Eco drink application

Post on 29-Jan-2015

104 views 1 download



Transcript of Eco drink application

EcoDrink Application By: Anahi, Bella , & Alexia.

My Team Unicorn Mustard is devoloping a mobile app to help un-healthy people and help them to get

more vitamins with the EcoDrink App.

The EcoDrink quickly gets you healthier, gives you a lot of Vitamins, you’re more energetic and by being more energetic you can work out and loose weight if you need to, & for folks who say they look old, you will also look a bit younger because it is giving you 100IU of Vitamin D!

What does the EcoDrink do to you?

Well it effects you , people around you, and your doctor. It effects you because you’re going to change because of all the vitamins you’re getting from the EcoDrink. It effects people around you because you will act just a bit different towards them. It effects your doctor because you won’t get as sick as you used to and you won’t be taking visits to the doctor often.

Who Does it Effect?

Taking it daily would maybe start making changes in your body in about 4 days. The EcoDrink actually works ! Don’t believe us? Go on; check yourself !

When does the changing start happening?

You can drink the EcoDrink anywhere , so this can happen any place you’re at ! Cool right? Even take it at work when you feel sleepy , or before work so you get things on the go!

Where does this happen?

People should get this application because some people in the world are not healthy. This drink gives you so many vitamins and it tastes good! Also a lot of people don’t get the vitamins they need to stay healthy for, also big part is people are over weight.. Well hey! This could actually help you! EcoDrink could make a big change on YOUR life.

Why should people get this application?


What did YOU use to keep you staying awake and to help you get the Vitamins you


Redbull, Monster Drinks Etc. give you energy but not as much as the EcoDrink And


The End ! ♥ ☻