Due So Far: 5Vocabulary Definitions Roman Numeral Preview Questions Questions A-M for While The...

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Transcript of Due So Far: 5Vocabulary Definitions Roman Numeral Preview Questions Questions A-M for While The...

Due So Far:

•5Vocabulary Definitions •Roman Numeral Preview Questions •Questions A-M for While The Video is Playing

Coming Up Today:

Constructed Responses for After The Video Choose Any 5 To Answer In R.A.P.P. Format, Giving Special Emphasis To PROVE And POLISH. If You Can Do An Excellent Job Answering If You Can Do An Excellent Job Answering In

1 or 2 Sentences, Go For It!

ALL ABOVE DUE BY 4PM TODAY!After Constructed Responses:The Paradox of Progress PROJECT CHOICES

Projects will be due MONDAY, October 29.


1. disruptive innovation –new products/services/processes that disrupt an existing market and also the process by which a

product or service displaces established competitors.

2. creative destruction –existing products, professions, companies and even entire industries becoming obsolete and dying because of new or improved products

3. entrepreneur –a decision maker who assumes the risk of trying new approaches and products.

4. obsolete –out of date 5. progress – advancement

You need to learn these words my friends…


NET Standards 1 AND 4

Using The Following Documents:1. Paradox of Progress Handout

2. Paradox of Progress Projects Handout

In support of breast cancer awareness month, student council is sponsoring a pink ribbon day on Wednesday. For 50ȼ you can purchase a pink ribbon with a pink pin to wear for the day. Proceeds will go to cancer research. Purchase your pins and ribbon from a student council rep or Mrs. Utz in room 24 or Mrs. Rich in the media center.

No School Thursdayor Friday

Student-Led ConferencesStart Right After School

Today & Go Until Thursday Night.




1.Creativity and Innovation -- Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students:

a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.

b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression.

c. use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.

d. identify trends and forecast possibilities.

4.Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making -- Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students:

a. identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation.

b. plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.c. collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.

d. use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.

Tuesday’s Period 6 Quiz• Nikki• Arley• Morgan A• Esteban• Kevin• Adarious• Michael• Trinity• Victor• Dezi• Linda• John M.

Car Tech QuizCar Tech Quiz1.1.Name one of the ways the concept car monitored the driver’s Name one of the ways the concept car monitored the driver’s

wellness.wellness.2.2.How did Molly control the concept seat?How did Molly control the concept seat?

3.3.Why did she put on the weird little gloves/belt, etc. with the Why did she put on the weird little gloves/belt, etc. with the dots?dots?

4.4.What company already has a self-driving car?What company already has a self-driving car?5.5.Which of the concepts shown in Molly’s “Always On” segment Which of the concepts shown in Molly’s “Always On” segment

will be a DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION in your opinion? Why?will be a DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION in your opinion? Why?6.6.Why are you taking this quiz –Why are you taking this quiz –

-besides the fact that I might-besides the fact that I mightpossibly be the Devil? (JK!!!) possibly be the Devil? (JK!!!)