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Transcript of Editorial

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We are delivering this is~, c o n t ~ to our first in- I~lion$, wil,b~ff l ~ rcpor~ o f the UNEP Oovoning Co~fttcil. Alth6~gh the 12th Sessict~ /s now behind us, a t~'ge tWrt~t~W~e o f lhe papers for the meeHng were not ~q i~r~ t curly ¢~ough to , l low them 0-~ be published b~fore the Council melting.

The result t~. t ~ t ~e are. in/act, ~reporlng now two at lhe Satt~ ttm¢ -- thi~ 6~tW, and lhe first issue of

the tut~xt ~lum¢ which will ~e ~ Ub/~rh~ in July with lhc futl UNEP report. The change t,f vo!ume does not pe rm. us to make a doubte' ~ 'u¢ this time.

We just ~ t to point out at ~his stage that the Conrail meeting in the new buildings at Gigiri had another dimension this yea-r due ~.O~ only to the chang- ed locality, l~ t al5o as a re¢.adt o / a ~;ew structure o f the

Much space ha~ Oeer d~en in this ~ to the article by Veit Koes:er, so',~e we are o f the opinion that. des~lopments in smMler countries sometime~ are nol .~fflc~mtl~ covered.

R e . e , 3 will also f i r d of interest ~ report on the 2nd Meeting o/!he Contracting Parties/o the Ramsar Con- ventton In ~hts connection, one s.~ould recall that in the text of t~e Convention as it now stands, a vg~. im- portant element is mix~ing, preventing any up-dating for the moment, .since the originators of the Conven- tion did not include any c la t t~ for amendment o f the ten,l, a~ l a Protocol is awaiting ru~fication to remedy this omission (see Environmental Policy and Law (1983) Vol. 10, No. 2 ar page 46).

Tb ~ ar'dcle by Cyrille de KTemm, a foltow-Mp to that in VoL 9, No. 4 at page 117, is o f actual importance sinte o draft resolution on the same topic will be before the IUCN Ge,,wrol Axtembly in November oj'~his year.


(Re: lnlervie~ Yas, raj Dig~igay Sinh)

Dear Editor,

la ibe November 1983 issue of your n~.gezin¢ 1 read with special interest the int<t~.~ew givcu by Mr. Yw.'raj Dihv~gay • .~nh in w~ich, among c~her topics, he rcferled to the resolutions introduced b~ hi1~ tO the rt~a~! UPl Confe-e~e, oae cf them recommending the setting.. up of a special fund f~' financing en- vilonmeatal projecls in ~eve!oping ¢~Ullt ti~.

It. this connection 1 b ~ to drav, )ouz atlention tO a no~c l published in the March 1983 issue o f "'Dcve~opmei~: Forum". its orighlal title ~a~ "Needed: A World Fund for Conser~'ation". "[he i.~,lt'mzlant point, m my opinion, is that ta< so-¢afled d e v ~ nations ~oukl e~4ablM~ a fund, not only for Fmanci~, conse~v~inn projects in the Thir~ World but also for compensating ~h~ c'ount~es of this ~-ca[k~d developi~& World for the short-tern1 cost that '.o them implies the choice o:" conurbation instead of explditation t~o~5~ics, That what is lcf; of wiMerne.~.~ ar~.s, with ~[[ their geneh¢ diversity a~,d b ib l i ca l capital in gerxxal, should [¢ preserv~l 8I ~11 ¢OSL'; i~ ~r~qy irt L~:~: int .~T~ Of the" whole of humanity and tot ~ s reason ~hould he paid /for by ~I countries in ptoporqon to their financi~ cap~'ity, which t~r..s, of course, tha:~ :he in- dktstria~ed nations sitotlld bear the gost of at L-:ast p~tinily c~mpen~afin.g the present h~ss of income incurr~ by" the Third World countries in ~s'hich thLw¢ wilderne~ areas arc :i,ituated, if e'~" [~OiK~.thr)n is to be repla~x<l b:- , ; o . . ~ , a- don.

Yours '~er~ tt-uty,

Godofredo St uo, in Ca~la 3016

San, iago. Chile