E4: Fiona Interviews Keith Abraham, Discovers The Ingredients Of A Perfect Business Plan

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Transcript of E4: Fiona Interviews Keith Abraham, Discovers The Ingredients Of A Perfect Business Plan

  • 7/30/2019 E4: Fiona Interviews Keith Abraham, Discovers The Ingredients Of A Perfect Business Plan


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    Fiona Interviews Keith Abraham,

    Discovers The Ingredients Of A

    Perfect Business Plan

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    In this episode:

    00:34 Meet Keith

    02:47 When the ____ becomes clear, the ___ becomes easy

    10:46 The role of emotions in the goal-setting process

    18:30 This is the perfect length of a perfect business plan

    25:06 Keith: You need to stay connected to people that you are doing business with

    28:23 When is the best time to stay in touch with people?

    31:43 Connect with Keith

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    Here is the transcription:

    Fiona: Hi, its Fiona Lewis here from Super Savvy Business with this weeks podcast!

    Now today I have a very very special guest with me, his name is Keith Abraham; and Keith

    and I met earlier this year in February when I was at a conference. I was so impressed with

    what he wanted to say that I wanted to bring his message and his teachings to the Super

    Savvy Business community.

    Now, passion is the key ingredient to achieving sustainable success in our lives and our

    businesses, wouldnt you agree?

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    So Keith is the perfect person to be able to speak on this topic. In the last 16 years he has

    spent researching, training, and working with people to help them find their passion,harness their passion and thenturn their passion into personal and professional capital. In

    fact, Keith has personally assisted individuals and companies alike to create over 10 million

    goals! Thats such a huge number, but its, you know this is what he does! And he has

    inspired businesses and people around the world to live more passionately.

    Hes got 3 best-selling books including Live Your Passion and he has co-authored 3 others.

    He is founder of the Passionate Tribe Online Community and his weekly blog has over 4,500

    subscribers. I think that really does give us a good idea of the sort of influence Keith has

    amongst his community.

    He has built a client base of over 265 companies across 20 different industry groups across 4

    continents globally and speaks in over 80 conferences globally each year and has just been

    awarded the National Speakers Association of Australia honour it was the keynote speaker

    of the year.

    So you can understand why Im so excited to have Keith on our call today and I just want to

    start by welcoming you, Keith, to the Super Savvy Business podcast.

    Keith: Oh, thanks very much, I really appreciate the opportunity to be with you here today,

    Fiona, so thanks for that!

    Fiona: Now, Keith, you know, when we first met I was very lucky to be able to sit through a

    whole day of your Passionate People Workshop and I walked away with my head just

    expanding with, like, so much inspiration, and ideas and wonderful things to be able to walk

    away with and be able to actually implement into my personal life and into my business,

    which is why I was so keen to reach out to you and bring you into the Super Savvy Businesscommunity.

    Uhm, one of the things that really hit me, you know you talk about putting your personal

    goals first ahead of your professional goals. Why is that, Keith?

    Keith: Well, Fiona, at the end of the day, you know, from all the research that we have done

    over you know, I have been a professional speaker for the last 7 or 8 years and I have

    been talking about goal setting for the last 25 years around the globe and one of the

    things that has been really interesting in this journey is that, you know, when I love the

    saying, When the why becomes clear, the how becomes easy and so often people dontachieve their full potential because they dont have a strong enough reason why. And, you

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    know, its an old story, you know? I believe we all operate on 3 levels, you know You are

    either just getting by, youre good at what you do, you are great at what you do. Whats theenemy of greatness? Its that were good at what we do. You know? Were in that comfort

    zone and by truly getting yourself clear on your personal reasons first, you then can achieve

    yourbusiness goals and things that you want to do. If you are just going to be successful at

    business you know, that will drive you for a little while, but it wont be sustainable. I see lots

    of people in business who are very successful and their life is crappy. So it really its got to

    come back to what your personal drivers are.

    Fiona: Yeah, look, I completely agree with what you are saying. When I work with my clients

    in my mastermind program and thats one of the first things that we discuss, you know?Why is it you do what you do? And many of them will come back with a business-related

    answer, wont they?

    Keith: Oh, absolutely, yeah, its so often Fiona, one of the things that, you know, I want to

    achieve this in my business, and I wanna and thats great, but WHY? You know, at the end

    of the day, WHY are you doing it? And you know, look, the HOW and the WHAT, you see, so

    often, Fiona, people stop at the WHAT And so often, you know, people say to you, you

    know, so what are you going to do when you leave school? What do you want to achieve

    with your business this year. So what are you you know, whats your career goal?

    At the end of the day, people stop at WHAT. But really, the driver, they key, the proven path

    is really understanding WHY. And, you know, and I make no apologies for over emphasising

    this, because you need to hear it a few times for it to sink in, you know

    When the WHY becomes clear, the HOW becomes easy.

    In actual effect, I honestly believe that the HOW will find you. When you are clear on your

    WHY your reason, your purpose, your focus, the HOWs just come to you; people walk into

    your life, people walk into your business and, you know, Wow, how did that how did I

    manage that, how did that happen?

    Fiona: Mmmm

    Keith: Its really it really, really is critical.

    Fiona: And that WHY has to be something that is a really strong emotional connection to

    you, wouldnt you agree?

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    Keith: Absolutely, and actually I think that this is the missing piece of the puzzle for most

    people. From all the research that we have done, if your goal isnt both emotional, if you arenot emotionally connected, mentally connected and physically connected to your goal, you

    will probably not, uhm, pursue it, as well as what you could.

    Fiona: Mmm

    Keith: Or as fast as what you could. You know, I have searched high and low and you know,

    weve got a whole stack of research as to why smart, intelligent, well-educated, driven

    people not pursue or not tap into their full potential? Because they dont have an

    emotional, a mental, and a physical connection. In actual fact we call it Feel, Think, Do.How do you want to feel? What do you think the goal is that you need to achieve to actually

    gain that feeling? What do you need to do today, this week or this month toachieve that


    So when you can align all of those three together, and you saw this during the Passionate

    People workshop, when you can align all of those three together something magical

    happens. What happens is people gain that laser-like focus and they just align themselves

    and they connect to the goal. Everyone has lots of goals. But at the end of the day the goals

    that really matter the things that are most important to you are the ones that you are

    aligned to and connected to.

    Fiona: Mmm And you know, as business owners we all know its you know, a pretty

    emotional roller coaster and there are times when you are really quite challenged and if you

    are really connected to your WHY, thats what keeps you there; thats what helps you to get

    through those tough times and that helps you to overcome and not just throw the towel

    and give up.

    Keith: Yeah, absolutely, its the I call it your True North, what you need to have in your

    business and this is this is one of the challenges people to run their own show, you know?

    And they are not.. they are not as fortunate as your people, Fiona, to have you as the

    sounding board, as the resource to help them come back to that True North. What happens

    is, if you do not have a True North in your life and in your business you will be distracted by

    whatever. You know? You will be distracted by stuff that just doesnt matter; it just doesnt

    count. And so, the challenge for us is to find that true North; and if we feel were getting off

    track, you know, what is important, what matters, whats gonna make a difference, whats

    meaningful for us and see, I honestly believe that when we are so focused on what is not

    working, [any or possibly] channel your energy in stuff that is working and where you want

    to go.

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    Its hard to drive a car when you are looking in the rearview mirror.

    Fiona: Yeah, that is so true. I mean, you mentioned before about, you know, people finding

    it hard to find their true North what sort of strategies do you suggest people use in order

    to tap into what that is?

    Keith: Yeah, look one of the things we, Fiona, that is, uhm, you know,that I have talked to

    groups now for close to 25 years, you know a number of years before I became a

    professional presenter and founder of Passionate People, one of the things that we get

    people to do is start their list of 100 things that they want to do in their lifetime.

    And when I originally did this, it was just one of those neat little ideas that, you know, thatsomebody shared with me and, and I shared it with a whole stack of people. And weve

    taken it a few steps beyond that. Its not this life, its not just a life to-do list some people

    call it a bucket list now, I dont like calling it the bucket list, because, you know, a bucket

    list is when a doctor tells you have got 6 months to live and you are going to do all the

    things you thought you wanted to do until you kick the bucket. So lets call it a life to-do


    And I honestly believe that once you have gone through a process of writing down those

    things that you want to achieve in your lifetime you can then go back and reflect upon

    them; and go when I, and lets say for example, when I travel to Tuscany and live a month

    in Italy in this little village in Tuscany and just submerge myself in that culture, when I

    achieve that, ok, so heres the question: How would you feel?

    How would you feel? You know, when I, when my business brings a million dollars in profit,

    ok, great, great, but, how would you feel? And so what we find is that when we go through

    the process of getting people write down all the things theyd love to do in their life time,

    and then we are going to come back and say, Write down the driving emotion there are

    135 different emotions that us as human beings can experience. Just under half of them are

    negative and just over half of them are positive.

    So there is a whole lot of different emotions that we can experience. Now, for some people

    those emotions are, you know, will just jump at them, you know? It could be success, it

    could be accomplishment, it could be a sense of achievement, it could be energised, it could

    be happy

    And so once you have identified those sorts ofdriving emotions and we all have three as

    we go through this process, 3 start to stand out; 3 start to repeat themselves over and over

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    again. They are your driving emotions. They are like personality and they tend to stick with

    you for a long, long time.

    So once you know your driving emotions, then what you can do is then go back and say,

    Okay, if this is how I want to feel because, you know, I know you would have heard this

    Fiona everyones talked about this for the past 40 years, they talk about smart goals, well

    I wanna make myself very very clear: smart goals dont work. They dont work for people;

    they work for companies, but they dont work for people because unless there is an

    emotional connection in there people wont people will not be connected to it. So the

    normal goal setting process looks a little like this:

    1. You set a goal2. You take action3. You get a result4. And you get a feeling

    And what were saying is lets invert that, lets turn it on its head and say, lets start with

    how you want to feel. Then, lets say, you know, what action do you need to take to gain

    that feeling? What result will you get when you take that action and then wont that

    naturally lead you towards the goal? And the answer to that is Yes.

    Fiona: So

    Keith: And so the process there, Fiona, is that they are getting people to first identify the

    things they love to do in their life and I say a hundred, and then second is to get them say

    what are the emotions that are attached to each one of those goals? What are the driving

    emotions that are the most important to me?

    To me personally, mydriving emotions are [..] of being energised, being successful and

    being [...]. And I defin I have a definition that is appropriate for that for me.

    Fiona: So then, once you know what your driving emotions are, how do you then bring that

    across into your business life?

    Keith: Well, well, that is simple because in your personal life or in your business life your

    driving emotions are the same. So, for example, for me, one of my driving emotions is about

    being energised.

    And so to me, I have a definition around being energised: you know, I want to have anabundance of energy; I want to make sure that Im that I am you know, that I have got

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    energy to talk to you at this time of the day, Ive got energy to talk to the client I spoke to

    today and I have got energy to my family after, and so and Ive got energy to do the thingsthat are important, uuuh, and that matter in my life.

    And thats not just about health and fitness but what it also involves is in my business I dont

    do the stuff that dries my energy. You know, I.. there are 3 things that I love to do in my

    business: I love to write, I love to speak and I love to create. So I make sure that, as part of

    mybusiness goal, that I am doing that. And that gives me energy.

    Oh, and funny enough, with more energy I can go and make more of a difference and help

    people set their goals and do the things that matter. And its a lovely thought.

    Fiona: Mmm Yeah, its pretty powerful when you start to look at it that way, that, you

    know, by being in touch with what your personal driving emotions are it can have such a

    huge impact on being successful within your own business.

    Keith: Oh, absolutely, you know, a lot of times, Fiona, and you know that this is the

    workshop that were at, you know, when you ask people what their driving emotion is, they

    will say, accomplishment. So okay, what goal do you need to achieve in your business to

    feel accomplished? For some people it might be.. you know, you might say,

    Whats your driving emotion?

    I want to be happy.

    Okay, what do you need to achieve in your business to be happy?

    Because what we have to be very careful about, Fiona, is that we dont measure our

    success, we dont measure our business by other peoples standards. Oh, its a million

    dollars in the bank! Well, I know people who have a million dollars in the bank, you know,

    from the results in their business, and they are miserable! Because they have got no way for

    the things that are most important to them. They have got no way for the things that

    energise them, or make them happy, or, in your own definition, make them successful.

    Fiona: And you hear there are lots you know, highly successful people who, in their

    personal lives they are miserable, you know? So its.. you know, for me, hearing you, uhm,

    share this message back in February, it just made so much sense!

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    Keith: Yeah.

    Fiona: And thats why, I suppose it is so important for me to be able to bring out your

    message to my community, because I think a lot of people miss that connection.

    Keith: Look, and nobody talks about it. Look, Fiona, I dont know anybody that is talking

    you know, because most people say, Okay, well you need to set a goal, it needs to be

    specific, measurable, attainable, it needs to be realistic, it needs to be tangible

    Yes! Yeah, yeah, thats true. But then you go, okay, wheres the emotional connection?

    Were emotional creatures!

    Fiona: Mmm

    Keith: You know? We feel happy, we feel joy, we feel sadness, we feel anger, we feel

    frustration And so why not harness that emotion, uh, to drive us towards the things that

    we want, uh, in our lives? And so you know, I just think, I dont think I know this is cutting

    edge, this is goal setting for the millenium and beyond, this is beyond the normal, you know,

    write out your goal, and look, Ive done all that sort of stuff.

    I have been the advocate and the ambassador for that process, but when you sit down and

    truly analyse it, you become the student, you know, not the master, but the student. Is that

    all of a sudden you get a different perspective on why it works and why it doesnt any why

    people succeed and others dont.

    Fiona: You mentioned something there that I would like to touch on, uh, that was about,

    you know, writing your goals and during the workshop we spent a fair bit of time talking and

    working on our own business visions and creating business plans and all those sorts of


    But you took such a different approach to it, Keith, and I was just wondering whether you

    might be able to touch on some of that process and how your approach is different to the

    way people normally think about writing business plans, for example.

    Keith: Yeah, exactly, look, I have been a great believer and advocate to the one-page

    business plan and I think, you know, you recall, uhm, when I was with you on the Sunshine

    Coast, the things that I said. It was a client that taught me this value of it, you know, I was

    asked to go and speak to a large printing business. And when you think of a printing

    business you think ofQuick Copy, and there is nothing wrong with Quick Copys, or

    the Snaps or anybody like that, but this was a large printing house, it was a 25 million dollarbusiness. And.. so Im waiting to speak and the CEO stands up and puts up a one-page

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    business plan for a 25 million dollar business, includes a 120 odd staff. And, I go you know

    what, I know nothing about the printing industry but I know exactly what they are going toachieve this year. And if I can get it and I know nothing about their business, I would imagine

    that all of his people would have gotten it as well.

    So my approach for setting a one-page business plan and Im able to provide a template

    for your listeners my approach is really simple.

    Fiona: That would be fantastic!

    Keith: Firstly, theres four key areas.. and this applies to any business, anywhere in the

    world:1. You want to have financial objectives so you want to have financial goals2. You want to have operational effectiveness3. You want to have people growth, people development4. And you want to have customer marketing and underneath marketing put files and

    service and loyalty.

    You can change those areas around. And what I say is, Okay, what are your one or two

    they are more than that but what are your one or two key financial objectives in the next

    12 months? And then that can relate to turnover, it could relate to profit, it could relate to

    increased volume, you know, whatever it might be thats specific to your business.

    And then what you do is you then go on and say, Okay and I used to do this, I used to

    say to people that you want to have the key outcome for the next 90 days, but I have

    changed my thinking around and I think business is too dynamic these days I honestlybelieve that what you want to do is say, What are the key outcomes that I need to achieve

    in the next 30 days that will work me towards those key financial objectives? And then you

    go through there could be 2, or 3, or 4 different objectives.

    And so, for example, if we use one lets say I want my business to turn over $500,000. So

    that is one of my key objectives. And I want to have 40% profit. There are my two key

    financial objectives for the next 12 months. What do I need to achieve in the next 30 days to

    work towards that goal? You know, what are the key objectives for the next 30 days would

    be to create a prospect list, to do what I call a ten by ten by ten formula and so Who out

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    of this ten can I not afford to lose? Who out of this ten have the greatest potential? and who

    are the ten prospects that I really need to go and introduce myself to and to work with? Sothat might be three objectives.

    The other objective might be well, you know, time is money, so I am going to look at some

    ways to, uhm, you know, create some partners that can, you know, fill my pipeline for me.

    Or, maybe one of the other objectives is I am going to start to ask for referrals.

    So there is the.. there is the objectives that I am going to work on this month.

    And, you know, ten by ten by ten could be two by two by two, could be five by five by five.

    But all of a sudden you start to have a very measurable, a very specific plan. Of course, what

    sits above this is how you want to feel.

    Fiona: Yeah, and I love this process of chunking down, and the fact that you have taken it

    like you say from 90 days down to 30. You know, you take this sort of overriding, sort of

    huge big goals, you know, like you say and increasing your revenue from $500,000, you are

    chunking it down, so now these goals start to become more achievable in your mind rather

    than this huge marathon you cant get to the end of.

    Keith: Yeah, absolutely, look I had a I wrote a blog about this, uhm, late last year I had one

    of my clients that I work with here in Australia, is Lexus, and one of the best Lexus

    dealerships in Australia is Chatswood. And the dealer principal is fairly young and dynamic

    guy and I had him speak to another group of my clients. And you know one of the comments

    he say which has stuck with me and has been a real, uhm, you know, lighthouse, a comment

    that keeps me focused he said, You know what?, he said, When we dont hit our goal,

    and you know, and the car industry is very much a 30 day industry, When we dont hit our

    goal you know, people go all, Oh, jeez, we missed our goal, we were supposed to sell 40cars and we sold thirty. He said, You know what, it is never one thing, he made a

    comment, Its a series of neglect; its we didnt make the follow-up call to Mr and Mrs

    Jones, we didnt get the quote back to Mr Smith as fast as we said, we didnt, you know, we

    turned up late, you know, five minutes late to a demo. You know, its a series of neglects.

    It is never one thing that kills the month, its never one thing that stops up a business. Its a

    series of things that you should have done.

    Shoulda, woulda, coulda

    Fiona: Mmm

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    Keith: But its a series of neglects.

    Fiona: And I guess too, when you have got in these key milestones and everything written

    down to look at them daily and think, What action am I taking today to bring myself one

    step closer? How am I proving what I did yesterday so I can get closer to achieving these


    Keith: Yeah, absolutely. You know, uh, that goes back to you need to start to create. And I

    know we dont have enough time to talk all about this, but maybe another time but one

    of the things that I say is that if you want to avoid the series of neglects then you need

    to create a set of rituals. You know? Uhm, people create rituals and rituals form futures.And the key here is that you need to have a set of rituals that support you in moving your

    business forward.

    For me, one of my rituals is uhm is I contact 7 clients every day. An email, note,

    unconditional gift, uh phone call uh whatever that, you know, whatever the method,

    but I contact 7 clients every day. Because Im a great believer that, you know, you need to

    stay connected to people that you are doing business with; you need to stay connected to

    people that might be doing business with. So one of my rituals is that. And that will always

    it creates momentum. You know? Its the amount of times that you will have people that

    will say to you I had a client just yesterday, You know what? I got your email and, funny

    enough, we were just talking about you this morning. Right! Look, we want you to do this,

    Oh, wonderful, excellent!. There will be other times when you get nothing back. But, its

    you dont do it to get something; you do it because you want to stay connected to people.

    Fiona: Yeah, you know what? You know, you have given us so many golden nuggets, but

    that I mean, even if people just took one piece of information, that one idea and

    implemented that into their business, I think every business would benefit from doing that,

    in order to build relationships, in order to stay in front of mind with their clients, and like

    you say you know, you might just hit them at the right moment when they are thinking,

    Oh, I need to sort this out, I need to do something, and then BANG! there you are. And

    because you nurtured that relationship, you know, you are the person that they are going to

    feel connected to.

    Keith: Yeah, absolutely. You know, this.. I am not going to talk too much about this subject

    anymore, and you know, one of my books, the first book that I ever wrote How to Create

    Loyal, Profitable Customers, and uhm and, because you know, everybody is talking, Fiona.

    Everyone is talking about sales and nobody is talking about, Okay, what do you do once you

    get them? What do you do after you get, you know, get them to keep them?. And, you

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    know, and its.. look, if you want to create people say, Aaah, you know, I need to create

    customer loyalty really simple frequency of interaction; you need to stay in touch withyour customers when they are not doing business with you. And there has never been a

    better time in the world to date to be able to stay connected to your customers for free

    than there is today. And so many people dont do that.

    Fiona: Yeah and its so easy, really, to keep it personal.. and like you say, whether it be an

    email, a little note, I mean even little hand written notes that come in the post you know,

    that because nobody does that, do they?

    Keith: No, correct. You know, and thats why I say we have a complement: we use email,handwritten notes, unconditional gifts, you know look, if I like a book, Ill buy 20 copies of

    it. Look, Im just looking at my books in my office here at the moment and Im going, you

    know, Ill just grab one and Ill go now I have my VA that will send me 7 names every day. I

    dont think about who I contact; its totally random, its totally.. you know, she has some

    system, I dont know what system it is, but she sends these 7 people to me, their names,

    their address, their telephone number, and email address and I just, you know, as I said,

    note, phone call, unconditional gift like send somebody elses book, whatever it might be it

    is just a way of staying connected.

    But understand it is a discipline. Ill give you a quick little story. I had a professional speaker

    come to me a lovely lady who got a really wonderful message and and she sat across

    the table from me and broke down in tears you know, she said, My business, my buiness. I

    dont have anything booked for the next couple of months and really is depressing and

    she said, Could you, you know, What would you suggest?. And I said, I tell youll what

    Ill do. Heres what I want you to do: I want you contact 7 people every day. It could be a

    prospect, it could be a client, it could be somebody but I want you to contact them, to

    phone people every day. I want you to do that for the next month. Every week I want you to

    send me those peoples names you know, you can fax them to me, you can email them to

    me, uhm I just need to know tell me their first name, tell me their company name, and I

    said, Here is what is going to happen: you will send that to me and I am going to delete it as

    soon as I get it, I am not even going to look at it, but you need to send it to me so I know

    youre on the right path. And 30 days later we sit back down and I said, Hows business?,

    she said, I have never booked so much work in my life! And

    Fiona: Wow

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    Keith: You know, I could say a hundred stories like that.. its not about technique, its not

    funny things happen when you get in the market place, you start to stimulate the seeds thatyou plant over the there and not reaped from way over there. Just, the universe has a funny

    way of saying to you, Okay, you are serious, so we will look after you.

    Fiona: Wow, look, I am just SO grateful for what you shared I mean, our time has gone

    extremely quickly, Keith, and I am sure that our community here at Super Savvy Business I

    am hoping that they have all taken lots of notes, they are going to be listening back to this

    recording so that they can make sure that they can take all those golden nuggets that you


    Now, obviously, we have only covered just a tiny, tiny fraction of the, you know, incredibleamount of material and teaching that you have.

    So how can people connect with you or learn more about what you do with the Passionate

    People Program?

    Keith: Look, the best way is they can visit PassionatePeople.com or they can go to

    KeithAbrahamBlog.com and log on to my blog. I do a blog three times a week, its all about

    passion, and direction and focus, and becoming the best you can be, and pursuing your

    passion and discovering whats important to you. And, uhm, I just feel that the blog is the

    best way to stay connected with me; apart from people getting the blog, thats

    predominantly the way I communicate with my tribe so if there are any events that I run

    up.. And in essence I run one event, one public event a year around the Passionate People

    program that you had a chance to experience. and, uhm, just all the other work that I do

    around the globe and everything like that; it just had to do a lot of private work and a lot of

    public workshops, you know So thats just the one I do do just to add back to the

    community. So if people are on my blog they will find out about that and they can come

    along to it.

    Fiona: Fantastic! Now, I actually have a copy of your book, Passionate People. How can

    get and its an amazing book and I highly recommend that if you dont already have your

    copy that you grab a copy of it how can people purchase that, Keith?

    Keith: Yeah, look, they can jump on my website, KeithAbraham.com or

    visitPassionatePeople.com and they can buy the book there. And we will just ship it to

    wherever you like in the world.

  • 7/30/2019 E4: Fiona Interviews Keith Abraham, Discovers The Ingredients Of A Perfect Business Plan


    Fiona: Beautiful. Well, Keith, Id like to thank you so much! I know that, you know, you are a

    very busy person and the fact that you have been prepared to give up your time away fromyour family to speak to us you know it means an awful lot to me and Im sure it does to

    the rest of our community.

    So thank you. I am sure that we will love to have you back again.

    Keith: Absolutely. I love what you are doing, Fiona, you are out there making a difference

    and I am always happy to help another passionate person make a positive difference,

    Fiona: Beautiful. Alright Keith, well, well leave you there tonight, and thanks again, well

    speak to you soon!

    Keith: Thanks Fiona, bye now.