Driven World Magazine

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Transcript of Driven World Magazine

June  2011


1978  Ford  Courior  p.06                      Radar  Detector  p.12                    Cars  4  Sale  p.18

After’s a driven world

ISSUE 18, JUNE 2011

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When did it all begin, do you re-member? !ere is a song by

artist Marc Cohen called “Silver !under-bird.” I love the song. Recently I found a live version of the song on YouTube where he describes why he wrote the song. When his dad was in the car, his dad looked “cool.” And, how he wondered about where his dad worked and where the car took him. I think that was his beginning. Funny thing is I learned about the song from a very close friend a few years my senior. As I became more familiar with the song, I believe my friend felt the same way about his dad and his dad’s car. !e more I listened to the song, the more it made me think of my fa-ther.

His car. It was nothing fancy, nothing new. In fact, he drove the same 1978 Ford Courier for 20 years. No air conditioning, no power anything. I remembering getting in the little two seater pick-up and it was like I was sitting in dad’s world. Trips to the beach, sporting events, even hospitals. Sweating our asses o" in the august heat. Sometimes breaking down. !at little pick up embodied my childhood and hours with my dad.

It is truly a marvelous song, Silver !un-derbird. Go to YouTube, search: Marc Co-hen, Silver !underbird. Close your eyes and listen. What does the song do to you?

Maybe we became car guys and gals be-cause of all the time we spent in our parent’s cars. I remember my dad bringing the Cou-rier home for the #rst time. It was used, but fairly new. It was yellow with those lovely 70’s graphics, and he was proud. We were proud. I remember I knew the sound of the truck. I remember the rattles and the squeaks. Sometime between 5:30 and 6pm it would round the far end of our street safely bringing dad home again. I would run out to meet him and carry his bag in. Man I loved the sound of that rattling truck rounding the corner. I remember how it started. How it revved pretty high on the cold mornings when dad was leaving for

work. It felt so safe. !en there was Chuck Berry. !e Best

of Chuck Berry. If you are familiar with Chuck, you know that album. Over and over it played and we sung. We were in our own world. Rhythm and blues bonding fa-ther and son. And when Maybelline came on, my dad who can’t carry a tune would sing so you could hear it in heaven. May-belline was his 1978 Ford Courier. I sang as loud as I could to Maybelline, right along with my father. It was WONDERFUL!

Fast forward years later, my dad has a blue 1996 Camaro convertible. I have

a blue 1968 Camaro project car. I guess our song these days would be “Blue Camaro.”

Maybe being a car guy all started from those times in the car with our families. It was the best of times.

If you have a special memory about a car, send me an email and I will publish it. No more than 1000 words please. Send to:

1978 Ford Courier

from the editor


Silver "underbird by March Chohen - Youtube seach word: Marc Cohen, Silver "underbird

Watched it coming up Winslow Down South Park Boulevard Yeah it was looking good from tail to hood Great big !ns and painted steel Man it looked just like the Batmobile With my old man behind the wheel

Well you could hardly even see him In all of that chrome "e man with the plan and the pocket comb But every night it carried him home And I could hear him sayin’...

Don’t gimme no Buick Son you must take my word If there’s a God in heaven He’s got a Silver "underbird You can keep your Eldorados And the foreign car’s absurd Me I wanna go down In a Silver "underbird

He got up every morning While i was still asleep But I remember the sound of him shu#ing around "en right before the crack of dawn I heard him turn the motor on But when I got up they were gone

Down the road in the rain and snow "e man and his machine would go Oh the secrets that old car would know Sometimes I hear him sayin’... 7



How did you play today? Have you ever had that question asked? Of

course you have and if you are like most golfers, you rattle o" your score, head to the ninteenth hole and announce you don’t want to talk about your round.

I am always amazed at how few people take the time to know how many putts they had or how many fairways they hit o" the tee or how many greens in regulation (GIRS) were hit. Golf more than any other sport requires conscious e"ort and strategy. If you want to improve in golf, you have to know what you are doing well and what improvement strat-egies you can implement that might lower that score. Learning to keep track of your stats is the #rst step to improvement.

You can use your scorecard to begin to ac-curately assess how you are playing. For ex-ample, on each hole put a plus or minus sign

if you hit the fairway o" the tee. At the end of the round, know this number and begin to compile your own stats in a journal. !e man who won the Masters,Charl Schwartzel is 90th this year in Fairways hit at 61.7%. Number one to date is Brian Gay at 79.2% .

Since the short game accounts for 60 per-cent of your score, do you know how many greens you hit in regulation? You can keep track of this on your score card as well by simply using a plus or minus sign on each hole to indicate if you hit the green. Right now Bubba Watson leads the tour with 86% of greens hit from the fairway. How about you?

Lastly chart how many putts you have in a round. Also, pay attention to how long they are. Many people feel as if they are poor putters because they o$en more than three

putts on a hole. !e real thing to keep in mind is how long and from where is that #rst putt-was your approach or chip good enough to put you in a position to score.

Learning is a process and there are many things to learn in golf. You may #nd that your game is better than your score indi-cates, and that if you focus your improve-ment strategies according to your stats you may be surprised by the outcome.

Golf is a game of con#dence. Work to develop an attitude to golf con#dently with-out fear by knowing what you are doing well and what you need to improve upon.

Marge Chamberlain is an LPGA Teaching Professional. She can be reached at 805-404-1662

golf tips

How did you play today? 9

If you have yet to visit Lavaggio Auto De-tailing in Agoura Hills, you should. Lavag-gio is an entirely new concept in auto detail-ing. !e concept is so cutting edge, it takes clients three or four visits to really under-stand what Lavaggio has to o"er.

From Lavaggio’s state of the art detail bays to having excellent food from their own bis-tro with every service, it is an amazing dy-namic. In classic Lavaggio style they have again raised the bar with their new Platinum Club Membership.

What is the Platinum Club? !is mem-bership is an all-inclusive annual program that will guarantee your vehicle is clean all year long. You will receive unlimited Signa-ture washes, including a meal, four Lavaggio Ultimate details, a lease return detail and a new car detail plus all of Lavaggio’s regular amenities.

!e amenities expected of a Four Seasons hotel are also available to you; the board room, executive o%ces, car service as well as

invitations to private events and discounts on other services as well as a meal per visit.

If you are one of those people that get a weekly car wash and regular detail this is the package for you. Do the math, it makes total sense. !row in the meals and it becomes a no brainer. !is membership is available to a limited number of members with an intro-ductory price of $1975.00.

To make it more accessible they have two payment options:

Option #1: Pay in full and they will throw in an extra month of washes.

Option #2: Pay $499.00 down and $135.00 per month for 11 months.

!ey also have a referral program that rewards you with one month of unlimited washes for each new member you refer. Now that’s a Deal!

Lavaggio is unlike any other experience you have had in detailing. I would suggest stopping by and experiencing what they have to o"er. !ey have truly raised the bar.

Lavaggio, The Art of Auto Detailing launches The Platinum Club

Industry News

!e safe speed in the rain willdepend on what the roadway condi-tions are, the condition of the tires (tread depth), and the type of road-way surface you are driving on.

Typically, if all the above condi-tions are “good” then the average speed would be 55-60 mph. Typi-cally, vehicles tend to hydro-plain at speeds in excess of 60 mph.

“Leave your blood at the blood bank, not on the road!”

Public Service Announcement by:Leland TangPublic Information O$cerState of CaliforniaDepartment of Highway PatrolWest Valley Area

What is a safe speed in the rain?


Tickets! If you are like me, you hate getting tickets. !at uneasy feeling

in your gut when those red and blue lights turn on. Was I going too fast? Was the light red or yellow as I went through it? Damn, I hope it wasn’t a camera ticket at some inter-section I am unfamiliar with. You know that feeling too, don’t you?

Beyond the frustration of getting a ticket, tra%c court, #nes and general frustration, it also means that you may get extra points on your driving record. Seems a little like kindergarten. Points on a record. But unlike kindergarten these points will cause your insurance rates to go up. !e cost of driving like you mean it.

For those of us who enjoy an occasional spirited drive or prefer to have tools at our disposal to minimize the risk of a ticket, there are amazing new technologies in ra-

dar detection and di"users that may tip the odds in your favor.

!e basic concept of a radar detector is to detect if your speed is being monitored by a radar gun. !is will let you reduce your speed or become more aware of what is around your vehicle before being ticketed. Most of today’s radar detectors detect sig-nals or frequencies across a variety of wave-length bands: usually X, K, and Ka bands.

Law enforcement agencies measure the speed of a moving vehicle using Doppler ra-dar to beam a radio wave at the vehicle and then infer the speed of vehicle by measur-ing the Doppler E"ect. Your vehicle’s speed is determined by changes in the re&ected wave’s frequency.

In the #$ies, X-band (10.525 Gigahertz) was the only frequency used for police radar.

In the mid-1970s, K-band (24.150 GHz) ar-rived. Ka-band (33.4 – 36.0 GHz) appeared in late 1980s. Nowadays about 5 percent of the 100,000 odd radars guns in service use X-band, about 50 percent use K-band and 45 percent use on Ka-band depending on state.

Typically two types of radar are being used by law enforcement agencies nation-wide; stationary and moving. Stationary ra-dar is easier for a radar detector to spot than moving radar since target range is generally less than 700 feet. Moving radar is harder for a radar detector to detect because the speed of the approaching vehicle is determined while the police cruiser is in motion.

Newer moving radars have two unique features; “same lane mode” and “fastest speed mode”. Typically a dual mode anten-na, one facing forward and the other facing

rearward, can detect the speed of vehicle ahead or behind the cruising patrol vehi-cle. !e fastest speed mode is a real prob-lem since it equips the radar to sample

multiple targets and display the speed of the fastest. You don’t want to be the lead car in a group of speeding vehicles!

!e typical police radar has a range be-tween 2.5 miles 8 miles. However the typi-cal target range is no more than a quarter mile and less than 700 feet which is the usu-al range of radar detection.

The key elements of detecting the po-lice radar are; (1) how accurate the ra-

dar detector is and (2) and to #lter as many false alarms as possible since automatic door openers o$en use the same frequencies as police radar.

A portable radar detector is a passive elec-tronic device that is a"ordable and easy to move from one vehicle to another. How-ever, you also need to aware that some law


Radar Detector:

enforcement vehicles are equipped with ra-dar detector-detecting units, depending on state.

In order for a dash-mounted radar detec-tor to be most e"ective, the detector has to be mounted somewhere close to the center of dash where it can be easily seen from out-side. Keep that in mind and remove the de-tector when it’s not in use to prevent break-in the$. !e pro of having a dash-mounted detector is cost and use in multiple vehicles.

!e stealth radar detector is virtually in-visible making it a more covert radar de-tector. Stealth systems employ hidden sen-sors in your grille and rear license plate or bumper area giving outstanding range and accuracy. !e alerts and signal strength are displayed by a discreet under-the-dash monitor. !e catch with this system is in-stallation. !ey should be installed by a professional installer who knows about your vehicle and has years of experience with stealth radar installation.

Nowadays late model vehicles are equipped with safety related features like lane departure warning signals and other high-tech safety features that will slow down your vehicle when you get too close to the vehicle in front of you. Sometimes, these safety features use the same frequen-cies as portable and stealth radar detection systems. In order for your system to be working properly, you will need the guid-ance of a professional who can recommend the right radar detector depending on your year and model of vehicle. With so many di"erent options and trying to minimize the probability of a ticket, it is best to do your research and consult with a professional ra-dar technician.

Brett SongSounds Good Audio, Security & Marine6405 Independence Ave.Woodland Hills, CA 91367tel: 818-999-4523 fax: 818-999-0449

product review

If you are like me, you hate getting tickets. 13

14 15


This will explain how to cook a perfect steak in your kitchen. It is not di%-

cult, but there are a lot of things to know.For this recipe I use a 10 - 12 inch Lodge

seasoned cast iron skillet.Have ready good quality, heavy duty, DRY

thermal hot pads, a plate for the cooked steak, and aluminum foil.

!e only ingredients needed for this recipe are a 1 to 2 inch thick steak of your choice, VEGETABLE oil (Olive oil, ESPE-CIALLY extra virgin olive oil will burn at the temperatures used in this recipe) and kosher salt.

At this point I want to be absolutely clear on potential dangers present in this type of cooking. You will be dealing with a 500+°

heavy iron pan. USE THERMAL HOT PADS WHEN HANDLING YOUR PAN. !ere will be some smoke. Open a window or turn on the hood over your stove. If you are really careful have a #re extinguisher nearby.

A great steak actually starts the day before it is to be cooked. When you get the steak, unwrap it and lightly sprinkle kosher salt on both sides. Put the steak in a plastic bag and let it rest in the refrigerator overnight. What takes place while the meat is in the plastic bag is chemistry. !e salt will draw mois-ture to the surface of the meat. As the meat sits, it will reabsorb the moisture along with some of the salt, sort of like brining with-out brining. !is simple process helps create juicy, &avorful, well textured meat.

About 2 hours before cooking your steak, take it out of the refrigerator and let it come to room temperature. If your kitchen is

Steakhouse Steak

warm, it will take less time. Place the meat on a plate and lightly brush both sides with vegetable oil.

In the meantime, place your cast iron skillet in a cold oven. Turn your oven to its highest temperature (hopefully somewhere north of 500°.) When the oven comes to temperature, turn on the hottest burner on your stove. Using hot pads remove the skillet from the oven and place it on the lit burner. Carefully place your oiled steak in the pan with a pair of tongs. WITHOUT TOUCH-ING the steak, cook it for 1 – 2 minutes then using tongs turn it over and sear the other side for the same amount of time. Once this is done place the cast iron pan with the steak in the hot oven. !is is the tricky

point where the steak will cook or overcook, so be diligent. For a one or so inch steak done to medium rare this is usu-ally about 2 minutes a$er a total of four minutes on

the burner. !e way I tell doneness is to feel the center of the steak with my #nger. !e more done it is, the #rmer the meat will feel. You want to keep it on the rare side for the next step.

Once the steak is done to your liking, remove the pan skillet from the hot

oven and place it on an UNLIT burner to cool. Remove the steak, wrap it in foil, place the wrapped steak on the plate and forget about it for 20 minutes while the juices re-distribute and cooking #nishes. A$er the steak has rested either serve as is or cut in slices. !e meat will be very juicy and per-fectly cooked from end to end and top to bottom.

Louis BerkmanVillage Co"ee Roaster Inc.Louis@villageco"

cooking with louis

A great steak actually starts the day before it is to be cooked.


Cars and Cigars is an event that I do at Lavaggio in Agoura Hills on a semi-monthly basis. It is the evolution of an event that I was doing at the late, great Village Co"ee Roaster. With full sup-port from Lavaggio due to our exten-sive relationships in the community, Cars and Cigars turned into an amazing event that keeps getting better.

!is past month Lavaggio and I part-nered with Shaver Automotive group to bring the new Fiat 500 to the event. Car guys and gals loved the new vehicle and the test drives even more!

Vom Fass Westlake Village is an epi-cureans dream. !ey presented their amazing wines, oils, vinegars and Ab-sinthe to the Cars and Cigars Attendees. Now not only were we surrounded by a stunning detail center, amazing new Fi-ats and #ne wine and culinary delights; it got even better.

Pulling out all stops, Lavaggio o"ered fresh rolled cigars from Old Oaks Cigars in TO, food and head and shoulder mas-sages and Frank Sinatra cover songs. It was an event that was enjoyed by all.

Lavaggio, which rede#nes cutting edge in a detailing facility, has launched a new program, !e Platinum Club. Please see the article on the Platinum Club in our Industry News on page:9

A very special thank you to:Lavaggio, "e Art of Auto Detailing www.lavaggio.netShaver Fiat- Shaver Automotive Group Vom Fass Westlake Village

Cars and Cigars at Lavaggio

8 818.773.9636

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