e Worship Of e Lord - Amazon S3€¦ · local school systems to share the love of Christ. Please...

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Transcript of e Worship Of e Lord - Amazon S3€¦ · local school systems to share the love of Christ. Please...

Third Sunday of Lent March 15, 2020


Announcements & Fellowship (10:55) Pam Bass (The fellowship pads are located at the end of each pew. All members & visitors are asked to sign and then pass it on. Visitors are asked to include your address

and phone number. Please leave the books at the end of the pew next to the windows.)

Chiming of the Trinity (Worship begins with the introit. Please use this time to enjoy the sacred music

and to prepare your heart and mind for an encounter with God.)

Voluntary Colby Griffin & Clyde Patterson Love Lifted Me ARR. BY MCDONALD

Invitation to Worship Rev. J. Kenneth Byrd, Jr. O come let us worship and lift our hearts . . . Not because the world is good and last week was awesome, but because the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the God of the whole Earth.

O come let us worship and raise our voices . . . Not because our lives are all sweetness and light, But because even those who walk in darkness can see a great light, the Bright and Morning Star

O come let us worship and bow down . . . Not because God gives us what we want, But because God gives us what we need – His love in the person of Jesus Christ!

*Hymns of Praise (197) Rejoice, the Lord is King DARWALL

(215) Majesty MAJESTY

A Time with Children Rev. Byrd (Children come forward during the final stanza. Infants-Grade 5 are invited

to participate in our children’s program during worship. If you desire, an usher will be happy to direct you to the children’s area.)

Psalter Reading: Psalm 95 (ESV) Ms. Bass

An Invocation & The Lord’s Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. 

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, 

As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation,  But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power,

and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Lenten Wreath Mike and Wanda Page

*Offertory Hymn (208) Love Divine, All Loves Excelling BEECHER

*Prayer of Dedication Brenda Brown

Offertory Written In Red  ARR. BY CAMP KIRKLAND

*A Lenten Doxology OLD 100TH

Joys/Concerns of the Community Rev. Byrd

Gospel Lesson: John 4:5-42 (ESV)

Response to the Word For the word of hope that pours over us like living water, for the word of grace that leads us to encounter the living Christ, we offer you our thanks, O God.

Invitation to Confession L: When all seems lost, Lord, and we are afraid to begin again, P: Forgive us, we pray, and inspire our hearts with hope. L: When all our problems seem insurmountable, P: Give us courage to carry on our daily living in faith. L: When we think only of self and seek only our own good, without concern for others, P: Help us to see that our strength is in our union, and that only in working together in your name can we hope to see your reign of peace among us. L: When tempted to put immediate gain ahead of wise use of the resources you have given us, P: Grant us wisdom to see the error of our ways, and courage to repent. L: When we are tempted to lose sight of your great vision for us, P: Help us to see that our help comes from you, O Lord, and that your people can rise to greater glory only as we trust in you and commit ourselves to actions that we know in faith to be worthy.

Time of Confession

Words of Assurance & Pastoral Prayer

Sharing in God’s Word “The Miserable Ones: Fantine”

Romans 5:1-11

*Hymn of Commitment (344) Jesus Loves Me CHINA

The Worship Of the Lord

TODAY Deacons: Pam Bass & Brenda Brown

Head Usher of the Month: Dwayne Griffin Baby Angels: Paula Strickland & Bethany Barmer

Toddlers: Ashley Winstead Children’s Church: Jeremy & Amy Thomas

Altar Flowers

The Record Speaks: 3/8/20 Attendance

Sunday School - 31 Morning Worship - 91

The flowers in the sanctuary today are in praise of our risen Savior & in memory of Tom Mayo,

by Sandra, Thomas, and Bill Mayo.

The Ministry of Worship Rev. J. Kenneth Byrd, Jr., Pastor

Colby Griffin, Pianist Clyde Patterson, Organist

Sandra Mayo, Interim Choir Director

*Expressions of Decisions

*Commissioning & Blessing Go now from this service of worship to the service of God’s people near and far, refreshed by the living water that Jesus offers to you. Listen for the parched voices of the least of these; search out the dry places and the arid souls, and become for them a spring of living water. And as you go, may the blessings of the God of life, the Christ of love, and the Spirit of grace be upon you this day and forevermore. Amen

*Response (663) Grace to You (v. 3) STEARNS

*Chiming of the Trinity

Postlude Mr. Patterson Love Divine, All Loves Excelling ZUNDEL

*Congregation Stands That are Able

Member Prayer Request

Patsy Carty Tim Evans Sandra Mayo

Butch Mull Joyce Page Kristen Pridgen

Family of Jimmy Smith

On Behalf of Members

Harrison Barnett Mary Boehm Veda Byrd Faye Harper Jackie Hinton-Crute Barbara G. Elliff

Barbara Hicks Mary Ellen Koch Foster Little Alvin Matthews Scott Peele Keith Rice

Joe Stanton Howard Turbeville Pat Turbeville David Winstead Phil Winstead Boyd Wood

Homebound & Nursing Home Members

Jack Avent Patsy Carty Hilda Evans Annie Jackson Bill Joyner Daisy Joyner

Joyce Joyner Doris Machado Jean Matthews Donald Parker Pat Parker Jerrie Rowe

In an effort to keep our prayer list current, we will place names on the prayer list for a two week period. If you wish for a name to remain longer than two

weeks, please contact the church office.

Opportunities for Worship and Fellowship

Sunday, March 15 9:15 AM Prayer at the Altar 9:45 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Children’s Choir Practice 10:40 AM Chancel Choir Rehearsal 11:00 AM Worship Service 5:00 PM Youth Service Wednesday, March 18 5:30 PM Family Night 6:00 PM Discipleship Study Sunday, March 22 9:15 AM Prayer at the Altar 9:45 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Children’s Choir Practice 10:40 AM Chancel Choir Rehearsal 11:00 AM Worship Service 5:00 PM Youth Service

Frances Smith Jimmy Smith Nan Strickland Reba Turner Pat Walston

Card Ministry to the Homebound (Each week, we rotate two members that are either homebound

and/or in a nursing home, to reach out to as a part of our Ministry Outreach.) We appreciate you reaching out to members who are no longer

able to worship with us! Please consider sending a card or letter to brighten the day of the following two members:

Jerri Rowe Contact NBC Church Office for address

Frances Smith Contact NBC Church Office for address

Discipleship Study Wed.//6pm

Join us Wednesday nights for study and fellowship, as our Pastor delves deeper on the subject of grace. We hope you can join us!

Stations of the Cross During the Lenten Season the sanctuary will be adorned

with banners depicting scenes from the Stations of the Cross. These images are taken from the last hours in the life of our Savior as He moved toward the Cross of Calvary and His death. Please take the time to look at them and

read the descriptions to further your Lenten worship.

Hope for Appalachia Help provide the Hope of Christ this Easter to children

in the Appalachian region of Kentucky. NBC is partnering with churches across our region to collect Hope Bags for the three

highest poverty level counties in the United States.  These children lack many necessities that we take for granted. Hope for Appalachia has partnered with the

local school systems to share the love of Christ. Please pray about your involvement in this ministry. 

“To love another person is to see the face of God.”

~Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

Family Night Wed., March 18//5:30pm

Menu: Chicken pastry, sweet potatoes, rolls, and dessert. Signup sheets are located in each classroom, the fellowship hall, or you can call/email the church office by noon on March 17th.

Prayer Corner

Opportunities for Ministry

Opportunities for Giving

Easter Missions Offering Obtain a rosette for a donation of any amount to the Easter Missions Offering. It is our wish that you give one away with an invitation to others to come to church and learn more about the Grace of Les Miserables.