E-mag Final Evaluation

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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An evaluation of the Comenius Project E-Mag (www.e-mag.nu).

Transcript of E-mag Final Evaluation

Comenius Project 2011- 2013: European Student Magazine


Final evaluation

The teachers

It's been definitely an important experience from the professional and personal points of view; it's always useful, in fact, either for the teachers or for the students to know new cultures and to come to terms with them. I think that such experiences should be carried out more frequently.

(Anchise Vetuschi)

I've started this Comenius adventure thanks to my colleague that had invited me to join theE-mag group. She let me live a really unique experience. I had the opportunity to watch andlearn how to work in an international team...and I found that so exciting and rewarding.Collaborating with students and teachers from across Europe has been a very high-levelexperience that has changed me as a human being and as a teacher.(Romina Ciarrocchi)

The most positive aspect of the project is the autonomy and the maturity the students have shown incollaborating together for the webzine. In the beginning some of them may have been attracted bythe opportunity to travel but then they have really worked hard to make the most of the magazine.Great professionality has also been shown by the Swedish team and in particular by the Swedishcoordinator who is also the Head coordinator of E-mag; in planning, supporting and balace thevarious aspects of the project. (Paolo Core)

Great job and very interesting experience for the whole school community who has participated with enthusiasm. (Fernando Palestini, Vice Head at IIS Capriotti)


I think the E-Mag experience taught me that you can never know enough about other cultures. Europe now seems like a smaller continent: I feel like Italy is closer to Sweden even though we are far away, like I can still hear the Spanish singing and the Czech trying to teach me words in their language. It was nice to talk to new people in my language and to hear the differences between our languages. I love travelling and this was an awesome experience!(Imogen Ellen Crowther)

I think it was a constructive experience because we were able to meet people ofother countries with whom we spoke in English. I recommend everyone toparticipate in this project because it also a useful tool for the improvement oflanguage communication.(Ilenia Traini)


E-mag..I loved it!I think that this project was amazing and perfectly organized.It gave us the possibility to learn and improve our language, to meet new friends and to have fun with them.I really enjoyed the project, I think it was a great experience. I hope other students will have the same possibility we had because our trip to Sweden was unforgettable! *Miceli Eleonora

In this year I have improved my English and I'm at a good level now thanks to thisbeautiful project. The best part was our travel to Spain, My Italian friends and I havemet a lot of nice people, we discovered that the boys and girls who live in Europe arevery similar, it's very funny to sing the most famous songs together with foreignpeople! (Eva Maria Angelini)


When our teacher told us that I could do this experience I was so excited because I think that these are theexperiences that can help you develop yourself as a "better" person.Generally, I really like travelling, meeting new people and spending time together because they can help meextend my knowledge and cultural background.This Comenius project was very important for me also because I could practise my language skills andbecause I 've understood that there are different realities in Europe that I would have never met without thisproject! (Vanessa Vannicola)

In October I was in Spain with my e-mag friends and I took part in the third meeting. I met Spanish,Swedish and Czech emaggers and soon we made friends. It was a fantastic experience, because Icould improve my English and meet new people with a different culture. I was also very happybecause it was the first time I had been in Spain and I love Spain. I’ll never forget this experienceand the e-mag friends! I hope other students will have the same opportunity. (Mara Ionni)


I think it was an amazing experience.

E-mag changed my life in positive.

Meeting new people and learning things from different cultures have always been important for me, that's why I accepted to partecipate in the project.

It was a great oppurtunity to improve my skills and competences, to meet new friends and to visit new cities.

-Angelica Consorti

At first, I tought E-mag was just an online magazine where we could write ourthoughts and share with other people around Europe the things we like.After a while I realised that there was much more underneath: this magazine allowedus to meet new people, to learn about different cultures, to see the resemblancesamong the countries and to appreciate the differences'. (Danieri Gabriela)

Every Comenius Project has meant something important to me, as a teacher and as a person. This time I feel as if the E-mag experience has not really come to an end. There's still something in E-mag which has not revealed itself yet. What could that be...a new project...new friends...new ideas?Let's wait and see...(Stefania Talvacchia)

The Italian Coordinator

Thank you, E-mag friends

IIS Capriotti- San Benedetto del Tronto (Italy)