Duncan McLaren- A Case for Truly Smart and Sustainable Cities

Post on 08-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Duncan McLaren- A Case for Truly Smart and Sustainable Cities

   Duncan McLaren A case for truly smart and sustainable cities

•  Duncan McLaren

•  mclaren environmental

•  @mclaren_erc

A  case  for  truly  smart  and  sustainable  ci3es  

   Transcending  the  ‘sharing  economy’  

Duncan  McLaren  Julian  Agyeman  @mclaren_erc                    @JulianAgyeman  

 Presenta3on  at  Ouishare  Fest  2016,  Paris,  18-­‐20th  May  

Should  we  join  the  quest  for  unicorns  …  or  reject  the  coop3on  of  sharing  …    

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Corpora'ons  are  not  the  only  sharing  intermediaries  

Private   Collec've  

Top-­‐down   Commercial   Civic  

Bo:om-­‐up   Charitable   Communal  

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The  Sharing  Paradigm  

A  ‘third  way’  –  neither  rejec3ng  the  economic  dimensions  of  sharing,  nor  seeing  them  as  the  whole  picture  …  

…  the  sharing  paradigm  recognizes  twin  pressures  for  shiQs  from  tradi3onal  socio-­‐cultural  to  inter-­‐mediated  sharing,  and  from  

communal  to  commercial  forms  …  

…  and  sees  both  opportuni3es  and  risks  

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Communal  mediated  

Communal  socio-­‐cultural  

Commercial  mediated  

Commercial  socio-­‐cultural  

Socio-­‐cultural  /  evolved  

Inter-­‐mediated  /  learned  

Commercial  /  extrinsic  

Communal  /  intrinsic  

Collabora've  economy  

Civic  commons  

Sharing  economy  

Collec've  commons    

Amsterdam:  experimental  hybrid  

San  Francisco:  welcome  mat  

Seoul    walled  garden  

Diverse  models    of  “sharing  ci3es”  

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Emerging  forms  of  sharing  ci3es:  ‘Smart’  vs  Social  

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Social  Urbanism  in  Medellín  

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A  tale  of  two  discou


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Sharing  challenges  consumerism  by  changing  

norms,  shiQing  iden33es  and  normalising  counter-­‐cultures.  

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 Sharing  technologies  &  funding  techniques  also  fuel  poli3cal  disrup3on  

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Las  Indignadas  …    15M  …    Occupy  …     Nuit  Debout  …    Trump  …     Sanders  …     Syriza  …     UKIP  …     …  …  …    

New  agendas  for  Sharing  Ci3es  •  Be  proac3ve:  take  a  lead  in  suppor3ng,  enabling,  inves3ng  in  and  procuring  

from  sharing  organisa3ons      •  Design  for  jus3ce  and  inclusion:  with  approaches  that  s3mulate  intrinsic  

mo3va3ons,  and  build  trust  &  social  capital  •  Provide  access  for  all  as  a  sharing  hub,  connec3ng  services  and  guaranteeing  

reputa3on  for  ci3zens    •  Don’t  be  afraid  to  experiment  with  regula3on  and  incen3ves,  using  planning,  

taxa3on,  standard  secng  and  more    •  Engage  with  the  hard  and  soQ  infrastructures  of  the  urban  commons  like  public  

spaces  and  u3li3es,  as  well  as  with  sharing  services  and  organisa3ons  •  Share  power,  with  democra3c  models  that  empower  users,  protect  their  civil  

liber3es,  and  provide  shared  spaces  for  collec3ve  poli3cs  Slide  13  of  14  

Ques'ons?  Comments?      Join  the  discussion  on  the  MAIF  terrace    

   Find  us  on  Twi:er:      @JulianAgyeman  @mclaren_erc  

   Purchase  Sharing  Ci'es  at:    h:ps://mitpress.mit.edu/books/sharing-­‐ci'es  Order  by  17th  June,  ci'ng  XOU16,  for  a  30%  discount!  

     Or  order  it  for  your  library!  

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