EdB UB ARC 555 ACH Lateral Systems 2 week 10

Post on 08-Apr-2017

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Transcript of EdB UB ARC 555 ACH Lateral Systems 2 week 10

SITE PLAN1/16” = 1’-0”

CROSS-SECTION1/16” = 1’-0”

Eric Becker + Brijhette FarmerUniversity at Bu�alo

ARC 555: Structures 3Lateral Loads


Alcoy Community HallDr. Santiago Calatrava

Lateral Loads

Lateral Systems which stablize the hall from movement


The lateral loads exert soil pressure onto the subterranean hall, causing the interior walls to act as retaining walls. Other loads displaced on the below-grade multi-purpose space includes water pressure, settlement loads, and earthquake loads.

The areas highlighted in a light blue hue are lateral systems which collectively resist horizontal and vertical forces, much like a poetic balance of Newton’s Laws of Physics. Wind loads are negated in this design.

Seismic Hazard Map

Lateral ForcesRib-Structure Reactions