Dream BIG & Get What YOU Really Want

Post on 19-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Dream BIG & Get What YOU Really Want

Dream BIG and Get What YOU Really-Really Want!

Susan Milligan, Certified Health CoachGlobal Director & Business Leader

What You Will Learn

(Re)Discovering your WHY

Aligning your head with your heart

How to dream BIG

Sharing your dreams

Meeting like-minded people

Designing your life around what matters most

Tools and resources to continue to create and stay focused after the webinar

CHANGEIf you desire something different in your TSFL business, CHANGE is needed. You cannot continue to do what you are doing and see a significant growth in your TSFL business.

Change = Growth = More Healthier Americans

My motto: Get comfortable being uncomfortable.

The most significant changes take place when we are uncomfortable. Being resistant to being uncomfortable holds you and others back.

The one thing you can be sure that will always be consistent is that “everything changes”.

Life has a way of creating change for you, if you are consistently resistant.

Two Choices: 1) Either change on your own, or 2) Wait until life creates a situation where you are forced to change.

Mindless Chatter vs. Heart Speak

“You can’t do that! That’s wishful thinking. What a waste of time! Get your head out of the clouds. What would the neighbors think? In the real world, that won’t work. Some of your friends won’t like it if you start getting what you want. No one will like you anymore. Everyone will be talking about you. They’ll say you are money hungry and don’t care. The only way to get ahead is to beat someone to it because there really isn’t enough to go around. Come on! You know all of this!”

“You CAN do it. This is what you’ve always wanted. Deep down you know you can do anything you really put your mind to doing. There is so much more to life than what I’m currently doing. People who know you and matter most will understand, and they will be happy for you. This is exciting and you get to help many people change their lives too. There really is a business world where everyone can WIN! You’ve got a lot going for you, so let’s go!”

(Re)Discovering Your WHY

In order to (Re)Discover Your WHY some of you will need to think differently.

This means you will need to make a change that may not be comfortable.

It may seems silly, wishful thinking, or airy fairy. This is your mind playing the resistance game. Objective is to help you “get out of mind”.

Everyone has a powerful WHY. And everyone can create anything they want. Some people have buried it so deep they can’t find it.

If it helps you during this webinar and beyond, think of this process as you creating a fictional film of your life if you had all the money, all the time, no responsibilities and ultra health. What would you do? What would yur life look like? You get to choose!

YOU can CREATE anything you want. It depends on how much you want it. The desire has to be strong enough to create the momentum to move you forward. To create the desire, you have to be willing to step out of your mind and into your heart. The strength of your positive emotions will determine how far and degree of momentum you move forward.

The key is to:

1. Get out of your head & into your heart.

2. Be real about where you are.

3. What is it that you want to create?

4. What are the steps you will take to create it?

5. Do it.

But the FUN part is … It isn’t Fiction!

1. Get out of your head & into your heartYour WHY = P.O.P = Passionately.On.Purpose

2. Be real about where you are.Current Reality

3. What is it that you want to create?Vision or Goal

4. What are the steps you will take to create it?Detailed Action Steps with Timelines

5. Do it.Stepping into Action

Does this Sound Familiar?

Marriage of On-Purpose Person

&Structural Tension

“When we internalize and emotionalize our dreams, we move toward accomplishing them.” ~ Dan Bell

How to Dream BIG

To dream BIG you must be in your heart, and

Then … Be deliberately laser focused with soft eyes.

Align your head and your heart to create what you want.

“Your ability will grow to match the size of your dreams. Therefore, the more well defined you make the dreams – the more precise they are – the stronger they will pull and drive you to success..” ~ Dan Bell

Then Dream BIGGER

Then Dream BIGGER“If your dreams don’t excite and scare you, they are not BIG enough. Identify the WHY behind the WHY.” ~Susan Milligan

Deliberately Laser Focused Forward

Someone once said to me, “Susan, You are out of your mind if you think you can do that!”

My response: “Yes I am. Thank you for recognizing that I am in my heart.” Side Note: Most American adults resist dreaming even though this is the land of opportunity and opportunity always starts with a dream.

And by the way, YES, I did it! And you can too, but only IF you are passionate enough about your WHY.

Make a commitment to yourself TODAY. Ask several people to hold you accountable. Multiple accountability partners will empower you. Note: Accountability partners are not coaches.

How to Get Out of Your Head & Into Your Heart

Tools to use to Tap Into Your WHY

• HC Business Blueprint: Section 3, “Identify Your WHY”• “The On-Purpose Person” by Kevin McCarthy

• Bucket List• Creative Visualization & Creative Journaling• Dreamboards & Visionboards• Mind Mapping• Brainstorming

The Bucket List

Make a list of 100+ things you’d like to do before you kick the bucket. These should be things that make your heart P.O.P (Passionately.On.Purpose). This isn’t a to-do list.

When developing your list think about this: If tomorrow were my last day on this physical planet, what would I wish I had done that I have not done yet.

This is not a morbid exercise unless you choose for it to be. It purpose is to create the desired positive emotion to place you into your heart and out of your head.

For example, I’m certain I won’t be thinking I wished I had been more organized, kept my house cleaner or sharpened my math skills.

No judgment.

Everyone has their own idea of fun.

It’s not about right or wrong.

Business leaders support; we don’t judge.

Would You Be Interested in Seeing Part of My Bucket List?

Susan’s Bucket ListDreaming BIG

• Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights)• Macy’s Day parade• Time Square on New Years Eve• Finish my first book• Service dogs• Machu Picu, Peru• Fire walking• Create a board game• Shower in a waterfall• Stonehedge• Easter Island• Zero gravity• Start a non-profit• Write a screen play• Storm chase a tornado• Extra in a film• Sky dive• Piano lessons• Singing lessons• Meet Brad Pitt


• Owned/operated a successful work-at-home business that easily supports my family with little overhead

• Caribbean cruise• Hot air balloon ride• Swam with trained dolphins• Great Pyramids & Sphinx in Egypt• Cruised the Nile River in Egypt• Biltmore estate• Rode a camel• Climbed a redwood tree• Swam with stingrays• Cancun• Mayan ruins & pyramids in Mexico• 4-handed massage• Red carpet event• Met several long-time spiritual mentors• Moved to Sedona, AZ• Hired a meditation coach• Laughter yoga

Some of these activities and experiences are expensive.

Some simply take time.

Since we all only get 24 hours in a day, in order for me to find more time, I have to:

1. Reprioritize the time I have to design my life around what matters most.

2. Build a bigger business with more healthier, happier people who inspire hope in others and who are strong leaders from the heart. Dan calls this “time freedom”.

The “Tension”

Books & Resources

To SPARK your imagination:

Google: “Bucket List items” for tons of ideas

Research your area of interests.

Block out time daily or several times a week – approx 15-30 minutes. Don’t spend all of your time on this project and distract yourself from your main vision.

Supplies: Foamboard, glue stick or glue tape, scissors, old magazines/catalogues or Google Images [images.google.com] with color printer

Arrange images, clipart and words that describe what you want to create however you desire.

After the board is finished put it in an area where you will see it every day. It is meant to pop your heart open (passion = powerful WHY) which creates a stretch (tension) which creates a change that will accelerate your momentum.

Dreamboads items and Bucket List items can also be used as rewards as you reach certain milestones that may have been uncomfortable.

How to Create a Dreamboard or Visionboard

Sharing Your Dreams

When you share your dreams with other people, two things will happen:

1. You will naturally find people who will want to help you.

2. You will find “intelligent and fun” people who also want the same dream and you will build a trusting relationship. These are potential clients and coaches to bring into your organization.

Did you share your Bucket List items with anyone today? Are a couple of them totally outrageous? I’d love to hear about them at the end of this webinar!

How to Align Your Head with Your Heart

After you’ve Got out of your Head and into Your Heart to ReDiscover your WHY, then you will Align Your Head with Your Heart.

Make an appointment immediately after this training with your Business Coach, ED or Global Director.

(S)he will help you determine if your WHY is strong enough.

(S)he will help you determine your current reality, vision/goals based on what YOU want to create, actions steps you need to take to get you there in the timeframe needed to get you there. (S)he is your GPS. Your guide.

Remember what Dan Bell said, “It’s 95% mindset and 5% technique. But passionately stepping into and consistently following the action plan your coach helped you create is important. Resistance is not your friend and will always hold you back.

The WHY Behind the WHY

Scenario: My new HC, Mary Smith’s initial why is “being debt free”. Taken from HC Business Blueprint Section 3, page 3 titled, “Getting Clear”. This section provides you with a list of ideas that SPARK your imagination. The keyword is SPARK. They are a starting point to discover your WHY.

Need Volunteer: Who would like to volunteer to script role play with me? Whoever does it will need to do a little acting and show emotion as an illustration of how to help someone discover the WHY behind the WHY. When we learn and make it fun at the same time, it helps people learn quicker and embed it to memory.

Susan: With your permission, Mary, I’d like to explore with you what being debt free looks like to you.

Mary: Okay, I want to pay off my credit cards.

Susan: Good. Let’s apply a dollar amount so we have some way to measure it, and we’ll both know when you’ve reached that goal.

Mary: $5,000

Susan: Great. Now we are getting clearer so we are both on the same page. Let’s continue, okay?

The WHY Behind the WHY

Mary: Sure.

Susan: By what date do you want to pay off your credit cards?

Mary: In a year? Is that possible?

Susan: Let me ask you, Mary. Did you know that a TSFL Regional Director’s average income is $5,000 a month?

Mary: No, but what do I have to do to make that income?

Susan: That’s a good question and I’m glad you asked it. That health coach would be regularly supporting about 30 clients on the 4-week program and (s)he would find one or two other people who want to do the same thing. [I could also explain ED by structure.]

Mary: Where do I find 30 people who want to do the program?

Susan: Another great question. You’ve dieting before, right?

Mary: Oh yes, I’ve done everything out there several times.

Susan: And did you do these diets with your girlfriends and family?

Mary: Sure. None of them worked for any of us for very long.

The WHY Behind the WHY

Susan: That’s a common result with diets. But you know TSFL isn’t a diet. We help people lose up to 2-5 pounds a week but clients are also learning healthy habits. You’ve had incredible results yourself. Congratulations on letting go of 22 pounds already! So let’s start with your girlfriends and family. What I heard you say was you’ve done all the diets together in the past several times and none of them worked, right?

Mary: Yes, that’s what I said.

Susan: What if I told you I will train you on what to say to your girlfriends and family. I’ll teach you everything I know if you agree to trust me and work with me. Does that sound doable to you?

Mary: Yes, that sounds easy. I can do it with your help and it may be fun to get together with them again and do a program that really works!

Susan: So with your permission, Mary, may I ask why do you want to pay off your credit cards? What will you do with that extra money after they are paid off?

Mary: Oh, I’d love to take my family to Virginia Beach.

Susan: That sounds like fun! So tell me, Mary, what would that vacation look like? What would you do there?

The WHY Behind the WHY

Mary: We all love the ocean and Virginia Beach is near Richmond. My husband and I are really big history buffs and that area is rich in history.

Susan: Great! So tell me how it would feel to you to have your credit cards paid off and enough money saved to go on a vacation to Virginia Beach with your whole family?

Mary: That’s something we could all get excited about!

Susan: Okay, why it is important that you go on a vacation together, Mary?

Mary: We haven’t been on a vacation in years. We each kind of do our own thing. Everyone is so busy and we cannot justify the money with all the monthly bills. I’d love to be able to spend quality time with my husband and children outside of our area and really feel like a family again.

Susan: I like the way you think. So what I heard you say is that you want to pay off your credit card ($5,000) so you can then use your money to save for a family vacation because you want to have a fun experience together in a place that is of interest to everyone in your family?

Mary: Yes. That’s exactly it.

Susan: Okay, let me ask … what is this family vacation going to look and feel like to you and your family members? What will you do together and separately to create a fun memorable time?

[Mary then describes her dreams, her family members interests, ideas of fun, etc. – she’s painting her own picture of a powerful WHY. I’m not doing it for her. She is doing most of the talking and painting the picture on her own.]

Susan: Would it be fair to say then Mary that if you wrote this all down, had each of your family members read it, add to it their idea of a fun family vacation while in Virginia Beach that way everyone has a vested interest in making this happen, and I then helped you put action steps into place that will start your business in motion to create what you need to pay off your credit card. Would that then move you closer to what you said you wanted?

Mary: YES! Let’s do it now!

Susan: I’d love to work on this project with you Mary. It’s exciting. One of my expectations is that if I teach you what I know and work with you on these actions, will you agree to step into them? What I mean is we aren’t just writing down actin steps. Will you commit to actually taking the action needed?

Mary: Absolutely, I will!!!

The WHY Behind the WHY

• With your permission … (respect her and her privacy)

• What does _____ look like to you?

• How will _______ feel to you? To your family?

• What I’m hearing you say … (repeat back – you are listening = you care! And you want to be sure you heard her correctly. The pictures in your mind matches hers.)

• Would it be fair to say … (not putting words in her mouth, she found the solution, I guided her, I am the mirror reflecting back to her what she discovered about herself.)

• Stated my expectations in regard to our relationship together on this project. I set the stage for bouncing the ball to her.

 What I just helped Mary do was uncover the goal (WHY) behind the goal (WHY). I would then help her with her Roadmap and structural tension charts to make that happen in the timeframe that would stretch her (not snap her). The whole process is always her choice.

It is important to notice that Mary was in a place of cooperation. She was open. If someone is not a cooperative component, it’s not your responsibility to pull them out of it. Patience is the best thing with some personality types and detaching yourself from the results.

Power Questions & Statements

No one or no thing is standing in the way of your Dreams but YOU and the limitations you

place on yourself which was created by a belief that is no longer serving you.

Your Turn!

Questions, Comments, Ahhas & Shares