Draft 1.0 conatus.co.in. Introduction Key Concept Presentation Elements Video Elements Mailer...

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Draft 1.0 conatus.co.in. Introduction Key Concept Presentation Elements Video Elements Mailer...

Draft 1.0


Introduction Key Concept Presentation Elements Video Elements Mailer Elements Website Elements

This preso defines various standards that will be followed across various elements that constitute conatus.co.in(C2i)

Some sections of this ppt are formal Directives(DR’s) whereas certain other are just Guidelines(GL’s)

The soul purpose of this preso is to lay down ground rules for maintaining consistency across various elements of C2i

The key short term goal of C2i is to reach its target audience back in AKGEC and then use that platform to spread across.

The above goal implies certain directives and guidelinesDR-1: Our communication with the

audience must be very informal. This gives a better comfort level as our audience is very young.

DR-2: Use all the elements of our marketing mix to create a holistic message: Our Product should be reflective of the individuals self-image(OR ASPIRATIONAL SELF-IMAGE)

DR-3: Any form of our Audio/speech/video/text/graphics interaction with our target audience must use a simple yet trendy and impressive language/representation.

e.g. C++ is an Object oriented language that forces the Derived classes to implement a pure virtual function declared in the Base class.

The above sentence can be re-written as In C++ you cannot do away without

implementing a function in a child class if its declared as pure virtual in its parent.

Please notice here that its not worth mentioning “Object Oriented”, our target audience knows that C++ is OOPL. Derived can be replaced by child and Base by parent. It sounds more informal and easy.

DR-4: Use of words such as gonna, wanna, ur, gotta, oopsss brings us a step closer to our target audience.

DR-5: We have to fully integrate online and offline marketing, with offline promotions driving traffic to the site, and online promotions gathering more information from visitors for offline marketing efforts.

DR-6: All elements i.e. PPTs, Videos and Mailers must be consistent in their look and feel.

GL-1: Introducing some elements of humor in between the video/preso keeps the audience alive.

GL-2: To achieve our short term goal it would be good to include real life examples that involve elements of AKGEC(anything such as LTs, Canteen or Mess) This connects to our audience in a better way. e.g. While explaining a queue Hostel Mess can be a good example or for a Semaphore the Seats in the canteen can be an example.

PS: Such examples must be killed off later when we become stable and have a wider audience.

Please refer to C2i Presentation Template.ppt

DR’s/GL’s for contents will be the same as described for videos in next section.

DR-7: All Videos must start with a Conatus Welcome message

DR-8: All Videos must end with a Conatus Thanks message.

DR-9: Font used must be Calibri GL-3 : Title font size may be 44. GL-4: Body font size may be 32 or less,

to a minimum of 12.

DR-10: Below is the content Hierarchy for videos: Topic of video Table of Contents Introduction Scope Prerequisites

Tools Other Prerequisites

Acronyms Topic1 Topic2 --------- --------- Conclusion Roadmap for enhanced learning on the same topic Bibliography(if required)

DR-11: All videos must use Adobe Captivate 4 for recording and editing.

DR-12: All videos must use the same voice engine for TTS.(If we agree to use TTS)

DR-13: Scope of the topic should be mentioned in the very starting of the presentation.

DR-14: Tools used and it's version should be declared in the starting.

DR-15: Acronyms used in the video must be defined in the very beginning.

GL-5: The author of the video must try to use only the latest version of tools/IDE’s for the purpose of demos.

DR-16: Author must take care of Compiler specific or Architecture specific ambiguities.

DR-17:The video must contain a short summary of the topic covered after regular intervals in the videos.

GL-6: Pictorial representation of concepts is encouraged.

DR-18: Author must not promote their Personal views about concepts and theories.

DR-19: Author must not present a biased/controversial opinion about any other references or individual such as books/website/Author.

DR-20: Any video going live must be reviewed by all members of Team-Conatus.

DR-21: All Mailers must be sent from appropriate email ids created on C2i domain.

DR-22: Replies to any query of any form and received from any channel of communication must always be replied only by email ids created on C2i domain. Authors are not allowed to reply from their personal email ids.

DR-23: All mailers to individuals and groups must contain C2i Logo and appropriate headers and footers.

DR-24: Any public email sent to a group of audience must be reviewed by Team-Conatus.

DR-25: Authors must refrain from answering the queries that they are not comfortable with.

“Not answering a query would cause much less damage to our image than what could be caused by incorrect answer to our audience.”