Earth-717: Cap Vol 1-7

Post on 19-Jul-2016

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An alternate time. An alternate world. Steve Rogers is a man who is willing to do anything to fight for a just cause. However, his frail form inhibits his ability to be the hero he is on the inside. Modified by a secret program, Steve is transformed into Captain America, a symbol of hope who must lead the forces of freedom in a desperate struggle against the villainous Hydra.

Transcript of Earth-717: Cap Vol 1-7

Earth-717: Captain America Vol 1

Chapter 7: Red Dress

The Colonel sneered as he stared at Steve and Peggy.

“You two were reckless, impulsive, and you both disobeyed direct orders from a superior officer

in war time.”

The two did not respond, instead waiting with bated breath as the Colonel began pacing back

and forth in front of them. His hands were behind his back.

“Under normal circumstances, your punishment would be severe.”

He then stopped, facing away from them.

“However . . . . these are not normal circumstances.”

Peggy raised an eyebrow. The Colonel turned around and looked directly at Steve.

“I said you weren’t a soldier, Rogers . . . . and I was wrong. You saved my team. I read their

reports. They said that if you hadn’t shown up, they would never have gotten out alive. Without your

interference, we would have lost them and the intel they gathered.”

“Thank you, Colonel.”

The Colonel then looked at Peggy.

“And you, Miss Carter . . . . while part of me wants to have you discharged for what you did, I

also know that you technically were adhering to the terms of your assignment . . . . and given what you

two were able to accomplish, I am willing to overlook your indiscretion.”

Peggy nodded.

“But know this, you two . . . . you won’t be able to get away with this again.”

“I understand, sir,” said Steve. “I will pack up my things and prepare for shipment to the facility

of your choice.”

“That won’t be necessary,” said the Colonel.


“You won’t get away with it again, because you’re officially being enlisted in the armed service.

I am of the understanding that Sergeant Barnes’ team has taken to referring to you by a nickname

provided by one of the German soldiers you encountered.”

The Colonel pulled a set of metal identification tags from his breast pocket, and tossed them to

Steve, who caught them with his left hand.

“Consider yourself drafted, Captain.”

Steve looked down at the dog tag in his hand. It read “STEVE ROGERS – CAPTAIN


“Hope you like the name, son. It already caught on with the administrative board.”

Steve felt a smile slowly form on his face as he stared down at the tag.

“I like it just fine, sir.”

* * * *

Wearing his finest military jacket, Steve walked into the bar. Several tables of patrons were full,

with the biggest one in the middle being the one he knew he was going to. Bucky, Natalie, Dugan,

Falsworth, Morita and Gabe were all present. Dugan put his mug in the air upon seeing Steve.

“Hey everybody, look who's here! Captain America!”

Everyone at the table cheered as Steve walked up to the table. He took a short, mocking bow

before sitting down next to Bucky.

“Man of the hour has arrived,” said Bucky. “Can't believe my own eyes.”

“Not used to seeing me like this?” asked Steve.

“You kidding? You've never been in a bar in your life. First time, and you're a celebrity.”

Natalie pulled out a lighter and lit the cigarette between her lips.

“Someone get this man a drink!” shouted Dugan.

“What'll it be, Cap?” asked Gabe.

“Ah, non-alcoholic for me, guys. I don't drink.”

“What?!” spurted out Morita, spewing some of his beer back on the table.

“Use a handkerchief, you barbarian,” said Falsworth.

“What do you mean, you don't drink?!” shouted Dugan.

“Not my style.”

“Told you all he's a damn square,” said Bucky, taking a swig from his beer bottle. “His fancy

muscles don't change him none. Still just a punk from Brooklyn.”

“I wouldn't call him that,” chortled Natalie, blowing out a puff of smoke.

“I may be a punk from Brooklyn,” started Steve, “but you're a punk from the Bronx. Think I got

you beat on that one.”

The rest of the guys at the table laughed out loud at Steve's comeback. Bucky looked


“A couple months without me covering his back and he suddenly becomes a wise guy.”

“One of us had to be.”

Bucky gently slapped the back of Steve's head.

“But seriously, not even one drink?” asked Gabe.

“I meet up with the greatest icon in the free world and he won't even share a beer with me!”

yelled Dugan, slamming his palm down on the table. “He's a fascist, I tell ya!”

“What do you want then, Rogers?” asked Falsworth. “Apple juice? Tap water?”

“Warm milk?” said Morita, which elicited a laugh from Gabe and Dugan.

“Ha ha, you guys are hilarious, but actually, I want . . . .”

Steve stopped speaking when he saw that everyone at the table were all looking past him. He

turned around in his chair to see Peggy walking into the room. She was in an elegant, scarlet dress, with

the same hue as her lips. He felt his mouth hang open slightly at the sight of her.

“Peggy,” he finally said.


Peggy was silent for a moment.

“Fine establishment.”

Peggy looked over at Gabe. There was an empty seat between him and Steve.

“May I take a seat?”

Gabe took a moment to respond.

“Yeah. Yeah. Sure. Of course.”

“Thank you.”

“The gang's all here!” yelled Dugan, with a wide grin. “Another round!”

Peggy turned to Steve.

“So, did you enjoy finally getting a couple hours away from me?”

“More or less. Shore leave does that.”


“You, uh . . . .you look great.”


“Hey everybody!” yelled Morita. “Dugan's song is on!”

Everyone quieted down to listen to the song.

“We'll meet again,

Don't know where, don't know when,

But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day . . . .”

“This is Dugan's song?” asked Bucky.

“Hell yeah it is!” shouted Dugan. “Keep smiling through, just like you always do . . . .”

* * * *

Peggy was washing her hands in the sink of the women's washroom when Natalie walked out of

one of the stalls and took the sink next to her.

“Private Lorraine.”

“Awh come on, don't give me that. Call me Natalie.”

“Okay, Natalie. Guess it's only fair you call me Peggy.”

“You know, I hope you know that I really appreciate what you did for us. Saving our lives.”

Peggy and Natalie turned to face each other.

“Just doing my job. We're all in this together.”

“I hope so. Heard the Colonel's thinking of putting us all back in action as a team. Would be

good to get back in the field again with people I can trust.”


“And having the Captain with us will be a bonus.”

“You think so?”

“Of course. You've seen him in action more than I have. He's incredible in combat . . . . and the

view ain't that bad either.”

Peggy gave a soft chuckle.

“Any intentions there, Private?”

“Nah. He looks good, but I doubt he's my type. Besides . . . . I heard he's already sweet on


* * * *

Some time later, at their own private table, Peggy chuckled as Steve finished chugging his Coke

bottle and slammed it back down next to the empty plate. He raised an eyebrow at her.

“What's so funny?”

“You seem awfully pleased with yourself.”

“You have no idea how happy I am to be able to finish a sandwich.”

“I have some idea. I did witness your last pitiful attempt.”

She laughed again, placing a hand over her mouth as she did. Steve shook his head, but couldn't

help but smile. Eventually he gave up and allowed himself to laugh as well.

“Look, I was scrawny back then, okay?” pleaded Steve. “I've always had confidence issues

about that sort of thing. Can't wait to go back to Ron's. He'll have a field day when he sees me now.”

“I'll just bet. Probably won't believe it.”

“Probably not. Hell, he'll be like . . . .”

Steve put on a deep, throaty accent.

“Whaddaya mean, you're Steve? What you done with my boy, ya yellow sack of trash? I'll

clobber ya four ways from Sunday, punk!”

Peggy eyes pinched shut as she let out a loud giggle. After she was done, the two just sat in

silence for several minutes, not looking at each other. Steve then turned his head back to her.


Peggy slowly met his gaze.


“When this is over, you know, maybe you and I . . . . maybe we can go back. To Ron's, I mean.

Have a proper meal together. Minus the spying.”


“What do you say?”

Peggy looked away for a moment before looking back.

“I, um . . . . can't make any promises about that, Rogers.”

Steve leaned forward and placed his hands together on the table.

“You've said that before. What's with this policy of yours? Where did it come from?”

Peggy sat back in her chair, folding her arms.

“My line of work, it uh . . . . it makes sense, I suppose. I'm always on assignment. I don't always

end up on one thing for as long as this. Sometimes I change location. Sometimes even personas. I've

been undercover before. I've seen enough of this life to know that, once you start making promises, it

means you've become attached.”

Steve narrowed his eyes in concern.

“Can't afford to become attached in this job, Steve. No attachments means your judgement

doesn't hazy when the chips are down. Means it's easy to let go when the higher ups send you

somewhere else. It's just the job.”

Steve shook his head.

“I don't buy it. You try hard to hide it, but . . . . I've seen you laugh. Seen you smile. When I met

you, I didn't think you were capable of either.”

“We all have our surprises, Rogers. Some more than others.”

“Been surprised by me?”

“Maybe once or twice.”

“Well, here's one for you. Care to dance?”

Peggy looked at Steve with startled eyes.

“We're on shore leave,” reasoned Steve.

“Rogers . . . .”

“Come on. Just one dance. Who knows? You might come away surprised again.”

Steve held out his hand, with a somewhat dorky smile on his face. Peggy looked at it for a few

moments before meeting his gaze again.


“It's all I asked for.”

Peggy sighed and took Steve's hand. They got on to the dance floor as the group from earlier

watched. Dugan let out a howl.

“Quit your howling, Dugan,” scolded Gabe. “You sound like a fox with bronchitis.”

“Ahh, shut up, Jones!”

Steve and Peggy got into a formal dancing stance as the song started. Several other couples

were also on the dance floor.

“If I didn't care,

More than words can say,

If I didn't care,

Would I feel this way?

If this isn't love, then why do I thrill?

And what makes my head

Go 'round and 'round

While my heart stands still?”

Steve led the dance, maintaining steady footwork. As the dance went on, more and more of the

bar began observing them. Bucky silently nodded as he happily watched his friend.

“If I didn't care

Would it be the same?

Would my every prayer

Begin and end with just your name?

And would I be sure that this

Is love beyond compare?

Would all this be true

If I didn't care for you?”

At the very end of the dance, Steve reached out and dipped Peggy, which caused the entire bar

to erupt into applause. As he brought her back up to her feet, he looked into her eyes again.

“We all have our surprises, right?”

Peggy didn't need to answer. Her smile said it all.