Easter Sunday

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Full message of the Easter Sunday story.

Transcript of Easter Sunday


Easter SundayHe is not here!

Matthew 27:55-65; 28:1-10.


Creation Eternity


Easter is the focal point of history (HIS-STORY). Picture a timeline with a cross in the centre.

The Bible tells us that every moment from Creation on has been leading up to the cross (as part of God’s eternal plan). And that every moment since is lived in light of Jesus’ death and resurrection.


It has been said something like this, “The cross rests on the time line of history (HIS-STORY) like a compelling view. Its tragedy summons all sufferers. Its meaninglessness attracts all cynics. Its hope lures all searchers. History has idolized it and despised it, gold-plated it and burned it, worn it and trashed it. History has done everything to it but ignore it. That is the one option that the cross does not offer. No one can disregard it!”




THE WOMEN AT THE CROSS.“And many women who followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering to Him, were there looking on from afar” Matthew 27:55-56. Jesus had many “behind the scene” followers. All four Gospels describe a group of women who were dedicated to special ministries to Jesus. These women served, supported, and even travelled in order to prepare the way for Jesus and the twelve disciples.


The fearless devotion of these women shines out. They remained with Jesus when most of the male disciples ran for their lives! In fact, these women are of the few followers (mostly women) who did not desert Jesus even at the cross. They remained for the entire tragic ordeal. Imagine the wrenching of their hearts as they helplessly watched the shocking torture, humiliation, and Crucifixion of the One they had found so understanding and gentle.


These women stayed behind when the crowds left the death scene, this loyal group followed Jesus’ body to the tomb. When Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in his new tomb which he had hewn out of the rock; and he rolled a large stone against the door of the tomb, and departed.




THE WOMEN AT THE TOMB.“And Mary Magdalene was there, and the other Mary, sitting opposite the tomb” Matthew 27:61. Special mention is made of the women who had followed Jesus all the way from Galilee to Jerusalem. The same women witnessed Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection (chapter 28:1); there is therefore no room for mistake over either the reality of Jesus’ death or the identification of His tomb.


After the Sabbath, these women again spent hours gathering the spices used for burial—they still served Him, every act of service done for the Lord counts. With heavy hearts they got up early in the morning, packed the spices, and with heaviness of heart walked towards the tomb.


When they arrived, there was a strange silence, not the silence of death but rather of wonder the tomb was open and empty! The grave was opened not to let Jesus OUT but to let His followers see IN, and that the tomb was empty. Jesus had left the tomb before the stone had been rolled away.




God had honoured these faithful women in a special way. At the lowest point of Christianity, Mary and her companions were the first to receive the news that changed the world; later it would be said of Jesus’ followers “They are turning the world upside down.” More likely they where turning the world the right way up.


The angelic announcement ceased at this point. From here on the message would be told by human lips. “Come; see the place where the Lord lay.” And that same Christ the Lord rose again. “He is not here: for he is risen.” Hymn writers through the centuries have celebrated the message they, alone, heard that morning, “He is risen.”



If Easter is truly the focal point of HIS-STORY...

Then we have a choice to make:

Believe in Jesus, or dismiss Him?Accept His claims, or reject Him?

You have to make a choice TODAY!