategy preferences in the career and

technical education classroom. The Journal of Research in Business Education, 57(1),


Cox, E., Hernandez-Gantes, V., & Fletcher, E. (2015). Student participation in career

academies within a school district: Who participates, what makes a difference? Career

and Technical Education Research, 40(1), 11-27. doi:


Fletcher, E., Lasonen, J., & Hernandez-Gantes, V. (2014). We don't just make cookies:

Practitioners' perspectives on the viability of career and technical education in the United

States. Career and Technical Education Research, 39(1), 55-78. doi:


Fletcher, E., & Djajalaksana, Y. (2014). Career and technical education teachers’ use of

instructional strategies in the P-12 classroom. Workforce Education Forum, 37(1), 1-22.

Fletcher, E., & Djajalaksana, Y. (2014). Predictors of instructional strategy use of

faculty in career and technical education programs: Signature pedagogies of the field.

International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology, 5(3), 45-65. doi:


Cox, E., Hernandez-Gantes, V., & Fletcher, E. (2014). Who participates in high school career

academies?: A descriptive analysis of six-year enrollment trends in a southeastern school

district. International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology, 5(3), 66-

81. Doi: 0.4018/ijavet.2014070105.

Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


Fletcher, E. (2014). High school students’ exposure to diversity in an urban teaching

academy and their conceptions of its place in future practice. The Urban Review. 46(4).

doi: 10.1007/s11256-013-0270-5

Fletcher, E., Lasonen, J., & Hernandez-Gantes, V. (2013). Opening doors for career

advancement: Masters' students insight on program participation. International Journal

of Adult Vocational Education and Technology, 4(4), 38-54. doi:


Fletcher, E., Lasonen, J., & Hernandez-Gantes, V. (2013). What is CTE? Practitioners

struggle to define their field in the United States. International Journal of Adult

Vocational Education and Technology, 4(1), 16-30. doi: 10.4018/IJAVET.20130101

Fletcher, E. (2013). Investigating the challenges of developing business education

student teachers: Perspectives from university supervisors. Career and Technical

Education Research, 38(2), 87-103. doi: 10.5328/cter38.2.87

Fletcher, E., Djajalaksana, Y., & Eison, J. (2012). Instructional strategy use of faculty in career

and technical education. Journal of Career and Technical Education, 27(1), 69-83.

Fletcher, E. (2012). Business education university supervisors’ challenges in

fulfilling their supervisory roles and responsibilities. The Journal of Research in Business

Education, 54(2), 1-15.

Fletcher, E. (2012). Demographics, tracking, and expectations in adolescence as determinants of

employment status in adulthood: A study of school-to-work transitions. Career and

Technical Education Research, 37(2), 103-119. doi: 10.5328/cter37.2.103

Fletcher, E. (2012). Predicting the influence of demographic differences and schooling

experience in adolescence on occupational choice in adulthood. Career and Technical

Education Research, 37(2), 121-139. doi: 10.5328/cter37.2.121

Fletcher, E., & Cox, E. (2012). Exploring the meaning African American students ascribe to

their participation in high school career academies and the challenges they experience.

The High School Journal, 96(1), 4-19. doi: 10.1353/hsj.2012.0017

Fletcher, E. (2012). Business education university supervisors’ perspectives of mentor teachers’

competencies. Journal of Career and Technical Education, 27(1), 56-71.

Fletcher, E., Mountjoy, K., & Bailey, G. (2012). Determining the professional

development needs of business education mentor teachers. Workforce Education Forum,

36(1), 21-43.

Fletcher, E., Gies, M., & Hodge, S. (2011). Exploring persistence, challenges, and barriers of

doctoral students. Multicultural Learning and Teaching, 6(1) 1-23. doi: 10.2202/2161-


Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


Fletcher, E., Mountjoy, K., & Bailey, G. (2011). Examining the level of content knowledge

of recent business education graduates. Career and Technical Education Research, 36(1),

27-47. doi: 10.5328/cter36.1.27

Fletcher, E., Mountjoy, K., & Bailey, G. (2011). Exploring the preparedness of

business education teacher candidates for their internships: The perspectives of mentor

teachers. International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology, 2(4), 28-

42. doi: 0.4018/javet.20111001

Fletcher, E., Mountjoy, K., & Bailey, G. (2011). Exploring concerns of business student

teachers. The Delta Pi Epsilon Journal, 53(1), 14-27.

Fletcher, E. & Zirkle, C. (2009). The relationship of high school curriculum tracks to degree

attainment and occupational earnings. Career and Technical Education Research, 34(2)

81-102. doi: 10.5328/CTER34.2.81

Fletcher, E. (2006). The effects of the No Child Left Behind legislation on career and

technical education. Career and Technical Education Research, 30(3), 1-20. doi:


Peer Reviewed Articles Submitted for Review

Fletcher, E., Smith, C., & Hernandez-Gantes, V. (Revised/Resubmitted). IT takes a village:

A case study of internal and external supports of an urban high school magnet career

academy. Urban Education

Fletcher, E., Warren, N., & Hernandez-Gantes, V. (Revised/Resubmitted). The high school

academy as a laboratory of equity, inclusion, and safety. The High School Journal.

Fletcher, E., Hernandez-Gantes, V., & Smith, C. (Under Review). This is my neighborhood: An

exploration of culturally relevant agency to support high school Latina(o) students in an

urban career academy. Journal of School Leadership.

Non-Peer Reviewed Journal Article

Johnston, S., Fletcher, E., Ginn, G., & Stein, D. (2010). Retirement transitions from the military

to the civilian workforce: The perspective of U.S. Marine Corps noncommissioned

officers. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 26(1), 74-95.

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

Fletcher, E. (in press). The business education curriculum in the educational system. In

B. McEwen (Ed.), Effective methods of teaching business education in the 21st century.

Washington, DC: National Business Education Association.

Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


Fletcher, E. (2016). Innovative strategies for integrating ethics into the classroom. In

D. Fisher (Ed.), Innovative instructional strategies in business education (pp. 127-

139).Washington, DC: National Business Education Association.

Fletcher, E. (2014). Inside the black box: African American male students' educational

experiences and outcomes as a result of participation in career and technical education.

In J. Moore & C. Lewis (Eds.), African American male students in PreK-12 schools:

Informing research, policy, and practice (pp. 243-265). United Kingdom: Emerald


Hernandez, V., & Fletcher, E. (2013). The need for integrated workforce development

systems to broaden the participation of underrepresented students in STEM-related fields.

In R. Palmer & L. Wood (Eds.), Community colleges and STEM: Examining

underrepresented racial and ethnic (pp. 37-55). New York, NY: Routledge.

Fletcher, E. (2012). Trends and patterns of career and technical education for urban African

American youth. In J. Moore & C. Lewis (Eds.), African American students in urban

schools: Critical issues and solutions for achievement. New York: Peter Lang Publishers.

Fletcher, E. (2012). Current career and workforce education doctoral students’

perceived benefits, challenges, and experiences in an online degree program. In V. Wang

(Ed.), Handbook of research on technologies for improving the 21st century workforce:

Tools for Lifelong Learning (pp. 287-301). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

Fletcher, E., & Zirkle, C. (2010). Career and technical education’s role in alternative teacher

licensure. In V. Wang (Ed.), Definitive readings in the history, philosophy, practice and

theories of career and technical education (pp. 103-124). Hershey, PA: Information

Science Reference.

Zirkle, C., Fletcher, E., Sander, K., & Briggs, J. (2010). Certification and licensure requirements

for career and technical educators. In V. Wang (Ed.), Definitive readings in the history,

philosophy, practice and theories of career and technical education (pp. 147-166).

Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

Fletcher, E., & Zirkle, C. (2010). Examining the impact of tracking on long-term student

outcomes. In V. Wang (Ed.), Definitive readings in the history, philosophy, practice and

theories of career and technical education (pp. 191-213). Hershey, PA: Information

Science Reference.

Fletcher, E. & Zirkle, C. (2009). Career and technical education in light of the No Child Left

Behind legislation. In V. Wang (Ed.), Handbook of research on e-learning

applications for career and technical education: Technologies for vocational training

(pp. 495-507). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


Zirkle, C., & Fletcher, E. (2009). Access barriers experienced by adults in distance education

courses and programs. In V. Wang (Ed.), Handbook of research on e-learning

applications for career and technical education: Technologies for vocational training.

Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

Zirkle, C., & Fletcher, E. (2009). Utilization of distance education in career and technical

education teacher education. In V. Wang (Ed.), The handbook of research on e-

learning applications for career and technical education: Technologies for vocational

training. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

Hite, R., Fletcher, E., Bruening, P., Durr, A., Yontz, B., Zatezalo, R., et al. (2009). The

preparation, roles, and responsibilities of teacher educators. In A. Selkirk & M.

Tichenor (Eds.), Teacher education: Policy, practice, and research. Hauppage, NY:

Nova Publishers.


2016-2019 National Science Foundation

Principal Investigator: Edward Fletcher

Co-Principal Investigators: Victor Hernandez-Gantes (USF) and Katherine Blasik

(National Academy Foundation-NAF)

Title: The IT College and CAREERS Readiness Project: Career Academy

Research on Educational Experiences and Related Successes (NSF# 1614707)

Total amount funded: $1,176,099.00

Purpose: To examine the experiences and outcomes of high school students

participating in three National Academy Foundation Information Technology

career academies.

2015-2019 National Science Foundation

Principal Investigator: Will Tyson

Co-Principal Investigators: Edward Fletcher (USF) and Danielly Orozco

(Florida Advanced Technological Education Center)

Title: PathTech LIFE: A National Survey of LIFE (Learning, Interests, Family,

and Employment) Experiences Influencing Pathways into Advanced Technologies

(NSF# 1501999)

Total amount funded: $933,617.00

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to construct, test, validate, and analyze a

national survey to identify the characteristics of Engineering Technology (and

related disciplines) community college students, their academic pathways, career

goals, and school-work-life balance issues that impact their decisions to enroll,

return for further coursework, and/or pursue a certificate or degree.

Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


2011-2015 National Science Foundation

Principal Investigator: Will Tyson

Quantitative Researcher: Edward Fletcher

Title: PathTech: Successful Academic and Employment Pathways in Advanced

Technologies (NSF# 1104214)

Total amount funded: $1,196,790.00

Purpose: The purpose of the research project is to examine the progression of

students from high school into advanced technology degree programs at

community colleges and into the workforce.

2013-2014 New Researcher Grant, University of South Florida

Principal Investigator: Edward Fletcher

Title: Exploring the Meaning Urban Teaching Academy Students Ascribed to

Their Participation

Total amount funded: $10,000.00

Purpose: The purpose of the research was to explore the meaning students

ascribed to their participation in three high school Urban Teaching Academy


2011-2012 Delta Pi Epsilon Research Foundation

Principal Investigator: Edward Fletcher

Title: Investigating the Challenges of Developing Business Education Student

Teachers: Perspectives from University Supervisors

Total amount funded: $2,000.00

Purpose: The purpose of the research project was to explore perspectives of

business education university supervisors in terms of their challenges and issues

encountered when preparing future business education teachers.


Keynote Presentation

Fletcher, E. (2012). The impact of high school curriculum tracking in the United States on

postsecondary and labor market outcomes in adulthood. Invited Keynote Seminar

Presentation at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research in the University of

Jyvaskyla. Jyvaskyla, Finland.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations

Fletcher, E., & Hernandez-Gantes, V. (2018). Preliminary findings and sharing best practices

from year two of the IT college and CAREERS readiness project. Symposium at the NAF

Next Conference, Washington, DC.

Fletcher, E., & Hernandez-Gantes, V. M. (2018). Preparing students to be college, career,

and future ready. Poster presentation at the Annual National Science Foundation’s

STELAR-ITEST Principal Investigator & Evaluator Summit, Washington, DC.

Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


Fletcher, E., & Hernandez-Gantes, V. M. (2018). Promoting equity, inclusion and safety

through a high school academy in the United States. Paper presented at the Stockholm

International Conference on Vocational Education & Training, Stockholm Sweden.

Fletcher, E., Jenkins, S., & Hernandez-Gantes, V. (2018). Promoting career readiness

through business partnerships: An exploratory case study of an information technology

academy. Roundtable presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational

Research Association, New York, NY.

Fletcher, E., Warren, N., & Hernandez-Gantes, V. M. (2017). Exploring the school

culture of a high school IT academy. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the

Association for Career and Technical Education Research, Nashville, TN.

Hernandez-Gantes, V. M., Keighobadi, S., & Fletcher, E. (2017). Promoting career

readiness in high school: An exploratory case study. Paper presented at the Annual

Meeting of the Association for Career and Technical Education Research (ACTER),

Nashville, TN.

Fletcher, E. (2017). Preliminary findings from year one of the IT college and CAREERS

readiness project. Paper presented at the NAF Next Conference, Dallas, Texas.

Fletcher, E. (2017). A multi-case study analysis of high school information technology academies

following the National Academy Foundation’s model. Paper presented at the National

Business Education Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois.

Fletcher, E., & Hernandez-Gantes, V. M. (2017). Career academy research on educational

experiences and related success: The IT College and Career Readiness Project. Poster

presentation at the Annual National Science Foundation’s STELAR-ITEST Principal

Investigator & Evaluator Summit, Washington, DC.

Fletcher, E., & Tyson, W. (2017). Examining enrollment decisions and life challenges of adult

learners in engineering technology. American Educational Research Association.

Washington, DC.

Hernandez-Gantes, V., Fletcher, E., Bartlett, J., & Gordon, H. (2017). Overview of journals in

career and technical education: Status, issues, and opportunities for publication.

American Educational Research Association. Washington, DC.

Fletcher, E., & Hernandez-Gantes, V. (2016). The IT college and CAREERS

readiness project. Presentation at the on campus session held at the University of South

Florida’s Career and Workforce Education meeting, Tampa, Florida.

Fletcher, E. & Tyson, W. (2016). PathTech LIFE: Constructing a national survey of engineering

technology students. Engineering Technology Forum. Daytona Beach, FL.

Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


Fletcher, E., Gordon, H., & Hernandez-Gantes, V. (2016). A national discussion of the current

status of career and technical education programs. American Educational Research

Association. Washington, DC.

Tyson, W., & Fletcher, E. (2016). Skills developed and skills desired: Bridging skills gaps

between career academy students and local employers. American Educational Research

Association. Washington, DC.

Fletcher, E. (2016). A 2015 national snapshot of student enrollment in CTE

programs. Association for Career and Technical Education Research Conference. Las

Vegas, NV.

Fletcher, E. (2015). The status of career and technical education programs in the United States.

National Business Education Association Conference. Las Vegas, NV.

Fletcher, E. (2015). Schooling and occupational status attainment: Learning from longitudinal

data. American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL.

Tyson, W., & Fletcher, E. (2015). A longitudinal analysis of young adult pathways to STEMH

occupations. American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL.

Fletcher, E. (2015). Explorative inquiry concerns of pre-collegiate urban teaching academy

students. National Business Education Association Conference. Chicago, IL.

Fletcher, E., Djajalaksana, Y., & Eison, J. (2014). Signature pedagogies of faculty in career and

technical education. Association for Career and Technical Education Research.

Nashville, TN.

Cox, E., Hernadez-Gantes, V., & Fletcher, E. (2014). Predictors of career academy enrollment

in a local school district. American Educational Research Association. Philadelphia, PA.

Fletcher, E. (2014). Instructional strategy use in the P-12 business and marketing education

classroom. National Business Education Association Conference. Los Angeles, CA.

Fletcher, E. & Ashford, S. (2014). Pre-collegiate urban teaching academy student perspectives

on diversity. Association for Career and Technical Education Research. Nashville, TN.

Cox, E., Hernandez-Gantes, V., & Fletcher, E. (2013). Who participates in high school career

academies?: A descriptive analysis of six-year enrollment trends in a local district.

Association for Career and Technical Education Research. Las Vegas, NV.

Fletcher, E., & Cox, E. (2013). “Preparation for Next Level”: The meaning African

American students ascribe to participation in career academies. American Educational

Research Association. San Francisco, CA.

Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


Fletcher, E. (2013). Signature pedagogies of business and marketing education

Faculty. National Association for Business Teacher Education. Atlanta, GA.

Fletcher, E., Asunda, P., Hagler, B., Hernandez-Gantes, V., & McCaskey, S. (2013). Crafting

publishable manuscripts for the Journal of Career and Technical Education. Association

for Career and Technical Education Research. Las Vegas, NV.

Fletcher, E., & Cox, E. (2012). Not Just Going Through the Motions”: African

American Students Describe the Value Added by Participation in Career Academies.

Association for Career and Technical Education Research. Atlanta, GA.

Fletcher, E., Lasonen, J., & Hernandez-Gantes, V. (2012). An exploration of Masters’

students conception of the field of career and technical education. Association for

Career and Technical Education Research. Atlanta, GA.

Fletcher, E., (2012). Perspectives of university supervisors regarding competencies of student

teachers. Association for Research in Business Education – Delta Pi Epsilon. Cincinnati,


Fletcher, E., Mountjoy, K., & Bailey, G. (2012). Challenges of business education

mentor teachers in developing their student teachers. National Association for Business

Teacher Education. Boston, MA.

Fletcher, E., & Hernandez-Gantes, V. (2011). The status of career and technical education

masters programs in the United States. Proceedings from the Association for Career and

Technical Education Research Conference. St. Louis, MO.

Fletcher, E. (2011). Demographic differences and schooling experience as predictors of career

choice. Proceedings from the Association for Career and Technical Education Research

Conference. St. Louis, MO.

Fletcher, E., Mountjoy, K., & Bailey, G. (2011). Exploring the meaning business education

teacher candidates ascribed to their student teaching experiences and the challenges and

concerns they encountered. Proceedings from the Delta Pi Epsilon Conference,

Indianapolis, IN.

Fletcher, E. (2010). Demographic variables, high school curriculum tracks, and employment

expectations as predictors of employment status. Proceedings from the Association for

Career and Technical Education Research Conference. Las Vegas, NV.

Fletcher, E., Mountjoy, K., & Bailey, G. (2010). Examining the level of content knowledge of

recent business education graduates. Proceedings from the Delta Pi Epsilon Conference.

Philadelphia, PA.

Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


Fletcher, E., Gies, M., & Hodge, S. (2010). Exploring the meaning doctoral candidates’ ascribed

to their persistence and challenging experiences. Proceedings from the Hawaii

International Conference on Education. Honolulu, Hawaii.

Fletcher, E., & Zirkle, C. (2009). The relationship of high school curriculum tracks to degree

attainment and occupational earnings. Proceedings from the Association for Career and

Technical Education Research Conference. Nashville, TN.

Fletcher, E., Chang, M., & Davis, H. (2009). Support from the triad relationship and structure of

the student teaching internship as predictors of overall student teaching satisfaction.

Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Conference. Toronto,

Ontario, Canada.

Fletcher, E. (2009). Exploring the meaning doctoral candidates ascribed to their persistence,

and the challenges and barriers they experienced. 2009 Edward F. Hayes Graduate

Research Forum. The Ohio State University. (1st Place Winner)

Fletcher, E. (2009). The relationship of high school curriculum tracks to degree attainment and

occupational earnings. Paper presented at the Spring 2009 Workforce Development and

Education Forum. Columbus, Ohio.

Fletcher, E., & Zirkle, C. (2008). Alternative teacher licensure reexamined: Addressing a

misconception regarding its inception. Proceedings from the Association for Career and

Technical Education Research Conference. Charlotte, NC.

Fletcher, E., Chang, J., & Kong, Y. (2008). Organizational socialization applied to teacher

induction: An emerging conceptual framework. Proceedings from the Academy of

Human Resource Development International Research Conference in the Americas.

Panama City, FL.

Fletcher, E., Chang, J., & Kong, Y. (2008). Teacher induction, teacher preparation, and teacher

retention: An emerging conceptual framework for teacher development. Paper presented

at the Mid-Western Educational Research Association Conference. Columbus, OH

Fletcher, E., Chang, J., & Kong, Y. (2008). Organizational socialization applied to teacher

induction: An emerging conceptual framework. Paper presented at the Spring 2008

Workforce Development and Education Forum. Columbus, Ohio.

Fletcher, E. (2007). No curriculum left behind: The effects of the No Child Left Behind

Legislation on Career and Technical Education. Proceedings from the Association for

Career and Technical Education Conference. Las Vegas, NV.

Johnston, S., Fletcher, E., Ginn, G., & Stein, D. (2007). Adult career transitions: Exploring the

concerns of military retirees. Proceedings from the Midwest Research-to-Practice

Conference in Adult, Continuing, Community, and Extension Education. Muncie, IN:

Ball State University.

Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


Fletcher, E. (2007). The condition of schools: What teacher candidates must know. Paper

presented at the Mid-Western Educational Research Association Conference. St. Louis,


Hite, R., & Fletcher, E. (2007). Coursework and demonstrations of learning for preparing

teacher educators. Paper presented at the Mid-Western Educational Research

Association Conference. St. Louis, MO.

Zirkle, C., & Fletcher, E. (2007). From alternative licensure to the Ph.D.: A strategy for

developing quality CTE teachers. Presentation at the Association for Career and

Technical Education Conference. Las Vegas, NV.

Fletcher, E. (2007). No curriculum left behind: The effects of the No Child Left Behind

legislation on career and technical education. Paper presented at the Spring 2007

Workforce Development and Education Forum. Columbus, Ohio.

Johnston, S., Fletcher, E., Ginn, G., & Stein, D. (2007). Adult career transitions: Exploring the

concerns of military retirees. Paper presented at the Spring 2007 Workforce

Development and Education Forum. Columbus, Ohio.


2014 Certified Online Educator, University of South Florida

2005-2010 Business and Marketing Education (6-12), State of Texas

2002-2005 Business and Marketing Education (6-12), State of Missouri


Equity in Schools and the Workplace, Undergraduate Course

University of South Florida

The course focuses on issues related to equity in schools and the workplace including legal,

ethical, psychological, sociological, and economic factors. Gender, race, culture, ethnicity, and

sexual orientation are considered. Factors which contribute to stereotyping, bias, and prejudice,

and issues of hate and violence are examined for the purposes of social and personal change and


Improving Career and Technical Education Programs, Masters Course

University of South Florida

This course is designed to facilitate the development of essential understandings of the nature

and use of research strategies as a means to support improvement strategies, involving data

collection, analysis, and dissemination/reporting/presentation.

Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


Foundations and Philosophies of Career and Workforce Education, PhD Course

University of South Florida

This course examines the concept of work and our nation’s workforce development system

including school-based and non-school based education and training. The historical

development, philosophical perspectives, and social and economic foundations of education and

training for work are considered.

School and Community Relations, Masters Course

University of South Florida

This course discusses maintaining positive relations between career and technical education

(CTE) programs and stakeholders, enhancing CTEs image, interacting with students, parents,

businesses, and marketing the program is critical to the sustainability and viability of CTE


Administration of Local Programs, Masters Course

University of South Florida

This course helps students develop a working understanding of the roles and functions

administrators need to organize and operate career and technical education programs. In addition,

participants will develop an understanding of administrative strategies that work under current

program designs for career and technical education.

Practicum in Career and Technical Education, Masters Course

University of South Florida

The practicum facilitates the production of a self-assessment report of program participation and

the implications for professional practice upon completion of the master's degree in career and

technical education. The capstone practicum project represents an extension of work initiated in

the Improving CTE Programs course using action research strategies to document the merit of

improvement practices.

Career and Workforce Education Program Planning and Implementation, PhD Course

University of South Florida

This course is designed to help students gain a working understanding of planning and

implementation issues and approaches, and the implications for practical applications to the

conceptualization of programs and practices in career and workforce education.

Instructional Development in Career and Workforce Education, PhD Course

University of South Florida

This course involves an in-depth examination of theories, principles and applications of

contextual teaching and learning (CTL) and similar instructional approaches such as applied

learning and authentic learning. A focus is also on the preparation and instructional development

of future teachers. The course further examines research on issues related to effective

instructional practices in higher education as well as in online environments.

Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


Program Planning and Implementation in Career and Workforce Education, PhD Course

University of South Florida

This course provides the knowledge and skills necessary to participate in the initial

determination, planning, organization and implementation of new or expanded adult, career and

technical education institutions or programs

Emerging Workplace Competencies, Masters Course

University of South Florida

This course provides an interactive exploration of emerging workplace competencies through

analysis, research, and work-based experiences for the purpose of professional development and

program improvement. The goal of this course is to examine what skills are necessary for

success in the 21st century workforce. It also explores whether entrants to the workforce,

graduates of high school, and graduates of two-year and four-year higher education institutions

have the skills needed to be successful.

Issues and Trends in Career and Technical Education, Masters Course

University of South Florida

This course is designed to provide an overview of the field of CTE, including its purpose,

history, and current trends: an emphasis is on forces significantly shaping the field of CTE and

its relationship with workforce education and K-12 academic education.

The Preparation and Development for Teaching, Masters Course

University of South Florida

This course is designed to enrich students’ knowledge of issues related to the teaching

profession. Students in this course examine a broad range of topics impacting the teaching

profession, including: (a) teaching in face-to-face vs. online settings; (b) teacher knowledge and

how it develops; (c) P-12 teacher preparation (d) teaching diverse learners; (e) the professional

development of practicing teachers; (f) student-centered instructional practices; and (g) teaching

adults as well as teaching in higher education.

Curriculum Enhancement in Career and Technical Education, Masters Course

University of South Florida

This course discusses curriculum development as well as trends and issues in CTE school reform

at the K-12 and postsecondary education levels.

Supervision of Local Programs, Masters Course

University of South Florida

This course examines factors involved in the supervision of instruction, including plans for

teacher education, improvement of instruction, coordination of activities, and personnel relations.

Student Teaching Supervision, Undergraduate Course

Illinois State University

Evaluated and provided feedback to business education student teachers regarding their teaching

performances. Collaborated with local school teachers, administrators, and personnel.

Input Technologies and Advanced Document Creation, Undergraduate Course

Illinois State University

Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


Developed students’ skills related to Web 2.0 technologies, wikis, SecondLife, speech

recognition, webpage design, desktop publishing, and word processing.

Advanced Microcomputer Applications for the Professional, Undergraduate Course

Illinois State University

Developed students’ skills in widely used microcomputer application software,

including Microsoft Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Word, Dragon Naturally Speaking

speech recognition, and Website creation.

Educational Technology Information Systems: Planning and Implementation,

Undergraduate Course

Illinois State University – Normal

Discussed the role of information technology systems in educational settings. Included

developing skills in evaluating hardware and software, developing technology plans and policies,

implementing and evaluating technology systems, using the Internet to solve

educational/learning issues, and keeping current with technological innovation.

Business Teacher, Huston-Tillotson University (HBCU), Austin, TX

Taught Business Computer Information Systems course to Upward Bound high school students

including Microsoft Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Word, and website development.

Business Teacher, Lyndon Baines Johnson High School, Austin, TX

Taught Business Computer Information Systems course to high school students including

Microsoft Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Word, and website development.

Courses Taught as Graduate Teaching Assistant

Essentials of Career & Technical Education Curriculum & Instruction, Undergraduate


Ohio State University, Columbus

Taught and prepared meaningful learning experiences for alternative licensure Career &

Technical Education teachers and traditional business education teacher candidates. This course

examined literature on curriculum and instruction to prepare teacher candidates for designing,

aligning, and continually evaluating course objectives, assessments, and

lessons for K-12 student learning. In addition, the course dealt with establishing synergistic

relationships with colleagues, curriculum specialists, supervisors, administrators, parents, and

other community members.

Student Teaching in Business Education, Undergraduate Course

Ohio State University, Columbus

Supervised and evaluated student teaching internships at local high schools for students seeking

teacher licensure in business. Collaborated with local school teachers, administrators, and


Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


Field Experiences in Business Education, Undergraduate Course

Ohio State University, Columbus

Supervised field placements at local high schools for students seeking teacher licensure in

business, and for students completing internships in business and industry. Collaborated with

local school teachers, administrators, and personnel for the development of teacher candidates.

Maintained licensure files and related documents. Conducted on-campus meetings with students

to reflect on their field experiences.

Business Teaching Methods, Undergraduate Course

Ohio State University, Columbus

Taught undergraduate business education teacher candidates about effective teaching methods

for business instruction at the K-12 level. This course provided an extensive and intensive study

of experiences with the dimensions of planning, instruction, assessment, and management of the

business P-12 classroom.

Principles of Retailing, Undergraduate Course

University of Missouri, Columbia

Taught undergraduate students about retailing concepts.

Introduction to Microcomputers, Undergraduate Course

University of Missouri, Columbia

Taught undergraduate students about computer literacy.

Teacher Development Program (Inquiry into Schools, Communities, &

Society), Undergraduate Course

University of Missouri, Columbia

Graded assignments to prepare undergraduate and graduate students for their student teaching

internship and the completion of professional development documents and electronic portfolios.

Presented topics about my teaching experience and responsibilities of teaching.

Utility Software for Microcomputers, Undergraduate Course

University of Missouri, Columbia

Taught Microsoft Office programs (Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Access, and Excel).


2004 Sales Manager, Dillard’s Men’s Department, Northwest Plaza, St. Louis, Missouri

Supervised associates in men’s tailored clothing, furnishings, and sportswear.

Managed human resource responsibilities including recruitment, hiring, training, and

coaching on selling techniques. Reviewed sales associates’ performance (sales).

Assisted in visual merchandising.

Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


2003-2004 Assistant Sales Manager, Dillard’s Men’s Department, St. Louis Galleria, St.

Louis, Missouri

Supervised associates in men’s tailored clothing, furnishings, and sportswear.

Managed human resource responsibilities including recruitment, hiring, training, and

coaching on selling techniques. Reviewed sales associates’ performance (sales).

Assisted in visual merchandising.

1996-2002 Sales Associate, Sears Home Improvement and Electronics, Columbia, Missouri &

Quincy, Illinois

Assisted customers in purchasing home improvement merchandise and home

electronics merchandise. Trained new associates. Assisted in visual merchandising.


2012 Outstanding Beginning Scholar Award

Association for Career and Technical Education Research Conference

2011 Outstanding Research Paper Presentation Award

Association for Career and Technical Education Research Conference

2010 Best Research Paper Award

Delta Pi Epsilon Conference

2010 Outstanding Dissertation Award

University Council for Workforce and Human Resource Education

2009 1st Place Winner (Research Paper/Presentation)

2009 Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum, Ohio State University

2008 Outstanding Ph.D. Student

Workforce Development and Education, Ohio State University

2008 Graduate Teaching Associate Advisory Leadership Award

School of Physical Activity and Educational Services, Ohio State University

2007 Member of the Omicron Tau Theta

Honorary Society for Career and Technical Education Graduate Students

2005 Novice Teacher of the Year Award

Lyndon Baines Johnson High School, Austin, TX

2001-2 President of Pi Omega Pi (Business/Marketing Education Honors Fraternity)

University of Missouri, Columbia

Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.



2018 University Council of Jamaica

Served as Assessor for two Jamaican institutions of higher education. The

assessor is a member of a team of experts who evaluate the curriculum, review

relevant documentation, to make a judgement as to the extent to which required

standards are met. The University Council of Jamaica is the national external

quality assurance for higher education institutions in Jamaica.


2015-Present National Academy Foundation Distinguished Academy Review Visit team

Made high school visits to evaluate schools and determine whether they

implemented the standards equivalent of a distinguished academy.

2014-2015 National Academy Foundation Distinguished Academy Research Advisory


Assisted NAF in evaluating their career academies and determining research


2014-2016 Chair of the Policies Commission on Business and Economic Education

Association for Research in Business Education – Delta Pi Epsilon

2014-2015 Chair of the Career and Technical Education Special Interest Group

American Educational Research Association

2013-2014 Program Chair of the Career and Technical Education Special Interest


American Educational Research Association

2012-Present Journal Co-Editor

Journal of Career and Technical Education (JCTE)

The JCTE is the official journal of Omicron Tau Theta, a national honorary

professional graduate society in the field of Career and Technical Education. The

JCTE is a peer-reviewed journal.

Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


2012-2016 Treasurer

Association for Career and Technical Education Research

This role includes maintaining and managing all of the financial accounts for the

organization and includes activities such as depositing checks (i.e., membership

dues, conference registration payments, etc.) and paying for expenses such as for

MetaPress, an entity which electronically hosts the volumes and issues of the

Career and Technical Education Research journal. I am also responsible for

providing the organization with a financial report during the annual conference’s

business meetings, making recommendations to the executive committee and

members concerning an annual operating budget, and preparing records for an


2012-Present Chair of the Publications Committee

Association for Research in Business Education

The charge of the committee is to administer and periodically evaluate the

publications program of the organization.

2012-Present Member of the Membership Committee

Association for Research in Business Education

The charge for this committee is to plan, encourage, and coordinate continuing

efforts to bring new initiates into the organization as well as to foster renewal

efforts among existing members.

2009-2010 High Schools That Work Technical Review Visit team

Illinois State University

Made high school visits to help school leaders identify progress made and plan

next steps to achieve the High Schools That Work program goal: improved

achievement of all students through blending high-level academic and technical

studies. Also, observed how schools were implementing the HSTW key practices


2018 Department Promotion and Tenure Committee Member

Review the tenure application and supplementary files of a tenure earning faculty

member submitting documentation to be tenured and promoted

2017-2018 Technology Committee Member for College of Education

University of South Florida

Guides the Faculty Policy Council and Dean’s Office to optimize technology

initiatives to ensure integration of technology is strategic and to position the

college as a leader in technological innovation

2017-2018 Search Committee Member for College of Education Dean

University of South Florida

Participated in the interview process for candidates of the Dean position within

the College of Education

Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


2017-2018 Imagining a New and Bright Future for the College of Education Committee


University of South Florida

A taskforce appointed by the Provost to assess the current status of the College of

Education and make recommendations regarding moving forward under new


2017-Present College of Education Technology Committee

University of South Florida

Advise the college on technology needs

2015-2017 Faculty Policy Council Representative

University of South Florida

Review and approve new courses and program changes for the graduate and

undergraduate program committees, discuss issues within the college and

university: particularly related to diversity, promotion and tenure, research,

technology, and the university faculty senate

2016 Search Committee Member for Two Associate Dean Positions

University of South Florida

Participated in the interview process for candidates of two Associate Dean

positions within the College of Education

2015 Search Committee Member for Instructor of Counselor Education

University of South Florida

Participated in the interview process for candidates of the position

2012-2013 Vice Chair of Faculty Council

Review and approve new courses and program changes for the graduate and

undergraduate program committees, discuss issues within the college and

university: particularly related to diversity, promotion and tenure, research,

technology, and the university faculty senate

2011-2012 Faculty Council Representative

University of South Florida

2011-2012 Search Committee Member for Instructor of Field Experiences for

Secondary Education

University of South Florida

Review applications and interview candidates for the position

Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


2007 University Teacher Education Council

The Ohio State University

Assisted in preparation for National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher

Education (NCATE) evaluations. Interviewed with NCATE representatives

regarding the processes and procedures of collaborating with teacher candidates.

Assist in decision-making processes for OSU teacher preparation programs.

2009-2010 Instructional Technology Passport Standards Committee

Illinois State University

Help set policies and standards in regard to developing technological skills for

Illinois State University teacher candidates

2006-2009 Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee

Ohio State University

Made recommendations for enhancing curricula and preparation of CTE teachers.


2017-Present Mid-Tenure Review Committee Member

University of South Florida

Evaluate a departmental colleague on her scholarship

2010-Present Masters in Career and Technical Education Program Coordinator and

Academic Advisor

University of South Florida

Recruit, advise students, and make programmatic decisions for the Master’s

program in Career and Technical Education

2010 Departmental Annual Review Committee Member

University of South Florida

Served on the departmental annual evaluation committee; reviewed the

performance of faculty members in the department and wrote evaluative

comments for each faculty member

2010-Present Doctoral Student Committees

University of South Florida

Serve on 40 doctoral committees for students in the department and college as

well as serve as Major Professor for doctoral candidates.


2011-Present National Association for Business Teacher Education

2009-Present Association for Research in Business Education

2009-2010 Illinois Business Education Association

Edward Charles Fletcher Jr.


2009-2010 Association for Black Academic Employees

2008-2010 Academy of Human Resource Development

2007-Present Association for Career and Technical Education Research

2007-Present American Educational Research Association

2007-2010 Mid-Western Educational Research Association

2004-Present Association for Career and Technical Education

1996-Present National Business Education Association