Edinburgh Napier Postgraduate 2012

Post on 03-Dec-2014

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Edinburgh Napier University Postgraduate Prospectus for Fall 2012

Transcript of Edinburgh Napier Postgraduate 2012


PostgraduateProspectus 2012

Opening doors:

93.3% of postgraduate studentsfrom Edinburgh Napier Universityare in work or further study withinsix months of graduating.

The average salary for a postgraduate leaver in full-timepaid work is £29,260.



*Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey 2009/10

Welcome to the global job market. Welcome to the best way in.

When it comes to advancing your career, Edinburgh Napier Universityopens doors. We’re one of Scotland’s top universities for graduateemployability* with around 100 industry-relevant postgraduate coursesthat focus on your future, your career, your prospects. We’re dedicatedto enhancing your employability.

As Edinburgh’s innovative and professional university, we give you anessential mix of personal and professional skills to help you stand outfrom the crowd in the competitive, global job market. If you want toadvance your career and raise your earning potential, join us. Open thedoor to a brighter future at Edinburgh Napier.*Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE 2009/10)

Open up to one of Scotland’s topuniversities for graduate employability

Craiglockhart CampusSighthill Campus

Unlock your potential at Edinburgh Napier

2 3

The next level of learning

4 5

ContentsOVER 100 COURSES. FOR ONE WAY TO THE TOP. 8 How to use this


12 Course index

16 The Business School

52 Faculty of Engineering,

Computing & Creative


110 Faculty of Health, Life &

Social Sciences

136 University Programmes

140 Research

146 About us

148 About Edinburgh

150 Where are we?

152 Our resources

154 Student support

158 Napier Students’


160 International students

168 Applications

172 Understanding


178 Funding & fees

182 Open day

184 Index

186 Contact us

6 7


Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ARTS & CREATIVE INDUSTRIES

MAScreen Project Development

Breaking into the film or television industriestakes skill, experience and contacts - all of whichyou will gain on this course. Part of ScreenAcademy Scotland and endorsed by Skillset (thesector skills council for creative media), thiscourse is one of the few in the UK to focus onthe real creative and business skills of producing.You will have direct access to industryprofessionals, and the chance to collaborate withwriters and directors on Screen Academyprojects. This is more than a theoreticalgrounding – you will graduate with experienceand industry contacts, ready to make your namein film or television production, or progress to afurther qualification.

Working in collaboration on scripts,documentaries and interactive projects, you willgain script development skills and learn to workwithin a creative team. You will also be guidedthrough the business processes involved inbringing a project to life, from acquiring rights tobudgeting, finance and distribution. Learning theprocesses is just the beginning: you will beundertaking very real projects that allow you toapply your skills and gain experience in liaisingwith active industry professionals and businesscontacts, both local and abroad. This course isstudied full-time (two days per week attendance)over one year or part-time (one day per weekattendance) over two years.

Subjects include:Writing and Screen Project Development; theBusiness of Screen Project Development;Developing Interactive Media; ProductionFinancing and Distribution; Project DevelopmentWorkshops and a dissertation or major project.

Entry requirementsUsually an honours degree in an appropriatediscipline – for example, a degree in creativewriting, journalism, filmmaking or drama.Experience at a comparable level may also beacceptable. You will be required to attend aninterview, and/or be asked to show evidence of anaptitude for the course, appropriate experience,and an indication of how you might benefit fromthe programme. If your native language is notEnglish, you will need to have IELTS level 7.0. Forspecific international entry requirements see page161.

Career prospectsCompetition in the industry is fierce, but yourexperience and contacts will set you apart.As a graduate, you will have the option of selfemployment on a project basis or a permanentrole with a screen-based business. Possible rolesinclude creative producer, script editor,development producer or researcher. You mayalso take on a career in production, distribution orsales, or progress to MFA Advanced Film Practice(see page 62).



PT £MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

HOW TO USE THIS PROSPECTUSOur postgraduate prospectus has been designed to help you asmuch as possible during the application process.

Our courses are listed alphabetically by faculty and each entrycontains an outline of what you’ll study and what the entryrequirements are. Unless otherwise stated, all our courses areavailable as a Master of Science (MSc) degree with other exitpoints to qualify with a Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert) orPostgraduate Diploma (PgDip).

At the back of the prospectus, you’ll find additional informationto help guide your decision about postgraduate study with us –what it’s like to live in Scotland’s inspiring capital; to learn andadvance your career at Edinburgh Napier; our resources,support services and international student provision; how toapply and facts about funding and fees. However, if you are stillleft with questions please visit our website for furtherinformation or contact us.



3. 4.






1. AwardWhether the course is availableas a ProfessionalDiploma/PgCert/PgDip/MSc/MA/MBA/MFA or LLM willbe listed here.

2. Course TitleThe name of the course andprincipal areas of study.

3. Course Description A short description of the course,highlighting key points of interest.

4. Subjects Included An outline of what subjects thecourse is planned to cover.

5. Entry Requirements The minimum qualification(s)required to gain a place on thecourse.

6. Career ProspectsAn outline of possible careerpaths this course could lead to.

7. Logo Accrediting organisation; anofficial or recognised industrialapproval. Note: someorganisations do not allow us touse their logos, please read thedescription copy.

8. Attendance IconsThese icons show the modes ofattendance available and theprovision of funded places. Forfull descriptions, please see theat-a-glance key overleaf.

8 9

Full-timeFull-time learning or research study involves thestudent in an average of at least 21 hours studyper week, including private study and on-campustaught provision, for periods of more than 24weeks per year.

Part-timePart-time learning or research study involves thestudent in less than 21 hours study per week,including private study and/or on-campus taughtprovision, for periods of less than 24 weeks.Similarly postgraduate students still engaged inthe work of the course and supervised butworking away from the institution are alsoclassified as part-time.

Blended learningBlended learning includes a combination ofonline delivery and face-to-face teaching, supportand assessment.

Distance learningDistance learning courses include all those whosemodules are delivered through paper-based oronline materials. There is a minimal amount offace-to-face teaching and support is provided viaemail or phone.

Start dateIn addition to our normal October intake andstart date these courses have an intake and startdate on the month shown.

FundingWe expect a limited number of funded places willbe available on courses displaying this icon.However, please note that the availability offunded places will not be confirmed until 2012.We advise you to check the latest fundingsituation when you apply. See page 178 forfurther information.

Flexible studyFlexible study includes a variety of teaching anddelivery methods.

We use the following icons on each course page to give you furtherinformation at-a-glance. More detailed information about eachcourse is available on our website: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

At-a-glance key









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With more than 100 industry relevant courses, we offer everything you need togive your career a boost or take it in a new direction. Our options for part-time,distance or customised learning make it easier than ever to ensure that studyingcomplements your busy life and fits in around your current commitments. You caneven keep on working while you study.

As Edinburgh’s professional university, we are committed to developing and maintaining excellent relationships with regional, national and international companies to get you into your businesscareer quicker.



Edinburgh Napier MBA

Executive MBA

Business Management

Business Management(various named routes)• with Entrepreneurship• with Human Resource• Management• with Marketing

Flexibly ManagedProgrammes

Human ResourceManagement

International BusinessManagement

International HumanResource Management

Managerial Leadership


Accounting & Finance

Corporate Strategy &Finance

Health & Social WelfareLaw LLM

International Finance

Investment Promotion &Economic Development

Wealth Management








Heritage & CulturalTourism Management

Intercultural BusinessCommunication

Intercultural BusinessCommunication withTESOL

International Event &Festival Management

International Marketing• with Tourism & Events

International TourismManagement


Marketing with Festival& Event Management

Tourism & HospitalityManagement

Tourism MarketingManagement




















The Business School

14 15


Advanced Networking

Advanced Security &Digital Forensics

Advanced SoftwareEngineering

Business Information Technology

ComputingGraduate Diploma


Enterprise WebDevelopment

Information SystemsDevelopment

Software Technology

Strategic ICT Leadership

User Experience

Wireless & MobileTechnologies


Advanced Film PracticeMFA

Creative Advertising

Creative Writing MA

Design (various namedroutes) MA/MDes

Digital Humanities MA

Film MA

Interdisciplinary DesignMDes

International Journalismfor Media ProfessionalsMA

Journalism MA

Magazine Publishing


Screen ProjectDevelopment MA

Screenwriting MA

Screenwriting PgCert

Sound Production MA

















Advanced MaterialsEngineering

Advanced StructuralEngineering

ArchitecturalTechnology & BuildingPerformance

Automation & Control


Construction ProjectManagement

Digital Systems

Electronic & ElectricalEngineering

Energy & EnvironmentalEngineering

Engineering Design


Facilities Management

Mechanical Engineering

Polymer Engineering

Property Management& Investment

Renewable Energy

Safety & EnvironmentalManagement

Timber Engineering

Timber IndustryManagement

Transport Planning &Engineering


































Advanced Practice (andassociated routes)

Counselling (BriefPsychological Therapies)

Health Administration

Neonatal Practice

Out of Hours &Unscheduled CarePgCert


Biomedical Science


Career Guidance &Development PgDip

Career Guidance

Conservation &Management ofProtected Areas

Drug Design &Biomedical Science


Pharmaceutical Science

Sport & ExerciseScience MSc byResearch

Sport PerformanceEnhancement

Wildlife Biology &Conservation













Blended & OnlineEducation

Certificate of Credit:Learning & TeachingModules

Teaching & Learning inHigher Education PgCert









Faculty of Health, Life & Social SciencesFaculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative Industries

We maintain a network of links with industries and professional bodies, and winawards for knowledge transfer work.WAY IN

16 17The Business School

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, having the rightknowledge, skills and management competencies is a must. Our BusinessSchool, one of the largest in Scotland, is committed to inspiring thoseattributes and more. Through our relevant, contemporary postgraduatecourses, together with our excellent relationships with regional, nationaland international partners, you’ll develop the confidence and capabilitiesthat’ll ultimately open more doors.


The Business School is located at the heart of Scotland’s inspiring capital – in thestimulating Craiglockhart Campus, which boasts one of the most modern learningenvironments in Scotland; an outstanding teaching and learning environment offeringacoustically advanced lecture theatres.

One of the largest Business Schools in Scotland, we offer a wide range ofinternationally recognised courses leading to awards of Masters and research degrees,including MSc, MPhil, DBA and PhD. We are committed to developing and maintainingexcellent relationships with regional, national and international partners to provide arelevant and applied business education that creates confident, capable andknowledgeable graduates and meets the needs of the business community.

The Business School is made up of the:• School of Accounting, Financial Services & Law• School of Management• School of Marketing, Tourism & Languages

Industry linksThe Business School recognises the importanceof maintaining strong links with the corporatecommunity to support and underpin thevocational nature of our courses. We participatein networking organisations and forums such asScottish Enterprise, Quality Scotland and theChambers of Commerce and develop corporatelearning partnerships and active businessadvisory groups to inform our provision. Wemaintain close links with professional bodiesrepresenting the specialised educational needs ofcorporate clients and consult them during coursedevelopment. Links are established with researchand consultancy projects commissioned by majororganisations including the Scottish TouristBoard, Scottish Enterprise, Joseph RowntreeFoundation, the NHS, Royal Mail, ESRC, theDepartment of Transport, the brewing sector,leading financial services organisations, tradeunions and the prison service.

Edinburgh InstituteThe Edinburgh Institute is the commercial, clientfacing enterprise within The Business School.Combining applied research and practicalsolutions, the Institute delivers results throughexperienced practitioners, consultants andadvisors. It brings together businesses andexpertise through Institutes of Excellence,building strategic partnerships with globalorganisations in Scotland, Asia and the MiddleEast. The Institute adds value through businessadvisory and consulting services; executiveeducation; innovative programmes, delivery andaccreditation; and personal and professionaldevelopment. For more information email:ei@napier.ac.uk

International collaborationsWe’re committed to the internationalisation ofour courses through both content and delivery.We run educational courses with internationalpartners, with their own reputation forexcellence, including City University of HongKong, Hong Kong University, Institute ofAdvanced Management (India), IPAG Nice, theSingapore Human Resources Institute and theAsia Global Graduate School, Singapore.International students recruited to our domesticcourses have access to an extensive supportnetwork, ensuring their transition to a newteaching and learning environment is as effectiveas possible. We also have a range of staffteaching exchanges and joint research activitieswith institutions around the world.

Staff expertiseOur staff develop and apply expertise in a rangeof business-related areas and contribute toresearch projects and research supervision. Theydraw on extensive experience – academic andprofessional – and continue to engage inconsultancy and contract research activity. Theincreasing significance of applied research isreflected in our range of cross-disciplinaryresearch (see page 20) and was recognised in the2008 Research Assessment Exercise. Researchand scholarship underpin our teaching andcourse development activity, and many staffmaintain close links with industry throughprofessional body memberships, KnowledgeTransfer Partnerships, placements and projectsupervision.

New coursesIn 2012 students will be able to study our MBAand MSc Business Management online. Find outmore at www.napier.ac.uk/business-school

18 19

An inside view.

The Business School


We work in themed areas, conducted within thetwo Business School institutes – the EdinburghInstitute and the Employment Research Institute.This allows us to deliver courses of study thatdraw upon this activity:

• The Employment Research Institute (ERI)• carries out highly regarded, applied and• theoretical studies on the changing nature of• work, equality and employment, and• implications for organisations, individuals and• the wider economy. It collaborates with• industry, local and central government and• other universities in the UK and Europe. It is• concerned with development, labour and• international economics, Small and Medium• Enterprise development and financial services• related research. For further information email:• eri@napier.ac.uk

• The Edinburgh Institute (EI) provides thesetting for research and consultancy in thefollowing areas:

People & Organisational Development –leadership, workplace learning, HR developmentissues, management development andlearning, HR management and employeerelations.

Strategy, Operations Management &Economics – lean management in NHS, SixSigma and supply chain management, thetheory of the firm, agency theory andcorporate governance, macroeconomics,economic development, leasing, insurance,social insurance and pedagogic research.

Festival & Events – socio/cultural impactevaluation, management skills and competences,governance and organisation of mega sportingevents as well as marketing and brandmanagement.

Tourism – heritage and visitor attractionmanagement, World Heritage, cultural tourismand tourism policy.

Hospitality – part-time employment, themanagement of hotel and hospitalityoperations, hospitality students’ educationalexperiences, facilities management and winestudies.

Marketing – brand marketing, market entrystrategies and cultural marketing issues.

Accounting & Financial Services – corporategovernance, public sector risk management,social and environmental accounting,international accounting, corporate governance,risk management and corporate citizenship.

Entrepreneurship – SME start-up issues, bestpractice in entrepreneurship teaching, selling inan entrepreneurial context, use of micro-creditin small businesses, creativity and innovation inSMEs, female entrepreneurship and studentbusiness incubators.

Law – Public Law (including environmental,constitutional, human rights, media and mentalhealth law) and Private Law (includingeducation, business and company law).











There is a strong international and applied focus to our researchand in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, 60 per cent ofour work in Business and Management Studies was rated as beinginternationally excellent or of international standard. Our researchenvironment and our strong links with policy and practitionercommunities were also identified as being of internationalstandard.

The Business School


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Academic ProfileThe Business School

Eleni combines her academic work with roles as CoreCommissioner in the Commission for a Sustainable London 2012and invited member of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic GamesImpacts Expert Group. She is a widely published author on issuesrelated to the Olympic Games, including Olympic EventOrganisation (Elsevier, 2007) and has previously advised theAthens 2004 Olympic Games Organising Committee.

She currently runs an externally-funded research project on theeconomic impacts to Scotland from the London 2012 OlympicGames and Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. Her expertiseincludes sport management, festival and event management,organisational analysis, mega project development and eventgovernance.

“When I arrived in Edinburgh in August 2008 Iwas eager to learn about the festivals, the peoplewho run them and the impacts they have on thecity and the various performers and audiences.My experiences from the Olympic Games allowedme to draw parallels and make comparisons inmanagement approaches and processes.Organisation and social theories are equallysuitable for the analysis of these two significantevents and the Edinburgh Festivals contextenabled me to make new observations from thecultural sector. Sport is culture and art is sport interms of the opportunities it provides toperformers to excel in their respective art form.Both contexts offer rich examples that I use inteaching and many students choose to do theirdissertations in these areas.

“My priorities are to help my PhD studentschoose a research topic where they can thendevelop skills and competencies as well as vitalcontacts for their future career. Some of myformer students are now academics but somehave also moved on to become eventprofessionals. Importantly I seek to ground themin solid theory and valid methods so that theycan then generate reliable data on which tofound their analysis and conclusions.

“Edinburgh Napier has an A-class team deliveringFestival & Events Management courses. Staff arecommitted teachers and well-connected with theindustry. Students benefit from academic rigour,commercial relevance and learning opportunitiesin mainland Europe. Our school enjoys a strongresource base to support students and ourgraduates’ many successes in the industry areclear testament to our performance.”

Dr. Eleni TheodorakiReader in Festival & Event Management

“Our graduates’ many successes in the industryare clear testament to our performance...”

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Student ProfileThe Business School

Iain ArnottScotlandMSc Business Management with Entrepreneurship

“My first impression was that I didn’t need to look at alternatives...”

“I completed a Diploma in BusinessManagement through evening classes atLauder College (now Carnegie College) run intandem with Edinburgh Napier. The naturalprogression was to attend Edinburgh Napierand I was suitably impressed by the facilitiesat Craiglockhart Campus and theapproachability of the lecturers. They had avery positive impact on me that aided mydecision to enrol. My first impression was thatI didn’t need to look at alternatives. EdinburghNapier met my entire needs through itslocation, facilities and support elements.

“I was a mature student coming from full-timeemployment to full-time education. I had toadjust to the student environment anddevelop relationships quickly. However, theaccessibility of the lecturers and the

approachability of support staff helped meachieve my goal. What surprised me wasEdinburgh Napier’s community environment –I didn’t feel out of place irrespective of myage.

“My degree has been very practical in thatthe modules and teaching staff relate allexamples to real business scenarios. Thismakes it easier for me to grasp the academictheories. Another benefit is having staff whopreviously worked in the corporate world –for me it has made all the difference to mystudies.

“My advice if you are thinking of studying atEdinburgh Napier is: be focused, be planned,be prepared and never leave things to thelast minute!”

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MScAccounting & Finance

Even if you are not considering a career as afinancial manager, most pathways in businesswill require an ability to use and interpretfinancial information. This course will give youthe knowledge you need to be able to applyaccounting principles in a way that enhancesbusiness strategies. You will explore the latesttheories and current practices, learning toassess them critically.

You will also learn the basic principles ofaccounting and finance, working inmultidisciplinary teams that mirror the businessworking environment. You will develop criticalevaluation skills that will allow you to analysefinancial data with the aim of applying it to yourarea of business. Teamwork skills will also beemphasised, as you work collaboratively withfellow students experienced in a variety ofdisciplines. Your research and presentation skillswill be developed as you prepare your finaldissertation.

Guest speakers from the corporate, governmentand financial worlds add value to this coursewhich is studied for one year full-time or threeyears part-time.

Subjects include:Accounting Principles; Corporate Strategy;Financial Management; Research Methods;Dissertation plus three options from StrategicFinancial Management; Strategic ManagementAccounting; Management Accounting ResearchIssues or Contemporary Issues in FinancialReporting.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree at 2:2 or above orequivalent. Holders of UK degrees in Accountingwill not be admitted to this course. Forinternational entry requirements see page 161.

Career prospectsA postgraduate degree in Accounting & Financecan open the door to a wide range of careers,including general management opportunities andtrainee accounting roles leading to professionalqualification. These can be pursued within anaccounting firm, a commercial organisation or apublic sector body.

MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate


MScCorporate Strategy & Finance

If you are planning on, or currently in, a career inbusiness, an understanding of the principles ofcorporate strategy and finance will take youfurther. This course has been designed toaddress both theory and practice, and will leaveyou with the tools you need to shape strategicand financial directions within business. Nomatter what your background, learning businessoperations that apply to both manufacturing andservice organisations in the public or privatesector will prove an invaluable boost to yourcareer.

You will learn the skills you need to take up yourfirst appointment in a business organisation,which include accounting, corporate strategyand financial dealings. As well as the theory ofthese disciplines, you will also learn to put yourknowledge into practice: the course features avisit to a business to assess a real-life businessproblem and offer solutions based on yourtheoretical knowledge.

This course is one year full-time or three yearspart-time.

Subjects include:Accounting Principles; Corporate Strategy;Financial Management; Leading Strategic Change;Global Economic Environment; Research Methods;Dissertation plus one option from StrategicFinancial Management; Strategic ManagementAccounting; Management Accounting ResearchIssues or Contemporary Issues in FinancialReporting.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree at 2:2 or above orequivalent. Holders of a UK degree in Accountingwill not be admitted to this course. Forinternational entry requirements see page 161.

Career prospectsAs one of Scotland’s top universities for graduateemployability (DLHE 2009/10) our focus is on givingyou a valuable head start in your chosen career.Previous graduates are currently working in avariety of management positions all over the world.

MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate


FT £

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LLMHealth & Social Welfare Law

Health and social welfare law is becomingincreasingly important. This course allows you todiscover and assess the latest theories andcurrent law which relate to it, all within thecontext of contemporary national, EU andinternational human rights expectations. At thesame time, you will develop critical evaluationskills that enable you to compare differentapproaches to these topics and apply them toreal life situations.

Your research and presentation skills will berefined by the writing of coursework and adissertation on any relevant area of health andsocial welfare law.

We believe this course will appeal to those whowork, or wish to work, in an area of the care,protection, management, policy andrepresentation of vulnerable persons, includingchildren, the elderly, those who are eitherphysically or mentally ill or those suffering froma disability.

Subjects include:Disability, Mental Health, Rights and the Law;Medical Law and Ethics; Law and the Elderly; ChildWelfare and the Law; Dissertation; Options.Applicants with little or no previous study of lawwill be required to take the Legal Skills andResearch Methods module.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree at 2:2 or above oran ordinary degree with distinction, or equivalent.If English is not your first language, you must havea minimum IELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent. Forinternational entry requirements see page 161.

Career prospectsStudents graduating with an LLM may seek tofurther their careers within the following areas:the health service, the civil service, the Europeancivil service, the legal profession (as solicitor,advocate or barrister) in the UK or elsewhere,politics, journalism, academia, researchconsultancy, commerce, charities, social work, thepolice, the probation service, the prison serviceand legal publishing.


MScInternational Finance

Designed for students from a wide variety ofnon-financial disciplines and employmentbackgrounds, this course combinesmathematical and communication skills to offeryou a rounded approach to the world ofinternational finance.

As well as communication and presentation skills(vital in this complex industry) you will gainknowledge of accounting practices, statistics,financial management, banking and insurance,plus a thorough overview of the internationalfinancial environment. You will graduate with themathematical and informational analysis skillsyou need to create a rewarding career in theindustry and the means to apply your knowledgeof research methods.

Whether you are looking for a role in theprovision and management of financial services,or planning to undertake research in the area,this course will equip you with the appropriatetheoretical and practical learning. This course isone year full-time.

Subjects include:Accounting Principles; Statistics, Probability andRisk; Financial Management; Global Finance;Strategic Financial Management; InternationalBanking and Insurance; Research Methods;Dissertation.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree at 2:2 or above orequivalent. Holders of UK degrees in Finance willnot be admitted to this course. For specificinternational entry requirements see page 161.

Career prospectsThe world of international finance is a fascinatingand lucrative one. This higher degree will enhanceyour employability, and open the doors to a globalcareer. You will be eligible for graduate levelpositions in areas such as banking, insurance andfinance.




MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

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MScInvestment Promotion & Economic Development

This course is unique in its content, delivery andaccessibility to Investment Promotion andEconomic Development professionals worldwide.

We have consulted with Investment PromotionAgencies across the globe, including the WorldAssociation of Investment Promotion Agencies(WAIPA), to build an academic programme thatprovides a specialised knowledge andunderstanding of the theory and practice ofinvestment promotion, and of its role ineconomic development. Recent years have seenrapidly increasing international competition inattracting investment resources. At the globallevel these resources will increasingly beallocated to those areas that can offer the bestreturn to investors, are politically stable, providehigh productivity inputs and offer the mostattractive investment incentives and the bestservices.

Almost every country in the world has at leastone national investment promotion agency (IPA)and several have sub-national local developmentagencies whose primary purpose is to seek out,attract and capture the best availableinvestment resources for their developmentarea. There are already hundreds of suchorganisations worldwide and they appear set tomultiply. Competing successfully in anincreasingly global business world requires IPAstaff with a good understanding of investorneeds, with an ability to develop strategies andpolicies in creating a suitable environment toattract them, and with the necessary skillsrequired to conduct daily operations efficientlyand effectively. Our purpose-written studymaterials allow you to study at home, in yourown time and at your own pace. You will attendan intensive Research Methods workshop beforeundertaking your dissertation.

In addition to intakes in October and February,this course offers a third start point in June.

Subjects include:Best Practice Investment Promotion andEvaluation; Regional Economic Planning andFinance; Investment Promotion and Cross-culturalCommunication; Business Planning and FinancingDirect Investment; Technology and Foreign DirectInvestment; Research Methods; Dissertation;Options.

Entry requirementsYou must be currently employed in the field ofinvestment promotion or economic development,with a minimum of two years relevant experienceand an honours degree (or equivalent). Forinternational entry requirements see page 161.

Career prospectsGraduates will develop a systematicunderstanding of IPED and a critical awareness ofthe changing environment within which theyoperate. As such you will have the provenknowledge, abilities and transferable skills forenhanced career progression and advancement.For further information see:www.master-iped.com



MScWealth Management

This course allows practitioners within thefinancial services sector to study for a Mastersqualification that is increasingly relevant to theirbusiness needs at a time of global change.

Wealth Management is a growth area within thefinancial services sector and this course isdesigned to provide its graduates with theknowledge and skills that they require to workeffectively in this area.

The course will contribute to your continuingprofessional development via modules coveringvarious aspects of wealth management;economic, financial and statistical analysis of thefinancial services environment; and corporateand personal investment decision making withinthe context of risk assessment.

This course allows practitioners within thefinancial services sector to study for a Mastersqualification that is increasingly relevant to theirbusiness needs at a time of global change.Wealth Management is a growth area within thefinancial services sector and this course isdesigned to provide its graduates with theknowledge and skills that they require to workeffectively in this area.

The course will contribute to your continuingprofessional development via modules coveringvarious aspects of wealth management;economic, financial and statistical analysis of thefinancial services environment; and corporateand personal investment decision making withinthe context of risk assessment.

The course provides you with a range of bothknowledge-based and employability skills toenable you to succeed in developing your careerwithin the framework of an increasinglycompetitive financial services industry.

Subjects include:Fundamentals of Wealth Management;Fundamentals of Statistical Analysis; AssetAllocation and Capital Markets; Economic andFinancial Data Analysis; Personal Financial RiskManagement; Investment, Corporate Finance andPortfolios; Research Methods; Dissertation.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree at 2:2 or above or otherqualifications or experience, demonstrating thatyou possess appropriate knowledge and skills atSCQF level 10 (see page 172). This course is notsuitable for international students requiring a visaas it does not meet Home Office requirements.

Career prospectsEmployment opportunities exist within thefinancial services industry throughout the world,and particularly within the Wealth Managementsector towards which this qualification is targeted.Further study could include MPhil, PhD and DBAqualifications.

Career Career


FLEXMORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

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MBAThe Edinburgh Napier MBA

You may be a recent graduate, in any discipline,looking for a qualification that will lead to aclearer career path. You may have experience inyour chosen field and want to enhance yourpromotion prospects, or convert your years ofexpertise into a formal qualification. Or perhapsyou are looking for a change of career.Whichever applies to you, an MBA could offeryou the pathway you need. Designed forstudents from all walks of life, and commandinga very high level of credibility in almost everyline of work, this internationally-recognisedqualification will develop your business skills andgive you the expertise you need to take onsenior roles in major companies or organisations.

You will develop creative problem solving, criticalreasoning and strategic thinking and apply theseskills to your learning of global economicprinciples, strategic business issues,organisational management and the realities ofthe competitive marketplace. Communicationtechniques, both written and verbal, will also behighlighted, giving you the confidence to presentyour ideas and strategies to the business world.

You will graduate with business competence,insight and effective management skills, ready tomake your mark at the highest level inwhichever industry you choose.

Master classes will be held on a regular basiswith guest speakers from various businesssectors, keeping you in touch with contemporary,business solutions. On graduation you will joinour MBA Alumni community, giving you accessto future master classes and networking events.

Subjects include:• Creating Competitive Advantage; Organisational• Behaviour and Management; Business• Economics in a Global Environment; Finance for• Management Decision Making; Contemporary• Issues in Strategic Management; Skills for• Managers; MBA Project.• You will choose an option from a range of• specialist modules, such as: Human Resource• Management; Entrepreneurship; Marketing; or• Leadership Development.

Entry requirementsNormally two years relevant work experience andan honours degree or equivalent. You may beconsidered without a degree if you are a maturecandidate with substantial evidence of appropriatework experience. However, selection of suitablecandidates is at the discretion of the MBA Director.For international entry requirements see page 161.

Career prospectsWith an MBA qualification, you will be in demandas employers worldwide seek out graduates whohave a recognised portfolio, able to deliver solutionswithin complex organisational settings. Our MBAwill provide you with the opportunity to realiseyour full professional and personal career potential.Previous graduates are currently working in avariety of senior and executive positions in publicand private sector organisations across the globe.




MBAExecutive MBA

Our new Executive MBA is designed to beflexible, to meet the needs of managers whochoose to balance their personal andprofessional commitments in order to studywhile working. It is a two-year, part-timeprogramme that will build on your experience asa practising manager with contemporarybusiness theory.

Designed for management practitioners from allindustry sectors, this internationally recognisedqualification will develop your managerial skillsand give you the expertise you need to take onsenior roles in multi-national organisations. Youwill develop competencies in innovative andcreative problem solving, critical reasoning andstrategic thinking. You will then apply these skillsto your studies of the contemporary globaleconomic environment, strategic businessissues, organisational management and therealities of the competitive marketplace. You willuse, and augment, your written and oralcommunication techniques, presenting yourapplication of theory to practice within bothclassroom and residential settings.

Your learning experience will be enhancedthrough the use of workshop sessions tosupplement the study materials, regular masterclasses with guest speakers from variousbusiness sectors and a residential academic andnetworking weekend.

On graduation you will join our MBA Alumnicommunity, giving you access to future masterclasses and networking events.

Subjects include:Creating Competitive Advantage; OrganisationalBehaviour and Management; Business Economicsin a Global Environment; Finance for ManagementDecision Making; Contemporary Issues in StrategicManagement; Skills for Managers; MBA Project.One option, from specialist modules includingHuman Resource Management; Entrepreneurship;Marketing; and Leadership Development.

Entry requirementsNormally, two years relevant work experience andan honours degree or equivalent. You may beconsidered without a degree if you are a maturecandidate with evidence of appropriate workexperience. However, selection of suitablecandidates is at the discretion of the MBA Director.For international entry requirements see page 161.

Career prospectsThe Executive MBA will provide you with theopportunity to realise your full professional andpersonal career potential, allowing you to followprevious graduates into senior managementpositions in both the public sector and withinglobal multi-national organisations.



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MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

MScBusiness Management with Entrepreneurship

(various named routes) with Human Resource Management

with Marketing



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Whether you are contemplating a career inbusiness, or currently working in the field andlooking to upgrade your qualifications, thiscourse will give you the tools you need forsuccessful business management, with an addedfocus on entrepreneurial planning, marketing orHuman Resource Management at aninternational level. Covering issues that rangefrom creativity in business to global economics,new ventures and organisational behaviour,these courses address the essentials of modernbusiness and open doors to increasedemployment opportunities at a postgraduatelevel.

The skills needed to succeed in today’s businessworld are varied. You will learn to creativelyaddress the issues of competition andsustainability while acquiring knowledge of theglobal business and economic environment, plusan understanding of marketing, HRM issues orentrepreneurial thinking and planning methods.We will instil leadership and team developmentskills, as well as theoretical and practicalknowledge of other managerial andorganisational methods.

You will graduate with an advancedunderstanding of the complexities of economicsand business. Guest speakers from thecorporate, government and financial worlds addvalue to the courses, which are updatedregularly to reflect current business issues.

Subjects include:The range of module choice will be dependentupon your route and may include Sources ofCompetitive Advantage; Global EconomicEnvironment; Behaviour and Management inOrganisations; Innovation to Sustainability;Leadership, Learning and Development; NewVenture Planning; Global Marketing; Principles &Practice of Marketing; HRM in an InternationalContext; Market Analysis and Forecasting;Intercultural Business Communication; ResearchMethods; Dissertation.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree at 2:2 or above orequivalent; alternative or professionalqualifications and experience may be accepted. Inthis case, you will be asked to produce a specifiedpiece of work as part of the selection process. Forinternational entry requirements see page 161.

Career prospectsBusiness is always in need of employees qualifiedat a postgraduate level, particularly those with ademonstrated knowledge of new venturemanagement, HRM or marketing. Your enhancedlevel of skill will equip you for a wide range ofmanagerial positions in the industry of your choice.Banking, insurance and other financial sectorsfrequently recruit business graduates, or you mayprefer to take your knowledge of business andyour specialist subject into a non-finance area.




MScBusiness Management

Whether you are contemplating a career inbusiness, or currently working in the field andlooking to upgrade your qualifications, thiscourse will give you the tools you need forsuccessful business management. Coveringissues that range from creativity in business toglobal economics and organisational behaviour, itaddresses the essentials of modern business andopens doors to increased employmentopportunities at a postgraduate level.

The skills needed to succeed in today’s businessworld are varied. You will learn to creativelyaddress the issues of competition andsustainability while acquiring knowledge of theglobal business and economic environment. Wewill instil leadership and team developmentskills, as well as theoretical and practicalknowledge of other managerial andorganisational methods. You will graduate withan advanced understanding of the complexitiesof economics and business.

Guest speakers from the corporate, governmentand financial worlds add value to this one yearfull-time course, which is updated regularly toreflect current business issues.

Subjects include:Sources of Competitive Advantage; GlobalEconomic Environment; Behaviour andManagement in Organisations; Innovation toSustainability; Research Methods; Dissertation; Twooptions from: Leadership, Learning &Development; New Venture Planning; HRM in anInternational Context; Principles & Practice ofMarketing; Intercultural Business Communication;Global Marketing; Market Analysis and Forecasting;Operations & Supply Chain Management.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree at 2:2 or above orequivalent. Comparable alternative or professionalqualifications and experience may also beaccepted. In this case, you will be asked toproduce a specified piece of work as part of theselection process. For international entryrequirements see page 161.

Career prospectsBusiness is always in need of employees qualifiedat a postgraduate level. Your enhanced level ofskill will equip you for a wide range of managerialpositions in the industry of your choice. Banking,insurance and other financial sectors frequentlyrecruit business graduates, or you may prefer totake your knowledge of business principles into anon-finance related area.


FT FEB £MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

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MScHuman Resource Management

Human Resource Management, or HRM, isaccepted as one of the most vital areas ofbusiness. Successful people management,effective recruitment and a knowledge ofemployment law are keystones to the successfulrunning and development of any company,whatever its size. In this course, you will learnthe skills involved in realising human potentialand wellbeing in employment. Full-time studentswill apply these skills on an invaluable 15-dayindustry placement and part-time students canapply the theory and research that they learn toenhance organisational practice.

You will develop valuable skills in workforcemanagement, from employee selection andperformance management to health andrewards, and graduate with an advancedpractical and theoretical understanding ofemployment law and labour relations.

Development of research abilities is alsoemphasised, and you will learn techniques andstrategies that will enable you to critically reflecton your workplace experiences, and create yourown ongoing programme of professionaldevelopment.

This course is studied for one year full-time ortwo years part-time and is supported by anetwork of Edinburgh Napier academics andHRM professionals employed in both businessand research. Their combined involvement willgive you access to industry and researchpractitioners who are at the leading edge ofpolicy and theoretical developments in thisever-changing profession. This course wasrecently re-accredited by the Chartered Instituteof Personnel Development (CIPD), receiving tencommendations of good practice, and has beenapproved to deliver the new CIPD standards.

Subjects include:People and Organisational Development;Employment Law; Employee Resourcing; Learningand Development; Labour Relations; ResearchSkills and Professional Development; Dissertation.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree or equivalent.Comparable alternative or professionalqualifications and experience may be acceptedbut you will be asked to produce a specified pieceof work as part of the selection process. Allapplicants will be interviewed for selection, with allstudents being required to enrol as studentmembers of the CIPD. Successful completion ofMSc HRM leads to students possessing theadvanced level knowledge indicators required toapply for upgrading to full membership of theChartered Institute of Personnel and Development(CIPD). If English is not your first language youmust have a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 in allelements or equivalent. For international entryrequirements see page 161.

Career prospectsWhile graduate employment rates vary from yearto year, the area of human resource managementis one that offers many opportunities, particularlyif you are prepared to relocate. Employers oftenapproach the university near the end of theacademic year with relevant vacancies. In addition,through the workplace placement, full-timestudents will have the opportunity to makevaluable industry contacts that could lead toemployment.




MScFlexibly Managed Programmes

With a flexibly managed programme, you will beable to build your own individual study pathwithin certain parameters to achieve an award atPostgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diplomaor Masters Degree level. Alternatively, you couldchoose to study one or two modules for yourown personal or professional development. Youdecide how far to go and can pace your studiesto suit your other commitments.

Unique to this course is the opportunity todesign your own postgraduate course of study,with the help of an academic adviser. Focusingon your background, aspirations and careergoals, you will choose modules from a widerange of business-related subjects to suit yourpersonal or development needs.

You will develop transferable skills such asanalysis, synthesis and evaluation which you willapply to the business areas and managementdisciplines of your own choice.

Subjects include:You will choose modules from those offeredacross The Business School. Our dedicatedprogramme software PRISM PG allows you to viewthe full module catalogue online and identify astructure suitable for your needs, hopes andaspirations: www2.napier.ac.uk/prism/PrismPG.asp

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree at 2:2 or above orequivalent. Alternative qualifications includingprofessional qualifications may also be acceptableand appropriate work experience will be taken intoconsideration. For specific international entryrequirements please see page 161.

Career prospectsToday, to advance your career in any area, thedifferentiating factor in the global employmentmarketplace is an advanced postgraduateeducation. Whether you want to continue on yourchosen career path, or change direction, aMasters degree which you can design to enhanceyour career development or aspirations will makethat difference.


FT PT DMORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

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MScInternational Human Resource Management

Interested in a career involving responsibility forthe management and leadership of employees ina global environment? Then this course is idealfor you. It will develop your personal andprofessional skills to enable you to succeed indynamic and complex international businessenvironments. It will equip you with knowledgeand understanding of global perspectives in HRMand prepare you to work in organisations todevelop and sustain competitive advantage.

You’ll develop an in-depth knowledge ofinternational HRM processes and practices andgain an understanding of international andmulticultural business environments and theskills required to manage people in globalorganisations. You will also develop skills whichwill enhance your personal effectiveness as acritical thinker and a lifelong, independentlearner, encouraging creative and effectiveapproaches to complex management issues.

We expect this course to attract an internationalstudent body from various countries andcultures. This will provide an excellentopportunity for discussion with your peers,allowing you to acquire and deepen yourunderstanding of the diversity of internationalapproaches to people management. You will beencouraged to reflect on the approach to HRM inyour own culture/country and contributerelevant examples in class discussions.

Subjects include:People and Organisational Development;Contemporary Human Resource Management;Intercultural Business Communication; GlobalEconomic Environment; HRM in an InternationalContext; Research Methods; Dissertation.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree at 2.2 or above, or equivalentqualifications and/or experience whichdemonstrate appropriate knowledge and skills atSCQF level 10. If English is not your first language,you must have a minimum IELTS of 6.0, with noelement below 5.5, or equivalent.

Career prospectsIn response to the increasing internationalisationof business, and the appreciation of theimportance of effective people management,expertise in International Human ResourceManagement is, and will continue to be,increasingly valued by employers. This course hasbeen developed to enable our graduates tocompete in this expanding labour market.




MScInternational Business Management

Whether you are contemplating a career ininternational business, or currently working andplanning to upgrade your qualifications, thiscourse will give you the tools you need to besuccessful in the international businessmanagement arena. Covering issues such asintercultural business communication,competitive advantage, global economics andglobal marketing, it addresses the essentials ofmodern international business and opens doorsto increased employment opportunities atpostgraduate level.

The skills needed to succeed in today’s globalbusiness environment are varied. You will learnto creatively address the issues of globalcompetition and sustainability while acquiringknowledge of international business and itseconomic environment. You will graduate with anadvanced understanding of the complexities ofglobal economics and international business.

We expect this course to attract an internationalstudent body from various countries andcultures. This will provide an excellentopportunity for discussion with your peers,allowing you to acquire and deepen yourunderstanding of the diversity of internationalapproaches to global business challenges. Youwill be encouraged to reflect on the approach tointernational business in your ownculture/country and contribute relevantexamples in class discussions.

Subjects include:Sources of Competitive Advantage; InterculturalBusiness Communication; Global EconomicEnvironment; Global Marketing; Innovation toSustainability; HRM in an International Context;Research Methods; Dissertation.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree at 2.2 or above, or equivalentqualifications and/or experience whichdemonstrate appropriate knowledge and skills atSCQF level 10. If English is not your first language,you must have a minimum IELTS of 6.0, with noelement below 5.5, or equivalent.

Career prospectsIn response to the increasing importance ofinternational business management skills andknowledge, this qualification will be increasinglyvalued by employers worldwide. This course hasbeen developed to enable you to compete in theexpanding and increasingly competitive labourmarket.


FT FEBMORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate



MScManagerial Leadership

In the global, fast-changing businessenvironment, managers need to possess abreadth of vision and range of skills, includingthat of leadership, to meet the challenges ofbusiness life. A managerial leader blendsanalytical skills and the ability to synthesisesolutions to problems and opportunities thatgive high regard to the importance of theinterpersonal elements of modern management.

In any organisation, successful managers needto be able to see the importance of integratingthe activities of the various specialist functionsthat contribute to the achievement of corporateobjectives. The aim of this course is to facilitatethat breadth of view and openness of thoughtthat makes managers effective team players.

In addition to this, managers need to have theleadership confidence to identify, embrace andimplement change within their organisations.The aim of this course is to prepare ourgraduates to exhibit these qualities.

Subjects include:Corporate Strategy; Leading Strategic Change;Behaviour and Management in Organisations;Leadership, Learning and Development; ResearchMethods; Dissertation. Options from Ethics andCorporate Governance; Managing Risk; GlobalMarketing; or Principles and Practice of Marketing.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree at 2:2 or above in business ormanagement or a degree in an alternativediscipline plus relevant experience. Applicants whohold a related honours degree with relevantworking experience may be considered for entrywith advanced standing. For international entryrequirements see page 161.

Career prospectsThis programme meets the demand for a ‘niche’qualification and differentiates you from thegeneral mass of business graduates. It allows youto either progress within your existingorganisation or find employment at amanagement or supervisory level across a rangeof industries domestically or internationally.Additionally, you could progress to furtheracademic study on a higher research degree.




MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate



MScHeritage & Cultural Tourism Management

Thanks to its rich history, abundance of heritageattractions and its world-famous festival of thearts, Edinburgh is a Mecca for a rising number ofcultural tourists from all over the world – whichis why there’s no better place to study Heritage& Cultural Tourism Management.

With the number of tourist ventures andoperations in and near the city, you will haveplenty of options for part-time work andemployment after graduation.

This advanced degree will equip you with theknowledge you need to successfully operate acultural tourism business and devise policies andstrategies for the overall industry.

You will develop organisational and businessskills that relate particularly to cultural aspectsof tourism. Through lectures, guest speakers andcase studies, you will develop an advancedunderstanding of the issues and conceptsinvolved in the industry, as well as marketingpractice and heritage considerations. You willlearn broad skills, such as formulating policy andplanning for the future, as well as developingyour abilities in research, time management andpresentation methods.

Subjects include:Tourism Concepts and Issues; Managing HeritageTourism; Tourism Marketing; Tourism, Society &Visual Culture; Industry Project; ResearchMethods; Dissertation; Option of Case Studies inInternational Tourism or International Festival &Event Management.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree at 2:2 or above orequivalent. Alternatively, comparablequalifications and experience may be considered.For specific international entry requirements seepage 161.

Career prospectsAs a tourism graduate from Edinburgh, you will beextremely popular within the industry, whetheryour career aspirations are local or international.You will find yourself in demand for a variety ofsenior management roles in various sectors andorganisations, including destination development,cultural services management, operationsmanagement, tour operators, airlines, publicsector organisations, retail and hospitality.



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MScIntercultural Business Communication

Intercultural Business Communication deals withthe study of communication in cross-culturalbusiness contexts. It plays a key role ininternational business ventures affected by theglobal economy and world commerce as it cutsacross cultural differences between internationalbusiness partners and clients. While mediatingand reconstructing cultures and identities, itaccommodates the decisive factors determiningsuccess in a commercial relationship.

This course will give you a solid understanding ofIntercultural Business Communication and arange of cross-cultural business contexts. Youwill critically examine issues related to cross-cultural business behaviour, cultural dimensions,critical cultural awareness and training forintercultural sensitivity. You will discuss theworks of major intercultural researchers and thecritiques they have received in order tocontribute to a more widening debate ofintercultural theory and research.

The course gives you grounding in the globaleconomic environment and the opportunity tospecialise in an area of business. You will alsostudy an in-depth introduction to researchmethodology appropriate to undertake researchat this level. This course has an internationaloutlook and attracts students from a wide rangeof cultural backgrounds.

Subjects include:Intercultural Business Communication; ManagingCross-cultural Diversity in Organisations; GlobalEconomic Environment; Advertising as CulturalDiscourse; Research Methods; Dissertation; Optionsfrom Marketing Communications, InternationalConference Management, Managing HeritageTourism, Business Skills for Event Management,Corporate Strategy or a European language;Global Marketing or Case Studies in InternationalTourism.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree in any discipline.Alternatively, you may be considered if you haveequivalent qualifications and experience. If Englishis not your first language, you must have aminimum IELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent.

Career prospectsWith a postgraduate qualification in InterculturalBusiness Communication, you could findemployment in international business includingthe tourism industry, international commerce andinternational marketing, where trainedprofessionals are required to negotiate businessventures with overseas clients and markets. Youcould also progress to further academic study ona higher research degree.


FT £MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

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MScIntercultural Business Communication with TESOL

In today’s business world, English has achievedglobal status as a common language forcommunication among people who do not sharethe same native tongue. As a result, recent yearshave seen an increasing demand for proficientspeakers of English and for highly qualifiedteachers of English as a foreign language.

An advanced command of English alone doesnot ensure the success of cross-cultural businessventures. This course understands that culturaldifferences can create barriers during cross-cultural interaction even when English is used asa common language. It thus combines asystematic approach to Teaching English toSpeakers of Other Languages (TESOL) with asolid understanding of Intercultural BusinessCommunication. It involves a critical examinationof issues related to English language teachingand learning along with cross-cultural businessbehaviour, cultural dimensions, critical culturalawareness and training for interculturalsensitivity.

You will learn from both disciplines and developthe necessary skills to mentor colleagues whoneed cross-cultural training. You will also gain anin-depth introduction to research methodologyappropriate to undertake research at this level.This course has an international outlook andattracts students from a wide range of culturalbackgrounds.

Subjects include:Intercultural Business Communication; TeachingEnglish as a Foreign Language; Global EconomicEnvironment; Managing Cross-cultural Diversity inOrganisations; Advertising as Cultural Discourse;Research Methods; Dissertation.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree in any discipline.Alternatively, you may be considered if you haveequivalent qualifications and experience. If Englishis not your first language, you must have aminimum IELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent.

Career prospectsWith a postgraduate qualification in InterculturalBusiness Communication with TESOL, you couldfind employment in areas of internationalbusiness acting as a trainer for colleagues incross-cultural skills or as a negotiator ofinternational business ventures. Additionally, youcould pursue a career in English LanguageTeaching or progress to further academic studyon a higher research degree.




MScInternational Event & Festival Management

Edinburgh is arguably the most famous festivalcity in the world. Travellers flock to this tourism-friendly city to experience its thriving cultural,seasonal and special events.

Where better to study festival and eventmanagement? With our close connections withinEdinburgh’s festival community, and the numberof tourist ventures and operations in and nearthe city, you will have plenty of options for part-time work and employment after graduation.

This higher degree will equip you with theknowledge you need to successfully coordinateand plan international festivals or events,including conferences and devise policies andstrategies for the overall industry. You willdevelop business and marketing skills that relatespecifically to the management of large andsmall-scale events and festivals with aninternational focus. Through lectures, guestspeakers and case studies, you will develop anadvanced understanding of the issues andconcepts involved in the industry.

You will learn broad skills, such as formulatingpolicy and planning for the future, as well asdeveloping your abilities in research, timemanagement and presentation methods.

Subjects include:International Conference Management; BusinessSkills for Event Managers; Tourism Marketing;International Festival and Event Management;Industry Project; Research Methods; Dissertation;Option from a range of Business School modules.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree at 2:2 or above orequivalent. Alternatively, comparablequalifications and experience may be considered.For specific international entry requirements seepage 161.

Career prospectsAs a graduate in festival and event managementfrom Edinburgh, you will be extremely popularwithin the industry, whether your careeraspirations are local or international. You will findyourself in demand for a variety of seniormanagement roles in various sectors andorganisations, including festival management,event management, conference management andpublic sector organisations.




MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

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MScInternational MarketingInternational Marketing with Tourism & Events

Our international marketing courses offer youthe rare opportunity to study in two of the mostbeautiful cities in the world – Edinburgh andNice. You will study at Edinburgh NapierUniversity with an option to spend trimester 2 atthe IPAG Business School in the centre of Nice,France.

This gives you the excellent opportunity to live,study and socialise in two different cultures withequally prestigious institutions.

International marketing is an increasinglyimportant area of business as companies striveto grow globally. As well as learning the basicprinciples of marketing, you will develop anappreciation of its practice in a truly globalenvironment. You will learn alongside otherinternational students and be taught entirely inEnglish, so you don’t need to speak French toapply.

Your third trimester can be based in eitherEdinburgh or Nice and there may also be furtheropportunities to gain work experience in Nice asIPAG offer internships after the completion oftrimester two.

You will develop organisational and businessskills as well as an understanding of strategicmarketing, brand management theories,intercultural communication, and the ability todevelop marketing plans. You will also gaintransferable skills, such as formulating policyand project management, research, timemanagement and presentation methods.

The Tourism & Events route shares most of itscontent with the MSc in International Marketing,but allows you to specialise by studying somemodules in tourism or event management.

Subjects include:Principles & Practices of Marketing; InterculturalBusiness Communication; Consumer Behaviour orTourism Concepts & Issues; Strategic BrandManagement; Global Marketing; ResearchMethods; Dissertation; Option from a range ofMarketing or Tourism and Events modules.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree at 2:2 or above orequivalent. Alternatively, comparablequalifications and experience may be considered.For specific international entry requirements seepage 161.

Career prospectsThese courses will give you excellent careerprospects in a number of marketing careersincluding at management level. The experience ofstudying in a global context can open up many moremarketing career options to you around the world.



MScInternational Tourism Management

With its high profile history, attractions, andworld-famous festivals, Edinburgh attractsvisitors from all over the world. Tourism-basedbusinesses flourish here, many of them withinternational connections - which is why there’sno better place to study tourism management.

With the number of tourist ventures andoperations in and near the city, you will haveplenty of options for part-time work andemployment after graduation.

This higher degree will equip you with theknowledge you need to successfully operate orbe employed in an international tourism businessin the UK or elsewhere and devise sustainablepolicies and strategies for the overall industry.

You will develop organisational and businessskills that take into account the diversity ofcultures involved in developing and managinginternational tourism. Through lectures, guestspeakers and case studies, you will develop anadvanced understanding of the issues andconcepts involved in international tourismdevelopment, as well as marketing practice andheritage considerations around the world.

You will learn broad skills, such as formulatingpolicy and planning for the future, as well asdeveloping your abilities in research, timemanagement and presentation methods.

Subjects include:Tourism Concepts and Issues; Managing HeritageTourism; Tourism Marketing; Case Studies inInternational Tourism; Industry Project; ResearchMethods; Dissertation; Option of Tourism, Society& Visual Culture or International Festival & EventManagement.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree at 2:2 or above orequivalent. Alternatively, comparablequalifications and experience may be considered.For specific international entry requirements seepage 161.

Career prospectsAs a tourism graduate from Edinburgh, you will beextremely popular within the industry, whetheryour career aspirations are local or international.You will find yourself in demand for a variety ofsenior management roles in various sectors andorganisations, including destination development,visitor services management, operationsmanagement, tour operators, airlines, publicsector organisations, retail and hospitality.





MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

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A career in marketing can take you into almostany sector of business, and into workplaces allover the world. With an understanding ofconsumer behaviour and effectivecommunication techniques, you will be able tohelp guide businesses towards commercialsuccess. This one-year course introduces you tothe theories and principles of marketing, andthen presents them in practical applicationsbased on real business scenarios. It’s aneffective combination of teaching styles, and onethat has resulted in increased employmentopportunities for many of our previous students.

Marketing requires a wide range of skills. You willlearn to think analytically and critically examinethe issues confronting the global businessenvironment. Academic quantitative andqualitative research skills and presentationtechniques will be developed and you willunderstand how to develop brands in the globalmarketplace. You will also benefit from ourstrong links within the marketing industry withguest speakers.

We also have good links with industry bodiesincluding the Chartered Institute of Marketingand the Institute of Direct Marketing, which addfurther credibility to the course.

Subjects include:Principles and Practices of Marketing; MarketingCommunications; Consumer Behaviour; StrategicBrand Management; Global Marketing; ResearchMethods; Dissertation; Option of Direct and DigitalMarketing; Market Analysis and Forecasting;Advertising as Cultural Discourse; ManagingCross-cultural Diversity in Organisations; NewVenture Planning or International Festival andEvents Management.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree at 2:2 or above.Alternatively a non-honours degree plus aminimum of two years relevant work experiencewill be considered. An HND with a minimum of fiveyears relevant work experience may also beaccepted after interview. For international entryrequirements see page 161.

Career prospectsThe scope of marketing employmentopportunities is extremely wide. Most businessesrecognise the need for a marketing function andpositions constantly arise in a variety of areasworldwide, as diverse as finance, law, health,charities, tourism and government. Yourqualification could lead to a marketing role inadvertising, brand management, informationtechnology or market research.



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MScMarketing with Festival & Event Management

A career in marketing can take you into almostany sector of business, and into workplaces allover the world. You’ll be able to make a vitalcontribution to commercial success in both theprivate and the public sector. This course isparticularly oriented to those who wish tocombine the key principles and practice ofMarketing with a specialisation in themanagement of festivals, events andconferences.

You’ll benefit from our strong links within themarketing, advertising, festival and eventindustries all over the world, with guestspeakers, industry links and, of course, theopportunity to immerse yourself in marketingpractice within one of the most famous festivalcities in the world.

You’ll learn to think analytically and criticallyexamine the issues confronting the globalbusiness environment and festival and eventsindustries. Presentation techniques will bedeveloped alongside the ability to evaluate andformulate plans for advertising, consumers andfor festivals and events and deliver excitingbusiness or cultural experiences.

Subjects include:Principles and Practice of Marketing; ResearchMethods; Dissertation; International ConferenceManagement; Strategic Brand Management;International Festival and Event Management;Options from Marketing Communications orConsumer Behaviour; Direct and Digital Marketing;Global Marketing or Managing Cross-culturalDiversity in Organisations.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree, with a minimum 2:2classification. Alternatively a degree plus aminimum of two years relevant work experienceor an HND with a minimum of five years relevantwork experience (an interview will be necessary).For international entry requirements see page 161.

Career prospectsThe scope of marketing employmentopportunities is extremely wide. Most businessesrecognise the need for a marketing function andpositions constantly arise in a variety of positionsworldwide including:• brand management• event planning and organisation• market research• public sector organisations.


FT £MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

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MScTourism & Hospitality Management

With its high profile history and attractions, andworld-famous festivals, Edinburgh is a Mecca fortravellers and tourists from all over the world.Hospitality-based businesses flourish here, manyof them with international connections – which iswhy there’s no better place to study tourism andhospitality management. With the number oftourist ventures and operations in and near thecity, you will have plenty of options for part-timework and employment after graduation.

This higher degree will equip you with theknowledge you need to successfully operate aninternational tourism business while integratinghospitality management skills. You will developorganisational and business management skillsthat are relevant to hospitality and tourismorganisations. Through lectures, guest speakersand case studies, you will develop an advancedunderstanding of the issues and conceptsinvolved in creating successful hospitality andtourism experiences.

You will learn broad skills, such as formulatingpolicy and planning for the future, as well asdeveloping your abilities in research, timemanagement and presentation methods.

Subjects include:Tourism Concepts and Issues; Management ofHospitality Operations; Tourism Marketing;Contemporary Issues in Hospitality Management;Industry Project; Research Methods; Dissertation;Option from a range of Tourism modules.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree at 2:2 or above orequivalent. Alternative comparable qualificationsand experience may be considered. For specificinternational entry requirements see page 161.

Career prospectsAs a hospitality and tourism graduate fromEdinburgh, you will be extremely popular withinthe industry, whether your career aspirations arelocal or international. You will find yourself indemand for a variety of senior management rolesin various sectors and organisations, includingdestination development, visitor servicesmanagement, operations management, touroperators, airlines, public sector organisations,retail and hospitality.



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MScTourism Marketing Management

With its high profile history, attractions andworld-famous festivals, Edinburgh is a Mecca fortravellers and tourists from all over the world.Tourism-based businesses flourish here, many ofthem with international connections – which iswhy there’s no better place to study tourismmarketing. With the number of tourist venturesand operations in and near the city, you will haveplenty of options for part-time work andemployment after graduation.

The Tourism Marketing Management degree willequip you with the knowledge you need tosuccessfully market tourism destinations andproducts. You will develop organisational andbusiness skills that focus on the marketingaspects and implications of tourism. Throughlectures, guest speakers and case studies, youwill develop an advanced understanding of theissues and concepts involved in marketingtourism products and experiences.

You will learn broad skills, such as formulatingpolicy and planning for the future, as well asdeveloping your abilities in research, timemanagement and presentation methods.

Subjects include:Tourism Concepts and Issues; Managing HeritageTourism; Tourism Marketing; Global Marketing;Industry Project; Research Methods; Dissertation;Option from a range of Business School modules.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree at 2:2 or above orequivalent. Alternatively, comparablequalifications and experience may be considered.For specific international entry requirements seepage 161.

Career prospectsAs a tourism graduate from Edinburgh, you will beextremely popular within the industry, whetheryour career aspirations are local or international.You will find yourself in demand for a variety ofsenior management roles in various sectors andorganisations, including destination development,visitor services management, operationsmanagement, tour operators, airlines, publicsector organisations, retail and hospitality.





MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

52 53Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative Industries


Want to gain a first hand experience of the world in which you willultimately be working? Then open up to our Faculty ofEngineering, Computing & Creative Industries. The Faculty hasthree schools, each with a different specialism, yet all with onecommon objective – to put you in direct contact with industry. Ourcourses combine an innovative balance of practical experiencewith essential theoretical knowledge, to ensure you stand outfrom the crowd.

Pioneering Research• Scottish Integrated Research in Timber: Incollaboration with Glasgow University and ForestResearch this integrated four-year project wasawarded £1.5m from the Scottish Funding Council– Prof Philip Turner.

• Low Carbon Building Technologies Gateway:Supporting innovation and the development ofnew building technologies for future low carbonhousing; utilising state-of-the-art test facilitiesBPAC Hanger 17, £1.7 million.

• The Institute for Sustainable Construction (ISC)is the only UK University Institute to beshortlisted in two successive years for HousingInnovation Product of the Year by theconstruction industry (2009 and 2010).

• The SEEK project: A consortium of two USfederally funded agencies, five US universitiesand the School of Computing to makefundamental improvements in data access andtools for ecological modellers worldwide –Prof Jessie Kennedy.

We maintain a network of links with industries and professional bodies, and win awards forknowledge transfer work. Courses combine a balance of practical experience with theoreticalknowledge of the subject.

Our students benefit from a broad range of academic analysis, content and practicalguidance, making our postgraduate courses innovative and up-to-date. The Faculty ofEngineering, Computing & Creative Industries is made up of:

• School of Arts & Creative Industries• School of Computing• School of Engineering & the Built Environment

An inside view.

Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative Industries

• CardioDigital: A faculty spin out companyformed in 2001 for the commercialisation anddevelopment of pioneering work in the use oftime-frequency decomposition techniques inmedical signal analysis. Equity based investmentfrom the Wellcome Trust has allowed thecompany to expand its portfolio and engage indedicated research programmes involving theanalysis of ventricular fibrillation, pulse oximetrysignals, atrial fibrillation and remotely sensedneonatal heart sounds – Prof Paul Addison.

International collaborationThe faculty has a successful record in innovativeinternational collaborations, such as the EU-funded ‘Journeyman’ virtual film school, resultingin a plethora of award-winning short films. In2004 the Ian Tomlin School of Music (part of theSchool of Arts & Creative Industries) hosted theEmmy award-winning composer Hummie Mann’sPacific North West Film Scoring School.

The ISC currently leads a 32-member countrypartnership on the development of robust detailsand advanced sustainable construction designs(2010 to 2014). In 2011, ISC hosted one of theleading international networking events forsustainable construction, involving the UnitedNations Environment Program, Consul General ofIndia, New Chair of Construction Scotland andEuropean Energy Centre.

Staff expertiseExpert services are provided to industry by staffand can include some participation bypostgraduate students, providing them withvaluable experience. An example of the type ofconsultancy was the £750,000 Robust StandardDetails project to establish, through soundinsulation testing on sites, a ‘pattern book’ ofRobust Details to meet Part E of the BuildingRegulations (England and Wales).The Details were required to be designed, testedand formulated for submission to the Office ofthe Deputy Prime Minister and the BuildingRegulations Advisory Committee. The projectinvolved extensive coordination of constructionsites across the UK, involving more than 1,000dwellings and the coordination of 15 consultancyfirms, who were subcontracted to undertake thetesting. This was the largest research project everundertaken by the house building industry andinvolved more than 350 building andmanufacturing organisations. As of 2011, morethan 700,000 new homes now use these designdetails and ISC was awarded one of the 2009Queen’s Anniversary Prizes for ‘innovativehousing construction for environmental benefitand quality of life’. Annually the construction

industry saves more than £50million through thenew regulatory and design-build processesdeveloped by this project.

Knowledge transferKnowledge transfer between the University andindustry, commerce and other branches ofsociety forms a significant part of our activities.Knowledge Transfer Partnerships enableuniversities to work in partnership withcompanies to apply their wealth of knowledgeand expertise to important business problems.The faculty has an enviable track record in thesuccess of its Knowledge Transfer Partnershipswith more than 100 projects having beenundertaken. The technical and commercialexperience in these projects is fed back intoteaching and frequently results in opportunitiesfor postgraduate projects within the partnercompanies. Current and recent partnershipsinclude:• SFX Technologies – developing new materialsand assessing the acoustic performance ofdesigns for gel audio transducers for the laptopand TV markets.• Action Scaffolding – development of automaticanalysis and mechanical design software forcomplex scaffolding systems.• Axon Cable – modelling material fatigue inadvanced cable bundles for aerospaceapplications.• RTC – development of PassivHaus buildingpanels for the timber frame housing industry toenhance sustainability performance of buildings.Previous projects cover a wide range of activitiesand sectors including software development,sustainable housing, timber engineering,automation, business systems, energy andelectronics.

Centre for Credit RatingIf your employer is interested in giving formalacademic recognition to in-house staff trainingand development programmes, you could gainacademic credits for learning carried out at work.Our Centre for Credit Rating works withemployers to allow work-based learning to bequality assured to a national standard. Employeeswho complete credit rated in-house trainingschemes are awarded credit recognised by theScottish Credit and Qualifications Framework(SCQF), which can be used as a stepping stonetowards further study and enhances the CV. Italso greatly improves an employer’s capacity andefficiency and is an ideal way to develop aworkforce. Our accredited training model isrecognised by the SCQF as a market leader in thefield. To find out more, visit: www.napier.ac.uk/ccr

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The Faculty carries out research and knowledge transfer throughsix Institutes of Research & Innovation including 27 centres.Activities extend across three major thematic areas: Cultural &Creative Industries, Informatics and Infrastructure, withinternationally renowned centres in Building Performance, Energy,Film, Teledemocracy, Timber Engineering and Transport. Forfurther information, visit: www.napier.ac.uk/randkt

Institute for Creative Industries (ICI) The Arts and Creative Industries are keyeconomic drivers and our work focuses onScottish Enterprise’s priority sectors – digitalmedia and markets, broadcast, new media andcontent creation. As Scotland’s largest centre ofexcellence in professional screen and media skills,our experienced and knowledgeable staff work inpartnership with industry to provide reliable,relevant consultation, advice and policy guidancein design, media, culture, literature and music. Weoffer technical resources and facilities, such asvirtual and physical modelling and prototyping,and even have a specialised publishing imprint.The Institute has seven research centres:

Scottish Centre for the BookCentre for Literature and WritingCentre for Media and CultureEdinburgh Skillset Screen and Media AcademySonic Fusion Research CentreScreen Media Research CentreCentre for Design Practice.

Forest Products Research Institute (FPRI)We support world class innovation in the forestindustry and promote high value timberapplications. Our work includes understandingthe structure and biopolymer composition ofplants and trees; developing methods to extract,separate, refine and process cell wall componentsinto new, high-value biopolymer-based materials;supporting traditional forest products such assawmilling, pulp and paper; addressing issuessuch as wood protection, coating andmodification; studying the impact of theenvironment, age, genetics and managementregime on wood properties and the use of timberand timber products as composite materials inconstruction and creative building design.

We work closely with UK, European and NorthAmerican universities, the Forestry Commissionand leading forest products companies. TheInstitute includes:

Centre for Plant Science & BiopolymerResearchCentre for Timber EngineeringCentre for Wood Science & TechnologyThe Wood Studio.

Institute for Informatics and Digital Innovation(IIDI)Providing practical advice and solutions on adiverse range of difficult, real world problems,our experience includes areas as diverse asbiology, business and finance, energy,government, healthcare, policing andtransportation:

Information visualisation and analysis, datacleaning, next generation web systems,software reuse and component systems.Interaction design and evaluation of humancomputer systems, integration of technologyinto the workplace and home, biometrics ande-democracy.Optimisation, routing and scheduling, wirelessnetworks, security and digital forensics.

Our pioneering work has generated a number ofpatents and won several awards. The Institutehas the following five research centres:

Centre for Distributed Computing and SecurityEmergent ComputingInformation and Software SystemsInteraction DesignCentre for Social Informatics.







ResearchFaculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative Industries

Institute for Product Design & Manufacture(IPDM)Building on a foundation of more than 20 yearsof service to engineering businesses, we supportcompanies involved in:

innovation and product development;high technology electronics manufacturing anddesign research; and advanced engineeringmaterials.

Through direct technical support, expertinterpretation and business-to-businesscollaboration, the Institute offers prototypingservices, design for manufacture expertise,materials evaluation, product realisation,validation to European standards, testing andcompliance. There are three research centreswithin the Institute:

Advanced Materials Research CentreCentre for Electronic Manufacturing ServicesElectronic Design Technology Centre.

Recent projects have included:

Specialist materials within fuel cellsNew products in the oil and gas sectorEnergy management in food processing andmanufacturingDesign and manufacture of health and safetyequipment.

Institute for Sustainable Construction (ISC)Comprising several of Scotland’s leading builtenvironment research centres, we work with keyorganisations across the construction industry.Annually, we work with more than 300companies and on over 400 live design andconstruction projects. Our expertise includes low-carbon built environment solutions, energyefficient designs, sustainable buildingperformance and micro-renewable technologies;as well as world leading research and

consultancy in building acoustics. Our expertstaff serve on national and internationalstandards committees and the BuildingPerformance Centre has contributed to thedevelopment of innovative regulatoryframeworks for construction through the RobustStandard Details project. There are sevenresearch centres within the institute:

Building Performance Centre (BPC)Centre for Sustainable CommunitiesCentre for GeotechnicsCentre for Regeneration and Reuse ofBuildingsCentre for Offsite Construction and InnovativeStructuresCentre for Infrastructure ResearchScottish Energy Centre.

Transport Research Institute (TRI) Established in 1996, the Transport ResearchInstitute (TRI) is internationally recognised forthe high quality of its multidisciplinary transportresearch and consultancy. Our expertise includes:

transport economics and policy;road safety and driver behaviour;maritime economics and international logistics;rural transport;network modelling and optimisation;accessibility;traffic engineering; andtaxi economics and regulation.

Recent projects have included:

enhancing rural access to employment;wireless futures in transport and infra-redpedestrian flow monitoring;the financial feasibility of offshore gasproduction and transport technology,motorways of the sea; and taxi supply modelling for the Irish government.









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Anna BasistaPolandMSc User Experience

“I had a chance to speak freely with some of the keyfigures in my field...”

Student ProfileFaculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative Industries

“I chose Edinburgh Napier because it offered acourse in User Experience, a new wave of HumanComputer Interaction studies. There are only ahandful of universities in the country that dosuch a course. Edinburgh Napier has well-knownand excellent academic staff so there was nobetter choice.

“I really like the atmosphere at the University andthe friendly relationship with all my tutors. Therewere plenty of opportunities to brush up skills ingetting a job, like CV clinics, interview workshopsand psychometric testing sessions. There are alsocareer fairs a couple of times a year where Icould meet potential employers. However, thebiggest opportunity arose from having guestspeakers from the industry on our scheduledclasses. This is where I had a chance to speak

freely with some of the key figures in my field inScotland.

“I have gained an invaluable experience workingwith people from different cultures. I feel I have abetter understanding of how to approach workingwith people from all over the world and thatmakes me a stronger candidate in the tough jobmarket.

“At Edinburgh Napier, you quickly find out thatyou will make new friends, learn in the state-of-the-art facilities and secure a graduate job. Itoffers an excellent mix of good academic staffand a multicultural student environment. It hasvery high rates for graduate employability and isdefinitely everything I was looking for.”

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Ben has been the programme leader for MSc Advanced StructuralEngineering at Edinburgh Napier University since it was firstintroduced in 2006. He also contributes to the work of the ForestProducts Research Institute.

“Our MSc was introduced to meet the needs ofthe modern construction industry and hasbecome an attractive course for civil engineeringstudents and practical design engineers.

“It’s an intensive, technical course of six 20-credittaught modules, delivered by experiencedacademic staff and researchers. Industrypractitioners are regularly invited in as guestspeakers and lecturers. Through the course, youwill develop your skills in the analysis, design andassessment of engineering structures subject tonormal, seismic and extreme loading andenvironmental conditions. In particular, you willdevelop your skills in numerical simulation usinga variety of advanced engineering tools andsoftware, and you will also learn a wide range ofstructural engineering principles, failure analysismethods, the Eurocodes and the code of practicefor the design of various construction materials,research skills and the legal issues surroundingconstruction. A 60-credit MSc dissertation willbring you deeper into review, analysis, design, lab

testing and numerical simulation for solvingpractical problems and pioneering issues.

“The course is accredited by relevant industrybodies, such as the Institution of Civil Engineers(ICE), the Institution of Structural Engineers(IStructE) and the Chartered Institution ofHighways & Transportation (CIHT), to helpshorten your route to becoming chartered. Theconstruction industry is in need of those with aMasters degree and specialising in certain fields.

“Our course is flexible. You can study for eitherone year full-time or two years part-time. Youalso have two chances to join the course eachyear, in February and October, which is moresuitable for practical engineers and internationalstudents. The employment of our graduates isexcellent and most of them have found jobs soonafter they obtained an MSc from us, working asdesign engineers, site managers, governmentofficers or continuing PhD research.”

Dr Ben ZhangMSc Advanced Structural Engineering Programme Leader

“The employment rate of our graduates is excellent...”

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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ARTS & CREATIVE INDUSTRIES

MFAAdvanced Film Practice

Are you an ambitious, talented and driven filmdirector, producer or writer, looking to make theleap from student to professional filmmaking? Orperhaps you’ve been making high quality filmsfor broadcasters, the internet or the corporateor semi-professional world and have alwayswanted to work on the big screen?

This one year course gives you the chance todevelop, produce and complete a short cinemafilm to professional standards. In parallel withthis you will develop your creative andprofessional skills through practical exercisesand master classes with leading industrypractitioners. Past sessions have featureddirector Michael Radford, director ofphotography Seamus McGarvey and producerAndrew Macdonald.

You will be working in a busy filmmaking hub inthe culturally vibrant city of Edinburgh. We offergreat scope for collaboration, with more than200 students engaged in film activities – fromcinematography and editing to documentary andanimation.

You will have access to a complete range ofprofessional production and post productionequipment, including HDCam, Super 16mm, Avid,Final Cut Pro, Pro-Tools and a fully equippeddubbing facility. You can also draw on one-to-onesupport from tutors who are themselves writers,producers and directors in the industry.

Subjects include:Project Development and Preproduction; ProjectProduction and Post-production.

Entry requirementsIdeally, an MA in a film-related discipline.Alternatively, you may have equivalentprofessional or semi-professional experience. Youwill also be required to submit a portfolio of yourwork. For international entry requirements pleasesee page 161.

Career prospectsWhile career opportunities can be difficult to comeby in this industry, this course maximizes yourchances of success. Your qualification carriesSkillset Film Academy status, one of only a veryfew in the UK – giving us and our graduates a well-regarded credibility in the industry. You will meetand work with industry practitioners, buildingcontacts and networks that will help form thebasis of a potential career. Our graduates’ filmshave screened at festivals throughout the worldincluding Edinburgh, Venice and Kolkata and manyof our alumni go on to pick up prestigious awardsand commissions after they complete the course.




Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ARTS & CREATIVE INDUSTRIES

MScCreative Advertising

The dynamic world of advertising is fuelled bycreative ideas and this course – the only one ofits kind in Scotland – will prepare you for thechallenges of a highly competitive, creativeagency environment. Designed in closecollaboration with the Institute of Practitionersin Advertising, the course features masterclasses by senior advertising professionals and atwo week agency placement. You will developyour creative skills, learn the theories behindadvertising, and make contacts that will help youto break into the industry.

With its creative focus, this course gives you thechance to respond to real advertising briefs thatchallenge your conceptual skills. You will learnthe best way to present your ideas and how towork collaboratively and individually as youcreate advertising across a variety of media,including print, TV, radio, outdoor and online.

Your critical evaluation skills will also bedeveloped as you explore the theories behindsuccessful advertising campaigns and critiqueyour own and others’ work. You will also gainvaluable real-world experience in your agencyplacement, as you learn to meet deadlines andcommunicate effectively with colleagues andclients.

This course is studied full-time over one year orpart-time over two years.

Subjects include:Writing and Visualising Advertisements; Theoryand Contexts of Advertising Communication;Creative Toolkit; Motion Graphics; CampaignCreation; Digital Creative; Advertising AgencyPlacement; Dissertation.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree or the equivalent inprofessional experience. You will be asked toundertake a copy test and if successful will also berequired to attend an interview. Students basedoutside the UK will be offered a telephoneinterview. If English is not your first language, youmust have a minimum IELTS score of 7.0 orequivalent or substantial experience using Englishas your working language. For international entryrequirements see page 161.

Career prospectsCompetition is fierce in the advertising industry.While a qualification is no guarantee ofemployment, this course will give you a head startin your chosen career. Creative directors andother senior industry professionals have a stronginterest in the course and are keen to find newtalent. Your agency placement will expose you toemployers and generate a valuable set of creativeideas that will enhance your portfolio. Recentgraduates have developed interests not only increative careers but also in planning, accountmanagement and media planning/buying – 75 percent of graduates have found work in theadvertising industry.


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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ARTS & CREATIVE INDUSTRIES

MACreative Writing

If you want to make a career in writing, thiscourse is for you. You already have the talentand ideas – we will add the knowledge you needto approach your chosen market withconfidence, originality and skill.

We take an innovative approach to the trainingand support of aspiring writers, focusing onthree key areas: narrative technique, vocationalskills and cultural context. Uniquely, the coursealso offers a dynamic range of cross-disciplinaryoptions and commercial specialisms, includinggraphic fiction, screenwriting, creative non-fiction and genre fiction.

The development of your own creative work willreceive ongoing attention, with regular one-to-one mentoring sessions. You’ll also learn avariety of professional practices, includingediting, reviewing, adaptation, abridgement andcollaborative working.

The course hosts a Writer in Residence who isavailable every week for informal consultation,along with an exciting programme of lecturesand master classes from award-winning visitingauthors and high-profile industry experts. Ourclose links with Edinburgh’s vibrant literaryscene provide invaluable networkingopportunities.

This course can be studied full-time over oneyear or part-time over two years.

Subjects include:Creating Narrative - Writer’s Toolkit; Innovation –Concept and Technique; Life Writing; NarrativePractice - Vocational Skillset; Authorship – Cultureand Practice; Specialist option (Writing for GraphicNovels; Writing Genre Fiction; Creative Non-fictionor Screenwriting); Masters Project or Dissertation.

Entry requirementsAn undergraduate degree in any discipline isdesirable. Alternatively, relevant experience will betaken into account. Selected applicants will beasked to submit a sample of writing and the finalstage in selection is an interview. For studentsbased outside the UK, interviews are conducted bytelephone. If English is not your first language, youmust have a minimum IELTS score of 7.0 orequivalent. For international entry requirementssee page 161.

Career prospectsWriting is a freelance occupation in an extremelycompetitive field. The combination of intensivecreative development, vocational training andindustry knowledge we offer will give you a headstart on the path to publication, as well as openingup a variety of career opportunities. Whilestudying, former students have achieved nationaland international competition wins; debutpublication in magazines and anthologies andhave taken part in new writing events includingshowcase readings at the Edinburgh InternationalBook Festival. Students have also securedfreelance employment in fiction editing, ghost-writing and reviewing.




Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ARTS & CREATIVE INDUSTRIES

MA/MDesDesign (various named routes)Digital Arts/Graphics/Interaction/Interior Architecture/Lighting/Product/Sustainability/Urbanism

This forward-thinking and flexible course suiteembraces the increasingly trans-disciplinaryactivities of the design profession andcontemporary creative practice. It also allowsyou to refine and enhance your skills within aspecific design discipline.

At the beginning of your course, you will developand apply a range of research methods toredefine your own design practice and creativeoutlook. In later modules, you will developspecific design skills to inform and enable highlydeveloped outcomes in your self-directed majorproject work. This will allow you to collaborateand make professional contacts withpractitioners from other areas, including those inengineering, the built environment andcomputing. You have the option of studying foran MA or MDes, depending whether youcomplete a dissertation or design project reportin trimester 3.

The two-part major project allows you to createand develop design outcomes within your ownarea of interest and further enhance yoursubject specific skills and knowledge. AnInterdisciplinary Design option allows you tocreate a modular structure of your ownchoosing.

We have a strong studio culture supported byour multidisciplinary staff of academics andindustry-based practitioners. You will be able todevelop creative, professional, strategic andcontextual knowledge and skills and apply designthinking to a range of creative outcomes anddesign interventions.

Subjects include:Design Research Methods; Major Project 1 & 2;Dissertation or Design Project Report; Options:• Digital Arts: Motion Graphics; User Experience• or Light Art & Projection.• Graphics: Motion Graphics; Agency Internship or• Campaign Creation.• Interaction: Interaction Design; User Experience.• Interior Architecture: Spatial Lighting Design;• Sustainable Urban Property Development or• Advanced Digital Media.• Lighting: Spatial Light Design; Light Art & Projection.• Product: Design Management; Future• Technologies & Design.• Sustainability: Sustainable Project Design or• Sustainable Building Design; Design Contextualisation• or Sustainable Urban Property Development.• Urbanism: Spatial Lighting Design; Design• Contextualisation.

Entry requirementsAn undergraduate art & design degree or relateddiscipline (engineering design, interactive computing,user-centred psychology, creative entrepreneurship);or evidence of significant industry experience. Anappropriate PgCert or PgDip may be considered forexemptions or articulation. You will have an interviewand show a portfolio of creative work or technical/business projects. You may be asked to give a designpresentation. International applicants are interviewedby teleconference with an online portfolio. If English isnot your first language, you must have a minimumIELTS score of 6.0 or equivalent.

Career prospectsWith a physical and digital/online portfoliodemonstrating industry-ready skills, graduates willbe able to apply for design jobs, tender for freelancework or establish entrepreneurial ventures in theprivate and public sectors. You may also wish tocontinue your studies to MPhil and/or PhD level.


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MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ARTS & CREATIVE INDUSTRIES

MADigital Humanities (subject to validation)

This new Masters in Digital Humanities will buildupon your previous Arts and Humanitieslearning. The modules you will study function asbridges between your undergraduate experienceof the humanities (cultural and literary theory,texts and contexts, the making of meaning andthe nature of creative expression) and the high-level computing applications that form a‘practical’ spine for this degree.

You will study modules that focus on delivering astimulating and original user experience forpeople engaged in literary and culturalendeavours. The course includes specialistmodules on the nature of digital humanities andhumanities research methods such as literaryanalysis, critical inquiry and hermeneutics.

Subjects include:Design dialogues; User Experience Design; Web &New Media Design; Digital Archiving; ResearchMethods; Practical Skills for Digital Humanities;Dissertation.

Entry requirementsA good undergraduate degree in the Arts orHumanities. For international entry requirementsplease see page 161.

Career prospectsGraduates could work in digital archiving forlibraries and the Creative Industries; web designfor literary, cultural and charitable organisations;managing digital resources in the CreativeIndustries and charitable organisations; as aresearch assistant in the Creative Industries,charities and universities; as a museumdesigner/curator or in user experience design.




Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ARTS & CREATIVE INDUSTRIES


Are you an ambitious, talented, graduatefilmmaker keen to take your studies further inyour chosen specialist area? We are looking forstudents with a BA Film or a related discipline,and some practical filmmaking under their beltalready, who want to bring their experience up tothe standard expected for entry into theprofessional industry.

You will apply to this course as a specialist inone of the following disciplines: directing,cinematography, editing or sound. Teaching isthrough a combination of collaborative, sharedclasses and sessions geared to each individualdiscipline. Coursework consists of a largenumber of practical exercises and projects thatallow students to deepen their own technical,creative and professional filmmaking skills. Yourwork will culminate in a major project module inwhich you will work, in your chosen discipline, onone or more short fiction films.

Screen Academy Scotland is an activefilmmaking hub in the culturally vibrant city ofEdinburgh. It offers great scope for collaboration,with around 200 students at undergraduate andpostgraduate level engaged in diverse filmactivities. Students at the Screen Academy haveaccess to a complete range of professionalproduction and post-production equipment,including HDCam, Super 16mm, Avid, Final CutPro, Pro-Tools and a fully equipped dubbingfacility. You can also draw on support from tutorswho themselves have significant experience inthe industry.

Subjects include:Creative Practice 1 & 2; Collaborative Techniques 1& 2; Script Workshop 1; Sound for Film 1; CriticalFilm Study; Film Project.

Entry requirementsA BA, BSc or equivalent, plus a portfolio.

Career prospectsThe film industry is very competitive andopportunities are limited. However the emphasisthis course puts on professional skills will helpmaximise your chances of success. ScreenAcademy Scotland is one of only three Screen andMedia Academies in the UK accredited by Skillset,the film industry’s skills body, giving us and ourgraduates significant credibility in the industry.Screen Academy graduates have had their filmsscreened at festivals in cities around the world,including Venice, Beijing, Kolkata and Edinburgh.Many have gone on to win awards andcommissions for TV and feature film projectsfollowing graduation.


FT £MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ARTS & CREATIVE INDUSTRIES

MDesInterdisciplinary Design

Ideas and influences come from everywhere – sowhy limit yourself to one discipline as adesigner? This course will encourage you toexperiment in and explore the world of designthrough a wide range of areas – from fine art andengineering to social science and computing.

By drawing on techniques and influences fromthe schools and courses that surround you andexperiencing the many different forms ofcreativity that each of these involve, you willdevelop a personal style that reflects yourinterests. Whether you choose to express thisthrough product design, architecture, interactivedesign or any other form, the aim is to createuniqueness in both concept and form.

The creative skills you will learn will depend onyour interests, and the disciplines from whichyou draw your inspiration. Visiting speakers andguest lecturers, successful practitioners fromindustries as diverse as fashion design,computing and architecture, will open doors to awealth of creative techniques and thoughtprocesses. In a general sense, you will learn toplace design in a business context, and developanalytical and critical thinking in relation to bothyour work and that of others. Research,conceptualisation and evaluation skills will alsobe taught, along with an understanding ofrelevant industry standards, with the aim ofpreparing you for real-world situations andopportunities to present your work. This courseis studied full-time over one year.

Subjects include:Design Research Methods; Design Management;Design Contextualisation; Major Design ProjectPart 1 & 2; Design Project Report.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree in a related discipline, such asart, social science, engineering, computing orbusiness. However, all candidates with relevantinterests or career paths will be considered,regardless of their qualifications, on an individualbasis. You will also be required to submit aportfolio of design work. For international entryrequirements see page 161.

Career prospectsAs a designer, you will have the choice of workingindependently or in an organisation. More andmore employers are recognising the value ofcreative thinking and good design. Depending onyour creative focus, and the skills you haveacquired, you may find yourself employed as adesigner or conceptual thinker in areas such asdesign, advertising, business, management,engineering, architecture or computing.


Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ARTS & CREATIVE INDUSTRIES

MAInternational Journalism for Media Professionals (subject to validation)

This cutting-edge course has been designed toreflect current developments in the mediaindustry worldwide. It is intended to helpjournalists, communications and mediaprofessionals break into new areas of practice orenhance their global mobility and careerprogression.

You will join a global community of mediaprofessionals reflecting on your current practiceand expanding the scope of your professionalexpertise. The course will build on your personalexperience to directly inform and develop yourdaily practice with assignments to suit yourindividual career goals.

Staff with substantial industry experience willsupport you in developing leadership attributesand the ability to apply advanced journalisticskills across platforms including television, radio,online, print and social media.

You will explore innovative forms of mediapractice in a rapidly evolving global industry andengage with a variety of approaches todeveloping creative leadership andentrepreneurship. This will be underpinned bymodern research into global journalism andmedia practice; analysing the industry withacademic rigour to appraise political, economic,regulatory and cultural influences in differentregions of the world.

Subjects include:Cross-platform Journalism & Media Practice;Global Current Affairs Across Cultures; Leadership& Entrepreneurship in the Media; SpecialistJournalism (Reporting Global Finances;Investigative Journalism or Documentary FilmProduction); Professional Industry Placement;Production Dissertation.

Entry requirementsYou will have an honours degree and at least oneyear’s relevant experience as a journalist, mediapractitioner, communications specialist orinformation officer. Alternative qualificationscombined with substantial experience may beconsidered. You will also be asked to provide aportfolio of previous work. If English is not yourfirst language, you must have a minimum IELTSscore of 7.0 or equivalent. For specificinternational entry requirements, see page 161.

Career prospectsGraduates benefit from advanced personaldevelopment and career progression. You will beable to exercise a wide range of cross-platformskills to a high standard and prepare for a leadingrole in a variety of sectors across the globaljournalism and media industry. Our previousjournalism graduates have gone on to flagshiproles as reporters, editors, internationalcorrespondents and presenters on high profileprogrammes, magazines and newspapers. Youmight also consider further research, including aPhD, or academic career.





FT PTMORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ARTS & CREATIVE INDUSTRIES


This course offers an intensive, practice-focusedmultimedia programme, closely linked toindustry. We combine traditional methods withnew and developing technologies to train you asa multimedia journalist. You’ll learn a wide rangeof practical skills and leave equipped withreporting and production expertise for print,online, magazine, television and radio. You’ll alsodevelop an understanding of social media andconvergence issues.

You’ll have a passion for news and an interest inthe media, plus an instinct to find and tellstories. We develop your skills so you can makesense of fast moving situations and meetdeadlines, whilst reporting facts simply andeloquently with honesty, integrity and creativity.

Our broadcast studios and multimedianewsrooms provide an industry setting, allowingyou to experience life as a journalist and developessential employability skills. You’ll gain a firmunderstanding of media law, ethics andregulations, plus analytical and critical skills,good writing and research techniques. Guestlectures and work placements will help youdevelop your own industry contacts, allowingyou to have work published/broadcast beforeyou leave.

You will make use of Edinburgh as a political,economic and cultural centre, providing a richsource of stories and settings for your work. Thiscourse can be studied for two years part-time orone year full-time and has full accreditation fromthe Broadcast Journalism Training Council andPeriodical Training Council.


Subjects include:• PgDip: Print & Online Journalism; Radio &• Television Journalism; Media Law; Power &• Information or Global Current Affairs; Multimedia• News Production; Journalism in Context;• Magazine Publishing.• MA: An academic or production dissertation.

Entry requirementsA 2.1 in your first degree and a demonstrableinterest in journalism, for example some relevantwork placement experience and/or a portfolio ofstories. Non UK students also need IELTS level 7.5.For specific international entry requirementsplease see page 161.

Career prospectsWe have a high success rate for placing ourgraduates in jobs. You may find work as a reporter,editor, press officer, feature writer, commentator,or production worker in broadcast, print or online.The industry placement you will undertake as partof your course is particularly valuable for makingcontacts and can often lead to an offer ofemployment. Placements are a vital opportunityto gain industry experience and show editors, andpotential employers, what you can do.


Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ARTS & CREATIVE INDUSTRIES

MScMagazine Publishing

Do you live and breathe magazines? Do youfollow fashion, keep up with the celebs or getworked up by sport? Could you see yourselfworking for your favourite glossy in the nextyear? If the answer is yes, then this course is foryou. MSc Magazine Publishing, the firstpostgraduate programme of its kind in the UK, isan intensive, practical, hands-on course that willprepare you for a career in multimedia magazinepublishing.

This innovative course will study magazines intheir widest sense; print and online. Lectures,seminars, workshops and intensive master-classes will explore the day-to-day operations ofa magazine, as well as showing you how to getyour foot in the door. In just one year, you willlearn the industry-specific skills that will helpyou succeed in the fast-paced, exciting world ofmagazine publishing.

You'll study modules in magazine practice whereyou will create your own full-colour magazine.You will also have the opportunity to undertake awork placement and a dissertation, both ofwhich will enhance your career prospects andallow you to research the area of magazineswhich interests you most.

You may also be interested in MSc Publishing onpage 72.

Subjects include:• PgCert: Publishing in Context; Print & Online• Journalism; Creative Toolkit.• PgDip: Magazine Publishing; Journalism in• Context; Option of Publishing Placement &• Professional Development or Campaign &• Creation.• MSc: Dissertation; an in-depth, industry-based• research project.

Entry requirementsA first degree at 2:2 or above or an equivalentqualification. However, if you do not have thenecessary qualification requirements, pleasecontact us – relevant industry experience will alsobe considered. Applicants whose first language isnot English will be required to meet IELTS level6.5 or equivalent. For specific international entryrequirements please see page 161.

Career prospectsWe have an excellent record of placing graduatesin relevant employment because we provide youwith the most up-to-date skills required by a rapidlyadvancing industry. A work placement module isoffered on this course. Your work placement andsubsequent employment could be in: • magazine and journal publishing • corporate publishing • digital publishing • magazine writing • magazine design, production or printing• magazine entrepreneur.



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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ARTS & CREATIVE INDUSTRIES


Get ahead in publishing with this intensive, industry-focused course. Ours is the only publishingprogramme in the UK to be accredited by thePeriodicals Training Council (PTC), the lead body forbest practice in training, development and peoplemanagement for the industry. The course was re-accredited in March 2011, for the maximum timeallowed, and was described as the ‘standard bearerfor publishing education in the UK’ – a uniqueaccolade. As such, we provide the specialist trainingand experience you need to succeed in the fast-paced, vibrant world of publishing.

Publishing remains one of the most buoyantCreative Industries and the UK industry is amongthe world’s strongest. You’ll learn why the industryremains vigorous and gain a range of research skills,professional knowledge and understanding that willbe enhanced on your work placement.

You’ll meet industry professionals and authors, visitpublishers and printers, attend prestigious eventssuch as the London International Book Fair andsocialise with publishers from across the industry.You’ll graduate with an excellent understanding ofpublishing in an international context, includingtraditional and digital, book and magazine publishing.

With more than 40 years experience, we’re the onlyuniversity offering a postgraduate publishingqualification in Edinburgh – the home of Scottishpublishing and a UNESCO City of Literature. We arealso linked with the Scottish Centre for the Book, ouron-campus, internationally renowned researchcentre: www.napier.ac.uk/scob

Our staff are highly qualified, successful publishingpractitioners and academics with a wealth ofexperience and excellent industry links. Theseindustry connections include trade bodies such asPublishing Scotland, Publishing Training Centre andthe Periodical Publishers Association as well asinternational organisations.

This course is studied full-time over one year or part-time over two years.

You may also be interested in MSc MagazinePublishing on page 71.

Subjects include:• PgCert: Publishing in Context; Publishing in• Practice: From Concept to Creation; Creative• Toolkit.• PgDip: Publishing Placement & Professional• Development; Publishing in Practice: From• Creation to Consumer; Option: New Venture• Creation, From Script to Screen, Interactive• Media or Magazine Publishing.• MSc: Dissertation.

Entry requirementsA first degree at 2:2 or above or an equivalentqualification. If you do not have the necessaryqualification requirements, relevant industryexperience will be taken into account. If English isnot your native language you will be required tomeet IELTS 6.5 or equivalent. For specificinternational entry requirements see page 161.

Career prospectsWe have an excellent record of placing graduatesin relevant employment because we provide youwith the skills required by a rapidly advancingindustry as well as critically important workexperience. You will be prepared for work in anumber of areas, including book and magazinepublishing (editing, design, production, sales ormarketing); journal publishing; consumer andcorporate publishing; online and digital publishing;or as a publishing entrepreneur.




Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ARTS & CREATIVE INDUSTRIES

MAScreen Project Development

Breaking into the film or television industriestakes skill, experience and contacts - all of whichyou will gain on this course. Part of ScreenAcademy Scotland and endorsed by Skillset (thesector skills council for creative media), thiscourse is one of the few in the UK to focus onthe real creative and business skills of producing.You will have direct access to industryprofessionals, and the chance to collaborate withwriters and directors on Screen Academyprojects. This is more than a theoreticalgrounding – you will graduate with experienceand industry contacts, ready to make your namein film or television production, or progress to afurther qualification.

Working in collaboration on scripts,documentaries and interactive projects, you willgain script development skills and learn to workwithin a creative team. You will also be guidedthrough the business processes involved inbringing a project to life, from acquiring rights tobudgeting, finance and distribution. Learning theprocesses is just the beginning: you will beundertaking very real projects that allow you toapply your skills and gain experience in liaisingwith active industry professionals and businesscontacts, both local and abroad. This course isstudied full-time (two days per week attendance)over one year or part-time (one day per weekattendance) over two years.

Subjects include:Writing and Screen Project Development; theBusiness of Screen Project Development;Developing Interactive Media; ProductionFinancing and Distribution; Project DevelopmentWorkshops and a dissertation or major project.

Entry requirementsUsually an honours degree in an appropriatediscipline – for example, a degree in creativewriting, journalism, filmmaking or drama.Experience at a comparable level may also beacceptable. You will be required to attend aninterview, and/or be asked to show evidence of anaptitude for the course, appropriate experience,and an indication of how you might benefit fromthe programme. If your native language is notEnglish, you will need to have IELTS level 7.0. Forspecific international entry requirements see page161.

Career prospectsCompetition in the industry is fierce, but yourexperience and contacts will set you apart.As a graduate, you will have the option of selfemployment on a project basis or a permanentrole with a screen-based business. Possible rolesinclude creative producer, script editor,development producer or researcher. You mayalso take on a career in production, distribution orsales, or progress to MFA Advanced Film Practice(see page 62).



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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ARTS & CREATIVE INDUSTRIES


If you’re determined to break into thecompetitive screenwriting world, our highlyregarded, Skillset-accredited Screen AcademyScotland course will maximise your chances.You’ll gain direction and guidance in developingand polishing ideas into finished scripts andlearn how the film, television and interactivemedia businesses operate. Practising industryprofessionals will provide valuable insight andcontacts as you develop a portfolio of projects,including a ‘calling card’ script - an importanttool for new screenwriters approachingproducers or directors. Your primary focusthroughout the course will be developing yourwriting skills for moving media.

This industry requires determination anddiscipline and you’ll learn motivationaltechniques, collaborative skills and confidence inpresentation. Business issues are also covered,giving insight into the industry’s financial andorganisational processes

This course is taught by active professionals -writers, producers and development executives -who provide experience, expertise and a networkof contacts. You’ll also be able to form workingrelationships with students at Screen AcademyScotland, Edinburgh Napier and EdinburghCollege of Art.

This course is studied one year full-time (twodays per week) or two years part-time (one dayper week). For further information, see:www.screenacademyscotland.ac.uk or email:info@screenacademyscotland.ac.uk

Subjects include:Writing and Screen Project Development; ScriptWorkshop 1 & 2; The Business of Screen ProjectDevelopment; Developing Interactive Media; FromScript to Screen and a major project.

Entry requirementsA degree in a related field, or the equivalent inprofessional or semi-professional experience. Youwill be required to attend an interview and presenta writing sample or portfolio. For internationalentry requirements see page 161.

Career prospectsAs a screenwriter, you will find your work could beutilised in feature film production, short films,television, computer games or internet-basedcontent.



Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ARTS & CREATIVE INDUSTRIES


This course is designed for students who wish todevelop their skills in dramatic writing for thefilm, television and interactive screen industries.It is an eight month, blended learning coursethat combines online lectures, tutorials,discussions and exercises with attendance atthree intensive, face-to-face workshops.

The course runs from January to August in twotrimesters and you will undertake three modulesfrom our highly-successful MA Screenwritingdegree that have been specially redesigned foronline delivery.

The flexibility of a mainly online format makesthis course ideal for students who wish todevelop their competencies by studyingalongside their work, from distance or as part oftheir continuing professional development.Subject to availability, this course will include aStudent Pass to the Edinburgh International FilmFestival. The Student Pass offers youopportunities to attend screenings, masterclasses and networking and industry events.

Subjects include:Writing and Screen Project Development; ScriptDevelopment Workshop 1 & 2.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree in an appropriate discipline,such as creative writing, journalism, filmmaking ordramaturgy. We will also consider recognition ofprior learning (RPL) for candidates whodemonstrate appropriate knowledge and skillsequivalent to honours degree standard. You willnormally be required to take part in an online ortelephone interview, and/or asked to produceevidence of aptitude, appropriate experience andan ability to benefit from the course. If your nativelanguage is not English, you will need to haveIELTS level 7.0. For specific international entryrequirements see page 161.

Career prospectsGraduates will be ideally placed to enter the film,television or interactive industries with theconfidence that they have up-to-date, professionalknowledge of the craft, skills and processesrequired of them. This course will provide you withthe ability to continue learning and adapting tothe changing media environment and developyour own distinctive voice within any one sector.



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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ARTS & CREATIVE INDUSTRIES

MASound Production

If you are aiming for success in the competitiveworlds of sound production, sound reinforcementand post production, this multifaceted coursewill enhance your technical knowledge, creativeskills and professional competence, enabling youto be operationally effective in a range ofemployment.

Through technical instruction, lectures,workshops and self-study, you will developproficiency in the sound industry’s standardapplications and equipment, with the option toundertake AVID’s in-demand Pro-Toolsqualifications as part of the course. EdinburghNapier is an AVID Pro School. With opportunitiesfor orchestral and group recording, film soundsynchronisation, post production and live soundmixing, this course is a potent mix of challengingactivities and high-level learning experiences.

From the start of the course you will build onprior learning and experience to developadvanced knowledge and understanding of thetechnology, skills, theory, context and issues thatare central to success in the professional arenasof sound capture and manipulation.

Subjects include:Studio Sound; Screen Sound; Live and EventsSound; Audio Hardware and Software; MajorProject.

Entry requirementsAn undergraduate degree that focuses on studiorecording or equivalent professional experience. Ifyour native language is not English, you willrequire IELTS level 6.0 or equivalent. For specificinternational entry requirements see page 161.

Career prospectsThis course is tightly focused on developing skillsthat are required for success in the industry. It hasbeen written in consultation with leadingprofessionals in all areas of its provision, ensuringan appropriate mix of technical knowledge, criticalinsight, practical expertise and employability skills.Graduates may find employment in soundreinforcement, recording studios, live sound andsound design.


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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF COMPUTING

MScAdvanced Networking

This Masters degree in Advanced Networkingoffers you the opportunity to develop and extendyour knowledge of the design and implementationof computer networks. Blending hands-ontechnical knowledge with theoreticalunderstanding, this course uses our wellequipped labs to provide you with direct accessto advanced routers, switches, ISP emulators,VoIP telephony systems and wireless devices.

You will learn the techniques associated withcurrent networking practices, enabling you todevelop and implement effective systems. Youwill also be instructed in leading-edge networkresearch and provided with the techniques toconstantly extend and update your knowledgeand thinking on networking theory, practice andresearch, allowing you to keep up to date wellinto your future networking career.

The course blends postgraduate levelunderstanding with significant elements of CiscoCCNA, CCNP and Cisco security curriculums.This offers you a strong basis to extend your CVand obtain related certifications. The CiscoCertification Exams themselves are not includedin the MSc course but during your time here youwill be offered additional support to obtain them,by qualified CCNP Cisco Certified AcademyInstructors.

Subjects include:Network Technology; Network Security; SystemAdministration & Forensics; Routing Technology;Switching Technology; Advanced Cloud & NetworkForensics; MSc Dissertation.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree or equivalent with somecoverage of computer networking. Alternativequalifications may be considered if accompaniedby appropriate work experience. For specificinternational entry requirements please see page161.

Career prospectsWith its emphasis on technical and hands-onnetwork technologies this course will leave youwell equipped for a career in practical networking,ready to address real-life networking situationsand problems. As computer networks are in use inalmost every industry and workplace, networkingprofessionals are in demand. You will have theopportunity to work in a wide range of areas,including research, education and training.



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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF COMPUTING

MScAdvanced Security & Digital Forensics

Computer security is one of the key issues incontemporary computing and is relevant to awide range of activities, including softwaredevelopment, networking and system design.You will gain foundation knowledge in all the keyareas of computing, with specialisations inmobile systems and network security.

Our School of Computing and Centre forDistributed Computing and Security haveextensive expertise in research, knowledgetransfer and teaching of security and digitalforensics. This includes externally fundedresearch in key domains such as financial crimeand intelligence gathering frameworks, withpartner organisations such as Cisco Systems,DNS Ltd, the FSA, the Scottish Police (SIPR),Sapphire, Scottish Drug Enforcement Agency,and many others.

This course is also integrated with industry-ledprojects and links with a wide range of localcompanies. You will have access to securityresearch seminars with talks from seniorindustry professionals and state-of-the-artresearch in digital forensics, computer security,mobile systems and distributed computing.

This course will give you an in-depth knowledgeand practical skills in key areas such as:Encryption and authentication methods; Host-based digital forensics; Authenticationinfrastructures; Network-based digital forensics;Network security, including secure tunnels;Wireless/Mobile security; Virtualisation andService-Oriented Architectures; CloudComputing and next generation web systems.

The course also helps students prepare for laterprofessional certification, such as from CiscoSystems, Ethical Hacking, CISSP and ISO 27001.

Subjects include:System Administration & Forensics; NetworkSecurity; e-Security; Advanced Cloud & NetworkForensics; Option; Group project; Dissertation.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree or equivalent with at least a50 per cent computing content. Alternativequalifications may be considered if accompaniedby appropriate work experience. For specificinternational entry requirements please see page161.

Career prospectsThe growth in the requirement for security anddigital forensics increases by the year and thereare a wide range of careers which can be followed,including: security consultant, system architect,forensic investigator, audit/compliance consultant,Cisco security engineer/specialist, securityadvisor/auditor, systems integrator, designengineer, network engineer, application or webserver support, .NET developer, test/debugengineer or wireless engineer.






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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF COMPUTING

MScAdvanced Software Engineering

This course will build on your existing knowledgeof software engineering to an advanced level andhelp you to pursue a career or further researchin this area. You will have an enthusiasm forsoftware technology from your first degree, orperhaps your work experience, and be keen toengage with a wide range of new materials andtechnology.

We give you the opportunity to focus on the areaof software engineering which interests youmost by offering a number of module choices aswell as the chance to specialise in state-of-the-art research topics such as evolutionary andparallel computing. By the end of this course youwill have a good understanding of the principlesof modern software engineering and havedeveloped an understanding of current researchand future trends in software engineering. Thecourse can be studied either full-time for oneyear or part-time for two and a half years.

Subjects include:Advanced Software Development; Programmingfor the Web and Advanced ApplicationProgramming; Two options from Management ofSoftware Projects; e-Security; EmergentComputing or Enterprise Computing; Dissertation.You will also take part in a group project that willdevelop your team working skills. Please note,January start subjects may vary.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree, at least two-thirds of whichwas software engineering based, or an alternativequalification with relevant work experience. Youshould also be competent in Object OrientedDesign and a programming language such as C++or Java. For specific international entryrequirements please see page 161.

Career prospectsThis qualification can open the door to a widerange of careers. We prepare you for a career indevelopment and use of practical softwaresystems by equipping you with the skills thatemployers require. Our courses have an emphasison meeting real-world challenges, supported by amixture of theory, current technology andpractical content. Graduates can expect to findemployment in a variety of jobs and companiesranging from independent software houses tograduate trainee courses in large multinationalcompanies. You may also find opportunities forfurther study in research, either at PhD level or asresearch assistants.



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MScBusiness Information Technology

Regardless of the economic environment,organisations always try to maximise theirresources in pursuit of business objectives. Thisoften involves the effective use of InformationTechnology by management to increaseefficiency and improve corporate performance.This route to improvement has not always beensuccessful, and Information Technologysolutions, if badly conceived or applied, havebeen shown to have as much potential to causedamage as they have to underpin success.

This course will equip you with the knowledgeand techniques to be an effective agent forchange in the application of InformationTechnology to Business processes. You will learnthe nature of the underlying technology and howto successfully apply it in a range of businessenvironments using industry standardtechnology and techniques. Modules examinethe characteristics of business informationsystems, how they are designed and how theycan be successfully implemented in the workingenvironment.

This course is aimed at closing the capability gapbetween technology practitioners and genericmanagers to produce individuals who areequipped to operate in the corporateenvironment, yet be aware of the nature of thetechnology and be able to interact withspecialists to deliver successful IT projects. It issuitable for individuals with a managementbackground wishing to specialise in the area ofInformation System technology or technologyspecialists wishing to move in to managerialroles.

Subjects include:Information Systems Engineering; Management ofSoftware Projects; Sources of CompetitiveAdvantage; Enterprise Information Systems withSAP; Group Project; Web-enabled Business; WebDesign & Development; Dissertation.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree, or equivalent, in a disciplinewith some IT, and/or business content. If you havealternative qualifications or experience, you will beconsidered on an individual basis. For specificinternational entry requirements please see page161.

Career prospectsThe variety of Business Information Technologyelements offers a strong vocational focus. Aftergraduation, you can expect to be involved in bothacademic and practical fields in widely diverseareas of Business Information Technology,including: interactive systems design, usabilityengineering, information engineering, softwareengineering, IT project management, ITconsultancy, networks design / analysis /management, IT security, database design andimplementation.






Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF COMPUTING

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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF COMPUTING

Graduate DiplomaComputing

This is a pre-masters course for those whosefirst language is not English. As well as studyingan academic English module and an individuallysupervised project, you will design your owncourse; choosing what to study, with our advice,from a wide range of computing module options.Completing this course will allow you to progressto one of our Masters courses in the followingyear.

This course aims to prepare you forpostgraduate study by developing your academicliteracy and research abilities throughunderstanding, practice and evaluation ofpractice. It will also hone your criticalunderstanding in the computing subject area(s)of your choice.

One of the benefits of studying with our Schoolof Computing is the range of opportunities forstudy. Our commitment to embracing theory,practice and innovation has led to success inmany areas, such as the many national andinternational research projects undertaken bystudents and staff or, for example, in beingranked the number one choice for Europeanstudents in key programme areas.

Subjects include:English; Honours project; Options – four moduleschosen from years three and four of ourundergraduate computing degrees.

Entry requirementsA degree or equivalent in a computing subject.Alternative qualifications may be considered ifaccompanied by appropriate work experience. Forspecific international entry requirements pleasesee page 161.

Career prospectsPlease see the entry for the individual Masterscourse to which you want to progress.




By taking a Masters degree in Computing, youwill be able to further your undergraduatecomputing studies or work experience in theareas of your particular interest. Choosing froma wide variety of optional modules, fromAdvanced Application Programming toWeb-enabled Business, you will be able to designa course that best suits your needs and careerdirection.

As well as building on your existing computerskills and taking them to the next level, you willlearn to develop a critical understanding and ananalytical approach to your choice of specialistareas. For example, you may choose softwaredevelopment or information systems, and focuson the skills involved, while a theme such ashuman computer interaction would obviouslycomprise different areas of study. Whicheverdirection you choose, you will end the courseequipped with the expertise needed to take youfurther in your career. This course is studied full-time over three trimesters.

Subjects include:Advanced Applications Programming; AdvancedSecurity & Network Forensics; Advanced SoftwareDevelopment; Computer Systems; Database Systems;Design Dialogues; Emergent Computing forOptimisation; Enterprise Computing; EnterpriseInformation Systems with SAP; e-Security; GroupProject; Host-based Digital Forensics; InformationSystems Engineering; Interaction Design;Management of Software Projects; Network Security;Network Systems & Services; Network Technology;Parallel Applications Programming; PlayfulInteraction; Programming for the Web; ResearchSkills; Routing Technology; Software Development 1 &2; Switching Technology; User Experience; Voice OverInternet Protocol; Web Design & Development; Web-enabled Business; MSc Dissertation.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree or equivalent with at least a 50per cent computing component. Alternativequalifications may be considered if accompanied byappropriate work experience. For specificinternational entry requirements please see page 161.

Career prospectsThanks to its flexibility of content, and the highdemand for well-qualified graduates in thecomputing industry, this course can open doors toa wide range of careers. If you have previous workexperience in the field, you may wish to return to itand take advantage of the increased opportunitiesfor advancement that your new skills offer. Youcould pursue a new role in your specialist area, ortake on a research, education or training role.






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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF COMPUTING

MScEnterprise Web Development

A Masters degree in Enterprise WebDevelopment brings together both the businessand online worlds. You may be aiming tospecialise in the field of web design or businesssystems analysis, or perhaps looking to applyyour new skills in the area of your originaldegree or work experience.

Either way, you will have an interest – but not adegree - in computers and the internet and theirpotential for business development.

You will learn to design and construct websites,and explore their applications and impact asthey relate to e-business. More than a technicalcourse, it offers the strategies, principles andsystematic know-how that you need to keepabreast of continuing innovations in this rapidlydeveloping industry.

As well as learning the theory and techniquesinvolved, you will be given opportunities tointegrate and put them into practice throughsubstantial group and individual projects.Our philosophy is that by meeting real-worldchallenges during the course of your study, youwill enter the career marketplace experiencedand ready to dive straight in.

Subjects include:Web Design and Development; InformationSystems Engineering; Computer Systems;Database Systems; User Experience; Web-enabledBusiness; Option of Management of SoftwareProjects or Information Systems Group Project;Dissertation.

Entry requirementsA British honours degree or equivalent in anydiscipline (including Arts) other than computing. Alower qualification may be considered ifaccompanied by appropriate work experience. Forspecific international entry requirements pleasesee page 161. You are not required to have anyformal knowledge of computing before startingthe course. However, this is not an IT trainingcourse and does require you to engage with awide range of new technologies in a relativelyshort time, so familiarity with basic computingwould be an advantage.

Career prospectsYou will leave equipped with the skills needed toplan and create effective and efficient Internetsites, and the potential for real careeradvancement. Where you take those skills is up toyou: into the world of web systems development,or another branch of your current field, such asresearch, education or training.



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MScInformation Systems Development

All organisations require information systems tooperate efficiently and competitively, so we havedeveloped this programme based on thetechniques of developing such computer-basedapplication systems. We have structured thecourse to develop your knowledge of informationsystems to an advanced level in a relativelyshort time and provide you with the skillsemployers require. You will learn about howthese systems work, how the requirements forthem are established and how they are designedand developed. You will gain an overview of theimportance of systems to organisations as wellas gain technical and communication skills whichthe industry values.

You will develop an understanding of informationsystems management and development inorganisations, and learn how to design andimplement information systems solutions. Youwill also gain transferable skills in projectmanagement, time management andcommunication.

This course is studied full-time over one year orpart-time over two and a half years.

Subjects include:• PgCert: Software Development; Information• Systems Engineering; Computer Systems and• Database Systems.• PgDip: Web Design and Development, plus• Software Development or Web-enabled Business• and an Information Systems group project or• Management of Software Projects.• MSc: Dissertation.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree, or equivalent, in a disciplineother than computing. Alternative qualificationsmay be considered if accompanied by appropriatework experience. For specific international entryrequirements please see page 161. You are notrequired to have any formal knowledge ofcomputing before starting the course. However,this is not an IT training course and does requireyou to engage with a wide range of newtechnologies in a relatively short time, sofamiliarity with basic computing would be anadvantage.

Career prospectsThis qualification can open the door to a widerange of careers. You may find employment withincomputer departments of organisations as atrainee programmer, software engineer, systembuilder, analyst or system tester. Alternatively, youcould move into business areas as a graduatetrainee, particulary in areas where a goodunderstanding of information systems, and theirpotential, is highly valuable. This qualification andthe experience you will gain of creating andcommissioning computer solutions may also openup new opportunities to you in your existingdegree or work experience area.



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MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF COMPUTING

MScSoftware Technology

This course will provide you with the theoreticaland practical skills involved in developingmodern web-based computer systems. This is atechnical course designed for you to pursue acareer in the development and use of practicalsoftware technologies for web-based systemsdevelopment. At its core are four keytechnologies: software development using Java,Oracle databases, computing internals, andinternet-based client and server side softwareapplications. You will expand your currentknowledge and critical thinking towards web-based computing and information technology.Building on previous knowledge and practice,this course extends it into new approaches andmethodologies.

The course can be studied either full-time forone year or part-time for two and a half years.

Subjects include:Software Development 1 (Java); InformationSystems Engineering (including UML and .net);Computer Systems; Database Systems; SoftwareDevelopment 2 (Object Oriented); Option of WebDesign and Development or e-Security; MScDissertation.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree, or equivalent, in a disciplineother than computing. Alternative qualificationsmay be considered if accompanied by appropriatework experience. For specific international entryrequirements see page 161. You are not required tohave any formal knowledge of computing beforestarting the course. However, this is not an ITtraining course and does require you to engagewith a wide range of new technologies in arelatively short time, so familiarity with basiccomputing would be an advantage. You do notneed to know programming already but you doneed to be able to analyse and research.

Career prospectsPrevious graduates have found employment injobs ranging from programmers and web-basedprogrammers in small software houses tograduate trainee programmers in largemultinational companies. This qualification andthe experience you will gain of creating andcommissioning computer solutions may also openup new opportunities to you in your existingdegree or work experience area. Other graduateshave moved into academic fields such as research,education and training.



MScStrategic ICT Leadership

This part-time course addresses the shortage ofprofessionals with both ICT and business skillsand will help you develop a more strategic andentrepreneurial approach to applying ICT in yourorganisation. Attendance is no more than oneday per month.

Edinburgh Napier has built an excellentreputation over many years working with nearly500 growing businesses and organisations,developing and implementing ICT strategy toachieve business goals.

The course is suitable for ICT professionals todevelop more influence in their organisation;corporate executives to develop strategic ICTskills; public sector managers, especially ineducation or health, to protect services byexploiting ICT and SME directors to buildbusiness growth on innovative ICT.

This high quality, flexible, course provides aframework that lets you focus on therequirements of your own organisation and yourprofessional development needs. You willdevelop business, technology and leadershipskills, making a strategic contribution to ICT usein your organisation at a senior level and usingtechnology to deliver business improvement.You’ll focus on areas of specialisation in yourfield and broaden your knowledge and skills toenhance career development. Linking learningand development to your work activities, you canensure your professional development is part ofthe strategic plan of the organisation and canconsider and reflect on established views of theorganisation, colleagues and yourself, topromote innovation and change.

Subjects include:Work Based Learning; MSc Dissertation; Options –three from Leadership, Learning & Development;Security Audit & Compliance; Strategic Thinkingfor Information Services; Enterprise InformationSystems with SAP; Introduction to Blended &Online Education; Sources of CompetitiveAdvantage; Growth Venture Management; e-Security; Digital Markets; Web-enabled Business;Management of Software Projects; ManagingKnowledge; Supporting the Blended & OnlineStudent Experience; and Creativity toSustainability.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree or equivalent with at leastthree years’ work experience. You will be aprofessional working at a managerial level, orhave aspirations to do so, in an organisationwhere ICT is key to business success. Alternativequalifications may be considered if accompaniedby appropriate work experience. For specificinternational entry requirements please see page161.

Career prospectsParticipation in this course will indicate youraspirations and dedication to your managementand enhance your chances of promotion. It mayalso open doors with other employers or improveyour standing as a consultant.



Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF COMPUTING

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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF COMPUTING

"...technology alone is not enough. It's technologymarried with liberal arts, humanities, that yields usthe result that makes our heart sing...”Steve Jobs, iPad2 launch, 2011

In the last 10 years, the concept of userexperience (UX) has replaced usability as theprimary focus in the design of interactivetechnology. This is true not only of the academicworld but of the major publishers of interactivemedia including IBM, Microsoft, Apple and Nokia.

So, what is UX? Like the influential USconsultancy the Nielson Norman Group, whichdescribes user experience “as simplicity andelegance that produce products that are a joy toown, a joy to use”, we aim to go beyond merechecklists and guidelines. Our unashamedlymulti- and cross-disciplinary approachrecognises that UX requires the seamlessmerging of psychology, engineering, graphicaland industrial design, and interface design. Wealternate between solution-focused convergentthinking and playful, divergent thinking to createa sustainable, responsible UX.

Subjects include:Interaction Design; Playful Interaction; Web Designand Development; Programming for the Web; UserExperience; Usability Methods; Dissertation.

Entry requirementsA British honours degree or equivalent in anydiscipline (including Arts). Alternativequalifications may be considered if accompaniedby appropriate work experience. For specificinternational entry requirements please see page161. You are not required to have any formalknowledge of computing before starting thecourse. However, this is not an IT training courseand does require you to engage with a wide rangeof new technologies in a relatively short time, sofamiliarity with basic computing would be anadvantage.

Career prospectsSuccessfully completing this course will lead tocareer opportunities in a number of areas, such asusability and user experience consultancies,design houses and web solutions providers. As agraduate in User Experience, you will be in highdemand, as more and more businesses andresearch institutions realise the importance of theuser experience in their interactive systems.




MScUser Experience

Divergent, playful




MScWireless & Mobile Technologies (subject to validation)

This course is focused on equipping you with theknowledge and techniques required to enableyou to be an effective communicationprofessional. You will learn, through a set ofcarefully selected modules, the nature of theunderlying technology and how to successfullyapply it in a range of mobile environments usingindustry standard technology and techniques.

The course is built around a series of modulesthat are linked to relevant professionalcertification in wireless and mobile technologyincluding the IEEE wireless communicationengineering certification (WCET). Your studieswill also address up-to-date research andindustrial trends in the wireless and mobilefields. The course is aimed at fostering learningand building-up solid knowledge across thebreadth of wireless and mobile communications.

We consider the course suitable for individualswith a basic networking background who wish tospecialise in the area of wireless and mobiletechnologies or technology specialists who wishto move into more managerial roles and gainnew professional qualifications and expertise.

Subjects include:Network Technology; Mobile and MicrowaveCommunication; Digital Communication; MobileCommunication; Research Skills & ProjectManagement; Option; MSc Dissertation.

Entry requirementsApplicants should have gained an Honours Degree(minimum 2:2) with some coverage of computernetworking. This will probably be a degree incomputing or electronic engineering orcommunications. A lower qualification may beconsidered if accompanied by appropriate workexperience. To check the equivalence of yourqualifications or experience, please contact us.

Career prospectsThe wireless industry continues to grow and thereis a significant demand for new innovative mobileapplications. Our graduates will gain professionalqualifications required for the future mobilebroadband industry including wireless and mobilenetworks design/analysis/management, mobilitysupport, wireless and mobile integration andwireless project management.



Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF COMPUTING

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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScAdvanced Materials Engineering

This course offers you an advanced qualificationin engineering and the opportunity to develop aspecialised knowledge of materials engineering.It is one of very few such courses offered atMasters level in the UK, putting you at anadvantage over other engineering graduates.The course covers the core materials topics ofmetals, plastics, ceramics and composites, butalso explores the progressive areas of forensicengineering and product failure investigation,new and smart materials and the use ofmaterials in energy generation. You will have theopportunity to study the latest trends in design,materials, manufacturing processes, testing andadvanced applications by taking full advantageof our modern technology and computingfacilities. We have been successfully teaching aMasters programme in materials engineering for20 years, leading the way in the study of thisfield. You will benefit from our first classresearch and knowledge transfer partnershipswith local, national and international companies.We have excellent industry links and encourageyou to interact with the industry too. All projectsare practically focused, with emphasis on usingindustry standard manufacturing and testingequipment. Plus many projects are live, meaningyou will be working for real clients. You areencouraged to undertake your project during anindustry placement, which may lead to furtheremployment. Other industry links include casestudies, guest lectures and industrial visits. Thiscourse is normally studied full-time over oneyear but there is also a part-time route taking upto three years. Entry is possible in September orJanuary.

Subjects include:Metallic Materials; Plastics Materials; Ceramics andComposites; Smart Materials and Surfaces;Forensic Materials Engineering and EnergyMaterials; MSc Project – a focused piece ofindustrially relevant research, normally carried outon placement.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree or a recognised, equivalent,professional qualification, in a science orengineering discipline is required. A non-honoursdegree or experience which demonstrates thatyou possess relevant knowledge and skills mayalso be acceptable. For international entryrequirements please see page 161.

Career prospectsYou will have excellent job prospects as fewpeople have materials engineering skills, expertiseand knowledge. This will give you enhancedemployment prospects in almost all engineering,science, design and manufacturing disciplines. Inparticular, you may find roles in Manufacturing,Design, Energy Engineering, ChemicalEngineering, Offshore Engineering, MaterialsTesting, Advising and Assuring Companies,Regulatory Authorities and Automotive,Aerospace and Defence Industries.




Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScAdvanced Structural Engineering

On this course, you will develop skills in theanalysis, design and assessment of engineeringstructures subject to normal, seismic andextreme loading and environmental conditions.Accredited by relevant professional bodies anddesigned to meet the needs of the modernconstruction industry, this course offers a widerange of structural engineering principles, as youlearn about issues relating to steel and concretestructures and foundations.

Through this highly technical course, studied oneyear full-time or two years part-time, you willdevelop skills in numerical simulation using avariety of advanced software. You will also learnfailure analysis methods, the Eurocodes and thecode of practice for the design of variousconstruction materials, research skills and thelegal issues surrounding construction.

The course is accredited by the Institution ofCivil Engineers (ICE), the Institution of StructuralEngineers (IStructE) and the CharteredInstitution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT).Industry practitioners are regularly invited asguest speakers and lecturers.

Subjects include:Advanced Mechanics of Materials and FEA;Advanced Structural Concrete;Advanced Structural Steel Design;Forensic Engineering;Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Design;Foundation Design to Eurocode 7;MSc Dissertation.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree in either science orengineering or an alternative qualification withrelevant work experience. For specificinternational entry requirements see page 161.

Career prospectsAs a qualified structural engineer with advancedtraining, you will be in demand in the constructionindustry worldwide. Alternatively, you may chooseto use this course as the basis for furthereducation or extensive research.








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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScArchitectural Technology & Building Performance

Developed to meet the demands of the modernconstruction industry, this course incorporatescurrent construction techniques and exploresthe latest regulatory and commercial issues.

You will build on your existing qualifications orexperience in this area to develop a goodknowledge of architectural technology, buildingperformance and the legislative framework thatgoverns the industry. The course offers a wellbalanced blend of theory and practice whichprepares you for the workplace. You will gain abroad understanding of the constructionindustry and learn how to apply this to createdesign solutions.

This course is built around the knowledge andcurrent applied research of three of theUniversity’s key research units; the BuildingPerformance Centre, Scottish Energy Centre andthe Centre for Timber Engineering. You will gainthe knowledge and experience required tocomplete a major design project that shouldenhance your career prospects.

The Chartered Institute of ArchitecturalTechnologists confirms that this is an approvedMasters programme and graduates who gain thisaward meet the Institute’s requirements forAssociate Membership, for progression toChartered Membership.

Subjects include:Concrete Form & Construction; SustainableBuilding Design; Timber Form & Construction;Building Performance 1 (Acoustics); BuildingPerformance 3 (Energy & Microrenewables);Advanced Digital Media; Design Project &Technical Report.

Entry requirementsAn undergraduate degree in Architecture orArchitectural Technology. This course is alsosuitable if you are already working in theconstruction industry (for example as anarchitectural technician) and seeking to improveyour formal qualifications. You will be required tosubmit a portfolio of work and attend an interview.For specific international entry requirements seepage 161.

Career prospectsThis course can improve your employmentopportunities in the field of architectural designand technology. It also provides you with manyof the skills required to enter the houseconstruction sector.



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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScAutomation & Control

Automation and control are important aspects ofmodern manufacturing and utility supply. Manymanufacturing assembly lines and processesutilise programmable control systems, eg roboticsystems. As a result, it is essential to equip theprospective engineer in this field with theappropriate skills.

This course will extend your skills into severalessential areas in the field of automation andcontrol. You will gain the knowledge to analysemanufacturing automation systems in terms ofautomatic assembly and design. You will alsolearn the advanced concept of embeddedsystems and features which must be consideredfor their effective application. You will developskills in the design of control systems usingProgrammable Logic Controllers (PLCs) andSupervisory Control and Data Acquisition(SCADA) systems, which are widely used inindustry, as well as developing a wide range ofexperience from subjects such as projectmanagement and research skills.

We use well-equipped laboratory facilities todeliver the course including an automation androbotics lab, a control and instrumentation laband a specialised laboratory for the study of PLCand SCADA systems.

This course is accredited by the Institution ofEngineering and Technology (IET). Combinedwith a suitable accredited undergraduate degree,the MSc will then satisfy the academicrequirements of the UK Engineering Council forChartered Engineer (CEng) status.

Subjects include:Embedded System Applications; Automation andRobotics; Research Skills and ProjectManagement; Control Engineering; MechatronicSystems; Sustainable Energy Technologies; MScProject.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree in an engineering discipline, orother qualifications or relevant experience thatdemonstrates appropriate knowledge and skills.For specific international entry requirementsplease see page 161.

Career prospectsMSc graduates are highly sought after in industry.Your specialisation will open up a variety of careerchoices in both the private and public sectors,such as engineering research, design anddevelopment and engineering management.




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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScCommunication Engineering

With an advanced degree in communicationengineering, you will be able to tap into one ofthe world’s most rapidly developing industries.Mobile, optical, satellite and microwavecommunications systems are proliferatingaround the globe: you will learn the technologiesbehind their design and implementation, and theskills needed to apply them to specific projects.As well as learning the theories behindcommunication engineering, you will gainpractical experience in electronic andcommunication design and systems.

You will learn both to collaborate and workindependently, applying your skills throughprojects to a variety of software and hardwaretechnologies.

We believe in reinforcing theory with practicalapplication. That’s why we focus on laboratorysessions and input from professionals working inthe field. You will also benefit from our teachingphilosophy, which encourages independentthinking as well as collaborative skills. Thiscourse is studied full-time over one year. You willlearn by a variety of teaching methods includinglectures, tutorials, seminars, laboratory sessionsand through independent study.

Subjects include:Mobile and Microwave Communication; DigitalTechniques; Digital Signal Processing; VHDL andFPGA Design; Digital Communication; ResearchSkills and Project Management; MSc Project.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree in an appropriate discipline.An appropriate professional qualification or adegree and relevant work experience will also beconsidered. Full-time study for two trimesters anda project undertaken in industry in part-timemode is also possible. For specific internationalentry requirements please see page 161.

Career prospectsAs with most engineering-based fields, careerprospects are very good. Your advancedqualification could see you pursuing a career incommunications design; research anddevelopment or communications marketing.




Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScConstruction Project Management

This course offers a well-balanced blend oftheory and practice which prepares you for workas a project manager in the constructionindustry. Project managers are responsible forcontrolling and coordinating the developmentprocess from concept through to constructionand are in high demand across a number ofindustries.

We offer a comprehensive programme thatcombines theoretical learning with practicalapplication. You will learn how to managefinances, risk, and construction as well as gain asolid foundation in procurement strategy. Thecourse also covers technological theory andpractice linked heavily to industry so you willgraduate ready to progress into a role in theindustry immediately. We regularly interact withthe business community to make sure that thecourse is as relevant as possible and we inviteindustry professionals to appear as guestlecturers.

You will gain an industry recognised qualificationas this course is accredited by the RoyalInstitution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) andthe Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE). Thiscourse is studied full-time for one year, part-timeover two years or flexibly by distance learningusing online teaching methods and independentstudy with appropriate support and resourcesprovided by our experienced staff.

Subjects include:Strategic Management; Project Management;Project Appraisal and Finance; ProductionManagement; Procurement Strategy; Project RiskManagement; MSc Dissertation.

Entry requirementsTypically, you will need an honours degree in atechnical discipline. However, applicants with asocial sciences background seeking to gain anunderstanding of construction project managementare encouraged to apply. Alternatively, anappropriate professional qualification or a degreeand relevant work experience will also beconsidered. For specific international entryrequirements please see page 161.

Career prospectsThis qualification has excellent job prospects. Youwill graduate into an industry where your skills arein high demand. You may go on to work in rolesincluding Project Manager; ConstructionContractor; Consulting Engineer; QuantitySurveyor; Architect or Management Consultant.





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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScDigital Systems

Digital systems come in many forms and areessential in most of today’s consumer andindustrial products. The control of many devices,including toys, mobile telephones, cars, aircraftand medical equipment, is by a programmabledigital system. Digital systems are purpose builtprogrammable data processing systems with amix of size and complexity which can be used toperform a vast number and range of functions.

This course will build on your existing systemdesign and implementation skills to developadvanced learning and practical experience indigital and embedded systems design. Topicsstudied will include digital signal processing,digital techniques & communication, VHDL,FPGA, embedded system design and applicationof all these. Particular emphasis will be placedon the practical application of these areas to realscenarios. Management subjects that coverstrategic management and project managementare included in preparation for the next stage ofyour career.

This course is accredited by the Institution ofEngineering and Technology (IET). Combinedwith a suitable accredited undergraduate degree,the MSc will then satisfy the academicrequirements of the UK Engineering Council forChartered Engineer (CEng) status.

Subjects include:Strategic Management; Digital Signal Processing;Embedded Systems Applications; Research Skillsand Project Management; Digital Communication;VHDL and FPGA Design; MSc Project.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree in an engineering discipline, orother qualifications or relevant experience thatdemonstrates appropriate knowledge and skills.For specific international entry requirementsplease see page 161.

Career prospectsAdvanced engineering graduates are highlysought after in industry. Your specialisation willopen up a variety of career choices in both theprivate and public sectors, such as engineeringresearch, design and development andcommunication industries.



Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScElectronic & Electrical Engineering

There are a considerable number of options inthe field of electronic and electrical engineeringfor future careers and research. This coursecovers a wide range of electronic and electricalengineering from signal processing and digitalcircuit design to power distribution and electricaldrive systems. The skills you will gain will makeyou very sought after in industry and maximizeyour employment opportunities.

The course will build on your existingengineering skills, developing advanced learningand practical experience. You will also beintroduced to strategy in organisationmanagement and project management. You willthen begin preparation for the next level of yourcareer in management.

This course is accredited by the Institution ofEngineering and Technology (IET). Combinedwith a suitable accredited undergraduate degree,the MSc will then satisfy the academicrequirements of the UK Engineering Council forChartered Engineer (CEng) status.

Subjects include:Strategic Management; Embedded SystemsApplications; Digital Signal Processing; ResearchSkills and Project Management; DistributedGeneration Systems; Industrial Drive Systems;MSc Project.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree in an engineering discipline, orother qualifications or relevant experience thatdemonstrates appropriate knowledge and skills.For specific international entry requirementsplease see page 161.

Career prospectsAdvanced engineering graduates are highlysought after in industry. Your specialisation willopen up a variety of career choices in both theprivate and public sectors, such as engineeringresearch, design and development andcommunication industries.



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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScEnergy & Environmental Engineering

Energy and the environment are increasinglytaking their place as a major issue in today’sworld. With this qualification, you will build onyour current credentials in the field, or take thefirst step into this vital industry. The courseemphasises renewable energy technologies andtheories, while also addressing the scientificbackground associated with sustainableconstruction and renewable and alternativeenergies.

As well as advanced engineering principles andpractices, you’ll learn to effectively manageprojects and develop your research skills. Youwill be given practical experience in applyingthese principles to the investigation anddevelopment of renewable energy sources, suchas solar, wind and wave energy. You’ll bestudying in a vibrant research environment inthe area of alternative energy, illustrating ourstrong focus on energy and environmentalissues.

This course is accredited by both the Institutionof Engineering and Technology (IET) and EnergyInstitute. Combined with a suitable accreditedundergraduate degree, the MSc would thensatisfy the academic requirements of the UKEngineering Council for Chartered Engineer(CEng) status.

Subjects include:Sustainable Energy Technologies; Solar Energy:Technology, Modelling and Analysis; SustainableBuilding Design; Research Skills and ProjectManagement; Distributed Generation Systems;Control Engineering; MSc project.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree in a relevant field(or other qualification at equivalent level), or analternative qualification and appropriateexperience. For international entry requirementssee page 161.

Career prospectsOnce qualified, you may start your career in anenvironmental engineering area, such as energyproduction, engineering consultancies, research,building services and environmental engineeringdesign.






Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScEngineering Design

As an addition to your existing qualification inengineering, this course will open up the area ofengineering design, giving you specialistknowledge and opportunities for employment inthe field. With several modules on computer-aided design and related topics, you may chooseto focus in this area or, if interested in productcommercialisation, could take an option modulein New Venture Planning.

You will graduate with the skills to analyseengineering projects and provide designsolutions. The course will help you developindependent, critical thinking and you will betaught more practical skills, such as selectingmaterials and components for productapplications. You will work both individually andcollaboratively, developing professionalcapabilities in engineering design. This course isstudied full-time over one year.

Subjects include:Design Methods; Computer Applications inEngineering; Design Analysis; MechanicalComputer-Aided Engineering; DesignManagement; Design and Quality Management;New Venture Planning (option); MSc Project.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree in an engineering discipline oran honours physical science or technology degreeif you can support it with relevant workexperience. An ordinary degree in the appropriatediscipline plus relevant work experience will alsobe considered. For specific international entryrequirements please see page 161.

Career prospectsAfter graduating, you can expect to be offered awide choice of employment prospects. Thesecould include design engineering; projectmanagement; CAE work and engineeringconsultancy.



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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScEnvironmental Sustainability

Extremely relevant in today’s climate-awareworld, this course is aimed at graduates from awide range of disciplines. Whether you’re anengineer, architect, lawyer or accountant, it willgive you the qualifications you need for a careerin either the renewable or traditional energyindustries.

With an emphasis on sustainable developmentprinciples and practice, this course takes anindustry-focused approach, with particularapplication to the water sector, propertydevelopment and sustainable technologies. Youwill also study national and internationalenvironmental legal principles, opening the doorto a possible career in sustainability-basedprojects worldwide.

You will graduate with the ability to analyse andplan environmental sustainability solutions,particularly relating to water, waste, building andproperty. You will develop your communicationskills, and be able to exchange theory and ideason a wide range of sustainability issues. Thiscourse is one year full-time or two years part-time.

Subjects include:Sustainability Energy Technology; RenewableEnergy Finance and Law; Sustainable BuildingDesign; Waste Management; IntegratedManagement Systems; Sustainable UrbanProperty Development; Sustainable WaterResources Management; Building Performance;MSc Dissertation.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree (or otherqualification at equivalent level), or an alternativequalification and appropriate experience. Thiscourse is broad-based and targeted at a diversestudent body, including civil engineers, electricalengineers, building services engineers, mechanicalengineers, architects, architectural technologists,quantity surveyors, lawyers, accountants andestate managers. Candidates with a background inthe social sciences seeking to gain anunderstanding of sustainable development areencouraged to apply. For international entryrequirements please see page 161.

Career prospectsOnce qualified, you will be well-placed to take onan analytical or developmental position in anycompany or institution that incorporates anaspect of environmental sustainability, such asconstruction contractors; consulting engineers;quantity surveyors; architects; local and centralgovernment; housing associations; managementconsultants; manufacturers or service sectororganisations.






Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScFacilities Management

These days, it’s no longer enough for a businessto simply own and run property and otherproperty-based resources. They must bemanaged economically, efficiently andeffectively, so as to provide maximum income oroutput. This course will train you in the principlesand methods of successful facilitiesmanagement, from technological processes tocommercial considerations. You will gain insightsand make valuable contacts through industryvisits and guest speakers who are currentindustry practitioners.

Accredited by the Royal Institution of CharteredSurveyors, this internationally recognised coursewill provide you with a stepping stone toprofessional qualifications. Broad-based in itsoutlook, it caters to students from a wide rangeof backgrounds who can bring skills from theircurrent disciplines to the field. Whether you arean architect, estate manager, accountant, lawyer,or even hold a degree in Social Sciences, thiscourse could take you that extra step into afascinating and rewarding career.

Through direct teaching and research, you willlearn the principles involved in facilitiesmanagement. You will develop your ability toanalyse, assess and design solutions, and gain anunderstanding of the business drivers andconstraints that influence these solutions.Problem solving skills will be highlighted, as wellas effective communication and presentationmethods.

Subjects include:Strategic Management; Facilities Management 1 &2; Law and Administration; Building Economics;Property Asset Management; MSc Dissertation.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree or equivalent, or analternative qualification and appropriateexperience. The course is targeted at a diversestudent body. Graduates with a background in thesocial sciences are encouraged to apply. Forinternational entry requirements see page 161.

Career prospectsYou will graduate with the academic componentof a professional qualification, ready to take up aposition managing property assets for a variety ofemployers. Through your exposure to industrycontacts throughout the course, you will have theopportunity to make contacts that could lead toemployment within the industry.




MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScMechanical Engineering

This course has been designed to enhance yourexisting skills in mechanical engineering. You willstudy a range of modules to gain an understandingof stress/strain in structural integrity, philosophyof design, design methods and analysis usingfinite element and computer-aided solutions. Youwill also learn how to critically appraise theenvironmental impact of alternative engineeringsolutions. The course will equip you withelements of project management to perform atmanagement level as a mechanical engineer.

This course provides a valuable combination ofengineering and project management subjectsto give you a more rounded and employable setof skills and abilities, allowing you to:

• Critically appraise the environmental impact ofalternative engineering solutions

• Develop a design infrastructure with referenceto design systems and their management

• Analyse stress in structures using finiteelement methods

• Appraise the impact of current approaches tobusiness and engineering data management

• Critically explore product developmentstrategies, including concurrent engineering

• Critically evaluate a given research project anddeliver the project proposal involving literaturereview.

This course is accredited by the Institution ofEngineering and Technology (IET). Combinedwith a suitable accredited undergraduate degree,the MSc would then satisfy the academicrequirements of the UK Engineering Council forChartered Engineer (CEng) status.

Subjects include:Mechanical Computer-Aided Engineering; DesignMethods; Design Analysis; Automation andRobotics; Sustainable Energy Technologies;Research Skills and Project Management; MScProject.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree in an engineering discipline, orother qualifications or relevant experience thatdemonstrates appropriate knowledge and skills.For specific international entry requirementsplease see page 161.

Career prospectsMSc graduates are highly sought after in industry.Your specialisation will open up a variety of careerchoices in both the private and public sectors,such as engineering research, design anddevelopment and engineering management.



Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScPolymer Engineering

Plastics are present in practically every facet oflife, and play a large part in shaping the look andfeel of today’s world. This course takes your solidfoundation in polymer engineering and adds anemphasis on project management skills. You’llstudy a range of engineering and managementsubjects that cater for your intended career.

The national centre for education and training inpolymer processing for more than 40 years,we’ve built up an enviable relationship with theScottish plastics industry and its associatedbodies - many of which are headed by EdinburghNapier graduates.

As well as reinforcing your existing engineeringskills and developing them further, we will equipyou with knowledge of project managementtechniques. You’ll graduate with a combination ofengineering and project management skills toprepare you for the next level of your career.

This course is accredited by the Institution ofEngineering and Technology (IET). Combinedwith a suitable accredited undergraduate degree,the MSc programme would then satisfy theacademic requirements of the UK EngineeringCouncil for Chartered Engineer (CEng) status.

Subjects include:Composites and Ceramics; Plastics Materials; FlowAnalysis and CAE; Forensic Materials Engineering;Research Skills and Project Management;Sustainable Energy Technologies; MSc Project.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree in a relevant field, orother qualifications or experience thatdemonstrates appropriate knowledge skills atSCQF level 10 (see page 172). For specificinternational entry requirements please see page161.

Career prospectsYou will have a world of choice when it comes tocareer prospects; the plastics industry is in needof graduates for positions in manufacturing,conversion or end-user operations. Possible careerroles include engineering researcher, engineeringdesigner and developer.


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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScProperty Management & Investment

Commercial property has become anincreasingly popular means of investment,creating additional demand for skilledinvestment, management and valuationsurveyors. The current climate has reinforcedthe need to maximize the return from, andproductivity of, real estate assets. These days, toeffectively engage in property markets, youneed the skills to analyse financial andinvestment data, as well as being aware of thewide range of principles that underpin thevaluation, management and development ofproperty investment assets.

Whether you are from an estate management,investment, property or business background,this course, which is accredited by the RoyalInstitution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), willequip you with the ability to keep abreast of therapid developments in all property related areas,and the methods with which to effectively applythem.

Working with industry practitioners, you will gainknowledge of the wide range of principles thatunderpin property investment assets; includingmanagement, economics, property law andproperty valuation methodology, propertydevelopment, and the skills to apply theseeffectively. You will develop your ability toanalyse, assess and synthesise solutions toproblems and gain an understanding of thebusiness drivers and constraints that influencethese solutions. Your communication skills willalso be developed, giving you the confidence youneed to interact with clients and fellow industryprofessionals.

Accredited by the RICS, the course can beundertaken full-time, part-time or by distancelearning and can lead to full Chartered statusonce you’ve graduated.

Subjects include:Building Economics or Strategic Management(Built Environment & Engineering); Law andAdministration; Analysis of Property InvestmentMarket Data; Property Investment Analysis;Property Asset Management; Sustainable UrbanProperty Development; MSc Dissertation.

Entry requirementsYou'll need a recognised honours degree or otherqualification at equivalent level for entry into thiscourse. Alternative qualifications together withappropriate experience may also be considered.As the course is targeted at candidates with priorexperience in a property or investment discipline,consideration will be given to any priorqualifications and experience.

Career prospectsAlthough transactions in the investment sectorhave reduced, there is still some £575 billioninvested in UK commercial property stock andtransaction volumes are starting to increase oncemore. These assets, as well as the large propertyassets owned by the public sector and owneroccupiers, all require on-going strategic and activemanagement. Typically most large scaleinvestors/owners have teams of in-housesurveyors, coupled with the use of externalsurveyors and advisors from the nationalsurveying firms. Property investment is a globaltrend and as such there are now opportunities towork worldwide, particularly within themultinational practices.




Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScRenewable Energy

Renewable energy technologies have become animportant part of energy production in theworld, especially given their ability to generategreen energy. Strong initiatives and investmentsfrom the public and private sectors have madethis a rapidly growing field and created furthercareer opportunities in the sector.

This course offers you the opportunity todevelop specialised skills in renewable energyand gain an appreciation of current energyproduction issues. This is one of the few coursesoffered at Masters level that encompassesrenewable energy technologies as well as theessential related elements of renewable energyfinance and environmental law. These elementstouch on financial analytical tools, projectstructuring, finance and management inrenewable energy, as well as a law element thatwill consider the legal framework impacting uponrenewable energy provision.

You will extend your skills into various renewableenergy technologies such as wind, solar, hydro,biomass, wave and tidal. At the same time, youwill study renewable energy capture, energystorage, energy audit and life-cycle analysis, aswell as learning the concepts of system, design,development and applications. These skills willgreatly enhance your employability in theindustry.

Subjects include:Sustainable Energy Technologies; Solar Energy:Technology, Modelling & Analysis; RenewableEnergy Finance & Environmental Law; ResearchSkills & Project-Management; DistributedGeneration Systems; Option – Control Engineering,Energy Materials, Mechatronic Systems orSustainable Urban Property Development.

Entry requirementsA recognised Honours degree, usually inengineering, energy & environmental sciencedisciplines though other disciplines will beconsidered. Alternatively a degree equivalentqualification, a degree without Honours orappropriate professional qualification plusappropriate work experience gained in therelevant field will be considered.

Career prospectsYour specialisation will open up a variety of careerchoices in both the private and public sectors. Theskills you gain will prepare you for careers in anumber of areas which include energy production,consultancies, renewable energy industries,renewable energy technology/design, buildingservices and research & development.


FT PT FEBMORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScSafety & Environmental Management

Almost identical to our MSc in EnvironmentalSustainability, this course adds the element ofhealth and safety law at an advanced level,opening up an even wider range of employmentoptions.

You will graduate with the ability to analyse andplan environmental sustainability solutions,particularly relating to water, building andproperty. You will develop your communicationskills, and be able to exchange theory and ideason a wide range of sustainability issues, includingenvironmental law, building design, wastemanagement and health and safety.

Subjects include:Sustainability and Environment; EnvironmentalLaw; Forensic Engineering; Sustainable BuildingDesign; Waste Management; Health and SafetyLaw; Integrated Management Systems;Sustainable Urban Property Development;Sustainable Water Resources Management; MScDissertation.

Entry requirementsA recognised honours degree (or otherqualification at equivalent level), or an alternativequalification and appropriate experience. Thiscourse is broad-based and targeted at a diversestudent body, including civil engineers, electricalengineers, building services engineers, mechanicalengineers, architects, architectural technologists,quantity surveyors, lawyers, accountants andestate managers. Candidates with a background inthe social sciences seeking to gain anunderstanding of health, safety and sustainabledevelopment are encouraged to apply. Forinternational entry requirements see page 161.

Career prospectsOnce qualified, you will be well placed to take onan analytical or developmental position in anycompany as an occupational safety officer or workin an institution that incorporates an aspect ofenvironmental sustainability, such as constructioncontractors; consulting engineers; quantitysurveyors; architects; local and centralgovernment; housing associations; managementconsultants; manufacturers and service sectororganisations.




Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScTimber Engineering

Timber is, in many respects, the idealconstruction material, particularly in terms of itsstructural attributes and environmentalefficiency. Timber is the only truly sustainablematerial - every cubic metre of timber usedinstead of another building material saves 0.8tonnes of CO2 being released into theatmosphere. There is an increasing demand touse timber as a building material, which hascreated the need for qualified engineers withspecialised knowledge and appropriate expertisein this area.

You will learn the principles of designing atimber structure, particularly considering thenature of the material itself and its properties.Design codes are being standardised acrossEurope through Eurocodes. The design of timberstructures will be in accordance with Eurocode 5:Design of Timber Structures and in conjunctionwith Eurocode 0: Basis of Structural Design andEurocode 1: Actions on Structures. You willdevelop a broader understanding of designmethods through laboratory testing of structuralelements, providing you with an appreciation ofhow timber, timber composites and connectionsbehave under applied loading conditions.

The Centre for Timber Engineering is based atEdinburgh Napier, introducing a broad range ofresearch and industrial activity to the coursematerial. Our strong links with industry, theForest Products Research Institute and theInstitute for Sustainable Construction ensurecourse materials are in line with current andfuture industry requirements. The course isaccredited by the Institution of Civil Engineers,the Institution of Structural Engineers, theInstitute of Highway Engineers, the CharteredInstitution of Highways & Transportation and theInstitute of Chartered Foresters (ICF). Thismeans you will not only graduate with apostgraduate degree but a highly respectedprofessional qualification.

Subjects include:Timber Form & Construction; Analysis & TimberDesign 1 & 2; Sustainable Building Design; TimberMaterials & Applications; Project Management.MSc students complete a dissertation in additionto the taught elements.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree in civil or structuralengineering, construction engineering,mathematics or another appropriate numeratediscipline. Alternatively, a BSc/BEng inengineering, or another appropriate numeratediscipline together with approved industrialexperience.

Career prospectsYou'll become a competent and resourcefulstructural timber engineer, equipped with relevanttraining in the analysis, design and assessment oftimber structural systems. This satisfies the needsof both the construction and timber industry andmeets the academic requirements appropriate forchartered membership of the Institution of CivilEngineers and the Institution of StructuralEngineers. This means you will not only graduatewith a postgraduate degree but a highly respectedprofessional qualification with greatly enhancedcareer opportunities.




MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

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Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScTimber Industry Management

Whether you are currently employed in thetimber industry, or are looking to enter, thiscourse will equip you with a comprehensiveknowledge of the relevant management andlegislative issues.

Unique in the UK, the course draws on theeducation, research, consultancy and knowledge-transfer expertise of the Edinburgh Napier-basedBuilding Performance Centre, the ScottishEnergy Centre, and the Centre for TimberEngineering. Their strong links with industry willadd to your level of experience andemployability.

As well as managerial skills, you will learn towork in the legislative context that governs theuse of timber in today’s construction industry.You will be given the knowledge that will allowyou to understand, critically evaluate andmanage every aspect of the timber industry’ssupply chain. Presentation, communication andanalytical skills will also be developed.

Our course content and our links with well-respected industry bodies such as the Centre forTimber Engineering, Building PerformanceCentre, Scottish Energy Centre, Forest ProductsResearch Institute and the Institute forSustainable Construction combine to make thiscourse unique in the UK. We offer acomprehensive programme that combinestheoretical learning with practical application.The course is taught over one year and isaccredited by the Institute of CharteredForesters (ICF).

Subjects include:Management; Project Management; SustainableBuilding Design; Timber Materials andApplications; Timber Form and Construction;Dissertation.

Entry requirementsUsually an honours degree. Alternatively, anappropriate professional qualification or a degreeand relevant work experience will also beconsidered. For specific international entryrequirements see page 161.

Career prospectsShould you be already working in the timberindustry, in either a managerial or technical role,you will find your employment options will beenhanced on graduation. Entry into the industry,either directly from university or from anotherfield, will also be facilitated, thanks to the practicalexperience and industry contacts you willencounter throughout the course.




Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative IndustriesSCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

MScTransport Planning & Engineering

Developments in transport shape the world welive in and influence communities’ economic andsocial wellbeing. The transport of people andgoods provides a serious challenge for plannersand transportation engineering specialists. If youare interested in transport planning andengineering and have a relevant qualification, suchas civil engineering, social sciences, geography orurban planning, this course will provide you withspecialist skills for a career in transport.

The course provides an overview of themanagement of transport operations and thelong-term strategic goals and outcomes fortransport planning and policy. You will gain athorough knowledge of the nature oftransportation and techniques for analysingtransport problems. You will also learn howtransport operations are planned, designed,constructed and maintained, and develop effectivetransport strategies to meet the key challenges.

You will benefit from excellent links with industryand gain a good understanding of the professionfrom industry-relevant teaching, meetingtransport practitioners and building industrycontacts. You will learn to evaluate and analysetransport problems, policies and strategies andgain an understanding of transport modelling andtransport appraisal techniques from boththeoretical and practical perspectives.

Our part-time and distance learning options allowthose working in the industry to expand theirprofessional capabilities. This course is accreditedby the Chartered Institute of Logistics andTransport (CILT) and approved by the CharteredInstitution of Highways and Transport (CIHT), theInstitute of Highway Engineers and the Institutionof Civil Engineers (ICE) (subject to first degree)leading to Chartered Engineer Status. You’ll studyone year full-time or three years part-time or bydistance learning.

Subjects include:Public Transport; Transport Policy; DevelopmentPlanning and Transport Assessment; TrafficEngineering Control; Transport Models; TransportResearch Methods; Transport Economics andAppraisal; Traffic Management and an MScProject.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree normally at a minimum 2:2level. An ordinary degree with relevant industrialexperience will also be considered. You will alsoneed Scottish Higher or A Level Maths, orequivalent. An appropriate professionalqualification may also be considered. For specificinternational entry requirements see page 161.

Career prospectsThis industry accredited qualification offers goodlonger term career prospects, especially as thereis an underlying demand for transport plannersin the UK. You may go on to find work intransport consultancies, local authorities orgovernment agencies.





MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

110 111Faculty of Health, Life & Social Sciences

Through our Faculty of Health, Life & Social Sciences, there’sno better route to a related career choice. Our vibrant,exciting and relevant suite of postgraduate courses have beencreated in partnership with employers, so you’ll develop aninvaluable range of practical, intellectual and transferableskills. Situated at our purpose built, state-of-the art SighthillCampus, you’ll enjoy some of the best research informedteaching and laboratory facilities in the country.

Bestway in

Faculty of Health, Life & Social Sciences

The Faculty of Health, Life & Social Sciences (FHLSS) has around 300 staff and 4,000students and is a vibrant hub for the delivery of a range of stimulating, research-informed courses. Both our schools benefit from a state-of-the-art campus facility atSighthill in the west of the city.

Our enthusiastic and skilled faculty team deliver courses leading to awards in nursingand midwifery; biological, biomedical and environmental sciences; sport and exercisescience; social sciences including psychology, sociology and complementaryhealthcare.

Study at Edinburgh Napier University and you will have access to some of the bestlaboratory facilities in the country, including clinical skills rooms, health and wellbeingmulti-clinic, strength and conditioning suites, first class psychology laboratories,practical skills and biomechanics laboratories.

The Faculty of Health, Life & Social Sciences is made up of:• School of Life, Sport & Social Sciences• School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Care.

Links with industry and professionalorganisationsIn FHLSS we recognise the importance ofpartnerships with employers for the design ofrelevant curricula and to the subsequentemployability of our students.

Consequently the Faculty has well-developedlinks with companies and organisations relevantto our subject areas, such as large drug designcompanies. We also have collaborativepartnerships with NHS Lothian, NHS Borders, andNES, and professional accreditation through theBritish Psychological Society. In addition toincreasing the number of international studentson campus, we deliver our courses internationallywith partners in Hong Kong, Indonesia, India andacross Europe.

We encourage staff and student exchanges toadd to the diversity of the student experienceand internationalisation of the content ofprogrammes.

Centre for Credit RatingIf your employer is interested in giving formalacademic recognition to in-house staff trainingand development programmes, you could gainacademic credits for learning carried out at work.Our Centre for Credit Rating works withemployers to allow work-based learning to bequality assured to a national standard. Employeeswho complete credit rated in-house trainingschemes are awarded credit recognised by theScottish Credit and Qualifications Framework(SCQF), which can be used as a stepping stonetowards further study and enhances the CV. Italso greatly improves an employer’s capacity andefficiency and is an ideal way to develop aworkforce. Our accredited training model isrecognised by the SCQF as a market leader in thefield. To find out more, visit: www.napier.ac.uk/ccr

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An inside view.

Centre for Applied Nursing and HealthcareResearch – conducts high quality appliedresearch and knowledge transfer, CPD andcommercial activity which impacts on the healthof the population and helps modernise healthpolicy, healthcare delivery and the healthenvironment in Scotland and beyond. Esteemedacademics within the Centre work collaborativelywith private and public sector organisations toundertake research and develop training andeducation packages in a range of healthcareareas. Key to its development is the growth of itsestablished research profile, which builds on RAE2008 where 40 per cent of research wasclassified either world leading or internationallyexcellent.

Research in the School of Life, Sport & SocialSciences reflects the interests of staff indisciplines including social and psychologicalaspects of transport, visuomotor control, elderlylife choices, mental health and wellbeing. Forensicand legal psychology focuses on eyewitnessmemory/testimony, police processes and jurorbehaviour while the Communities and SocietiesResearch Group supports and facilitates socialresearch across disciplines and over a range ofapproaches, encompassing both empirical andtheoretical research.

The Applied Psychology and Social ResearchGroup was formed in 2009, bringing togetherstaff engaged in social science and appliedpsychology research. It promotes understandingof the individual and society within themes ofChildhood, Adulthood & Older Age, Cognition,Perception & Action, Crime & Violence,

Experiencing Health & Illness, Migration,Mobilities & Culture, and Subjectivity, Identities &Ethics. The group is committed to engagingresearchers, practitioners, policy makers andmembers of the public in its research through arange of knowledge exchange activities. Itcollaborates with a number of other universitiesand a range of agencies including the City ofEdinburgh Council, Community Food & HealthScotland, the NHS, Women’s Aid, and StrathclydePolice.

The Biomedicine and Sports Science ResearchGroup worked with the Olympic Medical Instituteand UK Sport to investigate the effects ofpollution, heat and humidity on athleticperformance in the build up to Beijing 2008. Thedata generated will be used to provide advice toathletes competing in future Olympic Games.Other areas of research interest includeinvestigations in elite sport like golf and cyclingand the health impacts of exercise for diabetics.The Microbiology & Biotechnology ResearchGroup comprises expertise in diverse areasincluding remediation of soil and waterenvironments, host-pathogen interactions duringinfection with bacteria such as Salmonella andListeria monocytogenes, novel approaches to thedetection and control of microorganisms and theecology and functional analysis of industriallyand environmentally significant bacteria.

Nursing and Midwifery and the Biomedicine andSports Science Research Group were bothconsidered to have research that was worldleading. Across the Faculty, all five units ofassessment submitted to RAE 2008 wereassessed as having research that was ofinternational excellence.

International collaboration:European Commission Joint Research Centre(JRC), Ispra, ItalyHelmholtz Zentrum, Munich, GermanyUniversity of Rochester, USA.

The needs of the public and voluntary sectors aswell as the economy, society and the localcommunity are at the heart of everything we do.Therefore our research and consultancy has anapplied focus and influences current thinking aswell as the evolution of all our courses. We havecreated a research and knowledge transferenvironment which encourages free thinking andis both inspirational and exciting to those whowork with us.

The Faculty currently has four research centresand a range of research groups based within theInstitute for Science & Health Innovation:

Centre for Nano Safety – The centre is one ofthe first multidisciplinary research centres in theUK investigating nano safety; combining thedisciplines of human and ecotoxicology. Centrestaff investigate whether a variety ofnanoparticles can enter the human body andcause harm. It also investigates the impact ofdifferent nanoparticles on microorganisms,

plants, waterborne invertebrates, sediments andsoil and fish. Identifying what characteristics ofnanoparticles might make them toxic, providesinformation for use by industry, to design saferproducts; by regulators to generate legislation toprotect humans and the environment; and byconsumers to make informed choices.

Biofuel Research Centre – one of the UK’s maincentres in the development of second generationbiofuel from waste material. The centre has beenextremely successful attracting funding from theResearch Councils, Scottish Enterprise, Europeanfunding and commercial partners to conductresearch in the use of anaerobic fermentation toproduce butanol. This ‘clean’ technology isparticularly attractive as it uses waste productsfrom other industrial processes to produce a fuelproduct which is more efficient than ethanol, caneasily be incorporated into existing fuel forcombustion engines and is easily stored andtransported.

Environmental and Marine Sciences ResearchCentre – a key member of the Marine Alliance forScience and Technology Scotland (MASTS)research pool. Research is primarily focused on theassessment and management of natural resources.Projects are wide reaching and internationallyrecognised, including investigation of pollutants,such as nanomaterials and endocrine disruptors;management of coastal activities, includingaquaculture and fisheries; ecology of terrestrialand freshwater organisms, such as bats, fish andsnails; and the impact of human development andland use, including ecotourism.

We have a strong research profile across our Schools, asdemonstrated in the Research Assessment Exercise 2008, whichassessed the quality of research across all disciplines in the UKHigher Education Sector.


ResearchFaculty of Health, Life & Social Sciences


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Maria GauciMaltaMSc Drug Design & Biomedical Science

“This diversity will be beneficial to mycareer as a whole...”

“Edinburgh Napier was suggested to me by afriend and as soon as I read the coursedescription I knew Drug Design & BiomedicalScience was for me. The course encompassesa range of diverse yet interrelated subjectsand disciplines, each relevant to my field. Itfocuses on and dedicates lab time to bothsubjects equally, which undoubtedly gives memore flexibility towards my career choice.

“The knowledge I have gained spans theinitial drug discovery and design process; thepractical testing of the effects of the drug andthe mechanisms behind it, to the toxicologicalaspects, giving me complete proficiency in thesubject. I know that this diversity will bebeneficial to my career as a whole. AtEdinburgh Napier University I believe I havefound the passion for a particular topic that Iwish to dedicate the rest of my career to and,for me, that’s the greatest achievement of all.

“As an international student, I was afraid thatI would never catch up or bridge the gap butthe helpful and friendly approach of theacademic and administrative staff streamlinedthat process and I integrated my studies andmy personal life with ease. I highlyrecommend Edinburgh Napier University toanyone who wishes to gain both theoreticaland practical experience.”

Student ProfileFaculty of Health, Life & Social Sciences116 117

Jackie became a Registered Sick Children’s Nurse in 1981 and aRegistered General Nurse in 1982. Before moving into HigherEducation she was a team leader working with community nursesand now maintains her links with practice to inform her teaching.

“Healthcare systems are increasingly complexand present challenges to professionals who areresponsible for their efficient and effectiveprovision, particularly when resources andbudgets are limited. A number of governmentand international policies and drivers nowemphasise the need to prepare practitionersworking in the rapidly evolving healthcare worldto acquire the necessary knowledge and skills toplan, implement, deliver and evaluate practice toensure its effectiveness.

“The provision of healthcare services ischaracterised by high demands on servicesconstrained by limited budgets, especially intoday’s financial climate. Calls on healthcareorganisations for greater investment inindividuals with managerial and administrativecapability combined with leadership continue torise. There is therefore a need to prepareindividuals who can optimise the use ofresources, enhance their knowledge and skillsbase and apply them to their professionalcontext.

“Our MSc Health Administration degree isdesigned to be attractive to graduates who havea middle or senior management role withinhealth or social care, or who aspire to such a role,and wish to enhance their knowledge and skills tofurther improve their effectiveness.

“The focus of the programme is very muchapplied to the workplace and contains a variedand appropriate choice of modules to meet thediverse needs of potential students and theiremployers. The modules are directly relevant tothose working in health-related settings in the UKand abroad.

“It is an innovative programme with a multi-professional approach which will allow you todevelop the knowledge and skills required tocontinue at a more advanced level and enhanceyour career. It is designed to prepare you tofunction more effectively within this complex andrapidly evolving sector and enhance yourknowledge and skills within a broad internationalcontext.”

Jackie JohnstonMSc Health Administration Programme Leader

“Enhance your knowledge and skillswithin a broad international context...”

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Faculty of Health, Life & Social SciencesSCHOOL OF LIFE, SPORT & SOCIAL SCIENCES

Faculty of Health, Life & Social SciencesSCHOOL OF LIFE, SPORT & SOCIAL SCIENCES

MScBiomedical Science

This course has been designed to help youpursue a career as a professional biomedicalscientist or take a leading role in research anddevelopment. The course is supported by aninternationally recognised and highly activebiomedicine research group with strong links tohealthcare industries, research institutes and thehospital and NHS sectors.

You’ll gain a detailed critical knowledge ofimmunology, toxicology and molecular biologyand their application to biomedical science.

You’ll also undertake a research project whichcan be conducted in research institutions,academic laboratories or the pharmaceuticalindustries both in the UK and across Europe.

The course is studied full-time over one year orby part-time study with attendance.

This course is also available as an MSc byResearch.

Subjects include:Advanced Immunology; Biology of Disease andTherapeutics; Molecular Pharmacology &Toxicology; Research Skills – Molecular Analysis;Molecular Pathogenesis of Microbial Infection;Drug Design & Chemotherapy; Research Project.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree in biomolecular sciences, suchas biology, biomedical science, pharmacy ormolecular biology. Alternative qualifications plusappropriate experience gained in thepharmaceutical or healthcare industries or as amedical laboratory scientific officer may also beacceptable. For specific international entryrequirements see page 161.

Career prospectsThe skills you gain will prepare you for work in anumber of areas. These can include hospitallaboratories, healthcare industries, NationalHealth Service or local government. If you alreadywork in the biomedical sciences, you can expectadvanced personal development and careerprogression. This qualification provides a platformfor further research and study to PhD and afurther academic career.






Biotechnology is the fastest growing sectorwithin the life sciences and predictions say itsglobal expansion will become a key driver in theworld economy.

This course will equip you with versatile skills inthe theoretical understanding and criticalevaluation of advanced principles ofbiotechnology and with practical skills tounderpin a career as a research scientist orwithin business in new product development andR&D support management.

You will gain specialist research skills andtechnical expertise, as well as broader,transferable scientific skills. You will develop acritical understanding of key concepts inbiotechnology including technologies drivingdiscovery, new product innovation anddevelopment as well as the business principlesunderlying commercialisation.

You will also undertake a Research Project touse and further develop your technical andprofessional skills. You may also have theopportunity to undertake your project inindustry or a research institute, enhancing theprofessional experience you gain. This course isalso available as an MSc by Research.

Subjects include:Cell Technology; Business & Bioethics; ResearchSkills – Molecular Analysis; Biotechnology & DrugDiscovery; Molecular Pathogenesis of MicrobialInfection; Research Project; Options – AdvancedImmunology, Current Practice in Drug Developmentor Molecular Pharmacology & Toxicology.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree or equivalent in thebiomolecular sciences (microbiology,biotechnology, molecular biology, genetics,biochemistry and biomedical sciences). Applicantswith appropriate experience in biotechnology orrelated industries and research laboratories will beconsidered. For specific international entryrequirements please see page 161.

Career prospectsThis course provides opportunities for laboratory,research, R&D support management and productdevelopment work in industries ranging from theglobal giants to smaller biotech companies infood, beverage, biochemical, environmental,medical and pharmaceutical sectors.Opportunities may also exist in contract researchcompanies and service providers to thebiotechnology sector, in addition to localgovernment. This qualification also provides asound platform for study to PhD and a furtheracademic career.





MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

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Faculty of Health, Life & Social SciencesSCHOOL OF LIFE, SPORT & SOCIAL SCIENCES

Faculty of Health, Life & Social SciencesSCHOOL OF LIFE, SPORT & SOCIAL SCIENCES

PgDipCareer Guidance & Development

MScCareer Guidance

As a Careers Guidance professional, you will beworking with young people, adults, parents,teachers, employers and training providers.These courses equip you with the knowledge youneed to successfully advise clients on findingtheir way through the confusing maze ofemployment pathways.

Running successfully since 1974, with anexcellent employment rate for graduates; ourpostgraduate diploma course combinesacademic study with practical professionaltraining, including seven weeks of workplacement.

With its focus on one-to-one interaction, the roleof Careers Advisor requires specialistinterpersonal skills. On the diploma course, youwill acquire effective interviewing techniquesand well-developed communication skills. Youwill learn and put into practice the latestcounselling techniques, while developing thenecessary research and teamwork skills to carryyou into a successful career. The diploma is onlyavailable as a one year, full time course. It isrecognised by the profession throughout the UKand is accredited by the Institute of CareerGuidance.

Our MSc Career Guidance provides anopportunity for qualified and experiencedguidance practitioners to ‘top up’ their Diplomaby undertaking a research project on a topic ofprofessional interest. This is undertaken bydistance learning, normally by individualscurrently employed in a guidance role.

Subjects include:• PgDip: Professional Practice 1 & 2; Policy &• Organisations; Career-related Information &• Learning; Labour Market Studies; Career• Development Theory.• MSc: Social Research Skills for Career Education• & Guidance; Career Education & Guidance• Dissertation.

Entry requirements• PgDip: An honours degree in any discipline.• Equivalent qualifications will be considered if you• can demonstrate the appropriate skills and• knowledge to study effectively at an advanced• level. For specific international entry• requirements see page 161. • MSc: A PgDip Career Guidance & Development• plus relevant work experience.

Career prospectsCareer and unemployment advisory roles exist ina number of sectors. Areas or organisations youmay consider include Skills Development Scotland(Careers Scotland), university careers services,community agencies promoting employability andtraining organisations. Progression to MSc willassist the continuing professional development ofcareer guidance professionals.


FT D £

MScConservation & Management of Protected Areas

This course is designed to provide training thatencompasses a wide range of theory and thenecessary skills for people who currentlymanage protected areas or who seek suchcareers. In addition the course is relevant forcareers such as guides, outfitters,concessionaires, researchers and enforcementofficers who also require training in theoperational management of National Parks.

The course will include technical skills requiredto manage protected areas, such as wildlifemanagement, land restoration and management,pollution abatement and mitigation. It will alsoconsider the role humans play as residents,visitors and employees. It will focus oninternational examples based on staffconsultancy work and experience offering aworldwide appeal.

This course is also available as an MSc byResearch.

Subjects include:Humans & Wildlife; Scientific Methods; WildlifeManagement; Evolution & Taxonomy; Field &Laboratory Skills; Management of AquaticProtected Areas; Research Project.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree or equivalent in ecology,wildlife biology, geography, aquatic or terrestrialbiology, zoology, conservation management,agriculture or land management. Alternativequalifications may be considered. For specificinternational entry requirements please see page161.

Career prospectsYou will have the opportunity to enter a widevariety of fields relating to ecology, conservationand land management. As a graduate you willhave access to jobs in conservation and resourcemanagement at regional, national andinternational levels as well as consultancy andthere is always the potential to pursue a furtherhigher degree.





MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

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Faculty of Health, Life & Social SciencesSCHOOL OF LIFE, SPORT & SOCIAL SCIENCES

Faculty of Health, Life & Social SciencesSCHOOL OF LIFE, SPORT & SOCIAL SCIENCES

MScDrug Design & Biomedical Science

If you’re interested in a career in the fascinatingand challenging world of drug design, thiscourse, unique in Europe, blends biomedicine andpharmaceutical science into one comprehensiveprogramme that focuses on the integration ofmodern organo-medicinal chemistry andmolecular biology.

Your learning will be based on modern drugdesign practices, as used in today’spharmaceutical industry. You will study everystep involved in developing and creatingeffective drugs, from concept to clinic, includingthe theories and practical applications ofchemical drug design and immunology,toxicology and molecular biology. Involvingdiscovery, innovation and application, this is acourse that offers the potential of a rewardingand fulfilling career.

On graduation, you will leave with theknowledge, understanding and practicalexperience you need to forge a career. You willpossess in-depth understanding of diseaseprocesses and molecular targets, and an abilityto apply knowledge and theory to all aspects ofdrug design and biomedical science. Equippedwith the ability to follow developments in thefield, you will learn to apply them to your work,and make innovative contributions to theindustry that will benefit others.

Your research project can be conducted inresearch institutions, academic laboratories orpharmaceutical industries in the UK or Europe.This course is also available as an MSc byResearch.

Subjects include:Current Practice in Drug Development; AdvancedImmunology; Molecular Pharmacology &Toxicology; Research Skills – Molecular Analysis;Biotechnology and Drug Discovery; Drug Designand Chemotherapy and a Research Project.

Entry requirementsNormally, an honours degree in the biomolecularsciences (biological or biomedical sciences,chemistry, pharmacy, pharmaceutical or medicinalchemistry, biotechnology, immunology, genetics,virology, molecular biology or forensic science).Equivalent qualifications will be considered, as willappropriate experience gained in thepharmaceutical or healthcare industries. Forspecific international entry requirements see page161.

Career prospectsThe rapidly developing pharmaceutical, bioscienceand healthcare industries are all eager to employqualified drug discovery or biomedical scientists.You could establish a laboratory-based career,such as research or product development, forexample, with global pharmaceutical companies,developing biotech companies, contract drugtesting, hospitals, NHS, local government or healthand safety divisions. Alternatively, an academiccareer or further studies to PhD level could beyour preference, with opportunities available atinstitutions all over the world.



This ground-breaking course, the first of its kindin the UK, is based on the experience of our staffworking worldwide in wildlife conservation,developing sustainable livelihoods through theconservation of communities and naturalresources. It combines both cutting edgeresearch and practice, with a strong emphasis onthe skills required for a better understanding ofthe natural environment.

You do not necessarily need to have a biologicalbackground as you will quickly become aware ofthe main scientific principles. You will also gain astrong business knowledge and valuableconsultancy experience which provides you withthe skills for future employment.

You will gain a variety of both scientific andbusiness skills including ecological field skills,contract tendering, questionnaire design andanalysis, marketing, proposal and report writing.The applied nature of this course alsoencourages the development of generic skillsthat will make you more employable includingcommunication, IT, problem solving, researchand teamworking.

This course is also available as an MSc byResearch.

Subjects include:• PgCert: Scientific Methods; Humans & Wildlife;• Environmental Management for Ecotourism,• Tourism Concepts & Issues or Managing Heritage• Tourism.• PgDip: Field & Laboratory Skills; Evolution of• Taxonomy; Case Studies in International Tourism• or Tourism, Hospitality & Events Live Project.• MSc: An independent research project.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree with a suitable background inbiology, tourism, geography, language, psychologyor business. Alternative qualifications combinedwith appropriate experience may be considered.For specific international entry requirements seepage 161.

Career prospectsAs a rapidly expanding industry, graduates with anup-to-date knowledge are invaluable toconsultants and practitioners alike. The skills yougain will prepare you for work in a number ofareas including the United Nations DevelopmentProgramme, local and national governmentorganisations, NGOs, consultancy and the tourismindustry. The emphasis on research in this courseequips you with the knowledge and skills requiredto continue on to PhD study within the School anda further academic career.



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Faculty of Health, Life & Social SciencesSCHOOL OF LIFE, SPORT & SOCIAL SCIENCES

Faculty of Health, Life & Social SciencesSCHOOL OF LIFE, SPORT & SOCIAL SCIENCES

MScPharmaceutical Science

This course provides expert critical and technicalknowledge related to the development, analysisand production of medicines, the drug industryand regulatory affairs. You will study recenttrends in chemical, biological andbiotechnological therapeutics and evaluate thelatest technologies used in the pharmaceuticalindustry. You will also gain an understanding ofthe processes and methods used in clinical trialsand the regulation of medicines.

You will acquire a broad knowledge ofcontemporary, integrated drug discoverystrategies and develop the skills to communicateeffectively across the key, diverse componentdisciplines with other professional scientists andnon-specialist audiences. You will develop theattributes necessary for a successful career inpharmaceutical science, undertaking leadresearch, development or management roles inthe drug and healthcare industries.

This course is also available as an MSc byResearch.

Subjects include:Current Practice in Drug Development; MolecularPharmacology & Toxicology; Current Topics inPharmaceutical Science; Research Skills –Molecular Analysis; Biotechnology and DrugDiscovery; Drug Design and Chemotherapy;Research Project.

Entry requirementsNormally an honours degree in the biomolecularsciences (pharmacy, pharmacology,pharmaceutical or medicinal chemistry, biologicalor biomedical sciences, chemistry, immunology,biotechnology, genetics, virology, molecularbiology, forensic science). Equivalent qualificationswill be considered, as will appropriate experiencegained in the pharmaceutical or healthcareindustries. For specific international entryrequirements please see page 161.

Career prospectsA large proportion of graduates enter laboratory-based and research management-based productdevelopment work in industries ranging from thebig pharmaceutical companies to developingbiotech companies, contract drug testingcompanies and service providers to thepharmaceutical and healthcare industries, hospitallaboratories, NHS and local government. Alternatively you might pursue PhD studies acrossthe pharmaceutical and biomolecular sciences.



MSc by ResearchSport & Exercise Science

If you have a particular research interest in sportand exercise science, this postgraduate researchdegree allows you to explore the subject indepth and provides an excellent platform forprogression to PhD level study.

The qualification you will gain is equivalent to athird of a PhD and mainly consists of a majorresearch project and formal research methodstraining. It also offers you potential links toindustry. There may be an opportunity duringthis degree to link with a business partner toform a mini knowledge transfer partnershipwithin an area that complements your researchinterests.

Applications are particularly welcome in thefollowing areas of research:

• Physiology: Exercise interventions with• diabetics, the obese or those with Parkinson’s• disease; Impact of ageing on sporting• performance; Cycling physiology; Active• transport (cycling, walking); Thermoregulation• during exercise; Workability and occupational• physiology; Impact of air pollution on athletic• performance

• Psychology: Stress and coping-interventions• and responses; Factors affecting physical• activity levels in special populations

• Coaching: Talent identification and• development; Evaluation of coach education• programmes

• Biomechanics: Biomechanics of Golf; 3D• analysis of swimming; Dynamic profiling

• Exercise Immunology: Biomarkers of• lymphocyte cellular senescence.

This course is studied full-time over one year, orpart-time over 20 months.

Subjects include:Major Research Project.

Entry requirementsA first or upper second class honours degree in arelated Sport and Exercise Science area. Lowerlevel qualifications with appropriate equivalentexperience may also be considered. For specificinternational entry requirements see page 161.

Career prospectsThis course is specifically aimed at helping youprogress into further study and research in thearea of sport and exercise science, either as a PhDstudent or research assistant. This enables you toenter the academic profession as a researcher ora university lecturer. Other opportunities exist insports governing bodies, professional sports,national sports institutes and the NHS.



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Faculty of Health, Life & Social SciencesSCHOOL OF LIFE, SPORT & SOCIAL SCIENCES

Faculty of Health, Life & Social SciencesSCHOOL OF LIFE, SPORT & SOCIAL SCIENCES

MScSport Performance Enancement

This course applies the scientific principlesunderpinning sport to the context ofperformance enhancement. Traditionally sportscience has been based on three foundationalscientific disciplines - physiology, biomechanicsand psychology. You will either study two ofthese disciplines in breadth or a single disciplinein depth along with a negotiated independentstudy. You will also study research methods anddata analysis and will work as part of aninterdisciplinary team providing support servicesfor an athlete client, which will expose you to arange of practical and ethical issues associatedwith support work.

The MSc course structure will give you theopportunity to develop your expert knowledge ina specialist area of the science of sportperformance and develop applied techniqueswhich will enable you to develop a career insport science support, academic research,teaching or other science based professions.

The applied focus of this course is supported bymodern, well-equipped and well-supportedlaboratory facilities.

This course is also available as an MSc byResearch.

Subjects include:• PgCert: Scientific Methods; Biomechanics &• Performance Enhancement; Psychological• Interventions for Sport Performance• Enhancement; Applied Physiology and Sport• Performance; Independent Study Module.• PgDip: Sport Science; Support of Performance• Athletes; Management; Contemporary Issues in• Sport Performance; Independent Study Module.• MSc: Independent research project.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree or equivalent in a sport-science related discipline. Alternativequalifications combined with appropriateexperience may be considered on an individualbasis. For specific international entryrequirements see page 161.

Career prospectsAt present there is no professional accreditationof MSc courses through the British Association forSport and Exercise Sciences (BASES). Howeverour close alignment of module content to therequirements of supervised experience would helpyou achieve BASES accreditation if supervisedexperience is continued after completion of thecourse. Sport science support is a growing field.Many professional sporting bodies now employsport scientists in a performance support role andthis course is ideally suited for students with aninterest in this area. The emphasis on researchskills also equips you to continue on to possiblePhD study and a research or teaching career.



MScWildlife Biology & Conservation

Preserving wildlife despite accelerating changeto the natural world represents one of thegreatest challenges to modern conservation.This course is designed to train you to meet thischallenge. You’ll develop and apply existingknowledge of biology to issues of wildlifemanagement and conservation. Through apractical approach, you’ll gain wildlifemanagement skills in advanced investigation andpopulation analysis, wildlife capture, protectedarea management and wildlife veterinary skills.

You’ll benefit from our excellent researchprojects undertaken around the world. Our closeindustry links include Edinburgh Zoo, the LargeCarnivore Initiative for Europe, university andgame departments in Swaziland and nationalparks wildlife translocation services in SouthAfrica.

You could also conduct an independent researchproject for publication, possibly in Europe orSouth Africa, gaining unique field experience notavailable on any other UK course. You’ll develop:

• advanced analytical skills for population• investigation and management;

• practical skills including capture and handling• of large wild animals, veterinary skills,• tranquillisation and transportation of wildlife;• and

• transferable skills including communication, IT,• problem solving, research and teamworking.

This course is studied for one year full-time, twoyears part-time or by distance learning withoccasional attendance for field work. It is alsoavailable as an MSc by Research.

Subjects include:Analysis & Management of Wildlife Populations;Scientific Methods; Humans & Wildlife; Biodiversity& Conservation; Evolution & Taxonomy; Fieldcourse; Research project.

Entry requirementsA 2:1 honours degree in Zoology, Ecology or arelated subject. For specific international entryrequirements see page 161.

Career prospectsThis course aims to train interactive wildlifemanagers and thus equips graduates foremployment with private consultancies,government conservation agencies, non-governmental agencies and charities operating inthe field of wildlife conservation. The scientificnature of the course also allows for furtherpostgraduate study at PhD level.




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Faculty of Health, Life & Social SciencesSCHOOL OF NURSING, MIDWIFERY & SOCIAL CARE

MScAdvanced Practice (and associated routes)for practitioners in the public, health and social care services

As a practitioner in the public, health and socialcare services, you are expected to be innovative,provide leadership and make an advancedcontribution in your professional role. Thiscourse will enable you to do just that in yourspecialised area of practice.

This flexibly delivered course will allow you toadvance and develop in your career in a genericor specialist manner. You can determine thefocus of your studies and if so desired you canadvance and develop the core knowledge andskills that underpin an advanced role or developthese in a specialist area – eg applied education,out of hours care, cancer nursing, childprotection or learning disability practice.

You will build on your existing knowledge andabilities by applying critical appraisal skills topolicy and practice throughout this course.

The course will also enable you to apply newknowledge and skills to achieve advanced andspecialist levels of practice and influencedecision making at both local and strategiclevels.

Subjects include:Exploring Professional Roles in Practice; ResearchMethods; Work-based Learning; ContemporaryEthical and Professional Issues in Healthcare;Leadership; Dissertation.

Entry requirementsYou must be a practising practitioner working inthe public, health or social care services with aBSc (Hons) or equivalent professional experience.If English is not your first language, you must havea minimum IELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent. Forspecific international entry requirements see page161.

Career prospectsOn successful completion of the course, graduateswill be well-equipped to undertake roles as NurseConsultants; Clinical Managers; Lecturers inHigher Education; Education Managers; NHSDivision Educators; Advanced Neonatal NursePractitioners or Advanced and SpecialistPractitioners in other agencies.


Faculty of Health, Life & Social SciencesSCHOOL OF NURSING, MIDWIFERY & SOCIAL CARE

MScCounselling (Brief Psychological Therapies)

In this flexible, professional development courseyou will acquire theoretical knowledge andclinical skills in counselling and psychologicaltherapies. As part of this eclectic programme, arange of interventions will be covered, includingcognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), cognitiveanalytical therapy (CAT), counselling andmotivational interviewing.

You’ll study part-time through a combination ofonline and practice-based modules, alongsidework in clinical practice. This can includeplacements with voluntary organisations, privatepractice, through your employer or in an existingrole. You’ll develop your practice according toyour own aspirations with the full support ofstaff from Edinburgh Napier University.

You can enrol for individual modules or for anaward at PgCert, PgDip or MSc level. Theflexibility of the course allows you to move fromindividual modules to an award or from one levelof award to another, allowing you to study inyour own time, at your own pace. Completion ofthis course can contribute towards accreditationfrom Counselling & Psychotherapy in Scotland(COSCA) and the British Association forCounselling & Psychotherapy (BACP).

Subjects include:• PgCert: Counselling & Motivational Interviewing;• Cognitive Behavioural Therapy; Cognitive• Analytical Therapy.• PgDip: Applied Cognitive Behavioural Therapy;• Applied Cognitive Analytical Therapy.• MSc: Research Methods; Dissertation.

Entry requirementsAn honours degree or equivalent in a relevantsubject area such as nursing, psychology or socialwork. This course is suitable whether you areentering counselling training for the first time orhave already had some prior experience. Forinternational entry requirements please see page161. You will be required to attend an interview ifyou are applying for an award but not if you’reapplying for individual modules.

Career prospectsThe demand for practitioners trained in talkingtherapies is growing and you will have thespecialist training and skills to pursueopportunities within this area. These can includeenhanced development opportunities withinoccupational areas in the health and social careservices, as well as opportunities for self-employment as a counsellor.





MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

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Faculty of Health, Life & Social SciencesSCHOOL OF NURSING, MIDWIFERY & SOCIAL CARE

MScHealth Administration

This innovative course is designed for graduateswho have, or aspire to, an administration role inhealth and social care. The multi-professionalapproach will allow you to develop theknowledge and skills required to continue at amore advanced level and enhance your careerdevelopment.

The course will prepare you to work effectivelywithin the complex and rapidly evolvingenvironments of health and social care.

You will have the opportunity to enhance yourknowledge and skills set within a broadinternational context. Learning, teaching andassessment methods focus on providing youwith engaging and contemporary materialswhich link practice and theory and challenge youto take a critical perspective on both.

Subjects include:Leadership and Finance for Effective ServiceDelivery; Contemporary Human ResourceManagement; Behaviour & Management inOrganisations; Clinical Governance &Improvement Practice; Exploring Evidence toImprove Practice; Option: Contemporary Ethical &Professional Issues in Healthcare or InternationalHealth & Social Care.

Entry requirementsUsually an honours degree in a subject related tohealth sciences or management. Equivalentordinary degrees or non-degree level professionalqualifications will also be considered andrecognised prior learning will be considered on anindividual basis. If English is not your firstlanguage, a minimum IELTS score of 6.0 isrequired. For international entry requirements seepage 161.

Career prospectsThis course will enable you to be innovative,provide leadership and prepares you as aprofessional healthcare manager. Critical appraisalof culturally relevant health and social policy isused to help you achieve advanced levels ofpractice and influence decision making at localand strategic levels. Overseas students may useexit qualifications to obtain access to UK graduateemployment initiatives, such as the Post StudyWork Visa, your first step towards gainingpermanent employment in the UK.


Faculty of Health, Life & Social SciencesSCHOOL OF NURSING, MIDWIFERY & SOCIAL CARE

MScNeonatal Practice

As an experienced ‘Qualified in Specialty’neonatal nurse, you are expected to becompetent and up-to-date with current evidenceand practice. This course will provide you withopportunities to further develop yourprofessional role and career. You will determinethe focus of your studies and if you wish, willadvance and develop the core knowledge andskills of the proficient neonatal practitioner intothat of an advanced practitioner or specialistwithin neonatal care, eg clinical expert, teachingand learning, research or service delivery.

You will develop:

• an in-depth understanding of the theory• required to practice at a higher level in a• clinical environment;

• enhanced practical skills in neonatal• assessment and decision making and• competence in a range of extended and• advanced clinical interventions; and

• transferable skills in teamwork, critical thinking• and evaluation, communication, time• management, workload planning and• prioritisation and information technology.

Based over two to three years part-time, thiscourse is delivered using a blended learningapproach including online learning, clinicalpractice experience, taught classes, tutorials andseminars.

Subjects include:Specific compulsory modules and a range ofoptional modules related to neonatal practice,education and research will be offered.

Depending on your career aspirations, you will beadvised on the appropriate modules.

Entry requirementsYou must be a Registered Nurse (Adult) or (ChildHealth) or Registered Midwife with a degree innursing, midwifery or a related subject. If Englishis not your first language, you must have aminimum IELTS score of 6.0 or equivalent. Inaddition, you must be:

• ‘Qualified in Specialty’ with a minimum of three• years experience working in neonatal care;

• working in a practice environment that• complements the focus of the programme and• allows you to achieve all learning outcomes; and

• have the written support of an appropriate• mentor and approval from your clinical manager• to study.

Career prospectsYou will enjoy increased employmentopportunities in the nursing profession and will bewell-placed for advancement in your neonatalnursing career, or a move to an education orresearch-based role.



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Faculty of Health, Life & Social SciencesSCHOOL OF NURSING, MIDWIFERY & SOCIAL CARE


Subjects include:Independent and Supplementary Prescribing;Work-based Learning; Advanced Clinical PracticePortfolio.

Entry requirementsYou must be a practitioner working within out ofhours and unscheduled care. You must have yourline manager’s support and a mentor who:

• holds a position in the NHS or the SAS that• enables them to access or facilitate learning• experiences;

• holds a specialist qualification and/or• postgraduate qualification or equivalent• experience;

• holds a recognised mentoring qualification;

• is willing and able to spend time with you on a• regular basis; and

• has experience and training in teaching students.

Career prospectsGraduates will be well-equipped to work within anout of hours and unscheduled care role havingdemonstrated successful completion of the NESCore Competencies for Out of Hours andUnscheduled Care.


PgCertOut of Hours & Unscheduled Care

This course has been developed for practitionersundertaking a role that supports out of hoursand unscheduled care and will enhance yourability to carry out this responsibility effectively.

The course has been designed, developed and isdelivered in partnership with clinical experts inorder to increase your knowledge base, enhanceyour professional role and ensure completion ofthe NHS Education for Scotland (NES) CoreCompetencies for Out of Hours UnscheduledCare Practitioners.


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MScBlended & Online Education

If you are working in tertiary education, thiscourse will enhance your blended and onlineteaching and learning skills, meeting yourindividual developmental and professional needsand allowing you to explore current andemerging issues in education. You will have theopportunity to develop, implement and evaluateblended and online learning, teaching andassessment approaches, tools and resourceswithin your own work. Whether you arecompletely new to blended and online education,or just want to learn more, this course allows youto develop knowledge and skills, and put theminto practice.

This is a distance learning course, the duration ofwhich is determined by the exit qualification youstudy for (PgCert, PgDip or MSc). It is taughtpart-time and entirely online so you can studyindependently in your own time. You will use arange of online tools and resources and get theopportunity to interact with guest contributorsincluding internationally renowned experts inthis field.

The MSc is recognised by the Staff andEducational Development Association (SEDA).All three exit awards carry individualprofessional accreditation from SEDA inEmbedding Learning Technologies.

Subjects include:• PgCert: Introduction to Blended and Online• Education; Supporting the Blended and Online• Student Experience; Curriculum Design and• Development for Blended and Online Learning.• PgDip: At this level you will have the opportunity• to receive credit for previous qualifications and• experience and choose modules which relate to• your work.• MSc: A focused industry relevant piece of• research or development work in an area of your• choice.

Entry requirementsDue to the applied nature of this course you willalready need to be working in a substantiveteaching and learning, course development,consultancy or other appropriate role withinschool, tertiary or professional education. Thisensures the relevance of the course and providesa means to learn by actually applying online andblended methods to your work. For specificinternational entry requirements see page 161.

Career prospectsAlthough already employed in the educationsector, this course can offer you enhancedopportunities for promotion as your improvedunderstanding and skills lead to increased jobsatisfaction and improved student engagement.You will be better equipped for modern roles ineducation and prepared for working in diverseonline blended environments. You may find workin the areas of tertiary and university education,local and national education projects, teachingblended and online learning and industrialtraining.


If you’re studying only a few modules at SCQF 11(eg to update knowledge and skills) you areentitled to a Certificate of Credit. This is atranscript listing those modules studied; togetherwith credit points and an indication of pass levels.

A Certificate of Credit allows you to study theclasses you choose and build on your currentqualifications and experience for personal orprofessional development. It can be a valuablestep towards reaching your career and personalgoals because the Credit achieved can betransferred to count towards a degree programmein future.

Learning and Teaching modulesThe University offers the following Learning &Teaching Certificate of Credit modules:

• Effective Teaching & Learning for UK Higher• Education in International Contexts• In this module, you will develop your• understanding of the Higher Education context• in the UK and of the role of an academic• member of staff in developing student learning.• You will have the opportunity to use a range of• learning and teaching techniques; learn about• different teaching methods, such as lectures,• discussions or projects and have the opportunity• to try these out in your own teaching practice to• develop active and independent learning in your• students.

• In your teaching, learning and assessment role,• within a Higher Education level setting, you will• explore the principles of Higher Education• curriculum design, planning and provision and• will develop an understanding of the importance• of the alignment of assessment to learning• outcomes. You will develop your academic

• practice through reflection and feedback on• teaching and learning contexts.

• Teaching & Learning in Higher Education in• Scotland’s Colleges & Universities• In this module you will develop your• understanding of the Higher Education context.• Building on your experience of learning, teaching• and assessment in a college context, this module• will act as an introduction to Higher Education• curriculum design, planning and provision. You• will have the opportunity to explore articulation• routes/systems from the college and university• perspectives and to identify significant• differences in curriculum structure, teaching,• learning and assessment approaches and• student support and to reflect on how these may• impact upon your practice and the student• experience. You will consider the value of• Personal Development Planning and other• aspects of reflective practice in your own• professional practice as well as for learners.

• Teaching at University• This module provides an introduction to the• theory and practice of teaching in Higher• Education. The module relies on you having• some teaching responsibilities (such as• demonstrating in laboratories or leading tutorials• or lectures). It starts with the different• approaches to learning taken by students, and• with what makes good teaching. It includes 'tools• and techniques' that can help with good• teaching, and requires you to think about what• constitutes good assessment and feedback and• how we can support learning in a diverse student• body with multiple needs. You will develop your• academic practice through reflection on your• own teaching and on that of others.



University Programmes

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Certificate of Credit

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PgCertTeaching & Learning in Higher Education

As a teaching professional at university or otherinstitution at Higher Education level, you willappreciate that opportunities for personal andprofessional development can be rare. Thiscourse offers you the chance to gain anaccredited qualification through two years’ part-time, work-based study, concentrating on thesubjects of your choice.

This course aims to develop familiarity with theprinciples of higher education curriculum design,planning and provision. You will exploremotivations for student learning and assessmentmethods, plus the links between research andteaching. Ultimately, you will produce a piece ofextended professional analysis and critique thatwill demonstrate your development over thecourse.

Through this course, you will gain a number ofteaching-oriented skills that will enhance yourday-to-day working life, as well as your careerprospects. You will develop the ability tocritically evaluate rapidly changing contexts ofhigher education, as well as a student-centredapproach to your role as an educationalpractitioner. Personal evaluation skills and theability to effectively explore and debate relevantissues will also be nurtured.

Based over two years, this course is recognizedby SEDA (the Staff and EducationalDevelopment Association), and accredited by theHEA (Higher Education Academy). Completionentitles you to Fellowship of the HigherEducation Academy.

If you are a registered nurse or midwife you willalso be entitled to register as a teacher on theprofessional NMC register.

Subjects include:Effective Learning and Teaching in HigherEducation Contexts; Assessment, Evaluation andSupport; Professional Study and Practices.

Entry requirementsYou will need to be in a substantive teaching andassessment role within higher education or at ahigher education level.

Career prospectsQualification will consolidate your status withinyour own university or teaching institution. Youmay undertake the course as part of aprobationary programme for new positions, or useit to increase your opportunities for transferwithin the university system, upgrade your currentstanding, or pursue further educationally-focusedstudies.




University Programmes

MORE INFO: 08452 60 60 40 / +44 (0) 131 455 2877WEB: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate


We aim to build on our strong track record oftransferring knowledge to business and societyand have recently restructured our research andknowledge transfer activity into nine Institutes ofResearch & Innovation:• Institute for Creative Industries• Edinburgh Institute of Leadership &• Management Practice• Employment Research Institute• Forest Products Research Institute• Institute for Informatics & Digital Innovation• Institute for Product Design & Manufacture• Institute for Science & Health Innovation• Institute for Sustainable Construction• Transport Research Institute – TRI.

These institutes and the centres that sit withinthem will ensure that our excellent research andexpertise translates into deliverables which havea measurable cultural, social or economic impactand benefit in Scotland and in other countrieswhere we identify potential applications andbenefits. This will include the application of ourresearch to enhancing the quality of teaching inthe University.

The University has some real research strengthsand success stories – the Biofuels ResearchCentre, the Employment Research Institute andthe Forest Products Research Institute amongstmany others. The new institute structure willfacilitate the development of many others. Wehope that you will find topics here which reflectyour academic curiosity.

Knowledge Transfer PartnershipsAs the base for the East of Scotland KnowledgeTransfer Centre, we’re ideally placed to developstrong links with businesses of all shapes andsizes. It’s also a great way to work closely withother universities – there are six of them involvedin the scheme – enabling and encouragingcollaboration between companies, universityspecialists and postgraduate students.

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships provide fundingfor projects where everyone benefits.Edinburgh Napier University recently launched ajoint initiative with Queen Margaret Universitywhich places business development advisers inkey academic areas to promote partnershipsbetween university staff and external businesses.

With projects like these, our students gainvaluable business experience and personaldevelopment, we improve the industrial relevanceof our teaching and research, and the companiesmake advances that might otherwise have beenbeyond their resources.

There is a vibrant research community across theUniversity with areas of exceptional strengthwhere we have developed an internationalreputation. Elsewhere in this prospectus you willfind an overview of current research within theUniversity’s three faculties, as well as informationon research degrees, student population and howto apply.

Research studentsOver half of our research students are inengineering, computing, the built environmentand creative industries, with substantial numbersalso in the Business School and in health and life

sciences. Most expect to graduate with a PhD(after about three years of full-time study, or fiveyears part-time study). Others are planning to getan MPhil (after two years of full-time study or 40months part-time) or Masters by Research (oneyear full-time study or 20 months part-time).

Many of Edinburgh Napier’s research studentsare from the Far East, the Middle East and thecountries of the European Union. They bring awealth of experience and contribute to thediversity of the research culture. All researchstudents follow a training programme and thosebased locally are expected to attend schoolresearch seminars.

There are opportunities to be trained inuniversity-level teaching, and most staff trainingevents (eg in IT) are open to research students.

Edinburgh Napier University is committed to carrying outinternationally recognised research which is relevant to theeconomic, social and cultural needs of Scotland and through whichwe can deepen our international partnerships. Our activities cover allthe priority sectors which have a direct and immediate economicimpact and in many of these areas we are world-leading. The UKwide 2008 Research Assessment Exercise reported that manyareas of our activity are world-leading or of international excellence.

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The Research Assessment Exercise 2008 regarded six units of ourwork as world leading - Nursing; Allied Health; Civil Engineering;Architecture & Built Environment; Library & InformationManagement; and English.

Research degreesWithin Student & Academic Services we provide acentral hub for research degrees, working closelywith faculties and schools. It provides informationand advice for research students, as well asdealing with central administrative issues.

The University has introduced a number ofimprovements for research degree students,including a training programme undertakenduring the first few months of study. This coversgeneric topics such as: what a research degreeinvolves, project management and presentationskills, and research ethics, as well as subjectspecific training in research methods provided bythe school or faculty. Schools run their ownresearch seminar programmes, which researchstudents are expected to attend and contributeto, with presentations from eminent internal andexternal speakers.

Research students also have access to the samewide range of IT training programmes and otherevents as members of staff. Many schools offeropportunities for research students to undertaketeaching and lab demonstrations, for whichtraining is provided.

ApplyingProspective applicants need to find out ifEdinburgh Napier can provide research degreesupervisory expertise in their chosen field orresearch topic. To check this, look at the researchsection of each school’s website, viawww.napier.ac.uk or you may wish to email theperson or research team closest to your intereststo confirm that suitable supervision would beavailable. If so, you should download theapplication form (RD1) from the website,complete and return it to us with two other formsasking for other personal information. When theschool has considered your application, you willreceive a formal offer letter or, if we cannot offeryou a place, a message explaining why – forexample, research staff may already have a fullcomplement of research students.

Occasionally funded studentships are available.These are usually advertised in the March toJune period on www.jobs.ac.uk and on theUniversity website for vacant posts,www.napier.ac.uk/vacancies. They may beoffered in schools’ areas of research strength, orthey may be to work on specific topics, as part ofa research project. You should apply for thesestudentships in the same way as for otherapplications, but as they are competitive thereare deadlines for applying and it can take a littlelonger for us to process them and to tellapplicants if they have been successful.

Research142 143

Majid BamagaSaudi ArabiaPhD

“I’ve made contact with leaders in my field...”

“The Ministry of Higher Education in Saudi Arabiahas a list of top-rated, recommended universitiesworldwide, among which I found EdinburghNapier University – one of the leading universitiesin my field of interest. Fitting in was easy; theschool system is a great boon and really helps tointegrate students. There was a greatatmosphere between people in my departmentas well as people from other fields of research.

“My PhD involves the study of Genetics,molecular biology and bacteriology. I’ve had thechance to work in collaboration with a wide rangeof scientists who created a very stimulatingenvironment similar to working in real life. Thisexperience in the university’s laboratories willboost my knowledge and qualifications, enablingme to work in any research laboratory orhealthcare facility.

“I also made contact with leaders in my researchfield which will be very helpful in the future. I’vebenefited from recent scientific knowledge, highlyequipped facilities and amazingly friendly andhelpful staff.

“I strongly encourage students to study atEdinburgh Napier University. It has a welldeserved reputation in the research field as wellas a friendly atmosphere for students. It is rich ininternational students and located in one of themost beautiful cities in the world. EdinburghNapier makes you feel very welcome from thefirst day and helps you throughout your studiesto improve your skills and knowledge for thefuture.”

Student ProfileResearch144 145

We’re Edinburgh’s innovative and professional university –committed to giving you the right mix of personal and professionalskills that will open doors and help you achieve a successful careerin today’s global job market. Our industry relevant courses, highgraduate employability and world-leading research will help youfulfil your potential. Postgraduate study is a critical time in yourdevelopment and at Edinburgh Napier, we will help you exploit thatopportunity.

Find out more: www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

Achieve more, with Edinburgh NapierUniversity:

of postgraduate students fromEdinburgh Napier University are inwork or further study within sixmonths of graduating.*

The average salary for a postgraduateleaver in full-time paid work (includingself-employment) is £29,260;compared to £20,930 for anundergraduate.*

of postgraduate students fromEdinburgh Napier University areworking in graduate level jobs.

of them are working in the UK.

of postgraduate students fromEdinburgh Napier University areworking in organisations with 250 ormore employees.

Our courses and fees are structured to reflectyour intended career path – start with aPostgraduate Certificate then progress further asand when you choose to. Some of our courseshave two start points during the year while

others offer full-time, part-time, distance learningor blended learning options. Join us and gain anedge. You’ll benefit from our excellent resources,a very high standard of teaching and outstandingstudent support. We’ll open doors for you. We areproud of the close links with industry we nurtureacross our three faculties. Our partnerships withground-breaking and successful businesses – aswell as with other pioneering universities,nationally and internationally, make EdinburghNapier an exciting and rewarding place to study.

Many of our tutors are experts in their field,enjoying a world-renowned reputation forresearch and close industry links. A large numberof our courses are professionally accredited byindustry bodies. Many staff are actively engagedwith industry either as practitioners or inresearch or knowledge transfer programmes. Anumber of our postgraduate programmes includea work placement in industry as part of thecourse. More than 3,000 postgraduate studentshave chosen to study at Edinburgh Napier.Approximately 58% of those students study part-time and more than 1,200 of our postgraduatesare from overseas.

*Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE)survey 2009/10

About UsIn & around Edinburgh Napier






146 147

This is Edinburgh, the Athens of the North. Scotland’s inspiringcapital city is a vibrant place. In the TripAdvisor Travellers’ ChoiceDestinations 2010 survey, Edinburgh was the only UK city tofeature in the top 25 places to visit in the world…

Edinburgh deserves its reputation as one of themost beautiful locations in the world, topping thelist of European cities where people would mostlike to live.

Edinburgh has long been respected as a place oflearning. Its four universities attract around100,000 students, giving the city its own uniquebuzz. Revel in it. Walk cobbled streets amid theOld Town’s historic grandeur then turn to thestunning and sometimes controversialcontemporary architecture.

Clean and compact, Edinburgh is a modern,cosmopolitan, European city with a diverse,multicultural community. Be a part of it. Live theEdinburgh life – a year-round artistic, cultural andsporting mix topped with a lively, student-friendly,social scene.

Edinburgh is a UNESCO World Heritage site witha population of approximately 450,000. It boastsmore than 4,500 listed buildings and more than140 parks and public green spaces. Major touristattractions, including Edinburgh Castle, theNational Gallery of Scotland, the Royal Museumand Museum of Scotland attract millions ofvisitors to the city each year.

The city plays host to a number of festivalsthroughout the year peaking during the summermonths, which include the EdinburghInternational Festival, Film Festival and Fringe,and at Hogmanay with the world’s biggest NewYear street party. In Edinburgh, there’s alwayssomething to see or do:


TransportEdinburgh is easy to get around, with an excellentpublic transport system. Most ofEdinburgh Napier’s main campuses andaccommodation are within easy walking orcycling distance of each other and they are allconnected by regular bus routes. Furtherinformation, including driving directions, isavailable online: www.napier.ac.uk/campusmaps

AirEdinburgh Airport; 0870 040 0007 orwww.edinburghairport.com

BicycleSPOKES (Edinburgh cycle map); 0131 313 2114 orwww.spokes.org.uk

BusFirst Group; 08708 727 271 orwww.firstgroup.comLothian Buses; 0131 555 6363 orwww.lothianbuses.com

TrainEdinburgh’s main station is Waverley, just offPrinces Street. Alternatively, Haymarket in thecity’s west end is another central station. 08457484 950 or www.firstgroup.com/scotrail

About EdinburghIn & around Edinburgh Napier148 149

Edinburgh Napier is a multi-site university. Our three maincampuses are in lively student areas at Craiglockhart, Merchistonand now Sighthill. They offer some of the most modern teachingand learning facilities in Scotland.

Each campus provides the resources and facilities required for thesubjects taught there. Your academic time will probably befocused on one campus although, depending on the course youchoose, you may need to attend lectures at different campuses.

Craiglockhart, Merchiston and our studentaccommodation are all within easy walking andcycling distance of each other. Sighthill Campus isjust a short bus ride away. All our sites are easilyaccessible by public transport from the citycentre too. Look on our website for more mapsand travel advice:www.napier.ac.uk/campusmaps

Our main campuses are:

1. Merchiston CampusColinton Road, Edinburgh EH10 5DT.

Located in lively Bruntsfield, Merchiston Campusis home to the Faculty of Engineering, Computing& Creative Industries. It’s a unique blend of thepast and the present with our award-winning500-seat Jack Kilby Computing Centre alongsidethe thirteenth-century Napier Tower.Development work will be going on at MerchistonCampus throughout 2012.

2. Craiglockhart CampusColinton Road, Edinburgh EH14 1DJ.

Combining ultra-modern architecture withhistoric B-listed buildings; facilities include 200and 400 seat lecture theatres and three digitalmultimedia language labs. Craiglockhart Campusis home to The Business School.

3. Sighthill CampusSighthill Court, Edinburgh EH11 4BN.

The multimillion pound redevelopment of ourlandmark Sighthill Campus has made it the homeof 5,000 students and staff from the Faculty ofHealth, Life & Social Sciences. Featuring cuttingedge facilities, including a state-of-the-art clinicalskills suite and a new sports centre, Sighthill is acampus designed to meet your needs and theneeds of the healthcare sector now and in thefuture.

4. Craighouse CampusCraighouse Road, Edinburgh EH10 5LG.

A fabulous set of Grade A listed buildings set inserene woodlands provides an attractive learningenvironment. Students at Craighouse Campuswill transfer to Merchiston Campus oncedevelopments there are complete.

Where are we?In & around Edinburgh Napier150




2 2

1 1

During your first week at the University you will be given aninduction to the library and computing services which will becentral to your studies. This session will give you the skills to usethe computing and library systems confidently – how to locate thebest computer suite or library for your studies, how to log on tothe University network and how to use the email system & virtuallearning environment.

You’ll discover how to use the library catalogue, which providesaccess to our extensive information collections and how to get thebest from them. You’ll also take a library tour to learn more aboutwhere to turn for additional help & support while you’re studying.

Library servicesThe libraries at Craiglockhart, Merchiston andSighthill cater for the information and studyneeds of the Faculties based there. The servicesprovided by the libraries include:• Face-to-face and online real-time help with your• enquiries• In:form - an online information skills course• The textbooks and materials you need for your• modules• Guidance and support to help you find the• books and information you need• DVDs, videos and computer equipment• Web resources to support your studies• Specialist databases providing access to up-to• date information• Group study rooms where you can prepare• project work• Self-issue and self-return machines to cut out• any delays• Renewal online, over the phone or in person• Access to other libraries in the city.

Computing resourcesAt Edinburgh Napier University, you can accessnetworked resources and virtual learningenvironment through the student portal 24/7from home or anywhere with an internetconnection. Within the University we provideaccess to over 1,750 PCs and 150 Apple Macsacross our campuses. Opening hours vary, butthe 500-seat Jack Kilby Computing Centre atMerchiston Campus is open 24/7*.

On campus, we provide access to:• Face-to-face user support from our help desks• at the main campuses, including more than 70• hours per week from the Jack Kilby Computing• Centre;• PCs 24/7;*• Microsoft Office applications and the internet;• Specialised software packages, including: CAD,• project management, statistics, mathematics,• computer programming, and many others to• support your studies;• Mono and colour A3 and A4 and acetate• printers;• Wi-Fi network connections for your laptop;• Scanners and other specialist peripherals;• A laptop loan service from the main campuses;• Convenient vending machines selling IT• essentials; and• Special low-priced purchase schemes for• software for your own PC.

Whether on or off-campus, wherever you are inthe world, you will always have support by emailand telephone from our central Support Desk.

*During trimesters 1 and 2

Students with disabilities, health conditions orspecific learning difficultiesContact the Disability & Inclusion team on 0131455 2929 or email: support@napier.ac.uk

All service points have induction loops;information can be provided in a range ofaccessible formats and specialist equipment isavailable at our main campuses to magnify text.There is also an Assessment and Training Centreat Merchiston Campus, which has specialistequipment and software to help support studentswith a range of disabilities or with specificlearning difficulties, such as Dyslexia. In somecircumstances, it may be possible to takeequipment out on loan.

Language facilitiesOur Craiglockhart Campus provides three ultra-advanced Sanako digital multimedia languagelabs, incorporating state-of-the-art multi-castingcomputer technology. Each lab comprises 20student PC positions and one teacher PCposition. The teacher can access any of the workbeing carried out by the students, ensuring thehighest quality, unobtrusive tutoring. Centralservers provide networked facilities to the labsplus the most advanced languages multimediateaching resources. Language students canaccess and continue work on projects started inthe language labs, at any PC in the University. Forextra study and practice, you can also access avariety of dedicated multimedia languagesoftware from any PC.

Student portalAfter you matriculate at Edinburgh NapierUniversity you will get access to the studentportal, which is your personal gateway to ouronline environment. It offers secure and easyone-step access to all online resources andsystems available to help you with your studiesand it is the tool that lecturers will use tocommunicate with you. The portal can beaccessed remotely wherever you are in the worldto give you access to:• Our virtual learning environment• Your personal Edinburgh Napier University• email account• Secure areas for you to store files on the• University network• The library system for finding information and• using electronic resources

• Your own student records to matriculate in• subsequent years, update your personal records• and see your results• Teaching and Exam Timetables• Online payments• Napier Students’ Association (NSA), school and• departmental websites• Powerful search functionality to search student• content held on University websites.• Communications, including university-wide news• and events, NSA announcements and school• announcements• My Site – your personal website which you can• customise and upload documents and pictures• to, to share with your friends. You can create• your own area to collaborate on projects, set up• surveys and discussions and much more• Links to selected external electronic resources.

Our ResourcesIn & around Edinburgh Napier152 153

We offer support to help you before, during and after studying atEdinburgh Napier. Our Student & Academic Services staff canassist with your enquiries before you begin your studies; help youwhile you are a student, with advice on finance, how to accessstudy support or ideas about how to make the most of your timeat university; and give career guidance once you have completedyour studies.

We also work to help you achieve your personal goals and supportyour physical wellbeing, emotional health and career progressionthroughout your time at Edinburgh Napier University, fromenrolment through to graduation and employment. The serviceswe provide include careers advice, support for those with specialneeds and disabilities, counselling, funding and the UniversityChaplaincy.

Academic skills developmentEmail: academicadvisers@napier.ac.ukDeveloping the academic skills you need forpostgraduate study is stimulating but cansometimes be challenging. Our Student LearningAdvisers can help you to enhance your skills andequip you for studying and writing effectively atpostgraduate level. Look out for workshops onspecific topics. Student Learning Advisers alsoprovide an impartial and confidential service tohelp you meet challenges, resolve issues andmake choices related to your postgraduatejourney.

Student mentorsEmail: studentmentoring@napier.ac.ukOur student mentoring programme runsthroughout the year and offers you theopportunity to talk to an experienced studentmentor with personal knowledge of EdinburghNapier University. A trained student mentor canoffer friendly, informal support and advice.Working with a student mentor can help you togain confidence in your new field of study.

Spirituality, faith & chaplaincyCall: 0131 455 2926We provide spiritual care to all students, staff andguests of the University regardless of faith orbelief or lack of one. This service is provided bythe Spirituality, Faith & Chaplaincy Service whichguides faith groups within the University andassists them in their organisation and eventsmanagement. A 24-hour helpline is available, forsupport during times of personal crisis.

Counsellingwww.napier.ac.uk/counsellingOur counselling team offers students a widerange of support that is designed to help youdeal with any personal problems you may facewhile studying. This support includes lunchtimedrop-in sessions and a wide variety of self-helptechniques. Our counsellors can also providesupport for mitigating circumstances appeals ifyour performance in assignments or exams isadversely affected by circumstances outside ofyour control. Email: counselling@napier.ac.uk formore information.

Skills and learner developmentPostgraduate study takes you on a transitionaljourney from knowledge-bearer to knowledge-generator. It also helps you further develop thequalities and skills that you built up becoming agraduate (your graduate attributes). Alongsidethe specialist knowledge provided by yourprogramme, studying at postgraduate level givesyou opportunities to develop attributes likepersonal effectiveness, commitment toprofessional integrity and autonomy. Activitiesavailable through Edinburgh Napier combine witheffective personal and professional developmentplanning (PDP) to accelerate your growth andgraduate attribute development.

Confident Futureswww.napier.ac.uk/confidentfuturesCall: 0131 455 2970Email: confidentfutures@napier.ac.ukEmployers expect postgraduates to be equippedwith the skills, attributes and attitudes thatenable them to work as knowledge-generatingprofessionals.

The unique Confident Futures programme ofpersonal skills for professional development is

designed to enhance your ability to be successful,and increase your competitive edge withemployers. The ability to set goals, learn frommistakes, face up to challenges and work andnetwork effectively with others are essential formanaging your life, academic success andprofessional prospects and progression. Theworkshops will help equip you to recognise anddevelop essential graduate attributes demandedby employers. Confident Futures Workshops arefree for all Edinburgh Napier students. For moreinformation - including what other students havesaid about the programme, visit our website.

CareersEmail: careers@napier.ac.ukEmployers expect postgraduates to beimmediately effective in the workplace. Theyvalue attributes like adaptability, professionalismand innovation, so it’s important to consider theworld of work in your development. Our careersteam can help you maximise your employabilityand ensure that you make the most of youropportunities. We list thousands of vacancieseach year and our employer events, workshopsand guidance sessions can provide you with allyou need to make your next career move.

Student SupportIn & around Edinburgh Napier154 155

Disability & Inclusionwww.napier.ac.uk/specialneedsCall: 0131 455 2929Email: specialneedsanddiversity@napier.ac.uk

Members of the Disability & Inclusion Team areavailable throughout the year to discuss anyadditional support needs you may have (forteaching and assessment, classroom equipment,IT and specialist software, accommodation, traveland parking). We will also advise you about youreligibility to apply for Disabled Students’Allowance (DSA). We aim to provide the bestpossible support for all students with supportneeds. As it can take some time to put somearrangements in place, it helps if we can discussany particular needs you have well before thestart of your course. If you are thinking of comingto the University, please contact us at the earliestopportunity.

Arrangements can also be made for you to visitspecific campuses and meet the School DisabilityContacts in the academic areas related to yourcourse choice.

We provide:• Specialist help, advice and information for• students with disabilities, health conditions or• specific learning difficulties• Help in assessing your support needs• Advice and assistance in applying for ‘Disabled• Students’ Allowance’ if applicable• An Assessment & Training Centre that offers• assessment, support and training for specialist• software, hardware and equipment as well as• loan equipment• Advice on Special Examination Allowances and• arranging to put these in place for you• Assistance arranging any personal support• needed, such as BSL interpreters, note-takers• and study support workers.

Student accommodationwww.napier.ac.uk/accommodationThe Student Accommodation Office is here tohelp you find residential accommodation inEdinburgh. Limited accommodation for taughtpostgraduate students is available within theUniversity flat developments, usually at eitherMorrison Circus or West Bryson Road. Bothdevelopments offer mainly four- and five-personflats, with single study-bedrooms, a communalkitchen/living room, shower room, separate WC,central heating and car parking. Thedevelopments are served by good bus routes toall major campuses and with easy access toPrinces Street and Lothian Road. You can applyonline for Edinburgh Napier studentaccommodation atwww.napier.ac.uk/accommodationonline

Information on lodgings, private flats, lettingagencies, accommodation websites andtemporary accommodation is available on ouraccommodation web pages. If you arrive inEdinburgh without any long-termaccommodation organised, there will be anAccommodation Support Service available atCraiglockhart Campus from the last week inAugust until mid-September. This offers detailedhelp and advice on finding non-universityaccommodation. Access to computers will beavailable so that you can search the internet forsuitable accommodation. There are many privateaccommodation websites but we suggest thatyou visit: www.edinburghstudentpad.co.uk

Student SupportIn & around Edinburgh Napier

Fitness, your way[EN]GAGE, our fitness suite and sportshall at Sighthill Campus, caters for alllevels of fitness. Whether you’re having agame of football, a lunchtime badmintonsession or meeting new friends in one ofour Les MillsTM, Spinning®, Zumba® orViPRTM classes, we make fitness fresh,different and fun.

With state-of-the-art equipment, from LifeFitness treadmills to Olympic weight liftingplatforms, and industry leadinginstructors, we’ll make your [EN]GAGEexperience as enjoyable as it is effective!Every new member is given a fullinduction, with friendly advice on whatmight be best for you. Find out more atwww.engagefitness.co.uk

In addition, information on the NapierStudents’ Association Sport Union Clubs isavailable from www.napierstudents.comor 0131 229 8791.

156 157

NSA is the student voice for postgraduate and undergraduatestudents at Edinburgh Napier University. Check out our web pageat: www.napierstudents.com

Every student, full or part-time, who registers for a course atEdinburgh Napier University, is a member of our Students’Association, and can take part in our activities and use ourfacilities. We are a self-governing organisation.

Students, democratically elected by the student body, determineour policies and have overall responsibility for implementing themand for representing the interests of Edinburgh Napier students.

Our main headquarters is currently two minutes from theMerchiston Campus.

Student representationIt is vital that students should have a say in theireducation and student life at Edinburgh Napier.Every class is entitled to elect a programmerepresentative to put forward their interests tothe teaching staff and to the Student Senate.

The elected Executive is made up of ninestudents and there is a reserved seat on thecommittee for a Postgraduate Representative toensure that the interests of Edinburgh Napier’spostgraduates are taken into account.

The students’ association has representatives onmost of the University’s committees; isresponsible for organising campaigns on issuesaffecting students at Edinburgh Napier andorganises the Freshers’ events.

Student welfareCall: 0131 229 8791Email: ISAS@napier.ac.ukThe Independent Student Advice Service (ISAS)provides information on a wide range of welfareand education issues from management of yourbudgets and debts, through housing rights and

childcare, to immigration and visa advice,information on employment and consumerrights.

We can advise on all aspects of student life – theteaching process, assessment and proceduresand help with student disputes or problems.Advisers offer a confidential one-to-one serviceand may accompany students in cases ofacademic appeal, student complaints and studentdiscipline. The service is available at the threemain teaching sites by appointment only.

Sport & recreationNSA supports and funds the activities of manystudent clubs, sports and other activities, as wellas the Sports Union itself. Clubs and societiescover a range of social, cultural, course-relatedand political activities. Any student, with thesupport of nine others, can set up a new club andapply for financial assistance from theAssociation. Napier Students’ Association (TheUnion) is there for you to use. We will help youthrough life at Edinburgh Napier University, socome along and get involved.

Napier Students’ AssociationIn & around Edinburgh Napier158 159

Choosing Edinburgh Napier University means living in Scotland’sinspiring capital city. Edinburgh is a vibrant, cosmopolitan place.You’ll experience the warmth and friendliness of the Scottishpeople and the multicultural buzz that the city’s 100,000 studentsgenerate. The streets of Edinburgh are rich in culture and historyand the world-famous festivals create a lively atmosphere. You’llexperience it all while learning in a first-class study environmentand enjoying the world-renowned benefits of a UK education.

To help you adjust to life in Edinburgh, ourInternational Support team will do their best to helpyou settle in to your new home, providinginformation and assistance when you arrive andorganising events where you can meet other newstudents.

To help you through the formalities andprocedures both before and after your arrival inEdinburgh, further information can be foundonline: www.napier.ac.uk/international

Postgraduate Entry RequirementsA UK Honours Degree or equivalent is generallyrequired for entry onto our Masters courses.

Please note that entry requirements can varyso please check with our PostgraduateAdmissions Team by emailingpgadmissions@napier.ac.uk in advance.

English language requirementsFor all our courses, if you do not speak English asyour first language you must provide us withevidence that you can read, write, speak andunderstand English.

In general, the University requires an overallIELTS score of 6.0, with no component below 5.5,for any student whose first language is notEnglish. Please note that some courses mayrequire a higher score and this is noted on theindividual course page.

There are a number of equivalencies to the IELTStest, including TOEFL IBT 87 or above andPearson’s 51 or above. For further information onEnglish language requirements, please contactAdmissions: pgadmissions@napier.ac.uk

Edinburgh Napier University is currently hometo more than 3,000 international students fromover 100 countries including China, Nigeria,Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, USA andCanada. Many of our students travel a long wayfrom home to study with us and as this will be amajor investment for you, we offer severalopportunities for you* to take advantage of:

• Discounts on tuition fees for early payment• Opportunity to pay fees in instalments. See• page 178• University accommodation if you register and• pay your deposit before the deadline• Welcome service at Edinburgh International• Airport at the start of trimester one and two• Welcome events for all new international• students at the start of trimester one and two• Calendar of social events throughout the year,• through SENIC (Students of Edinburgh Napier• International Club).

*Some of these opportunities are only available to thosestudents who are liable to pay the full overseas tuitionfees (eg coming from outside the EU).

Edinburgh – your new homeScotland’s inspiring capital is an exciting place inwhich to live and study. Edinburgh is a lively, diverseand vibrant city and one of the most beautiful inEurope. Continually topping the list of Europeancities where people would most like to live, it ishome to the Scottish Parliament, and hosts thelargest international arts festival in the world.

Edinburgh has long been respected as a place oflearning and is home to four universities. The cityboasts numerous theatres, cinemas, shops and barsas well as excellent sports facilities. It also offers arange of restaurants to suit every taste and budget,with a good supply of specialist food shops – Halal,Chinese, Asian and many others. The city is clean,compact and safe, and is home to a largemulticultural community where all types of religiousworship are catered for.

International Students160 161

Zizhen WangChinaMSc Business Information Technology

“Edinburgh Napier is a smart choice if you want to enrichjob-orientated skills...”

“I chose Edinburgh Napier for two reasons.Firstly, because I like the city of Edinburgh andthe culture of Scotland; it is a nice city and thepeople are kind. Secondly I respect the reputationEdinburgh Napier has for helping graduates toget a job – 93 per cent have a job within sixmonths.

“I applied to the postgraduate Business IT courseafter getting a bachelor degree in which I studiedhardware design and manufacture. BIT teachesme how to combine business with IT so it will behelpful with my future career. The University is a

smart choice if you want to enrich your job-oriented skills.

“When I first came to Edinburgh Napier, adjustingto the environment and study style waschallenging for me but after just a couple ofweeks, with the help of my classmates andlecturers, I was enjoying studying here. I nowenjoy life in Scotland, particularly Hogmanay atNew Year and learning the history of Edinburgh,and enjoy studying at Edinburgh Napier. I havemade lots of friends from around the world.”

Student ProfileInternational Students162 163

Applications can be completed online at www.courses.napier.ac.ukby viewing the appropriate course and selecting ‘Apply for thiscourse’.

ScholarshipsEdinburgh Napier is pleased to offer scholarshipsto international students. Details of scholarshipsavailable can be found online:www.napier.ac.uk/international

International Student SupportAdvice and guidance on issues such asimmigration, finance and personal concerns isalso available for all international students at theUniversity. In addition, students are advised tocheck the UK Border Agency website for themost up-to-date information relating toimmigration requirements:www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk

Working while studyingDue to visa regulations, students from outsidethe EU are only permitted to study full-timecourses. As a full-time international student youwill also be allowed to work part-time for up to 20hours a week during term time and full-timeduring the vacation period.

English language support

In-session English study support classesThese classes, including specialist workshops andindividual appointments, will be available duringthe year to complement your studies. These arefree of charge for all non-UK students enrolled onundergraduate and postgraduate courses.

Pre-Masters course (35 weeks)This course is open to students who have a three-year undergraduate qualification plus an IELTSscore of 0.5 below the degree requirement. Thiscourse has been specially designed to easestudents into postgraduate study at EdinburghNapier. It combines intensive English languagetuition with study in subjects that are linked tothe student’s intended Masters course – ideal as a‘bridge’ to a Masters at Edinburgh NapierUniversity.

Pre-sessional Academic English courses:

12 weeksIf you are 1.0 points below the required IELTSscore, this 12-week course, will help prepare youfor study. The course runs in the autumn and is

suitable for degrees starting in February. Itfeatures intensive academic English lessons –reading, speaking, listening and writing practice(academic style, essay structure, use of sources,and discussion and analysis); training in givingpresentations and taking part in seminars andtutorials; note-taking and techniques to help withexams and coursework. You may also be able toparticipate in modules and attend the ScottishCulture and Society module. The course givesyou the opportunity to experience our teachingand assessment methods before starting yourformal programme. A series of trips and culturalevents also helps you get to know Edinburgh andyour fellow students.

Six weeksIf you are 0.5 points below the required IELTSscore, our six week course runs over the summerand allows you to join degree courses starting inOctober. This is an intensive English languagecourse that prepares you for study at EdinburghNapier. It includes intensive academic English –reading, speaking, listening and writing practice(academic style, essay structure, use of sources,and discussion and analysis); training in givingpresentations and taking part in seminars andtutorials, note-taking and techniques to help withexams and coursework. For assessment, you willcomplete written work and a presentation in yoursubject area. A series of trips and cultural eventsalso helps you get to know Edinburgh and yourfellow students.

Four weeksIf you meet the required IELTS score but want todo four weeks intensive preparation to prepareyou for study, you can join our four week course.This combines academic English with training ingiving presentations and writing assignments. Aseries of trips and cultural events also helps youget to know Edinburgh and your fellow students.

For further information on any of theseprogrammes please contactinternational@napier.ac.uk

In order for our admissions team to process yourapplication we will need:

• a valid email address• education details• language proficiency details (if English is not• your first language)• a personal statement• referee contact details• a scanned copy of your degree certificate and• academic transcript• a scanned copy of your passport (with visa• stamp if you are already in the UK)

If you require the application form in anotherformat, please email: info@napier.ac.uk

You are strongly advised to apply as early aspossible to ensure that there is sufficient time toprocess your application and apply for your visa.

If you have applied for a course at EdinburghNapier University and you are not a national ofthe European Economic Area, you may need toapply for Tier 4 general entry clearance (visa)before travelling to the UK. All students must usea Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)to apply for their visas. Edinburgh NapierUniversity will issue a unique CAS number to allstudents who have an unconditional offer ofstudy and who have paid a prepayment of£3,000 towards their fees. This number confirmsthat UKBA has given the university permission to‘sponsor’ your Tier 4 application. If you apply foryour Tier 4 visa using an Edinburgh Napier CAS,your Tier 4 visa will only be valid for study atEdinburgh Napier University.

There have been major changes to UKimmigration policy and it is mandatory for allstudents coming to the UK for longer than sixmonths to obtain Entry Clearance in their owncountry before travelling to the UK. You mustensure that you check the UK Visas website(www.ukvisas.gov.uk/en/) for the most up-to-dateinformation as there are frequent changes. Forstudents coming to the UK for a course of lessthan six months there is now a Student Visitorcategory of visa which you must apply for eitheras Entry Clearance, if you are a visa national, oron arrival to the UK if you are not a visa national.

Student Visitors cannot apply to extend their stayin the UK as a Student Visitor or as a Tier 4(General) Student.

Overseas officesWe have offices in China and India and a networkof overseas representatives in countries such asIndia, Greece, USA, Norway, Taiwan, Vietnam,Hong Kong and Malaysia, to offer you advice andassistance on applying to study with us here atEdinburgh Napier. To find out if we have anoverseas representative in your country pleasevisit our web pages:www.napier.ac.uk/international.

Applying from mainland ChinaOur office in China is located at:Edinburgh Napier University China Office,706 B Winterless Centre,No.1 Xi Da Wang Lu, Chaoyang District,Beijing 100026, PR ChinaCall: +86 10 6538 8108 - Ext: 301Fax: + 86 10 6538 8109Email: info@napierchina.com www.napierchina.com

Applying from Hong KongOur office in Hong Kong is located at:Unit 1-3, 10th Floor, Tower TwoEver Gain Plaza,88 Container Port Road,Kwai Chung, N.T. Hong KongCall: +852 3151 5452Fax: +852 3151 5499Email: hongkongoffice@napier.ac.uk www.napierchina.com

Applying from IndiaOur office in India is located at:Edinburgh Napier University India Office,#304/1, Block 1, White House,Begumpet, Hyderabad,500016, IndiaCall: +91 (0) 40 4240 8800Fax: +91 (0) 40 4017 1767Email: india@napier.ac.uk

Fees for international applicantswww.napier.ac.uk/internationalfeesFurther information on fees for internationalstudents can be found on page 178 or online.

Applying to study at Edinburgh NapierInternational Students164 165

Student ProfileInternational Students

Sylvia Acheampong KwabiGhana (naturalized)MSc Health Administration

“Edinburgh Napier is more than just burying your head in books...”

“I was attracted back to Edinburgh Napierbecause of the high quality education andwonderful experiences I had as anundergraduate. I have come to appreciate thatEdinburgh Napier is more than just burying yourhead in books. In addition to gaining aninternationally recognised education andqualifications, great opportunities exist forstudents to develop a mature attitude and criticalskills.

“Being a student here has been exciting andfantastic! The University has flexible courses andis highly recognised in the healthcare sector. Ithas great academic, professional and recreationalfacilities and a welcoming and friendlyatmosphere. I have felt like part of a great familybecause the lecturers and supporting staff arewilling and eager to advise and assist.

“The University attracts a diverse group ofstudents including foreign students and providesa healthy environment to interact with peoplefrom diverse nationalities and backgrounds; toexperience and cultivate a broader understandingof multiculturalism. I have been privileged tomeet people from all walks of life and this hashelped me understand and relate to people fromdifferent cultures.

“Edinburgh Napier really helped me to achievemy career goals and realise my ambitions. Notonly have I gained an in-depth knowledge innursing and allied sciences but alsomultidisciplinary skills in leadership,compassionate care, clinical governance andfinance. This has helped me understand andappreciate the nursing profession from a broaderand cross-disciplinary perspective.”

166 167

Join Us

Come &join us

for high graduate employability and world-leading research

168 169

The quickest and easiest way to make an application is to applyonline at www.courses.napier.ac.uk

Our online system allows you to upload copies of transcripts andother additional information to support your application. If you areunable to make an online application please call us on 08452 6060 40, or +44 (0) 131 455 2877 from outside the UK, or emailinfo@napier.ac.uk and we’ll send you the application form in analternative format.

If you need any advice or help choosing a courseor preparing your application; or if you would liketo discuss the qualifications required to meet theentry requirements, contact the InformationOffice on 08452 60 60 40. Alternatively, speakto our Postgraduate Admissions team on 0845520 30 50.

If you are applying for more than one course,please list your choices in order of preference.This is important as some course applications aredealt with sequentially and if you are made anunconditional offer for your first choice, yoursecond and third choice will not be considered.

Research studentA research degree (MRes, MPhil or PhD) typicallylasts longer than a taught Masters course andinvolves a higher level of individual study andinvestigation. The normal periods of study forresearch degrees vary depending on the award:

• an MRes is 12 months (20 months part-time)• an MPhil is 24 months (40 months part-time)• a PhD is 36 months (60 months part-time).

These awards do not follow the same principle astaught courses. Research students are initiallyregistered for a Research Degree Programmeand commence their studies without a specifiedtarget degree. Progress depends on satisfactoryperformance in Transfer and Annual Progressreviews. All research students will receive someformal research methods training and a researchdegree may also offer the possibility of doingsome part-time teaching or demonstrating.

Research courses are created between theresearch interests of the faculty and your own –so if you have seen something about research atEdinburgh Napier that interests you and is in tunewith what you want to do, then please contact usto discuss the possibility of becoming a research

student here. See page 140 for more informationon research degrees and how to apply.

Part-time studentsIf you are interested in part-time postgraduatestudy you can apply in any of the ways outlinedpreviously.

International students (Non-EU)Information for non-EU international students onapplying for postgraduate courses at EdinburghNapier University can be found on page 160.

What happens next?We cannot consider your application until wehave received your completed application form.When we have your application form we will sendyou an acknowledgement, normally within 10working days.

You can help us to process your applicationquickly by ensuring you submit all the requireddocumentation to allow us to make a decision.This normally includes:

• a valid email address• education details• a personal statement• referee contact details• scanned copy of your degree certificate,• academic transcript or non-UK qualifications• language proficiency details (if available) if• English is not your first language.

Once your application has been considered youwill be advised of our decision. If you have beenmade an offer you need to accept or decline thatoffer.

Any questions?Once you have applied, if you have any queriesabout your application then call: +44 (0) 845520 30 50 or email: pgadmissions@napier.ac.uk

ApplicationsIf you are interested in studying one of the taughtpostgraduate courses in this prospectus and youhave the relevant entry requirements, you canbegin the application process now. These taughtcourses will lead you towards a PostgraduateCertificate, Diploma or a Masters award (MA,MDes, MFA, MSc or MBA).

Applications can be completed online atwww.courses.napier.ac.uk by viewing theappropriate course and selecting ‘Apply for thiscourse’.

In order for our admissions team to process yourapplication we will need:• a valid email address• education details• language proficiency details (if English is not• your first language)• a personal statement• referee contact details• a scanned copy of your degree certificate and• academic transcript.

If you require the application form in anotherformat, please email: info@napier.ac.uk

Taught studentWe welcome applications for postgraduatecourses from students with an Honours Degree inan appropriate subject, or experience whichdemonstrates that an applicant possesses theappropriate knowledge and skills at HonoursDegree standard. Other applicants may be able toundertake a bridging course.

We accept applications throughout the year forour courses, which normally begin at two pointsin the year – October and February. We advisethat you should submit your application as earlyas possible for the course you want to beadmitted to. This is particularly important forcourses where there is a quota of funded placesas these are very popular.

If you have selected your course and you fulfilthe entry requirements outlined in thisprospectus then simply apply online atwww.courses.napier.ac.uk

Your application should expand upon yourexperience and qualifications and provide detailsof any additional academic achievements youmay have, which are not stipulated for the course(eg industrial courses, professional qualifications,partially completed diplomas or degrees).

Applications The easy way in170 171


SQA Qualifications Qualifications of HigherEducation Institutions

Scottish VocationalQualifications

12 Doctoral degree

11Integrated Masters degree / Masters degree

Postgraduate DiplomaPostgraduate Certificate


10Honours degree

Graduate DiplomaGraduate Certificate


Development Award

Bachelors / ordinary degreeGraduate Diploma

Graduate CertificateSVQ4

8Higher National

DiplomaDiploma of Higher


7 Advanced HigherHigher National

CertificateCertificate of

Higher EducationSVQ3

6 Higher

5 Intermediate 2Credit Standard Grade


4 Intermediate 1General Standard Grade


NationalProgression Award


3 Access 3Foundation Standard Grade

2 Access 2

1 Access 1

This Framework diagram has been produced to show the mainstream Scottish qualifications already credit rated by SQA and Higher Education Institutions, however, there are a diverse number of learning programmes on the Framework, which, due to the limitations of this format, cannot be represented here. For more information on other credit rated provision, please visit the SCQF website at www.scqf.org.uk to view the interactive version of the Framework or search the database.

We’ve included here a description of how levels and credit pointsare allocated within Scotland, information on the correspondingEuropean framework and details about the professional studiesand qualifications available. If you’re not sure what education ortraining is right for you, call or email us or contact your localcareers office or Learndirect Scotland.

Scottish Credit & Qualifications Framework (SCQF)The SCQF is the national framework which will allow you to broadly compare and understand the manydifferent qualifications available in Scotland. Understanding the value of your qualifications will help youto make the most of the learning that you do at college or university, at work, or in your community.The framework below describes qualifications and learning in terms of levels and credits.

Understanding Qualifications172 173

There are 12 levels in the framework, with level 11 corresponding topostgraduate and Masters qualifications. At Edinburgh NapierUniversity all Masters level modules are at SCQF level 11. Eachmodular Masters course is made up of taught 20 credit modulesand a larger dissertation module. In the case of the taught 20credit modules, we expect a typical student to take 200 hours ofstudy time to complete each module. The Masters Dissertationmodule will usually be either 40 or 60 credits and will thereforetake longer to study.

Our postgraduate awards are:• Postgraduate Certificate comprising 60 credits• of taught modules at SCQF level 11.• Postgraduate Diploma comprising 120 credits of• taught modules at SCQF level 11.• Masters Degree includes the dissertation• comprising 180 credits at SCQF level 11.

If you’re not sure which postgraduate course isright for you, our ready reckoner (opposite) is anat-a-glance way to compare and contrast differentcourses and find the one that’s best for you.

European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

The ECTS is the European framework designed tofacilitate the transfer of credit betweenprogrammes or courses of study for studentswho choose to study at more than one Europeanuniversity including exchange students. The ECTS

defines credit slightly differently to the SCQFsystem as one year of study equates to 60 ECTScredits. Edinburgh Napier will recognise andtransfer ECTS credits for students entering ourcourses with prior qualification from Europeanuniversities. Our Masters courses are ECTSSecond Cycle Awards.

For admission you need to have completed 240ECTS credits and will study a further 90 ECTScredits. A standard Edinburgh Napier module is10 ECTS credits.

Further information• SCQF website: www.scqf.org.uk• ECTS website: ec.europa.eu/education • Careers Scotland website:• www.careers-scotland.org.uk• Learndirect Scotland website:• www.learndirectscotland.com

Understanding Qualifications


Certificate of Credit

Postgraduate Certificate(PgCert)

Postgraduate Diploma(PgDip)

Masters Degree(MA, MDes, or MSc)

Master of BusinessAdministration(MBA)

Master of Fine Arts(MFA)

Master of Research(MRes)

Master of Philosophy(MPhil)

Doctor of BusinessAdministration(DBA)

Doctor of Philosophy(PhD)



A selection of modules that do notmake up an award

Three taught modules

Six taught modules

Six taught modules, plus a dissertation(equivalent to a further 40 – 60 creditsdependent on programme).

A Business Management awardrequiring nine taught modules plus awork-related dissertation project.

A postgraduate award in the creativearts comprised of a minimum of 240credits and including a major project.

Advanced training in research methods,often taken in conjunction with anMPhil or PhD.

Research on a specific topic in yourarea of expertise, with one-to-oneguidance from an adviser and thepossibility of doing some part-timeteaching.

A professional doctorate designed formanagers to develop applied researchwithin their organisation.

Further advanced research award. Ifyou’re studying an MPhil you have thepossibility of transferring to a PhD.

Including ACCA, IDM, CIBS and CIMA.Generally part-time only. These are foryou if you want to achieve apostgraduate level award in theprofessionally recognised disciplinethat you already work in.


Up to one year part-time.

One trimester full-time, up toone year part-time.

One year full-time, two yearspart-time.

One year full-time, two yearspart-time (though often you cancomplete your dissertation part-time after your PgDip).

One year intensive full-time,three or more years part-time,blended or distance learning.

Minimum 18 months full-time,36 months part-time.

One year full-time, two yearspart-time.

Two years full-time, three yearspart-time.

Three years work-based learningwith five weeks of campus-basedstudy during the course.

Three years full-time, five yearspart-time.

One to two years part-time.

174 175

Work-based learning

If your employer is interested

in giving formal academic

recognition to in-house staff

training and development

programmes, you could gain

academic credits for learning

carried out at work.

Our Centre for Credit Rating works with

employers to allow work-based learning to be

quality assured to a national standard. Employees

who complete credit rated in-house training

schemes are awarded credit recognised by the

Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework

(SCQF), which can be used as a stepping stone

towards further study and enhances the CV. It

also greatly improves an employer’s capacity and

efficiency and is an ideal way to develop a

workforce. Our accredited training model is

recognised by the SCQF as a market leader in the

field. To find out more, visit: www.napier.ac.uk/ccr

Did youknow?

We offer a supportive, stimulating and friendly environment inwhich to develop professional knowledge and skills.

Professional studies & qualificationsIn this prospectus, you will note a wide range ofpostgraduate degrees designed to help studentsface professional challenges, advance theircareers and develop both professionally andpersonally. Many of our courses have professionalaccreditation and we have established strong linkswith employers. Our internationally renownedresearch centres advance industrial thinking andtechniques and inform policy and practice.

We recognise that, because of work and otherresponsibilities; you may not wish to commit to afull degree at the moment and may beconsidering a shorter course. We offer you theopportunity to enrol on a short course or a singlemodule at a level that suits you. We also recognisethat you may just want to update your knowledgeand skills in a particular area and we can meetthose needs through our range of courses.

Understanding Qualifications176 177

At the time of going to press, Edinburgh NapierUniversity was still in the process of settingpostgraduate fees for 2012/13.

Please refer to our websitewww.napier.ac.uk/pgfees where detailed tuitionfee information for 2012/13 will be made availableas soon as possible.

Courses at postgraduate level start from threemodules for a postgraduate certificate through tonine modules for a Masters. Each module isworth 20 credits. If you wish to study the full MScthen all fees will be due and payable at the startof the course. You can initially sign up for thepostgraduate diploma and then decide at a laterdate to continue to do the MSc. This means youwill only initially need to pay for the postgraduatediploma.

For further information, please refer to ourwebsite: www.napier.ac.uk/pgfees

Fees for UK & EU applicantsEmail: fees@napier.ac.uk Different fees apply to taught courses and toresearch courses. In addition, certain taughtcourses carry a premium fee. For furtherinformation, please refer to our website:www.napier.ac.uk/pgfees

Full-time Masters/Postgraduate Diploma coursesnormally consist of a taught element lastingabout nine months, which contains the majorityof the teaching and instruction, followed by anelement of self-directed study on a project ordissertation. This typically lasts three to sixmonths. In order to obtain a PostgraduateCertificate, students need to successfullycomplete 15 weeks of study full-time.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)You may wish to enrol on one or two modules foryour own personal or professional development.In this case, fees would normally be charged on apart-time rate per module, as detailed in the feetable, online at www.napier.ac.uk/pgfees

Fees for international applicantswww.napier.ac.uk/internationalfeesAt the time of going to press, Edinburgh NapierUniversity was still in the process of settinginternational postgraduate fees for 2012/13.

Please refer to our website where detailed tuitionfee information for 2012/13 will be made availableas soon as possible.

Early payment discountFor international students who have fees of morethan £6,500, an early payment discount of £150is available providing full payment is received 30days before the matriculation date in October2012.

Fee paymentwww.napier.ac.uk/epayThe University requires payment of tuition fees infull prior to or at matriculation and acceptspayment by cash, cheque, direct transfer offunds, most forms of credit/debit card or online.

As an alternative to payment in full, self-fundingstudents with a credit or debit card can arrange arecurring card payment of two to six instalments.

Self-funding students with a suitable UK bank orbuilding society account can use our direct debitfacility. Payment plans can be set up online usinge-Pay (see below) and allow you to pay your feesin instalments. Payment plan options include:

• six monthly instalments from October until• March;• three payments in October, January and• March; or• two payments of 50 per cent each in October• and January.

Students wishing to pay by direct debit must signup for the scheme at matriculation. Instalmentsare deducted on a monthly basis from Octoberuntil March.

Ultimately students are responsible for thepayment of their fees if their sponsor(government or other) fails to make a payment. Ifyou have not paid in full or signed up for ourdirect debit scheme within four weeks from thestart date of the course, debt sanctions will beapplied.

Easy paying with e-Paywww.napier.ac.uk/epayTo make life easier for you, you can pay for arange of fees and services directly over the web.The e-Pay online service allows you to pay youruniversity accommodation rent deposit, arrearsof rent, tuition fees and even graduation feesdirectly over the web, with your credit or debitcard. You can do this 24/7. So wherever you arein the world, whenever you want, you can do thiseasily and securely online.

Funding & Fees178 179

Postgraduate fees

Funding & Fees

We advise all prospective students to investigate their eligibilityfor funding at the earliest opportunity. Also, all students should becertain of how they expect to pay their fees and supportthemselves financially while they study before they matriculate.

• responsible for paying the balance of fees• themselves, or through another source of• funding.• Research Council funded places are available• for some students. There are different research• councils for different discipline areas:• - Arts and Humanities Research Council• • (AHRC): www.ahrc.ac.uk• - Biotechnology and Biological Sciences• • Research Council (BBSRC): www.bbsrc.ac.uk• - Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC):• • www.esrc.ac.uk• - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research• • Council (EPSRC): www.epsrc.ac.uk• - Medical Research Council (MRC):• • www.mrc.ac.uk• - Natural Environment Research Council• • (NERC): www.nerc.ac.uk• - Science and Technology Facilities Council• • (STFC): www.scitech.ac.uk• Charity funding may be available. The main• charity to fund postgraduate research is the• Wellcome Trust. They have a limited number of• research studentships for medical research:• www.wellcome.ac.uk• Knowledge Transfer Partnership funded places• allow students to study part-time for a research• degree while employed to undertake research in• an industrial setting.• Enquiries are always welcome for self-funded• and employer-funded places on a part-time or• full-time basis.

Professional & Career Development LoansCall: 0800 585 505UK students may be interested in applying for aProfessional & Career Development Loan – abank loan that you pay back once you’ve leftyour course. It’s important to make sure you canafford the repayments before you apply. You canborrow between £300 and £10,000 to help youfund up to two years of training (or up to threeyears if the course includes work experience).The Young People’s Learning Agency (YPLA) paythe interest on your loan while you are studyingand for one month afterwards. The rate ofinterest is fixed at the time you take out the loan

and you will agree a schedule of monthlyrepayments with the bank. Professional & CareerDevelopment Loans are managed in partnershipwith a number of high street banks and cansupport a wide range of vocational courses.

Extra financial support from Edinburgh NapierUniversitywww.napier.ac.uk/moneyCall: 0131 455 2929Email: studentfunding@napier.ac.uk The Student Funding Office at Edinburgh Napieradministers the Discretionary Fund (government-funded financial hardship support) which canprovide a limited level of financial assistanceincluding help with registered childcare costs,should money concerns jeopardise your ability tocontinue with or complete your studies. You mustbe a currently matriculated student of theUniversity and meet the eligibility criteria toapply to the Discretionary Fund.

Scholarships & grants definedThese are usually funded by charitable donationsto the University by individuals or organisationsto help specific groups of people. Generally theamount of money is small and is aimed atassisting with living costs, fees, courseequipment, travel etc. Amounts are not limitlessand conditions will vary depending on the type ofscholarship or grant. Full details of thescholarships and grants are available from ourwebsite and from the Careers Service.

Student grantsEmail: e.kennedy@napier.ac.uk Funded by charitable donations to the University,student grants provide financial assistance to full-time postgraduate students progressing from anundergraduate course at Edinburgh Napier, whowish either to undertake travel or researchprojects that will enhance their studies, orsupport excellence in sport or the creativeindustries. Application forms are emailed tostudents in November and May each year by theDevelopment Office. For more information pleasesend us an email.

Graduate discountWe have recently introduced a Graduate DiscountScheme on postgraduate tuition fees for alumniwho have graduated with an undergraduatedegree from Edinburgh Napier University andwho then progress to either a full-time or part-time taught postgraduate degree course.• Maximum 10 per cent discount available for• self-funded courses (terms and conditions apply)• Available to Alumni and current final year• students• Home, EU and Overseas students are eligible• For more information, visit:• www.napier.ac.uk/postgraduate

Funding for course feesThe Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS)allocates a limited number of awards topostgraduate courses, mostly at Diploma level,for Scottish and EU students. Where applicablewe have marked the courses with SAAS fundedplaces in this prospectus – these are indicatedthroughout the course section and carry thefunded icon (£). The final nomination numbersand eligible courses are confirmed by SAAS inMay each year and once available, we will publishthe information online at:www.napier.ac.uk/applicant

Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS)www.saas.gov.ukCall: 0845 111 0243

How the SAAS Postgraduate StudentAllowance Scheme (PSAS) worksThe University will select and recommend thenames of applicants to receive funded placesunder the Postgraduate Student AllowanceScheme (PSAS). Nominees will be giveninformation on how to apply for their award atthe time of nomination. You must have beennominated by the University before you canapply to SAAS. For further information, please goonline: www.napier.ac.uk/applicant

Please note, that there may only be a verylimited number of funded places on anyindividual course. The decision to award a studentallowance under this scheme is entirely at thediscretion of SAAS – not Edinburgh NapierUniversity – and we advise all potential studentsto check they are eligible, under currentregulations, to receive an award.

While we have made every effort to ensure theaccuracy of this information at the time of goingto print, it is possible that a course’s entitlement,or the number of funded places available on it,could change.

For further information on eligibility for theseawards and details on how to apply, you shouldvisit our website (www.napier.ac.uk/applicant) orread the Guide to Postgraduate Student Support,produced by SAAS. You can download the guidefrom the website: www.saas.gov.uk

You can also contact SAAS on 0845 111 0244.Students ordinarily resident elsewhere in the UK(but outside Scotland) should obtain informationabout grants from their Local EducationAuthority.

Funding for research students www.napier.ac.uk/research A Research Degree can usually start at any pointduring the academic year and there are a varietyof ways to fund your studies:• Studentships are available in some schools and• are advertised in the press and on the website• as they become available (and on• www.jobs.ac.uk). Standard studentships• normally offer funding for three years. The• school is responsible for the appropriate fees• and the student is paid an annual stipend -• £13,590 in 2010/11. Students who are awarded a• studentship may be required to carry out some• teaching within the school.• A school may agree to pay the Home/EU level• of fees for an overseas student who is then

180 181

When:Thursday 26 April 20124pm - 6.30pm

To find out more about how youcan achieve your aspirations atEdinburgh Napier University, visitour Postgraduate Open Day.

Our annual Open Day is a great opportunity to visit theUniversity, speak with relevant academic staff and getinformation and advice on our wide range of full andpart-time courses at postgraduate level – either taughtor research. You will also be able to find out about oursupport services, accommodation and students’association. For further details and to register online,visit: www.napier.ac.uk/opendays

Alternatively, give us a call and with a couple of weeksnotice we can usually organise a personal visit.

Open Day182 183


ApplicationsFunding & fees 178How to apply 170Open days 182

Campus locations 150

CoursesFaculty of Engineering, Computing &Creative Industries 52Faculty of Health, Life & Social Sciences 110The Business School 16

Edinburgh life 148

Funding & feesContinuing Professional Development 178e-Pay 178Funding for research students 180Graduate Discount Scheme 180International & Non-EU fees payment 178Postgraduate course fees 178Professional & Career Development Loans 181Student grants 181UK & EU applicants 178

How to applyInternational students 160Research students 171Taught students 170

International studentsApply 160English language requirements 161International & Non-EU fees 164Opportunities to improve your English 165Pre-Masters course 165

Learning resourcesComputing resources 153Language facilities 153Library resources 153Special needs 153

Napier Students’ Association 158

QualificationsAward titles 175Description 175European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) 174Length of study 175Levels & credit points 174Professional studies & qualifications 176Scottish Credit & QualificationsFramework 172

Research 140

Research & KnowledgeTransfer PartnershipsFaculty of Engineering, Computing &Creative Industries 56Faculty of Health, Life & Social Sciences 114The Business School 20

Support informationCareers 154Chaplaincy 155Counselling 155Representation 158Special Needs & Diversity 156Sport & recreation 158Student accommodation 156Welfare 158

184 185

Contact Us

Disclaimers1. The university endeavours to deliver courses andprogrammes of study in accordance with the descriptionset out in the University’s prospectus. The University’sprospectus is produced at the earliest possible date inorder to provide maximum assistance to individualsconsidering applying for a course of study offered by theUniversity, and it is possible that some changes willoccur between the date of printing and the start of theacademic year to which it relates. The Universitytherefore reserves the right to make variations to thecontents or methods of delivery of courses, todiscontinue, merge or combine courses and to introducenew courses if such action is reasonably considered tobe necessary by the University. If the Universitydiscontinues any courses, it will use its reasonableendeavours to provide a suitable alternative course. Inaddition, courses may change during the course of studyand in such circumstances the University will normallyundertake a consultation process prior to any suchchanges and seek to ensure that no student isunreasonably prejudiced as a consequence of any suchchange.

2. The University does not accept responsibility, andexcludes any liability for damage to students’ property(other than through the negligence of the University, itsstaff or agents), or for the consequences of anymodification or cancellation of any course, or part of acourse, offered by the University.

3. The University cannot accept any liability fordisruption to its provision of educational or otherservices caused by circumstances beyond its control, butthe University will take all reasonable steps to minimisethe resultant disruption to such services.

University rules, regulations and policiesAs a condition of enrolment, all students will be requiredto abide by and submit to the University’s Rules,Regulations and Policies, including Student DisciplinaryRegulations, Academic Regulations, Library andComputing Regulations and Health and Safety Rules.These may be viewed at www.napier.ac.uk/regulationsor to request a copy of any of these documents, pleaseemail: info@napier.ac.uk

Equal OpportunitiesEdinburgh Napier University is committed to providinglearning opportunities for all and is aiming to create anenvironment in which students are selected solely onthe basis of merit. It is committed to equality ofopportunity for all and will not unlawfully discriminateon any grounds.

SustainabilityAt Edinburgh Napier University we are committed toreducing the environmental impact of our activities. Witha dedicated Sustainability Office, working with allstudents and staff, we are striving to create an evenmore environmentally aware ethos. For furtherinformation, contact: sustainabilityoffice@napier.ac.uk

Edinburgh Napier University is a registered Scottishcharity. Registration number SC018373.

Produced, photographed and published by CorporateAffairs, Edinburgh Napier University.

Designed and produced by Clayton GrahamCommunications. Printed by Sterling Solutions.

Our thanks to all students and graduates who agreed toappear in this prospectus.

© Edinburgh Napier University 2011

To find out more about Edinburgh Napier

University; for extra detail on anything covered in

this prospectus or to request further information

on our courses, please get in touch:


Call08452 60 60 40 or +44 (0) 131 455 2877 from

outside the UK



This publication is also available online and in

alternative formats, such as audio, large print or

Braille – please call: 08452 60 60 40,

visit: www.napier.ac.uk/downloads

or email: info@napier.ac.uk

Our door is always


186 187

Welcome to Edinburgh,one of Europe's most vibrant,

cosmopolitan capitals.

Edinburgh. Your 24-hour guide.

At Edinburgh Napier, you are at the very heart of Scotland’svibrant, cosmopolitan capital. So who better to show you the sightsand sounds, than us! This handy pocket-sized guide is packed full ofour favourite things to see and do, along with a detailed map of thecity, and a map pinpointing our campus locations (just in case youcan’t find your way back). So go on, get out there… enjoy yourself!