Education in Crisis - Solutions from Desert Garden Montessori

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Education in Crisis - Solutions from Desert Garden Montessori

education in america

is in crisis

public schools: a by-product

of the industrial Revolution

static and adult

controlled environment

standardized education,

rote learning, test-taking,

content driven

single-aged classroom

desk monopolizes classroom

and restricts movement

lack of empowerment

Students have to ask the teacher to go to the bathroom.

excessive homework

Most kids today are fighting for their childhood. With8 hours a day spent inschool, and 2 hours of homework, the averagechild does not have an opportunity to create, play, imagine, and have down time.

where has

this brought us?


What does education in America look like?

education in the u.s.

7000 students drop out of School EACH DAY

U.S. ranks 21st against 30 developing countries in science

30% of students do not graduate high school

543 billion dollars were spent on public school education in 2010, less than half reached the classrooms and teachers in 2010

By the end of 8th grade, U.S. students are two years behind other countries in math.

68% of 8th graders can’t read proficiently, and most will never catch up.

what does education look

like for our state?


state education rankings

~ Statistical Research Center at AIP

The Best and Worst for Math and Science

Arizona ranks 50th in the nation for per pupil spending

Arizona’s class size averageis second highest in the nation

Arizona ranks 40th in the nation for on-time graduation

Arizona is tied for 6th in the nation for the percentage of teenagers not in school

Grade 4 Mathematics Rank, 44

Grade 4 Reading Rank, 44

Grade 4 Science Rank, 48

Grade 8 Mathematics Rank, 37

Grade 8 Reading Rank, 42

Grade 8 Science Rank, 46

arizona’s education

what did all this education

prepare us for?

The single life-long career is a thing of the past.

in the new world

change is constant

“The next generation of business leaders will face a world that is the most complex, dynamic and fast- moving in history. How do we prepare students to meet these 21st century demands? The answer lies not just in new approaches to teaching and embracing technology. Our challenge requires a complementary spacial response - education environments that inspire collaboration, drive curiosity and foster leadership.”

‒‒ University Grads Don’t Make the Grade, by Jeffrey Holmes with Global Strategy Group (Global Strategy Group, a prominent research firm, to conduct an online survey of 500 elite business decision- makers across North America.)

changing the status quo

“The fact is that given the challengeswe face, education doesn't need to be reformed ‒ it needs to be transformed.

The key to this transformation is not to standardize education, but to personalize it, to build achievement on discovering the individual talents of each child, to put students in an environment where they want to learn and where they can naturally discover their true passions.”

~ Ken Robinson, The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything

montessori has endured

through the test of time

To change the status quo takes time and courage; it is happening slowly around the world as people wake up … but it is difficult. Other schools are opening up to this …Desert Garden Montessoriis already there.

montessori: founded and

created with nothing but

the child at the center.

It was by design, over 100 years ago.

cornerstones of

montessori education –

the paradigm shift

collaboration vs.


integrated vs.


empathy vs. apathy

(or antipathy)

reaching full potential

vs. making the grade

Achieving full potential at DGM

Most schools today are just meeting the benchmark

inquiry based vs.

teacher delivered

divergent vs. convergent

Divergent Thinking Convergent Thinking

desert garden montessori

For over 15 years, Desert Garden has been delivering this innovative approachof education, an approach that empowers and guides children to reach their full potential academically, creatively and intellectually.

dynamic and empowering

independence and

intrinsic motivation

emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence cannot be prescribed; It must be cultivated over time – integrated throughout the school.

the power of the village

DGM community is comprised of children, parents, teachers, and community partners, all working together and supporting one another.

academic, social, and

emotional strength

DGM kids maintain their academic, social, emotional strength despite just utilizing the “school day”.

academic rigor comes

from critical thinking

and open-ended learning

individualized, hands-on,

relevant learning

so much more than the 3 Rs

so much more than the 3 Rs

so much more than the 3 Rs

so much more than the 3 Rs

Mathematics: 40% at 6th grade level 60% at 4th grade level (long division takes them to 6th)

Geometry: 100% 5th–6th grade level

Cultural and Physical Geography: 100% 6th–8th grade

Map making introduced at 6th grade level. Geography standards remain constant through 8th grade (for social studies, history changes, geography does not).

desert garden montessori

lower elementary

Desert Garden 9-years-old students (3rd graders)

Science: 100 % at 7th grade level

Simple discussion of the solar system, lunar cycles and impacts of natural hazards on habitats is a5th grade standard.

Engaging in the science fair process take them to a 6th grade level. Observing others’ experiments satisfies this as well.

Parts of the Earth not introduced until 7th grade.

desert garden montessori

lower elementary

Desert Garden 9-years-old students (3rd graders)

Biology: 100% at 4th–5th grade level

History: 100% 6th grade

Language Arts: 100% at 5–6th grade level Parts of speech emphasized at 6th grade level (for comprehensive list)

desert garden montessori

lower elementary

Desert Garden 9-years-old students (3rd graders)

stand above and apart

from the herd

be a powerful voice

in your child’s education

where will your child

be in 20 years?


or blazing his or

her own trail

montessori educated

Amazon Founder: Jeff Bezos

Google Founders: Sergey Brin and Larry Page

CEO, The Washington Post: Katharine Graham

Extraordinary parents make courageousand exceptional choices.

Thank you for honoring us with your children.