easytutorial · c. Having been surgically removed d. Having remained undeveloped 20. fertilizin is...

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Transcript of easytutorial · c. Having been surgically removed d. Having remained undeveloped 20. fertilizin is...

Medical Exam-Biology  Human Reproduction  Practice Q & A

1. Binary fission does not occur in

a. amoeba

b. Euglena

c. Plasmodium

d. Paramecium

2. cavity of graafian follicle is

a. Amniotic cavity

b. Antrum

c. Liquor folliculi

d. Discus proligerous

3. In human penis, urethra passes through

a. Corpus cavernosum

b. Corpus luteum

c. Corpus spongiosum

d. Corpus albicans

4. cells of corona radiata remain grouped together by

a. Pectins




b. Lipids

c. Hyaluronidase

d. Hyaluronic acid

5. cells of Leydig occur in

a. Liver

b. Ovary

c. Testis

d. Spleen

6. Cleavage starts after fertilization in

a. Fallopian tube

b. Uterus

c. Vestibule

d. Clitoris

7. Connective tissue around seminiferous tubules possess endocrine cells called

a. Leydig cells

b. Sertoli cells

c. Primary germ cells

d. Both (A) and (B)




8. Corona radia is made up of

a. zona pellucid around the oocyte

b. vitelline membrane

c. follicular cells around the oocyte

d. stratum functionalis

9. Corpus leteum develops from

a. Oocyte

b. Nephrostome

c. Graafian follicle

d. none of the above

10. Corpus luteum

a. Degenerates during pregnancy

b. Later forms corpus albicans

c. Remains present throughout pregnancy

d. Decreases in size during pregnancy

11. Corpus luteum develops under the influence of

a. Progesterone

b. Estrogen




c. FSH

d. LH

12. Location and secretion of Leydig cells are

a. Liver - Cholesterol

b. Testis - Testosterone

c. Ovary - Oestrogen

d. Pancrease - Glucagon

13. Corpus luteum disintegrates due to non-availability of

a. LTH

b. FSH

c. Progesterone

d. LH

14. Corpus luteum produces

a. Estrogen

b. Testosterone

c. Progesterone

d. None of the above

15. The lytic enzyme released by sperm is




a. Acrosome

b. Ligase

c. Androgenase

d. Hyalouronidase

16. Corpus luteum secretes hormone

a. Estrogen

b. Progesterone

c. FSH

d. LH

17. Correct sequence in development is

a. Fertilization – Zygote – cleavage – Morula – Blastula - Gastrula

b. Fertilization – Zygote – Blastula – Morula – Cleavage - Gastrula

c. Fertilization – Cleavage – Morula – Zygote – Blastula – Gastrula

d. Cleavage – Zygote – Fertilization – Morula – Blastula - Gastrula

18. Correct sequence of hormone secretion from beginning of menstruation is

a. FSH, progesterone, estrogen

b. Estrogen, FSH, progesterone

c. FSH, estrogen progesterone

d. Estrogen, progesterone, FSH




19. Cryptorchidism is a condition of tests

a. Unable to descend in scrotal sacs

b. Unale to produce sperms

c. Having been surgically removed

d. Having remained undeveloped

20. fertilizin is a chemical substance produced from

a. Mature eggs

b. Acrosome

c. Polar bodies

d. Middle piece of sperm

21. Immediately after ovulation, the mammalian egg is covered by a membrane known as:

a. Chorion

b. Zona pellucida

c. Corona radiata

d. Vitelline membrane

22. Loss of reproductive capacity in women after age of 45 years is

a. Menstruation

b. Ageing




c. Menopause

d. Menarche

23. A mature sperm has

a. A pair of flagella

b. A nucleus, an acrosome and a centriole

c. A nucleus, an acrosome, a pair of centrioles

d. A nucleus, an acrosome, a pair of centrioles and a tail

24. cytoplasm surrounding mitochondria present in the middle piece of sperm is known as

a. Manchette

b. Microplasm

c. Centroplasm

d. Acrosome

25. A protective layer around testes is

a. Tunica adventitia

b. Tunica vasculosa

c. Tunica media

d. Tunica albuginea

26. About 60% of the semen is formed by secretion of




a. Cowper's gland

b. Seminiferous tubule

c. Prostate gland

d. Seminal vesicles

27. Accessory genital gland found only in males is

a. Cowper's gland

b. Bartholin's gland

c. Perineal gland

d. Prostate gland

28. acrosome is derived from

a. Nucleus

b. Golgi apparatus

c. Mitochondria

d. Cytoplasm

29. acrosome reaction in sperm is triggered by

a. Release of fertilizin

b. Release of lysins

c. Capacitation

d. Influx of Na in sperm+




30. After few days of delivery, the mammary glands secrete a highly nutritive fluid called

a. Colostrum

b. Renin

c. Serotonin

d. Secretin

31. Budding method of asexual reproduction occurs in

a. Amoeba

b. Plasmodium

c. Paramecium

d. Hydra

32. After ovulation, Graafian follicle forms

a. Corpus luteum

b. Corpus albicans

c. Corpus artesia

d. Corpus callosum

33. An organ not formed from ectoderm is

a. Middle ear

b. Optic nerve




c. Inner ear

d. Skin

34. Antrum is cavity of

a. Ovary

b. Graafian follicle

c. Blastula

d. Gastrual

35. Bartholin's glands are situated

a. on the side of head of some amphibians

b. at the reduced tail end of birds

c. on either side of vagina in humans

d. on either side of vas deferens in humans

36. Which extraembryonic membrane in humans prevents desiccation of embryo inside the uterus?

a. Yolk sac

b. Amnion

c. Chorion

d. Allantois

37. brain/CNS develops from




a. Ectoderm

b. Mesoderm

c. Endoderm

d. Ectoendoderm

38. Gonads can be classified as

a. endocrine glands

b. exocrine glands

c. gametes

d. none of the above

39. Capacitation of sperm occurs in

a. Vagina

b. Female genital tract

c. Vas efferens

d. Vas deferens

40. Which one is not associated with gametogenesis?

a. Formation of ova

b. Formation of spermatid

c. Release of ova

d. Change of spermatids of spermatozoa




41. Cauda epididymis leads to

a. Vas efferens

b. Vas deferens

c. Ejaculatory duct

d. Rete testis

42. Which one of the followings causes the mammary glands to enlarge at puberty?

a. Testosterone

b. Progesterone

c. Estrogen

d. Oxytocin

43. What is the inner lining of the uterus called?

a. Cervix

b. Oviduct

c. Endometrium

d. Fimbriae

44. Where does fertilization usually take place?

a. Cervix

b. Vagina




c. Uterus

d. Oviduct

45. Which one of the followings regarding estrogen is correct?

a. Causes the endometrium to rebuild

b. Has no effect on the Wolffian duct

c. Maintains the secondary sexual characteristics in female

d. All of these

46. The process of sperm production takes place in the ______.

a. Epididymis

b. Vas deferens

c. Prostate glands

d. Seminiferous tubules

47. Which one of the followings secretes the gonadotropic hormones?

a. Adrenal

b. Anterior pituitary

c. Posterior pituitary

d. Thyroid

48. Foramen ovale




a. Is a shallow depression in the interventricular septum

b. Is a condition in which the heart valves do not completely close

c. Is a connection between the pulmonary trunk and the aorta in the fetus

d. Connects the two atria in the fetal heart

49. The secretory phase in the human menstrual cycle is also called

a. Luteal phase and lasts for about 6 days

b. Follicular phase lasting for about 6 days

c. Luteal phase and lasts for about 13 days

d. Follicular phase and lasts for about 13 days

50. Which one of the followings is incorrectly matched regarding female reproductive organs?

a. Ovaries - eggs and sex hormones are produced

b. Oviducts - serves as the site of fertilization

c. Uterus - Serves as the birth canal

d. Cervix - Contains opening to embryo/fetus

Answer Keys

1. c 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. c

6. a 7. a 8. c 9. c 10. b

11. d 12. b 13. d 14. c 15. d

16. b 17. a 18. c 19. a 20. a

21. b 22. c 23. d 24. b 25. d

26. d 27. d 28. b 29. b 30. a




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31. d 32. a 33. a 34. b 35. c

36. b 37. a 38. a 39. b 40. c

41. b 42. c 43. c 44. d 45. d

46. d 47. b 48. d 49. c 50. c

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