Drupal distros - Tweaks at eotw

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Drupal distros - Tweaks at eotw

Drupal DistrosHow to get a head start toward that MVP...


Open Atrium - for intranets

aGov - for Australian Governments

OpenPublic - for US Governments

OpenRestaurant - yum yum.

OpenScholar - for Universities

Commerce Kickstart - eCommerce

Open Church - for communities

AbleOrganizer - engagement platform

COD - for organising conferences

More about distributions

Absolute beginners guide to Drupal Distroshttps://www.ostraining.com/blog/drupal/distributions/

How to install a Drupal Distrohttps://drupalize.me/videos/install-drupal-distro?p=1432

MOAR DISTROS!!!!https://www.drupal.org/project/project_distribution