Ecce Romani I Vocabulary 1-20

Post on 05-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Ecce Romani I Vocabulary 1-20

  • 8/2/2019 Ecce Romani I Vocabulary 1-20


    Vocabulary List - Chapter 1

    Nounspue lla , - ae f.nom en, nom inis n.villa, -ae f.aes ta s, aes ta ti s fa rbo r, a rbo ri s f.

    girlnamecount ry hou sesummertree

    Adjectiveslaetus, -a, -umalter, a lte ra , a lte rumvicfnus, -a, -um

    happya second, anothe rneighboring

    habitO, -are, - a v r , -atus to livesedeO,sedere,sedi,sessusle go , le ge re , ISg r, le ct uss cr ib d, s cr ib er e, s cr ip sI , s cr Ip tu s

    to sitto readto write

    MiscellaneousEcce! Look!quae whoetiam alsoubi wherea es ta te insummerquod becauseiam nowsu b (+ ab1.) underet an ddurn whileQ . ? Who?DS.CUr? Why?

  • 8/2/2019 Ecce Romani I Vocabulary 1-20


    V ocabulary L ist C hapter 2

    Nouns~ca,-aef.ager, agri' m.tempus, temporis n.villa rUstica, vilIae riisticae f.

    Adjectivesbrevis, brevis, brevedefessus, -a, -ums t renuus , -a, -um

    Verbssum, esse, : f i J i , futiirusambulo, -ire, -avI, -atusc urr o, -e re , c uc urr i, c ur su s

    Miscellaneous .quoque-. hod iesedin(+ abla tiv e c as e)brev i tempore -noniamtandem.e , or ex (+ abla tiv e c as e)lenteQu id . ..?

    friend (girl)fieldtimecountry house and farm.

    shor t1iredenerget ic , ac ti ve

    to b eto walkto run

    alsotodaybutin, withinIn.a shor t time , s oo nno l onge rat last, finallyfrom, out ofslowlyWhat ..?

  • 8/2/2019 Ecce Romani I Vocabulary 1-20


    VoeabularyList C hapter 3Nouns puer, puer l m.

    hortus, -i m.vir, viri m.servos, -i m.p is cin a, - ae f.Adiectivesmultus, -a, -1JJll

    801m, -a, -1JJllir8tus, -a, -1JJll

    clamo, - a r e , -ivi, -atusr IdeO, r Idere, rIsY, rIsuslabOro, -are, -ivi, -atuscado, cadere, cecidi, casiirusg emo , g eme re , g emu i, g en iitu sMiscellaneousqui"

    subitOMinim-,e .It a verot


    much, manyaloneangry

    to shoutto laugh, smileto workto f a I l'to groan


  • 8/2/2019 Ecce Romani I Vocabulary 1-20


    Latin I Supplementary Vocabulary List

    Cha pte r 4Nounsv ox , vO cis ramus, -i m.fragor, fragoris m,nihil

    voicebranchcrash, noisenotbjng

    Adjectivesmolestus, -&, -ummagnus, -a, -umsollicitus, -a, -umInfirmus, -a, -um

    tr ouble some, annoy ingb ig , g re atanxious, worriedw e ak , s ha ky

    Verbsvexo, -~ -avi, -atus to annoyam.O, - a r e , -ivi, -atus to like, loved orm io , d orm ire , d orm iv i, d orm itu s to sleepoon sp ic io , cOnspi ce re , oon spex i, cOnspect us to catch sight ofappropinqui), -ire, -ivY, -iitus to approachascendO, ascendere, ascendi, ascensiirus to climbaudio, audire, audivY, auditus to hear, l istenvideO, videre, vidi, visus to seeterreO, tenere, terrui, territus to frighten


    alwaysthereforestealthilythen, at th at momen t

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    Latin I Supplementary Vocabulary List

    ChapterSNounsd i e s , diei m.nvus, -i m.silva, -a e f.lupus,-i m.auxiIium,-in.clamor, cIamoris In.

    Adjectivescalidus, -a, -ummgidus, -a, -umignavus, -a, -umtemeriirius, -a, -umperterritus, -a, -umVerbserrO, - a r e , -iivi, -iitusvola , v elIe , v olu Irespon.deO, -ere, respondi, responsuspeto, -ere~'petivi,pe ti 'tus . .arripio, -ere, arripui, arreptusrepe ll o, - er e, reppulI , repuIsusadvenio, -ire, adveni, adventusexcipio, -ere, excep i , exceptust imeO, - e r e , t imuI

    Miscellaneoussiin(+acc.)ibiprope (+ acc.)neque ...nequestatim'ubiadhiic

    daystreamwoodswolfhelpshou t, shou ting

    warmc oo l, c oldcowardly, lazyrash, recklessfrightened, terrified

    to wanderto wish, wantto reply .to look fo r, s eekto grab hold o t : snatchto d riv e o ffto arrive (at), .reaehto welcometo fe ar, b e a fra id o f

    ifintotherenearnei ther . .. .norimmediately.wh ere , whenstill

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    LatinI S up ple m en ta ry V oe ab ula ry L ist

    C hapter 6

    Nounspater, patris m.miter, mitrls f.anc illa , - ae f.clbus, -i m.aqua, -ae f.

    Adje ctiv es "omnis , o mnis , o mneip se , ip sa , ip sum

    Verbslii~ lu.cere, liO O tsurge, -ere, surrex!, sur rec tusobserve, - a re , - a v I , -atusp i i r g o , - a r e , - a v I , -atusc oq uo , -e re , c ox l, c oc tu sportO, -ire, - a v I , -atusrep rehendo , -ere, rep rehend ireprehensusdoceo, -ere, docuI, doctnsc u r o , - a re , - a v I, -atusadiuvo, -ire, adiiivI, adifitus

    Miscellaneousnondum.per(+acc.)~amnequetamenmoxs t r e n u enuncn ec esse e st

    fathermothers la ve womanfoodwater

    every, allhimself' ; herself '; itself

    it is light, it is dayto rise, get upto watchto cleanto cookto"carryto scoldto teachto lo ok after, care fo rto help

    no t yetthroughalso, evenand. .nothoweversoonstrenuously, hardnowit is necessary

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    Latin I S up plem en tary V ocabu lary L ist

    Chap ter 7NQymnUntius, -i m.princeps, principis m.urbs,urb~f.Adjectivesoccupitus, -8, -ummens, -a, -umVerbsspectO, - a r e , -ivi, -atusvenio, v en ire , v em , v en tu ssalil tO, -are, -ivi, -atusinquitdileO, -ere, diixI, ductustrado, -ere, tradIdi, traditusrevoeO, -ire, -ivi, -atuseOnsulo, -ere, oonsului, consultuse e , ire, iI lvi, itiirusr e c i e O , -lre, rediI, redit i i rusMiscellaneousSalve!E b . e u fad (+ a cc usa tiv e c ase )Eugepael



    to wa tch, lo ok atto comet o g re ethe says, she saysto leadto band overto recallto consulttogoto return, go back


  • 8/2/2019 Ecce Romani I Vocabulary 1-20


    Latin I Supplementary Voeabulary List

    Chap ter 8

    Nounscubicu1um, -i n.tempus, temp6ris n. r oom, b ed roomt ime

    YmmexcitO, - a r e , - a v i , -atusintr6, - a r e , -lvi, -atusinchio, -ere, induI, indutus

    to wake upto enterto put on

    MiscellaneouslamAge! / Agite!deindeceleriteriterum

    now, alreadyC om e on!th en , n ex tquicklyagain, a secon d tim e


  • 8/2/2019 Ecce Romani I Vocabulary 1-20


    Latin I Supplementary Vocabulary List

    Chap ter 9

    Nounsn emo , n em in is m.lf.ianitor,-is m.ianua, M a e f.hera, M a e f.complexiiAdjectivessuus, -a, -umniillus, -a, -umsemisomnus, -a, -ummise r, m i se ra , m i se rumtuus, -a, -umomnis, omnis, omne

    VerbstemptO , - a re , -avi, Matustaceo, -ere, -ul, -itusd is eedo, - er e, d is ce ss i, d is ce ss usscio, sci re , scivr , sci tu sn es cio , - fr e, - iv r, - it usla cr imo , - ar e, - av r, M a t u sman eo , -ere , m an si, m ansusmitto, -ere, mIsi , m i ssuspromi tro , - er e, -mIsi , -missu steneO, - er e, t enu i, t en tu sv ale o, -e re , v alu I

    Miscellaneoustacitehiecum (+ ablative)simulVale! IValete!

    no onedoorkeeperdoorhourinan embr ace

    h is, h er, its, th eir (own )no , no nehalf-asleepunhappy , miserab leyourevery, all

    to t r yto be q uietto go aw ayto kn owto not knowto w ee p, cryto remainto se ndt o p romis eto h oldto sa y g oo db ye s


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    Latin I Supplementary Voeabulary List


    Nounscista, -a e f.i te r , i tiner is n.liberi, -Onml mJf.via, -a e f.baculum,-In.raeda, -ae f.raedirius, -I m.equus, -i m.

    trunk, chestjomneychildrenroadstickcarriagecoa chman, c ar ria ge d ri ve rhorse

    Adjectivesalius, -a, -umip se , ip sa , ip sumscelestus, -a, -ump~,-a,-um

    ano th er ; o th erhimself, her se lf it se lfwickedready

    Verbsgem, -ere, gessi, gestusiubeO, -ere, iussi, iussusp6no, -ere, posuI, positussoled, -ere + infin.stO, stare, s t e t!, s t a tu shabeO, -ere, babui, habitusincitO, -ire, -ivi, -atusiacio, -ere, iecr, iictus

    to wearto orderto put , p la b e accustomed (to ..)to standto have, holdto u rge ontotbrow

    Miscellaneousintereie r a se O ipsO tempore

    meanwhiletommrowat that very moment

  • 8/2/2019 Ecce Romani I Vocabulary 1-20


    Latin I Supplementary Vocabulary List

    C hapter 1 1

    Nounsvilieus, -i m.dominus, -i m.area, -ae f.Ira, -ae f.porta, -ae f.parens, pa ren ti sf ra ter, f ra t ri s m,soror, sororis f.filius, -i m.filia, -ae f.vir, viri m.uxor , uxor is f.Adjectivesplenus, -a, -umVerbsab sum , abe ss e, a fu i, a fu tu ru smu sso , -a re , -a vi, -atusverbero,-are,-avi,-atuse fI ug io , - er e, e ff iig iimpedio, -ire, -ivI, -itusc e l o , -are, - avi, -atusMiscellaneousquamquam

    ove rse er, fa rm manage rmastero pe n sp ac e, th re sh in g flo orangergateparentbrothersisterso ndaughterman, husbandwife


    to be awa y, b e a bse ntto mutterto beatto f lee , escapeto hinderto hide


  • 8/2/2019 Ecce Romani I Vocabulary 1-20


    Latin I S~pplemeDtary Voea:bu1ary List

    C hapter 1 2

    : N ouns. vinea, -ae f.f os sa , - ae f.canis, canis mJf.. vest ig ium, -i n.tunica, -a e f.Acljectivesb on us, -~ -umimmob i l i s , -is, -eVerbsinvenia, -Ire, invenI, inven tusconvocO, -are, -avi, -atusrogo, - a re , - a v i, -amsferO, ferre, tuli, latusolfacio, -ere, oliec i, o lfactusWrO, - a r e , -ivi, -atustraho, -ere, traxi, tractusMiscellaneousc um (+abl.)

    vineyardd i t c hdo g1rack, footprint, tracetunic


    to findto call togetherto a s kto bring, carryto sme ll, cat ch th e scent of .to barkto d r a g



    , '.," .~~...

  • 8/2/2019 Ecce Romani I Vocabulary 1-20


    Latin I Supplementary VocabiJl8ry List

    C A A p t e r 13Nounsiter, itinerls n.. virg a, -ae f.riisticus, -i m.p e S , pedis m.vehiculum, -i n.auriga, -ae f.tabellirius, -i m.ClV is , ciVis mJf.

    . p ars , pard s :t: .

    . '.Adjectivesseptimus, -a, -umfatuus, -a, -umpraeclarus, -a, -u rn. .. Verbs "verberO, - a r e , -Ivi, .:itusquiesco, -ere, qUievr, quietuscaveO, - - e r e , civi, cautusv r t O ~ - a r e , -Ivi, -itusMiscel laneous

    ~ . ': ."ident idem:magna risiiab or a (+ abl.)Q u a m . .! .f e r O ci t e f .Cave! IC avetel '.


    jo~y. Stickpeasantfootvehiclecharioteercourierci t izenpart


    to beat, whipto restto be care fu l, wa tch out fo r, b ew areto avoid

    . again and againwith a lou d lau ghfroiD, away fromH "'ow ... .f i e r c e l yWatch out for ..'! Beware .. .!

  • 8/2/2019 Ecce Romani I Vocabulary 1-20


    Latin I Supplementary Vocabulary List

    Chapter 14

    Nounsculpa, -a e f'cishim, -i n.pericu1uni, -i n.ars,artist:. Adject ivescuncti, -se, -a .incolumis, -is, -enos te r, nos tr a, nos trmn . ,commotus, -a , -um

    - .

    Verbsconcido, -ere, concidIgandeo, -ere, gavisus sumcesso, - a r e , -avi , -atus.extraho, -ere, extmxi, extrictus.baereO, haerere, baesi, haesus .moveO, - e r e , mov i, motu sinterpello, -ire, -ivI, -itus4 e v er W , -ere, deverti , deversus~o,agere, egi, actusMiscellaneousfiiistri_ . tuicu1 paplacidecelenime.

    f au lt, b lamelight two-wheeled carriagedangerskill


    to fall downto rejoice, to be gladto be idle, do nothingto drag outto stickto moveto interruptto tum asideto do, drive

    in vainit's y ou r fa ult tba t . gently , peaceful lyvery fast

  • 8/2/2019 Ecce Romani I Vocabulary 1-20


    LatinI Supplementary Vocabulary List

    Chapter 15Nounsro ta , - ae t:nfibes, nUbis t:pulv is ; pu lveri s n.plaustrum, -I n. .onus, oneris n.oos, bovis mJt:silentium, ~in.murmur , murmuri s n.

    wheelclouddustwagon, cartbmdenoxsilence.murmur, rumble. Adjec t iveslongus, -a, -umtardus, -a, - um .


    VerbsexspectO, -are, -iiVi, -atusappiireO~ -ere, apparui, apparjtus .praetereO, -ire,-iiliVi, -itus .

    to wait for, look out forto appearto go past

    Miscellaneousdiu . .procu lfortassetahtumpraeterea

    for a long tim efa r oft 'inthe d i s t a n c ep e r h a p sonly.besides

  • 8/2/2019 Ecce Romani I Vocabulary 1-20


    Latin I S up plem e nta ry V oca bu la ry L ist

    C lpmter 1 6. ', . N ouns

    p ita , - ae fiocus, -i m.animus , -i m .

    Adjectivescirus, ..a, -um

    Verbstaedet, taedereaperio, -ire, aperoi, apertus1000 , -ere, l ii si , lUsusexcipio; -ere, excepi , exceptusferio, -Ire, -ivi, -itusvertO, -ere, ve rt i, v e rsus

    Miscellaneousalter ...alterumperiocumapud +acc.inanimo habere

    balljoke, prankmind, soul, spirit


    it boresto o pento playto we lcom , r ec eiv e, catchto h it , s tr iketo tum

    . th e one . .. th e o the rasajokewith, at one 's b ou seto intend, (have inmind)

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    L atin I S up plem en ta ry V oca bu la ry L ist-

    Chapter 17Nounscaelum, -i n.aedificium,-in.cau.pOna, -a e f.caupO, caupOnis m.AdjectivesGraecus, -a, -umpenculosus, -a, -umVerbsadvesper8sci t, advesper3sce re ,advesperivitpemocts, - a r e , -ivY, -atus .custOdio, -ire, -ivY, -itus



    it gets darkto spend the nightto guard

  • 8/2/2019 Ecce Romani I Vocabulary 1-20


    LatinI S upp lem enta ry V Q C 8 bU la ry L ist

    chapter 18NoUns.homo, hominis m.manu s , manii s fcauda, -a e flegatus, -I m . .Adjectivesobesus, -a, -um

    Verbspraecurro, - ere, p raecurr i,praecursuspraecipi to , - are, -iivi, -atusf ug io , - er e, fiigI, fugitus .agnOsco, -ere, agnovi, agnitusdoleO, - e r e , dolui, dolitus.MiscellaneousmodoolimQuidagis?nisi


    to r u n aheadto hurlto fleeto recognizeto be sad

    onlyonce (upon a tim e)"H ow are you?unless, if..not .

  • 8/2/2019 Ecce Romani I Vocabulary 1-20


    , LatinI S up ple m en ta ry Y oe ab nla ry L ist

    Chapter 1 9NOlms, " c e n a , -a e .f.lectus, -J m.

    dinnerb ed

    Adjectivessordidus, -a , -umhie, haec" hoc

    dirtythisVerbsc e n o , - a r e , - a v i , -atuse s u r i o , -Ire, - I v i , - n u sv ig ilo , -a re; " :a vI, -atus

    to dine, eat dinnerto be hungryto stay awake

    Miscellaneousrem explicaremeliorcubitumirevalde

    to explain, the s ituat io r ibetterto go to bedvery, e xc ee din gly , v ery muc h

  • 8/2/2019 Ecce Romani I Vocabulary 1-20


    Latin I Supplementary Vocabulary List

    Chap ter 2 0Nounsmiles, militis m.tabula, -a e f.


    Adjectivesmedius, -a, -umoptimus, -a, -umnarratus, -a, -umfortis, -is, -e

    m id dle o f, m id -b est, ve ry go odtoldb rave , s tr ong

    Verbslicet, licere, 1icuit + dat.devoID, -are, - a v r , -atusdico , -ere, dixi, dictusneco, - ar e, - a v r , - a tu sn a r r o , -are, - a v r , -atus

    it is allowed, permittedt o d evou rto say, tellto killto tell (a story)

    Miscellaneouspost + ace.medianoxpaulisperEsto!em mvir op time (vocat ive )nurnquamantea

    aftermidnightfo r a sho rt t imeAll right!fo rsirneverbefore