DY10 Big Local - DY10 Youth Parliament

Post on 25-May-2015

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Slides used by Brenda Lines and Jayne Nicholl, DY10 Big Local, at the 'Young people and Big Local' networking and learning event in Birmingham. The event took place on Saturday 5 July 2014. Brenda and Jayne shared DY10 Big Local's experience in establishing a Primary Parliament involving young people from two local schools, including a trip 12 of them made to London to meet their MP in the Houses of Parliament.

Transcript of DY10 Big Local - DY10 Youth Parliament


DY10 Youth ParliamentPresenters from the Big Local DY10:Brenda LinesJayne Nicholl


• Kidderminster, Wyre Forest, Worcestershire• What have we done so far?– We produced 3 community newsletters– We gave grants to 12 community organisations to put on a

range of community events that were attended by over 2,500 people

– Youth & Play bus to consult with young people– Photographic workshops and competition– Over 50’s lunch club– Community researchers– DY10 Youth Parliament


• Work with primary schools

• Offered after school photographic club and competition

• We designed the project and took it out to the schools


• It didn’t work………


• What we did next……….

Met with the schools


THE VISIONDY10 Primary Parliament

• Young people from each of the schools• Debating what they think the issues are• Small budgets to make local improvements• Use of the power of having a vote• Ongoing throughout the life of DY10 (10+ years)


• 12 young people from 2 schools• 5 teachers, 4 DY10 volunteers• Train/tube experience• Lunch in Jubilee Gardens (met Local Trust staff)• London Eye• Downing Street• 1.5 hours with MP in Houses of Parliament –

good questions!


• Types of questions asked by pupils.– Energy crisis– Public sector pay– Voting for things you don’t agree with– Local transport issues– Bedroom tax– Anti-social behaviour– Job opportunities







• Taking the project further• Funding for small projects agreed • Visits to local council meetings• Short term –

– Getting DY10 clubs up and running – build the momentum– Establishing the parliament

• Medium term - Preparing for the General Election – a primary mock election

• Long term – making decisions on how Big Local funding can be spent

• Longer term – voting adults in the community



• Change of leadership

• Competition

• Educational climate

• Setting a new timeline


• After School DY 10 clubs to be established in both schools• Run by volunteers from Staff and Big Local DY10 • Use participatory budgeting methodology to develop decision

making skills• Video conferencing conversations between schools

Establish the parliament


How do we begin to engage with the 11 to 19 year olds?

• No High Schools in the area• Young people go to 3 High Schools out of area• A youth club that caters for the whole town• Area Youth Parliament dissolved• What is the way forward?



“It is extremely important to engage our young people in the political process and to ensure that they are educated about parliament and the role of their MP.

The children from St Oswald’s and St Mary’s were able to raise some very important issues and it was fantastic to see so many of our young people engaging in politics and

really thinking about issues that effect their area.”

Mark Garnier MP