Drawing the Body of Superheros

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Drawing the Body of Superheros

Drawing the Figure

Most things we draw, including the human body, can be constructed out of simple geometric shapes.

Combining these shapes with perspective and shading, we can create a realistic 2-D version of just about anything, including the human body.

Super quick perspective lesson

Super quick perspective lesson

Super quick perspective lesson

Super quick perspective lesson

The same holds true for geometric shapes

The same holds true for geometric shapes

The same holds true for geometric shapes

The same holds true for geometric shapes

The direction of the light indicates where the shadows will fall.

This classic Superman comic lettering shows a good use of perspective and light and shadow to create a 3-D illusion.

Draw 15 geometric shapes. Use shading and perspective to make them look 3-D

15 minutes


We need to understand that the body has a frame underneath it which gives it shape.

The frame is made up of lines…

Geometric shapes…

and circles

Simple stick figures can give you a workable frame.

On top of the frame goes the muscles, which flesh out the figure.

Draw 25 stick figures in different poses. Go to posemaniacs.com for poses

10 minutes


Keep your hands to yourself fella.

In order for figures to seem life-like they need to have “gesture.”

Draw 10, 30 sec gesture drawings - Go to posemaniacs.com for poses

5 minutes



Draw 5 “fleshed-out” figures (starting with stick figures)

15 minutes

Go to http://www.posemaniacs.com

Draw 1 finished drawings of a figure in motion

30 minutes

Go to http://www.posemaniacs.com
