Drawbacks of ISO 27001

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Drawbacks of ISO 27001

iFour ConsultancyDrawbacks of ISO 27001

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Drawback #1

Own Design

Own Targets

Successful Meter

Sharing of Target Not Mandatory

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Drawback #2

How much to scope

Marketing Equipment

Possible misleading to customers

Awarded certificates

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Drawback #3

Time Consuming

Misunderstanding of Standards

High Project Costs

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Drawback #4

Restricted to Business-to-Business

Limited Consumer Awareness

Marketing Gimmick

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Drawback #5

Truly Independent ?

Trust in Third Party Audit

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Certifiedorganisations should expect their customers to undertake a less comprehensive or less frequent audit but not expect customers to go quiet on their information security requirements entirely.ISO27001 cannot be solely relied upon by customers and that weakens the very purpose for which it was conceived. It is however the best we have as an internationally accepted standard for the time being.


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