Drama Terms Actor-One who performs a role or represents a character (woman or man) in a play.

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Drama Terms Actor-One who performs a role or represents a character (woman or man) in a play.

Drama TermsActor-One who performs a role or represents

a character (woman or man) in a play.

Actress-A woman who performs a role or represents a character in a play.

Backdrop-A large painted cloth hung at the back of the stage that usually reveals the setting in which the action a scene takes place.


Choreographer-The person who design the dance steps to be used in a play.

Climax-The point in the play that creates the most suspense or interest.

Conflict-A struggle between opposing forces or opposing characters.

Costume-Clothing worn by actors in a performance.

Cue-An indication by word, action, or sound effects, or music.

Director-The person responsible for the direction of the actors in a play.

Lighting-Equipment that identifies a mood by focusing on a particular character.

Make-up-Objects such as mascara, blush, lipstick that changes a character’s appearance.

Props-Objects such furniture, rugs, pictures, curtains, fake walls, eye glasses, fans… used during a performance.


Scenery-the background forms-walls, archways, sky, trees, skyline, stairs that provide the setting for a play.


Mood-The general feeling of a group. The way a group of people feels at a particular time

Monologue-A long passage spoken by one actor.

Script-the words an actor or actress reads for a play.

Playwright-An author’s original idea for a play which includes their words, character development, scenes, props…

Flashback-A scene that breaks the normal time order of the plot so show a past event.

Theatre- A building where plays are presented and drama is experienced.

Theatre- A building where plays are presented and drama is experienced.

Theatre- A building where plays are presented and drama is experienced.

Foreshadowing-the use of clues or hints to suggest events that will occur later in the plot of a play.

Suspense-The anxious curiosity the audience feels about what will happen next in a play.

Theme-The main idea of a play.

Telling the truthIs the most important thing in life.

Resolution-All the loose ends of the problem(s) are resolved.

They’rehappy again!

Act-A major division in a play.

Act-A major division in a play.


Complication-Problems that may arise from a conflict.

Complication-Problems that may arise from a conflict.

Rehearsal-A session in which the director and actors prepare a play for performance.