Eben Pagan & Wyatt Woodsmall - Mind Control - Part IV

Post on 06-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Eben Pagan & Wyatt Woodsmall - Mind Control - Part IV

  • Eben Pagan & Wyatt Woodsmall - Mind Control - Part IV


    We need the ability to occasionallyLet it all goClear the mindAnd relax

    If you want anything, it requires energyDo everything you can to get energyDo everything you can to maintain and channel itControl everything that dissipates energy. It's your greatest energy.

    Take breaks throughout the day Respect the ultradian rhythm of high and low energy.

    Wisdom I

    No two objects are absolutely identicalA thing is always changingAnd is never equal to itself

    Clarity is the enemy of action.

    What is measured improvesAnd what is measured in recording improves exponentially.

    Anything has a higher probability of working than what does not work.

    The secret is not pushing harderIt is doing something different

    Change happens when you become NOT MEYou can't stay "being you" and change at the same time.

    We don't know how the world is.What you think the world is and how it works is just a view.If there is no behavioural change, there is no learning.

    The most precious informationIs the one that disproves your thinking

    Proves you wrong

    The universe responds to detailsGet more specific

    More preciseMore specified

    Wisdom comes from multiple perspectives.

    The more you go out in the worldAnd gain multiple experiences

    Multiple perspectivesThe more wisdom you'll have

    You are not a static being, you are an ongoing process

    Do not get caught up in the things that are not the right situation with a compulsion to always be involved in something to feel you are progressing.

    Wisdom II

    The two most powerful things we can do areCreating a new habitPutting ourselves around the people and in the environment that influence us to become who we want to be.

    It's better to travel hopefully than to arrive. It's about enjoying the journey.Have a direction rather than a destination. With a direction, you can always keep going.

    Never, ever, ever settle.If you have "settle" as an option, you can't go through the length needed to make your idealised design come true.

    You can get whatever you want As long as you give up credit.

    Never believe anything too much There will always be a situation where it's not true.You need more experiences NOT more knowledge. Go get experiences.