Editing my track

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Editing my track

I first opened the MP3 file in audacity. I wanted to remove a section from both the beginning and the end. My reasons for doing this were that I didn’t want my song to be too long as I wanted to keep the audience engaged with my video and, if I had kept the song at it’s original length, I did not want to drag my narrative out unnecessarily. I am very familiar with this software as I have been using it for years.

I then selected the part of the beginning of my song that I wished to remove. I did this by listening to the section and then dragging my mouse over the desired section. In order to delete this section, I then had to hit stop and press delete.

This made my track much more conventional and engaging as my music video did not require the long intro.

I then deleted the non-required section from my track. I did this following the same steps that I took to remove some from the beginning.



I then exported my file. This both saves the file, allowing me to use it in my work, and changes the file type. It is important to change the file type or else the track would not be useable. I exported the file to an MP3 format.

I then edited the Metadata which will allow me to identify the file much easier. After pressing ‘Okay’, I then just had to wait for the file to export. It was then fully usable and I was able to start my work.