EDITING PRACTICE Comp I 2016.1. Week Overview: Your daily work Review Introduce Essay 2 Organization...

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Transcript of EDITING PRACTICE Comp I 2016.1. Week Overview: Your daily work Review Introduce Essay 2 Organization...


Review sentence parts:Word, phrase, clause

Words are from the parts of speech:

noun (note: capitalize proper nouns; don’t capitalize common nouns)




adverb (conjunctive adverbs [ca])


conjunction (coordination conjunctions [cc]


Practice 1 Capitalization: True or False1. We lived up north in Pennsylvania for five years

before moving to the South.

2. The fall was as beautiful as the Spring.

3. Did dad say he was coming?

4. My Aunt is coming to Thanksgiving Dinner at Mom’s.

5. I took British history, English, and Algebra II, and art.

Practice 1 Capitalization: True or False

6. The Captain came to check on the troops.

7. The Pastor from our church came to visit.

8. The American Puritans wanted to purify the Catholic church.

9. We attend Central School and are faithful jaguars.

10. John asked, “Is Senator Rubio running for President?”

Review sentence parts:Word, phrase, clause Phrase- a group of words without a subject and verb, generally used as a part of speech.

Prepositional phrase- a phrase that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun that is used as an adjective or adverb.

the house (over the river) the boy (from our class)

Verbal phrases- a verb and any modifiers or complements used as a noun (-ing/ gerund), an adjective (-ing; -ed,-d,-t,-n/ participle), or noun, adverb, adjective (to+verb/ infinitive).

Winning a marathon is exhilarating. (gerund)

The man standing by the door is the teacher. (participle)

Are you going to be at school tomorrow? (infinitive)

Appositive phrase- noun and any modifiers that renames a noun

John, the team captain, is here.

Absolute phrase- noun followed by a participle, along with modifiers.

New books having just arrived, we spent the night at library.

Review sentence parts:Word, phrase, clause Phrase- a group of words without a subject and verb, generally used as a part of speech.

Prepositional phrase- a phrase that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun that is used as an adjective or adverb.

the house (over the river) the boy (from our class)

Verbal phrases- a verb and any modifiers or complements used as a noun (-ing/ gerund), an adjective (-ing; -ed,-d,-t,-n/ participle), or noun, adverb, adjective (to+verb/ infinitive).

Winning a marathon is exhilarating. (gerund)

The man standing by the door is the teacher. (participle)

Are you going to be at school tomorrow? (infinitive)

Appositive phrase- noun and any modifiers that renames a noun

John, the team captain, is here.

Absolute phrase- noun followed by a participle, along with modifiers.

New books having just arrived, we spent the night at library.

Review sentence parts:Word, phrase, clause Clause- a group of words that contain a subject and a verb.

Types of clauses:

Independent (IC)- can stand alone as a complete sentence.

Dependent (DC)- depends on the independent clause to be complete; alone it is a fragment. also called subordinate clauses, depending on the curriculum.

Dependent clauses begin with subordinating conjunctions (adverbs clauses) or relative pronouns (adjective clauses). Memorize these from the reference sheet with prepositions.

After the game was over, we went out for pizza.

Charles Dickens, who wrote A Christmas Carol, is a Victorian author.

Review sentence errors: fragment (frag), runon (ro), comma splice (cs) A complete sentence contains a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought.

An independent clause is a complete sentence.

A dependent clause is a fragment.

When I reach the twelfth grade. Dependent clause fragment

A phrase alone or with a subject is a fragment.

Ridding over the river at midnight. Phrase fragment

John having been elected twice already. Phrase fragment

Two independent clause not joined correctly are a run-on.

The show was over at nine we got home at ten. Run-on

The show was over at nine so we got home at ten. Run-on

Two independent clause joined incorrectly with a comma are a comma splice, a type of run-on.

School was out at 2:30, then we went to a show. Comma splice

The show was over at nine, we got home at ten. Comma splice

Practice 2: Sentence (A), Fragment (B), Run-on (C), Comma Splice (D)11. John passed Tom the baton, then he fumbled it.

12. Call me tomorrow; I’ll answer you then.

13. Having been to Europe five times already.

14. From the first moment I saw him, I knew I liked him.

15. We came home late, therefore, we went straight to bed.

Review sentence types:Simple (S), Compound (Cd), Complex [Cx] Simple- 1 independent clause (IC), any number of phrases, no dependent clauses.

I went to school yesterday and took two tests. (IC)

Compound- 2 independent clauses joined

I went to school for seven hours, and I took two tests. (IC, cc IC)

I went to school for seven hours; then I went to work for four. (IC ; IC)

I went to school for seven hours and then work for four; therefore,I was too tired to do anything else. (IC; ca, IC)

Complex- 1 independent clause and at least 1 dependent clause (IC+DC or DC+IC) After I went to for seven hours and worked for four, I was too tired to do anything.

Practice 3: Sentence Types Simple (A), Compound (B), Complex (C), Compound-complex (D)16. John passed Tom the baton, but he fumbled and dropped it.

17. The textbook states that William Shakespeare died in 1616.

18. After the late game and long day, we went out to dinner for a quick bite to eat.

19. Sally scored to point that tied the score, and then she made the winning point.

Practice 3

Work to praise!! Introduction Integrity. It is a single, bold, and simple word in its own rights. Integrity, however, its appearance belies

it's true meaning. Integrity is a concept that has been prevalent throughout human history, academia, and

even one's own personal life. The word holds tremendous importance to the people of this world. Having

integrity in ancient times was vital due to the harsh realities of ancient times. Guards reported all they saw

accurately, scouts upon troop numbers and movements, and spies reported the information gathered within

rival courts to their masters faithfully. Society hinged upon the basics of being honest and choosing to

uphold one's beliefs in dire situations for the good of their own people. As times have changed, so have the

general principles of the meaning. In modern society where survival is less important and one would view

people of other nations not as enemies but rather fellow humans, integrity has shifted from the role of being

loyal just to your country and expanded into the idea of helping other people due to one's own moral

convictions and beliefs. This leads one to assume a new definition of the word integrity based upon the new

circumstances and beliefs of the modern human and civil culture. In this way, integrity has to come to mean

one's moral uprightness, adherence to codes of ethics, and devotion to being an honest and compassionate


Work to praise!! Body paragraph Integrity has been a concept that has been prevalent throughout the annals of

history. Since times immemorial, humanity has had a need for honesty amongst our

ranks and peoples so as to insure survival and the basic function of society. Marcus

Aurelius the Wise, Emperor of Rome, even wrote about it during his two decade reign. He

was a believer of stoic philosophy which held integrity as one of the highest virtues of

all. He viewed it himself as the pinnacle of all humanity and even went as far as to

forgive criminals of their past crimes. He ruled as kindly as one could when the entirety

of one's reign when fending off barbarian invasions and a civil war to the east. His beliefs

in stoic philosophy was believed to be his crutch and his strength as he tried to uphold

the ideal image of integrity. He even went as far to state "Waste no more time arguing

over what a good man should be. Be one" in his book Meditations. He further went on to

say "If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it" again in his book


Grammar work

Group A

• Task 1• Task 2

Group B

• Task 1• Task 2

Group C

• Task 1• Task 2

• First bullet point here

• Second bullet point here

• Third bullet point here


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