DRillinG FlUiDS · crust. As protective colloid, STÜWA-FloW® PAC prevents the swelling of...

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Transcript of DRillinG FlUiDS · crust. As protective colloid, STÜWA-FloW® PAC prevents the swelling of...

DRillinG FlUiDS

STÜWA · Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbH


Drilling Fluids

Regeneration Agent

Drilling Fluid Accessories

2013-10.2-K08-BSMPlease note: Technical data is subject to change, see Chapter 15 for details

STÜWA Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbHHemmersweg 80D - 33397 Rietberg



DRillinG FlUiDS

Application: Suitable as universal drilling fl uid for horizontal and vertical drill holes.

STÜWAMiX® has been developed as an innovative drilling fl uid concentrate consisting of a mixture of sodium bentonite and a modifi ed natural polymer. in order to avoid lump formation, STÜWAMiX® has to be blended under pressure by means of an injector.

Advantages as opposed to other drilling fl uids, stüWamiX®

is immediately usable for drilling after blending. stüWamiX® is suitable for all rOtary,

suCtiOnrinsinG and HOriZOntal bOrinG prOCedures, both in consolidated and in unconsolidated formations.

the inhibitors of stüWamiX® prevent the swelling of cohesive strata during the drilling process.

the turbulence is reduced due to the pure CmC (carboxymethylcellulose) in stüWamiX® in such a way that a perpendicular, true-to-gauge borehole can be sunk with only a small fl ushing rate, while the complete discharge of the drilling cuttings is still ensured.

During well drillings, the STÜWAMiX® drilling fl uid is not to be dosed exceeding 20 kg/m3. Thus, a good settling eff ect of the drilling cuttings as well as a trouble-free removal of the fi lter cake are guaranteed during well development.

Blending is to be eff ected with neutral water (pH-index approx. 6.5–7.5). Should, contrary to expectations, only acid water be available, it is to be treated with approx. 2.5 kg/m3 sodium carbonate and pumped over for approx. 10 minutes. Afterwards, the ph-index should amount to 9–10.

After completion of the drilling, STÜWAMiX® can be simply suctioned off without additional activation. The product is insensitive to frost and hardness of water to a large extent. The viscosity of the suspensions declines under the infl uence of heat.

Technical dataFlushing parameter – vertical drill holesConcentration [kg/m³] 15 17.5 20 23

TAZ (hopper effl ux time in sec.)* [s] 37 38 44 51

RAZ (remaining effl ux time in sec.)* [s] 27 29 37 51

*measured with Marsh-hopper, further parameters on request, Please contact us in case of questions.

Flushing parameter – horizontal drill holesBlending recommendation [kg/m³]

Cohesive soils 20–25

Weakly unconsolidated soils 25–30

Strongly unconsolidated soils >30

Note:The stated specifi cations are not binding and refer to tests under laboratory conditions with the usual metrological tolerances. The tests serve exclusively to investigate the suitability of the products with regard to the fi elds of application. no assurances of characteristics can be derived from the data and the user is not absolved from conducting their own tests. no liability is accepted for any damages that arise due to the lack of features and / or characteristics.

Packaging unit:in sacks of 25 kg each, 40 sacks 1,000 kg on non-returnable pallets


2013-10.2-K08-BSMPlease note: Technical data is subject to change, see Chapter 15 for details

STÜWA Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbHHemmersweg 80D - 33397 Rietberg


Poly-anionic carboxy-methyl-cellulose / pure CMC Description:STÜWA-FloW® PAC is a highly effi cient poly-anionic cellulose of high purity. it signifi cantly increases viscosity and improves the bearing capacity of the drilling fl uid. Due to its excellent water-binding properties, STÜWA-FloW® PAC decreases fi ltrate and supports the formation of a thin impervious fi lter crust. As protective colloid, STÜWA-FloW® PAC prevents the swelling of penetrated clay layers, protects against further disintegration of the clay cuttings, and optimizes deposition during fl uid processing.

Application:STÜWA-FloW® PAC is applied as a pseudoplastic solution in geological formations in which an intensive discharge of cuttings without generation of a colloid layer is required or requested. Clay fractions can be penetrated in a safer way and with more accuracy to the drilling. When used in combination with fl ushing clays, STÜWA-FloW® PAC should not be added until the clay swelled for a suffi cient amount of time due to its clay-inhibiting eff ect.

Safety measures:When processing stüWa-FlOW® paC, no specifi c safety measures need to be taken. spilled paC powder generates a slippery layer when in contact with water and should be immediately absorbed in dry form. in case of contact with eyes or skin, simple rinsing with water is suffi cient. paC is not a dangerous working substance in accordance with the arbstoff vo (German act on working substances).

observe safety datasheet advice

Packaging unit:in sacks of 8 kg each, 63 sacks 504 kg on non-returnable pallets


Specifi cationsIdentifi cation Poly-anionic carboxy-methyl-


Delivered as: Whitish, pourable powder

Ionogenity anionic

Bulk density, approx. [kg/m³] 500.0

Water content, max.: [%] 10.0

Level of etherifi cation 0.9

pH (1% solution) 6.5-8.5

Temperature resistance, max.:

[°C / °F] 149 / 300

Toxicity not toxic

Freshwater dosage(best results in pH range from 8 to 12)Pure STÜWA-FLOW® PAC wash fl uid kg/m³ 1- 4

STÜWA-FLOW® PAC bentonite wash fl uid kg/m³ 0.5-2.0

Depending on water quality and boring method

stüWa-FlOW® paC

DRillinG FlUiDS

Note:The stated specifi cations are not binding and refer to tests under laboratory conditions with the usual metrological tolerances. The tests serve exclusively to investigate the suitability of the products with regard to the fi elds of application. no assurances of characteristics can be derived from the data and the user is not absolved from conducting their own tests. no liability is accepted for any damages that arise due to the lack of features and / or characteristics.

2013-10.2-K08-BSMPlease note: Technical data is subject to change, see Chapter 15 for details

STÜWA Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbHHemmersweg 80D - 33397 Rietberg


antisOl®Application:Anitsol® is suitable for the regulation of fl ow and fi ltration characteristics of drilling fl uids in well sinking and water engineering as well as with geothermal drilling.

Advantages antisol® Fl 30000 is a highly viscous, anionic polymer.

it is characterised by its high viscosity and signifi cant water absorptive capacity. both qualities already show an eff ect when applying minor quantities.

the product can be combined with bentonite as may be necessary.

antisol® Fl 30000 is insensitive to electrolytes occurring in above mentioned areas of application.

it has high active contents. the eff ective viscosity and the water absorptive

capacity are immediately available.

For well sinking, the following drilling fl uids have proved to be particularly suitable.

Antisol drilling fl uids for well sinking

Type of fl uid Application area: Dosage:

Pure Antisol® fl uid for clay-/fi ne and medium sand soils

1–5 kg/m³ water

Bentonite-Antisol® fl uid for coarse sand and gravel soils

1–2 kg/m³ water + 20 kg bentonite

Please note:When applying an Antisol bentonite fl uid, the bentonite is to be blended fi rst. The Antisol powder should be added only after a swelling time of at least 2 to 6 hours.

Packaging units:in sacks of 8 kg each, 63 sacks 504 kg on non-returnable pallet


DRillinG FlUiDS

Note:The stated specifi cations are not binding and refer to tests under laboratory conditions with the usual metrological tolerances. The tests serve exclusively to investigate the suitability of the products with regard to the fi elds of application. no assurances of characteristics can be derived from the data and the user is not absolved from conducting their own tests. no liability is accepted for any damages that arise due to the lack of features and / or characteristics.

2013-10.2-K08-BSMPlease note: Technical data is subject to change, see Chapter 15 for details

STÜWA Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbHHemmersweg 80D - 33397 Rietberg


DRillinG FlUiDS

HiperCel lvLow viscosity technical CMC

Description:HiPERCEl lv is a technical carboxylmethyl cellulose with low viscosity which is primarily added as a filtrate reducer to water-based drilling fluids. in addition to its water-retaining properties, HiPERCEl lv also modifies the flow value without considerably increasing the viscosity.

Application: The water-retaining and rheological features of HiPERCEl lv allow it to be used universally in a variety of dispersed and non-dispersed fluid systems. Due to its anionic character, the product exhibits excellent solubility in water and in drilling fluids saturated with salt. HiPERCEl lv makes the lowest filtrate level and gel strength possible while simultaneously ensuring good pumpability and lubrication. As a protective colloid, HiPERCEl lv prevents water-sensitive clays from swelling and also increases the stability of the drill hole. The product is resistant to polyvalent metal ions (Ca++, Mg++) and bacterial decomposition.

Safety Precautions:There are no particular safety precautions which need to be observed when using HiPERCEl lv.Spilled CMC powder forms a slippery film on contact with water and should be cleaned up immediately without using water. Should it come into contact with the eyes or skin, it can simply be washed out with water. According to ArbStoffvo (Dangerous Substances Regulations), CMC is not a dangerous substance.

Packaging unit:25 kg bags, 40 bags = 1,000 kg on pallett


Technical dataDelivery form whitish, free-flowing powder

Bulk density kg/m³ approx. 700 - 800

Moisture % approx. 6

Grade of etherification 0.8 - 0.9

Active content % approx. 55 - 60

pH (1% solution) approx. 7

Temperatur grade °C max. 150

Viscosity (2% Solution) mPas approx. 15 - 20 (Hoeppler) / oCMA DFCP 2

Toxicidity non-toxic

Dosage (best results with pH-range between 5 - 12)Fresh water flush kg/m ³ 3.0 - 8.5

Salt water flush kg/m ³ 5.5 - 14.0

Saturated salt water flush kg/m ³ 15.0 - 30.0

Note:The stated specifications are not binding and refer to tests under laboratory conditions with the usual metrological tolerances. The tests serve exclusively to investigate the suitability of the products with regard to the fields of application. no assurances of characteristics can be derived from the data and the user is not absolved from conducting their own tests. no liability is accepted for any damages that arise due to the lack of features and / or characteristics.

2013-10.2-K08-BSMPlease note: Technical data is subject to change, see Chapter 15 for details

STÜWA Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbHHemmersweg 80D - 33397 Rietberg


DRillinG FlUiDS

HiperCel HvHigh viscosity technical CMC

Description:HiPERCEl Hv is a technical carboxymethly cellulose with high viscosity. The product is added primarily as a fast-acting thickening agent and fi ltrate reducer to all water-based fl uid systems, but is also excellent for protecting clay suspensions.

Application: HiPERCEl Hv is used primarily as a thickening agent in water-based fl uid systems and for reducing fi ltrates, particularly to increase load capacity in clay-free or saltwater clay fl uids. At higher doses, HiPERCEl Hv still ensures good pumpability and is an excellent lubricant due to its molecular structure. HiPERCEl Hv’s anionic character makes it highly soluable in water and in salt-saturated systems, and protects clay formations from water absorption and swelling. HiPERCEl Hv is impervious to metal ions such as Ca++, Mg++ and is highly resistant to bacterial decomposition.

Safety Precautions:There are no particular safety precautions which need to be observed when using HiPERCEl Hv.Spilled CMC powder forms a slippery fi lm on contact with water and should be cleaned up immediately without using water. Should it come into contact with the eyes or skin, it can simply be washed out with water. According to ArbStoff vo (Dangerous Substances Regulations), CMC is not a dangerous substance.

Packaging unit:25 kg bags, 40 bags = 1,000 kg on pallett


Technical dataDelivery form whitish, free-fl owing powder

Bulk density kg/m³ approx. 700 - 800

Moisture % approx. 7

Grade of etherifi cation 0.8 - 0.9

Active content % approx. 55 - 60

pH (1% solution) approx. 7

Temperatur grade °C max. 150

Viscosity (2% Solution) mPas approx. 80 - 90 (Hoeppler) / oCMA DFCP 7

Toxicidity non-toxic

Dosage (best results with pH-range between 5 - 12)Fresh water fl ush kg/m ³ 4.0 - 8.5

Salt water fl ush kg/m ³ 9.0 - 12.0

Saturated salt water fl ush kg/m ³ 15.0 - 17.0

Note:The stated specifi cations are not binding and refer to tests under laboratory conditions with the usual metrological tolerances. The tests serve exclusively to investigate the suitability of the products with regard to the fi elds of application. no assurances of characteristics can be derived from the data and the user is not absolved from conducting their own tests. no liability is accepted for any damages that arise due to the lack of features and / or characteristics.

2013-10.2-K08-BSMPlease note: Technical data is subject to change, see Chapter 15 for details

STÜWA Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbHHemmersweg 80D - 33397 Rietberg


DRillinG FlUiDS

sOda liGHtSodium carbonate Na₂CO₃

Description:Sodium carbonate (SoDA) is a whitish powder and is used primarily to soften water. SoDA is therefore highly suitable for raising the pH value in drilling fluids.

Please note: When using bentonite-water drilling fluid, the pH value of the water must be measured before beginning adding the fluid. The pH value can be raised by adding SoDA when necessary.

To ensure that the components are correctly mixed, the SoDA must be added before adding the bentonite.

Safety Precautions:it is essential to observe the corresponding safety data sheet in accordance with 1907/2006/EC, Article 31.

Packaging unit:25 kg bags, 40 bags = 1,000 kg on europallett

Storage:dry (sufficiently aired)

Technical dataDelivery form whitish, free-flowing powder

Powder density g/l approx. 500 - 620

Sodium carbonate (Na₂CO₃)

% 99.6 (determined according to drying shrinkage at 270 - 300°C)

Sodium chloride (NaCl) % 0.030

Sodium sulphate % 0.020

Iron oxide (Fe₂O₃) % 0.003

Water-insoluable parts % 0.020

Drying shrinkage at 270°C

% 0.200

Dosage For fresh water fluids kg/m ³ up to approx. 1.0 *

* e.g. for 1m³ fluid 40 kg bentonite, 5 kg CMC lv, 1 kg soda = pH value 12, density 1.03

Note:The stated specifications are not binding and refer to tests under laboratory conditions with the usual metrological tolerances. The tests serve exclusively to investigate the suitability of the products with regard to the fields of application. no assurances of characteristics can be derived from the data and the user is not absolved from conducting their own tests. no liability is accepted for any damages that arise due to the lack of features and / or characteristics.

2013-10.2-K08-BSMPlease note: Technical data is subject to change, see Chapter 15 for details

STÜWA Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbHHemmersweg 80D - 33397 Rietberg


Gs 550-drillinG Fluid additive

DRillinG FlUiDS

Application:GS 550 is a drilling fl uid additive to stabilise the borehole wall, it serves as means for the extraction of drill cores in brittle and loose rock formations.

GS 550 is a substance used for the manufacturing of drilling fl uids according to the respective conditions in the mountain. Thanks to the manifold properties of GS 550, the usage of complex and frequently expensive drilling-fl uids can be virtually omitted. GS 550 is a water-soluble polymer/polyacrylamide with a high molecular weight.

Advantages very good core extraction excellent stability of borehole walls small scouring of borehole no problems when drawing tubes Friction reduced by 20–30 % reduction of drilling-fl uid additive lower wear (and tear) of tubes reduction of inventory of parts stored at construction

site lower water consumption major gain of time (drilling, storage and

transport works)

Please note: nO drinking water approval.

Packaging unit:in canisters of 25 kg each

Usage and concentration

100 % extraction of a drill core in sandy, unconsolidated soils; sand, unconsolidated conglomerates; unconsolidated fi ne, middle, and coarse grained sandstones; powdery shale.

GS 550 1–2 kg/m³ water

Hard, brittle formations (core drilling or not):

GS 550 0.2–1.5 kg/m³ water

Clayey formations (core drilling or not):

GS 550 0.1–0.4 kg/m³ water

Drilling mud loss:

GS 550 1–4 kg/m³ water

+ Bentonite 3–10 kg/m³ water

Drawing of tubes in unconsolidated formations (sand):

GS 550 0.5–1 kg/m³ water

Blending with bentonite:

GS 550 0.2–1 kg/m³ water

Drawing of tubes in clayey formations:

GS 550 0.1 kg/m³ water

Note:The stated specifi cations are not binding and refer to tests under laboratory conditions with the usual metrological tolerances. The tests serve exclusively to investigate the suitability of the products with regard to the fi elds of application. no assurances of characteristics can be derived from the data and the user is not absolved from conducting their own tests. no liability is accepted for any damages that arise due to the lack of features and / or characteristics.

2013-10.2-K08-BSMPlease note: Technical data is subject to change, see Chapter 15 for details

STÜWA Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbHHemmersweg 80D - 33397 Rietberg


DRillinG FlUiDS

stüWa-CleanApplication:STÜWA-ClEAn serves as mud-breaker for the removal of drilling fl uid residues in the borehole.

it is a specially developed bentonite mud-breaker, which can be used for the construction of horizontal-/vertical spring wells and drainages.

By means of the horizontal and vertical fl uid drilling process, fi lter screens are inserted into sand and gravel beds. in order to ensure the stability of the borehole in such formations, the use of drilling fl uids containing bentonite is advisable. However, the problem is that the productivity of the well may be heavily decreased by the remaining bentonite residues.

This eff ect can be prevented if the mud-breaker STÜWA-ClEAn is used after application of the one-component drilling fl uid STÜWAMiX®.

STÜWA-ClEAn acts as mud breaker by removing the electrostatic state of stress between the bentonite platelets. Thus the gel-forming “house of cards” structure of STÜWAMiX® is destroyed.

By insertion of a STÜWA-CLEAN solution of 5 % concentration for vertical wells 10 % concentration for horizontal wells

through a high-pressure jetting-system, the pore spaces of the natural grain fractions are fl ushed. in order to reach further areas of the aquifer behind the screen, the STÜWA-ClEAn water mixture, which is to be injected per borehole, should amount to:

at least 10 % for vertical wells at least 25 % for horizontal wells.

The reaction time is approx. 60 minutes for fresh drilling fl uids. Afterwards, a rinsing process is to be eff ected by using the high-pressure jetting system so as to completely remove the residues of the drilling fl uid as well as that of the mud-breaker. it is advisable to carry out this rinsing process section by section in-between packer units. it is imperative to carry out disinfection process prior to initial operation of the well.

Technical data

Example vertical wellScreen diameter [mm] 400

Drilling diameter [mm] 750

Screen length [m] 13

Borehole volume [m³] 5.8

STÜWA-CLEAN injection solution [l] 600

STÜWA-CLEAN required quantity [kg] 30

Example horizontal wellScreen diameter [mm] 110

Drilling diameter [mm] 160

Screen length [m] 100

Borehole volume [m³] 2.0

STÜWA-CLEAN injection solution [l] 500

STÜWA-CLEAN required quantity [kg] 50

Packaging unit:in buckets of 30 kg each (powdery)

Note:The stated specifi cations are not binding and refer to tests under laboratory conditions with the usual metrological tolerances. The tests serve exclusively to investigate the suitability of the products with regard to the fi elds of application. no assurances of characteristics can be derived from the data and the user is not absolved from conducting their own tests. no liability is accepted for any damages that arise due to the lack of features and / or characteristics.

2013-10.2-K08-BSMPlease note: Technical data is subject to change, see Chapter 15 for details

STÜWA Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbHHemmersweg 80D - 33397 Rietberg


aCtive bentOnite ibeCO® b1

DRillinG FlUiDS

Application:iBECo® is used as a drilling fl uid additive for a cement-bentonite grouting suspension or as a support agent for horizontal driving works.

Advantages stabilisation of the borehole wall Weighting of drilling fl uid active bentonite ibeCO® b1 considerably decreases

the frictional resistance in the lubrication gap being arranged around it and thus allows an easy, low-drag insertion of the tubes.

the skin friction is reduced to a fraction of the dry coeffi cient of friction by the production of a bentonite lubricating fi lm.

the drilling fl uid additive is mainly used in sandy and gravelly geologic formations. the main functions of the bentonite are the stabilization of the borehole wall, as well as the discharge of drill cuttings.

Packaging unit:in sacks of 25 kg each, 40 sacks 1,000 kg on euro-pallet


Technical data

Thorough dispersion: e.g. with batch mixers at circumferential speeds of approx. 10–20 m/sec.

Suffi cient swelling time: at least 2–6 hrs., optimum > 16 hrs.

Active-Bentonite IBECO® B1 (sodium bentonite)bentonite content in


30 40 50 60

Suspensions specifi c values

Density Din 4127

[t/m³] 1.015 1.022 1.026 1.03

Filtrate water output

[ml] 14 12 11 10

yield point (sphere) Din 4126


>6.9 13.8 35.9 59.7

yield point(pendulum) Din 4126

[n/m²] 6 16 32.5 59

Marsh-viscosity [s/l] 31 35 40 50

Note According to Din 4127 art. 5, yield point values may diff er +/- 35 % and fi ltrate water output values may diff er +/-30 % of the values stated.

Note:The stated specifi cations are not binding and refer to tests under laboratory conditions with the usual metrological tolerances. The tests serve exclusively to investigate the suitability of the products with regard to the fi elds of application. no assurances of characteristics can be derived from the data and the user is not absolved from conducting their own tests. no liability is accepted for any damages that arise due to the lack of features and / or characteristics.

2013-10.2-K08-BSMPlease note: Technical data is subject to change, see Chapter 15 for details

STÜWA Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbHHemmersweg 80D - 33397 Rietberg


barium sulpHate

DRillinG FlUiDS

Application:Barium sulphate serves as a weighting agent for the control of strained artesian state of aquifers.

Advantages barium sulphate is a selected product of high quality. it can be universally used as a weighting agent with

drilling fl uids. the eff ectiveness of barium sulphate is not infl uenced

by the use of other drilling fl uid additives.

in respect of the homogeneous distribution of the product within the drilling fl uid, the pumping ability of the drilling fl uid up to a capacity of 2.4 kg/l remains ensured. Barium sulphate is a chemically inert material, its chief ingredient being barium sulphate BaSo4.

Blending recommendation:The amount required of barium sulphate is dependent on the desired weight of the drilling fl uid.

Packaging unit:in sacks of 25 kg each, 60 sacks 1.500 kg ona non-returnable pallet


Technical Data

Specifi cationColour grey to brownish powder

Bulk density [g/cm³] approx. 2.1

Density [g/cm³] 4.3 (min 4.2)

Note:The stated specifi cations are not binding and refer to tests under laboratory conditions with the usual metrological tolerances. The tests serve exclusively to investigate the suitability of the products with regard to the fi elds of application. no assurances of characteristics can be derived from the data and the user is not absolved from conducting their own tests. no liability is accepted for any damages that arise due to the lack of features and / or characteristics.

2013-10.2-K08-BSMPlease note: Technical data is subject to change, see Chapter 15 for details

STÜWA Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbHHemmersweg 80D - 33397 Rietberg


Herli® rapid tWb


Application:The two-component special regenerant Herli® Rapid TWB is a combination of chemically pure acids for the chemical regeneration and cleaning of vertical and horizontal wells, pipe systems, closed and open fi lter systems (particularly suitable for sand, gravel and louver fi lters), deferrisation systems and pumps.

Advantages Herli® rapid tWb with cleaning intensifi ers FCm 1 or

FCm 2 solves all iron clogging and sintering processes. the low quantity required ensures a quick, reliable and

safe operation due to its high overall dissolving capacity.

Herli® rapid tWb can be used with stainless steel and ObO-fi lters due to its special formula. However, it must neither be mixed nor processed with products contain-ing chlorine (danger of chlorine gas formation).

the included inhibitors are physiologically harmless.

Areas of application:

Wells: The amount required of Herli® Rapid TWB amounts to 15 % for a nominal width of 200 mm and 10 % for a nominal width from 200 mm, calculated of the static-water level (regarding the fi lter gravel only 35 % pore volume are taken into consideration). The product is suited for the use of pistons as well as for use of die heads and high-pressure methods.

Filter: The quantity required amounts to 3 % of the total volume of the fi lter. The quantity calculated is pumped over as a 10 % solution.

Survey Report: inspection report about the biological degradability

(document of Compliance according to W 130) test report (material durability of stainless steel

and ObO-fi lters) inspection report (din 38409-H16-2 and epa 604,

no phenol discharge of ObO-fi lters).

Herli® FCM 1Application:Herli® FCM 1 interacts with Herli® Rapid TW and Herli® Rapid TWB on iron and manganese deposits, producing reducing and complexing eff ects.Herli® FCM 1 is a white, faintly acid powder, pure ascorbic acid according to Ph.Eur. (vitamin C).

Herli® FCM 2 Application:Herli® FCM 2 interacts with Herli® Rapid TW and Herli® Rapid TWB on organic matter such as fungi, algae, bacteria, biofi lm etc. in an oxidising way. While adding FCM 2, free radicals are formed, which increase the separation force and contribute to an easier mineralisation of organic coatings.Herli® FCM 2 is a white, faintly alkaline, deoxidising odourless powder (no hydrogen peroxide).

Packaging units:in canisters of 22 kg

Storage:Container is to be always kept upright, tightly closed and stored in a cool place.

Note:The stated specifi cations are not binding and refer to tests under laboratory conditions with the usual metrological tolerances. The tests serve exclusively to investigate the suitability of the products with regard to the fi elds of application. no assurances of characteristics can be derived from the data and the user is not absolved from conducting their own tests. no liability is accepted for any damages that arise due to the lack of features and / or characteristics.

2013-10.2-K08-BSM-ZBHPlease note: Technical data is subject to change, see Chapter 15 for details

STÜWA Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbHHemmersweg 80D - 33397 Rietberg




Application:This measuring instrument is used for the determination of the specifi c gravity of drilling fl uids and cement slurry.

The special areometer is not to be regarded as a laboratory apparatus; however, for fi eld usage it provides the results in suffi cient accuracy.

Handling is conceivably simple. A small cup with a bayonet lock is attached to the lower end of the instrument. The cup is fi lled with the liquid to be measured. The measurement is eff ected by immersion of the areometer into water.

Calibration is carried out at a water temperature of 20 °C. nevertheless, the diff erent density of water at various temperatures is of little importance for fi eld usage and can be neglected.

The areometer is made of anodised aluminium. in addition, the instrument is powder-coated as protection against alkaline corrosion.

The instrument is supplied as standard in the following sizes: 0.9 to 2.5 kg/1,000 cm³.

Technical data

AreometerLength [mm] approx. 715

Diameter [mm] approx. 35

Weight [kg] approx. 0.4

Optional Accessories stand cylinder of solid plastic

Stand cylinderLength [mm] approx. 910

Bottom plate Ø [mm] approx. 200

Cylinder Ø [mm] approx. 60

Weight [kg] approx. 2.3

Areometer (Hydrometer)


2013-10.2-K08-BSM-ZBHPlease note: Technical data is subject to change, see Chapter 15 for details

STÜWA Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbHHemmersweg 80D - 33397 Rietberg


tapered Glass


Application:This measuring instrument is used for the determination of the sand content of liquids according to imhoff .

Advantages sedimentation container from san, crystal clear low breakage risk raised scale easy cleaning of the spigot end through removable

drain screw

Technical data

Tapered glassLength [mm] approx. 475

Diameter [mm] approx. 120

Volume [ml] 1,000

Gradation 0–2 ml = 0.1 ml

2–10 ml = 0.5 ml

10–40 ml = 1.0 ml

40–100 ml = 2.0 ml

100–1,000 ml = 50.0 ml

Optional accessories stand cylinder of solid plastic material

2013-10.2-K08-BSM-ZBHPlease note: Technical data is subject to change, see Chapter 15 for details

STÜWA Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbHHemmersweg 80D - 33397 Rietberg




Application:The STÜWA March-Hopper viscosimeter is a measuring instrument for the simple routine defi nition of viscosity.

The Marsh-Hopper consists of impact-resistant plastic and has an outfl ow nozzle with a defi ned diameter. The hopper viscosity in seconds is defi ned as the time for one litre of sample liquid discharged from a fi lled Marsh hopper through the outfl ow nozzle.

The outfl ow nozzle is kept shut with the fi nger, while the drilling fl uid to be measured is fi lled into the Marsh-Hopper. When removing the fi nger from the outfl ow tube, please note that the time, which the drilling-fl uid needs to fl ow out of the hopper into the measuring cup standing below, is to be measured by means of a stop watch.

Technical data

HopperLength [mm] 360

Hopper Ø [mm] 160

Capacity [cm³] 1500

Weight [kg] 0.34

Outfl ow nozzleInner Ø [mm] approx. 4.76

Optional accessories

Measuring cupDiameter [mm] approx. 105

Height [mm] approx. 170

Weight [kg] approx. 0.100

Marsh-Hopper + measuring cup

2013-10.2-K08-BSM-ZBHPlease note: Technical data is subject to change, see Chapter 15 for details

STÜWA Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbHHemmersweg 80D - 33397 Rietberg


drillinG Fluid balanCe


Application:The 4-scale STÜWA drilling fl uid balance serves to determine the density of drilling fl uids

The density is one of the most important physical measured, values which determine the properties of a drilling fl uid. The drilling fl uid balance is designed in such a way that the sample cup at the end of the balance arm is equilibrated by a counter-weight at the opposite end of the balance arm. in addition, a rider can be moved across the arm with a graduated scale. A level located at the balance arm ensures the exact equilibrium of the drilling fl uid balance.

on the front of the scale, the specifi c gravity from 0.72 to 2.88 g/cm3 is shown. The balance consists of a sample container, which is covered by a lid and connected to the beam of the balance, to which the rider and the balance knife-edge plus level are attached. The compartment for calibrating weights (lead balls) with locking screw is located at the end of the beam.

Technical data

Drilling-fl uid balance in transport boxLength [mm] approx. 540

Width [mm] approx. 130

Height [mm] approx. 105

Weight [kg] approx. 1.7

Drilling fl uid balance


2013-10.2-K08-BSM-ZBHPlease note: Technical data is subject to change, see Chapter 15 for details

STÜWA Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbHHemmersweg 80D - 33397 Rietberg


rinG HOpperApplication:The STÜWA ring hopper is used for the simplified definition of the water ejection time.

The stainless steel ring hopper consists of a base plate and a filling hopper connected to each other by a stop dog.

A filter of special paper with a diameter of 50 mm is laid onto the base plate to perform the measurement. The ring is centrically placed on top, whose conical opening is now filled with drilling fluid. Strong evaporation and heavy water losses are to be avoided by covering with a moistened glass bowl.

once the first drop of the drilling fluid touches the filter, the stop watch is to be activated. The time is measured now until the filter paper, which is visible outside the ring, has become completely saturated with water. The time measured in seconds is named ‘water ejection time‘.

Filter papers are always to be stored at a dry place, which is free of grease!

Technical data

HopperHopper Ø [mm] 75

Height [mm] 22

Weight [kg] 0.3

Optional accessories 100 sheets of filter paper


2013-10.2-K08-BSM-ZBHPlease note: Technical data is subject to change, see Chapter 15 for details

STÜWA Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbHHemmersweg 80D - 33397 Rietberg


baG FOr FlusHinG utensilsApplication:The STÜWA fl ushing bag contains the essential components for the determination of viscosities, densities and sand content of drilling fl uids.

The measuring instruments are delivered in a shock-proof, portable plastic bag.

Contents of the bag: drilling fl uid balance marsh hopper measuring jug with 1,000 ml capacity digital stop watch screen- and measuring cylinder to determine the sand

contents. ring hopper 1 pack. unit strips to measure the degree of hardness in

water (50 strips) 1 pack. unit pH-indicator sticks (100 sticks) spray bottle

Optional accessories 100 sheets of fi lter paper strips to measure the level of water hardness pH-indicator sticks


2013-10.2-K08-BSM-ZBHPlease note: Technical data is subject to change, see Chapter 15 for details

STÜWA Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbHHemmersweg 80D - 33397 Rietberg




Application:The STÜWA injector is used for clump-free blending of drilling fluid additives.

Advantages atomising the powder into the water flow leads to an

even distribution without lumping.

Injector design:Adjustable venturi nozzle for the blending of drilling fluid polymers (e.g. AnTiSol®) and bentonite/polymer ready-to-use mixtures (e.g. STÜWAMiX®)

Accessories: injector Feed hopper brass reducing-nipple discharge hose Hose clamp 4 pcs. spacer rings

Optional accessories Foot for ramming into the soil, with fastening clamps