Eco Design Darlam 11 K

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Trabalho realizado pelo aluno Darlam Menezes dos Santos do 11K do Curso Profissional Técnico de Design da Escola Secundária de Caneças - Odivelas - Lisboa - Portugal, no âmbito da disciplina de Inglês

Transcript of Eco Design Darlam 11 K


Eco design is a method of designing products that takes into account their impact on the environment at all stages of their life cycle.

It may for example result in the choice of a recyclable or biodegradable material for packaging or the development of a washing powder effective in cold water to reduce the energy consumption of washing machines.


Eco design can be applied to all sectors of business such as electrical appliances, building and transport.

This preventive approach is compatible with sustainable development.


The whole product life cycle should be regarded in an integrated perspective.

So the design, production, marketing, purchasing and project management should work together on the Eco design of a further developed or new product always aiming to minimize its environmental impact.

LIFE CYCLE...Environmental aspects which ought to be analyzed for every stage of the life cycle


Consumption of resources (energy, materials, water or land area).

Emissions to air, water, and the ground as being relevant for the environment and human health

Miscellaneous (e.g. noise and vibration).

Work done by Darlam Menezes, 11º K