e03H Schools Lastname Firstname 3H...

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Transcript of e03H Schools Lastname Firstname 3H...

| 1

Project 3H: Schools | Excel 1




3ProjEct FilESFor Project 3H, you will need the following file:


You will save your workbook as:


In this project, you will correct a worksheet that contains three years of enrollment information for the elementary schools in Pacifica Bay. The worksheet also includes a chart with the 2016 enrollment data by school. From the student files that accompany this textbook, open the file e03H_Schools, and then save the file in your Excel Chapter 3 folder as Lastname_Firstname_3H_Schools

To complete the project, you must find and correct errors in formulas and formatting. Review the format and title of the pie chart and make corrections and formatting changes as necessary. In addition to errors that you find, you should know:

• The Chart Area should include the Tan, Accent 6 solid fill background.• The chart should include category and percentage data labels, formatted in 14 pt.• The pie chart should be in a separate worksheet named Enrollment Analysis Chart

Add a footer to both sheets, and add your name, your course name and section, and the tags elementary schools, enrollment to the document properties. Save your file and then print or submit your worksheet electronically as directed by your instructor. If required by your instructor, print or create an electronic version of your worksheets with formulas displayed by using the instructions in Project 1A, and then close Excel without saving so that you do not save the changes you made to print formulas.

GO! Fix It Project 3H Schools

Content-BaSed aSSeSSmentS

Apply a combination of the 3A and 3B skills.

End | You have completed Project 3H

2 | chapter : 2 Excel | Project 3i: tax

ProjEct FilESFor Project 3I, you will need the following file:

New blank Excel workbook

You will save your workbook as:


Start a new blank Excel workbook and create the worksheet shown in Figure 3.50. In the range B11:C11, calculate totals. In the range D6:D10, calculate the percent of total retail tax collected for each tax category. Insert the chart as shown, using the tax categories and the actual tax collected. Fill the chart area with the Blue tissue paper texture fill and apply a 4 pt., blue border. Insert a footer and center the worksheet horizontally on the page. Add your name, your course name and section, and the keywords sales tax to the document properties. Save the file in your Excel Chapter 3 folder as Lastname_Firstname_3I_Tax and then print or submit electronically as directed by your instructor.

ProjEct rESultS

GO! Make It Project 3I tax

Content-BaSed aSSeSSmentS

End | You have completed Project 3i

FigurE 3.50

Apply a combination of the 3A and 3B skills.

Build from Scratch

Build from Scratch

| 3

Project 3j: Staffing | Excel 3




3ProjEct FilESFor Project 3J, you will need the following file:


You will save your workbook as:


Open the file e03J_Staffing and save it in your Excel Chapter 3 folder as Lastname_Firstname_3J_Staffing Complete the worksheet by calculating totals and the % of Total Employees using the Two-Year Projection values. Format the worksheet attractively including appropriate number formatting. Insert a 3-D pie chart in a separate sheet that illustrates the Two-Year Projection staffing levels by department and use the techniques that you practiced in this chapter to format the chart so that it is attractive and easy to understand. Change the angle of the first slice so that the Planning/Public Works slice displays below the title. Include the file name in the footer, add appropriate properties, save and submit as directed.

GO! Solve It Project 3J Staffing

Content-BaSed aSSeSSmentS Pe



ce c



Performance level

Exemplary: You consistently

applied the relevant skills

Proficient: You sometimes, but

not always, applied the relevant skills

developing: You rarely or never

applied the relevant skills

create formulas

all formulas are correct and are efficiently constructed.

Formulas are correct but not always constructed in the most efficient manner.

one or more formulas are missing or incorrect; or only numbers were entered.

chart inserted and formatted

Chart was inserted and formatted properly.

Chart was inserted but incorrect data was selected or the chart was not formatted.

no chart was inserted.

Format attractively and appropriately

Formatting is attractive and appropriate.

adequately formatted but difficult to read or unattractive.

Inadequate or no formatting.

End | You have completed Project 3j

Apply a combination of the 3A and 3B skills.

outComeS-BaSed aSSeSSmentSrubric

The following outcomes-based assessments are open-ended assessments. That is, there is no specific correct result; your result will depend on your approach to the information provided. Make Professional Quality your goal. Use the following scoring rubric to guide you in how to approach the problem and then to evaluate how well your approach solves the problem.

The criteria—Software Mastery, Content, Format and Layout, and Process—represent the knowledge and skills you have gained that you can apply to solving the problem. The levels of performance—Professional Quality, Approaching Professional Quality, or Needs Quality Improvements—help you and your instructor evaluate your result.

Your completed project is of Professional Quality if you:

Your completed project is Approaching Professional Quality if you:

Your completed project needs Quality improvements if you:

1-Software Mastery Choose and apply the most appropriate skills, tools, and features and identify efficient methods to solve the problem.

Choose and apply some appropriate skills, tools, and features, but not in the most efficient manner.

Choose inappropriate skills, tools, or features, or are inefficient in solving the problem.

2-content Construct a solution that is clear and well organized, contains content that is accurate, appropriate to the audience and purpose, and is complete. Provide a solution that contains no errors in spelling, grammar, or style.

Construct a solution in which some components are unclear, poorly organized, inconsistent, or incomplete. misjudge the needs of the audience. Have some errors in spelling, grammar, or style, but the errors do not detract from comprehension.

Construct a solution that is unclear, incomplete, or poorly organized; contains some inaccurate or inappropriate content; and contains many errors in spelling, grammar, or style. do not solve the problem.

3-Format & layout Format and arrange all elements to communicate information and ideas, clarify function, illustrate relationships, and indicate relative importance.

apply appropriate format and layout features to some elements, but not others. overuse features, causing minor distraction.

apply format and layout that does not communicate information or ideas clearly. do not use format and layout features to clarify function, illustrate relationships, or indicate relative importance. use available features excessively, causing distraction.

4-Process use an organized approach that integrates planning, development, self-assessment, revision, and reflection.

demonstrate an organized approach in some areas, but not others; or, use an insufficient process of organization throughout.

do not use an organized approach to solve the problem.

4 Excel | rubric

Project 3M: Population | Excel 5




3outComeS-BaSed aSSeSSmentS

GO! Think Project 3m Population

ProjEct FilESFor Project 3M, you will need the following file:

New blank Excel workbook

You will save your workbook as:


The Planning Department of Pacifica Bay provides population information to builders, retail establishments, and other businesses. The following table contains the city population information since 1980. Open a new blank Excel workbook and then enter appropriate titles. Then, enter the following data in the worksheet.

1980 1990 2000 2010

Population 75205 105309 116782 133924

Calculate the percent increase for each decade, beginning with 1990. Then, insert a line chart that displays the population. Use techniques that you practiced in this chapter to format the worksheet professionally. Insert a footer with the file name and add appropriate document properties. Save the file in your Excel Chapter 3 folder as Lastname_Firstname_3M_Population and print or submit as directed by your instructor.

End | You have completed Project 3M

Apply a combination of the 3A and 3B skills.

Build from Scratch

outComeS-BaSed aSSeSSmentS

You and GO! Project 3n expense analysis

ProjEct FilESFor Project 3N, you will need the following file:

New blank Excel workbook

You will save your workbook as:


Develop a worksheet that details the expenses you have incurred during the past two months and list the expenses for each month in separate columns. Calculate totals for each column and then add a column in which you can calculate the percent change from one month to the next. Insert and format a pie chart that illustrates the expenses that you incurred in the most recent month. After reviewing the pie chart, determine a category of expense in which you might be overspending, and then pull that slice out of the pie. Insert a footer with the file name and center the worksheet horizontally on the page. Save your file in your Excel Chapter 3 folder as Lastname_Firstname_3N_Expense_Analysis and submit as directed.

End | You have completed Project 3n

Apply a combination of the 3A and 3B skills.

Apply a combination of the 3A and 3B skills.

6 Excel | Project 3o: bell orchid Hotels

Build from Scratch

Build from Scratch

GO! cumulative Group Project Project 3o Bell orchid Hotels Your instructor may assign this group case project to your class. If your instructor

assigns this project, he or she will provide you with information and instructions to work as part of a group. The group will apply the skills gained so far to help the Bell Orchid Hotel Group achieve its business goals.

End | You have completed Project 3o