Dr Lourenço - Recomendaciones ICARSAH

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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conferencia impartida en el congreso de ingeniería estructural en méxico, df.

Transcript of Dr Lourenço - Recomendaciones ICARSAH

  • ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings: Concepts, challenges, research and application to case studiesPaulo B. Loureno pbl@civil.uminho.pt www.civil.uminho.pt/masonry


  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    3|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Rehabilitacin y Conservacin Rehabilitacin y conservacin de edificios tiene cerca del 35% del mercado de la construccin en Europa, alcanzando ms de 50% en algunos pases Sociedades modernas creen que el patrimonio cultural construido debe durar para siempre. Este acto de cultura plantea grandes exigencias a los ingenieros, por que el deterioro es intrnseco a la vida El valor del mantenimiento del patrimonio construido puede ser de 1 a 2% del costo de la sustitucin. Para el funcionamiento se requiere otro tanto. Una estimacin en EE.UU. (Whitestone) proporcion un promedio de 6% al ao, el 35% de este valor de la operacin, 46% para el mantenimiento preventivo, reparacin y sustitucin, y el 19% para la recapitalizacin

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    4|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Construcciones eternas

    Efectos a largo plazo Los eventos extremos

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    5|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Construcciones eternas

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    6|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    El patrimonio construido con valor cultural Recursos culturales que incluyen mritos tcnicos, artsticos y espirituales Hito cultural que proporciona identidad a las culturas, regiones y pueblos del mundo Autenticidad:

    forma y diseo, materiales y sustancias, uso y funcin, tradiciones y tcnicas, ubicacin y el entorno, espritu y sentimiento, otros factores internos y externos.

    no memory, no identity; no identity, no nation Ernest Gellner, philosopher and social anthropologist, LSE / Univ. Cambridge

    we shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us Winston Churchill

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    7|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno


    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    8|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno


    Viviendas y edificios vernculos

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    9|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Grupos de edificios, antiguos centros urbanos, textura urbana histrica

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    10|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Obras destacadas de ingeniera desde la antigedad hasta el presente

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    11|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    patrimonio industrial(siglos 19 y 20)

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    12|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    patrimonio del siglo 20 con estructura de mampostera, acero y hormign

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    13|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Nuevo patrimonio (el valor es independiente de la edad o de clasificacin)

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    14|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    The Role of the Engineer Conservation engineering is difficult and requires a different approach and skills from those employed in designing new construction:

    Complexity (scatter of properties, lack of original design elements / Non-conforming execution, deficient structural connections, load transfer)

    Different knowledge (materials, technologies, ) Lack of education in regular engineering / architecture courses Non-applicable codes Advanced structural analysis tools have justification

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    15|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Risk Management, Technical Experts and Society Perception and communication Assessment and diagnosis Solutions, costs and implementation

    How to solve the mathematical indeterminacy of huge consequences and low probabilities?

    80.000 people/yearSince 1950, yearly costs increased more than 10x

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    16|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Disaster risk management for cultural heritage Cultural heritage is invaluable, meaning that risk assessment is hardly applicable Lost cultural heritage cannot be reinstated by post-disaster measures How to achieve risk reduction and mitigation?

    Studies show that the investment in mitigation saves four times the amount (Prevention pays) Multi-hazard risk analysis must provide a prioritization of needs The investment is large, meaning that an appropriate time frame must be considered Mitigation must be carried out on a comprehensive, community-wide, and long-term basis, leading to physically, socially, and economically resilient communities Disaster preparedness and post-disaster recovery (human suffering, economic losses and cultural losses)

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    17|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    What is an earthquake? An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves Waves result in shaking or rapid movements of the ground, possibly leading to loss of life and destruction of property If a building collapses, movable cultural heritage tend to be lost also

    1755 Lisbon earthquake. A perfect disaster: tsunami with 10 m, fire for 5 days, 85% of the buildings destroyed, up to 90.000 deaths = 30% of population, Enlightenment Kant / Voltaire)

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    18|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    The seismic problem (I) Earthquakes hardly cause deaths, being the collapse of buildings the major cause of deaths and loss The scenarios for a large earthquake in Portugal (similar to 1755) predict about 10.000 deaths and a loss of 100 to 200% of the GDP

    Carmo church, Lisbon Holy Mary church, Beja

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    19|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    The seismic problem (II)

    1755, Lisbon 2009 and 2012, Itay2011, Spain

    2012, Mxico

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    20|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    AcceptableKOBE Earthquake, 1995Earthquake magnitude was higher than 50% the design value: Extreme eventThe damage in the column is acceptable (even if not desired)

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    21|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno


    Damage in this column is unacceptable

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    22|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Acceptable Worst case scenario in masonry: embedded ring beam + unfilled vertical joints Light damage up to the design earthquake in Lisbon (rock) Ductile damage for 2.5x the design earthquake in Lisbon (rock)

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    23|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Acceptable vs. Unacceptable

    Cultural heritage buildings are usually rather vulnerable: (a) fragile materials; (b) heavy construction; (c) inadequate connections. Simple and moderate cost measures can make drastically change the situation

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    24|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Example of churches in New Zealand (Earthquakes 2010-11) Red: unsafe building with access forbidden Yellow: safety compromised but urgent access allowed Green: no restrictions


    yellow32% green16%

    red38%yellow43%green19% red2%


    green94%Stone Brick Timber

  • Conceptos:ICOMOS Recomendaciones

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    26|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno


    ICOMOS es una organizacin global no gubernamental dedicada a promover la aplicacin de teora, metodologa, y tcnicas cientficas para la conservacin de la arquitectura y el patrimonio arqueolgicoTrabaja con base en los principios consagrados en la carta internacional para la conservacin y restauracin de monumentos y sitios (Carta de Venecia) de 1964.

    Fundada en 1965 como resultado de la adopcin internacional de la carta de Venecia en 1964Hoy en da ICOMOS ampara comits nacionales en 107 pases y mas de 20 comits cientficos

    ICOMOS es el principal asesor par a la UNESCO con respecto a la proteccin y conservacin de monumentos y sitios.

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    27|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    ISCARSAHInternational Scientific Committee for Analysis andRestoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage(Comit cientfico internacional para el anlisis y restauracin de estructuras de patrimonio arquitectnico )


    PRINCIPIOS aprobados durante la 14 Asamblea General de ICOMOS en Victoria Falls, Zimbabue, Octubre 2003

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    28|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    29|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    30|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    31|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    32|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    33|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    34|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    35|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    36|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    37|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Comprensin antiguaConservacin es justificada por la potencia de la intervencin Confianza ciega en los materiales y tecnologas modernosDesconfianza hacia los materiales antiguos o originales y los recursos de resistencia originales de los edificios El valor de estructura original / antigua y los principios estructurales no son reconocidosLa importancia de los estudios previos es no totalmente reconocidaSignificante experiencia negativa acumulada

    Carta de Atenas (1931)Recomienda el uso de hormign y otros materiales modernos y tcnicas para propsitos de restauracin.Materiales adicionados y componentes deben ser escondidos para evitar alterar el aspecto histrico de las construcciones.

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    38|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Comprensin modernaRespecto hacia la autenticidad de la estructura y los principios estructurales que gobiernan su respuestaLa conservacin debe yacer en el conocimiento y entendimiento de la naturaleza de la estructura y las causas reales de posibles daos o alteracionesIntervenciones mnimas y respetuosas (mnimo, no-intrusivo y reversible)Importancia de previos estudios (comprende aspectos histricos, materiales y estructurales)Los estudios previos y la intervencin son tareas multidisciplinarias que requieren de la cooperacin de historiadores, arquitectos, ingenieros, fsicos,.Carta de Venice (1964)Recomienda el uso de materiales tradicionales o histricos para la estabilizacin o restauracin. Sugiere el uso de materiales / tcnicas modernas para casos donde no es posible la estabilizacin o restauracin por medio de tcnicas tradicionales / histricas

    Debe ser posible distinguir nuevos materiales o componentes de los originales.

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    39|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Respeto por la autenticidad. Pero respetando los contestos culturales. No hay criterios fijosAceptabilidad de cambios de uso Requisitos de conservacin Requisitos de seguridadEnfoque multidisciplinar Entendimiento global de la estructura Metodologa Cientfica: anlisis, diagnostico, terapia y controlesNecesidad de entender a corto y largo plazo los efectos de cualquier accinUrgentes medidas de proteccin deben evitar alteraciones permanentes

    ICOMOS Criterios Generales

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    40|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Lo peculiar de las estructuras patrimoniales, con su compleja historia, requiere laorganizacin de estudios y anlisis en pasos que son similares a los usados en medicina.anlisis, diagnostico, terapia y control, correspondiendo respectivamente a lascondiciones estudiadas, identificacin de las causas de dao y deterioro, escogiendo lasmedidas correctoras y controlando la eficiencia de las intervenciones.

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    41|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    El valor de cada construccin histrica no es solo en la apariencia de sus elementos individuales, si no tambin en la integridad de todos sus componentes como un nico producto de la especifica tecnologa de construccin en su tiempo y lugar

    As, la remocin de las estructuras internas conservando solo las fachadas no satisface el criterio de conservacin

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    42|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    When imperfections and alterations have become part of the history of the structure, they should be maintained providing they do not compromise the safety requirements.

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    43|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Ninguna accin debe llevarse a cabo sin determinar el posible beneficio y dao al patrimonio arquitectnico.

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    44|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    El diagnostico es basa en informacin histrica as como en enfoques cualitativos y cuantitativosLos enfoques cualitativos estn basados en observacin directa del dao estructural y el deteriorodel material as como en investigaciones histricas y arqueolgicas, mientras que el enfoquecuantitativo requiere ensayos estructurales y de materiales, monitoreo y anlisis estructural.

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    45|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Con frecuencia la aplicacin del mismo nivel de seguridad en el diseo de nuevas construccionesrequiere excesivas, si no imposibles, medidasEn estos casos otros mtodos, apropiadamente justificados,, pueden permitir diferentes enfoquesde seguridad. Por ejemplo, en la evaluacin cualitativa y cuantitativa podemos aceptar mejorar elnivel de seguridad (de acuerdo con el principio de mejora de seguridad) sin respetar enteramentelas prescripciones para nuevas construcciones, en base a controles analticos

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    46|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    La eleccin entre tecnicas tradicionales oinnovativas deben ser determinadas casopor caso, dando preferencia a aquellas quesean menos invasivas y mas compatiblescon el valor patrimonial, de acuerdo con lanecesidad de seguridad y durabilidad.

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    47|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Siempre que sea posible, toda medida adoptada debe de serreversible, de modo que puedan ser removidas y reemplazadas conmedidas mas adecuadas si se adquieren nuevos conocimientos.Cuando no sea totalmente reversible, las intervenciones no debencomprometer intervenciones posteriores.

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    48|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Mantenimiento adecuado puede limitar o posponer la necesidad de intervencin posterior

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    49|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno


    Conclusiones en condiciones de construccin y adecuadas medidas correctoras



    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    50|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    DATA ACQUISITIONHistorical investigation (documents)Survey of the structure=documentField research and laboratory testingMonitoring

    Historical investigation (documents)Survey of the structure=documentField research and laboratory testingMonitoring

    STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOURStructural scheme: ModelMaterial characteristicsActions

    Structural scheme: ModelMaterial characteristicsActions

    DIAGNOSIS AND SAFETYHistorical analysisQualitative analysisQuantitative analysisExperimental analysis

    Historical analysisQualitative analysisQuantitative analysisExperimental analysis


    REMEDIAL MEASURESMasonryTimberIron and steelReinforced concrete

    MasonryTimberIron and steelReinforced concrete


    ICOMOS Metodologa (II)

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    51|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno


    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    52|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    1- LIMITED APPLICABILITY OF AVAILABLE CODES Codes prepared for the design of modern structures are often inappropriately applied to historic structures. They are based in calculation approaches which may fail to recognize the real structural behaviour and safety condition of ancient constructionsThe enforcement of seismic and geotechnical codes, can lead to drastic and often unnecessary measures that fail to take into account the real structural behaviour2- SUBJECTIVITY AND UNCERTAINTYAny assessment of safety is affected by two types of uncertaintiesThe uncertainty attached to data (actions, geometry, deformations, material properties), used in the research.The difficulty of representing real phenomena in a precise way with an adequate mathematical model (models provide only a limited representation of reality).The subjective aspects involved in the study and evaluation of a historic building may lead to conclusions of uncertain reliability


  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    53|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Modern legal codes and professional codes of practice adopt a conservative approachinvolving the application of safety factors to take into account the various uncertainties.This is appropriate for new structures where safety can be increased with modest increasesin member size and cost.However, such an approach is not appropriate in historic structures where requirements toimprove the strength may lead to the loss of historic fabric or to changes in the originalconception of the structure.A more flexible and broader approach, where calculations are not the only source ofevaluation, needs to be adopted for historic structures to relate the remedial measuresmore clearly to the actual structural behaviour and to retain the principle of minimumintervention, with an adequate safety level-

    It must be clear, therefore, that the practitioner responsible for the safety evaluation of an historic building should not be legally obliged to base his decisions solely on the results of calculations because, they can be unreliable and inappropriate.


    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    54|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    A more flexible and broader understanding, where calculations are not the onlysource of evaluation, needs to be adopted for historic structures, with aim at:The broader understanding consists of combining different approaches, eachgiving a separate contribution. Their combination will produce the bestpossible verdict based on the data available to us.


  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    55|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    SAFETY EVALUATION: POSSIBLE APPROACHESHISTORICAL APROACHKnowing from history (Truescale experiment) QUALITATIVE APPROACH Inductive procedure (Comparing and extrapolating from other buildings)ANALYTICAL APPROACH Deductive procedure (Structural analysis)EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH (Experiments on individual components or the entire building)

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    56|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Historical approach

    Knowing from historyFull-scale / Real time experimentKnowing from the behaviour shown by the same structure, or similar ones, in the occasion of historical actions

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    57|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Qualitative approach Inductive procedure (Comparing and extrapolating from other buildings)

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    58|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Characterizing and validating typical failure modes for common buildings (allowing limit analysis by macroelements)

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    59|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Analytical approach Deductive procedure (Structural analysis)

    Modelling & analyzing a structure to obtain quantitativepredictions on the response subjected to different actions

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    60|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Experimental approach (1)

    Experiments on the entire building orindividual componentsExample: load tests in roof-slabs or vaults

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    61|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    62|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Experimental approach (2)Step by step approach based on monitoringAcquire information during a step-by-step procedure of structural renovation. The behaviour is monitored at each stage (observational approach) and the acquired data used to provide the basis for any further action.Assess the maintenance of a sufficient level of safety in the long term








    20/03/20030:00 28/06/20030:00 06/10/20030:00 14/01/20040:00 23/04/20040:00 01/08/20040:00 09/11/20040:00 17/02/20050:000,00









  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    63|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. LourenoMETHODOLOGICAL CONSISTENCYDIAGNOSIS



    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    64|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    In short Scientific approach Combination of different sources and approaches Methodological consistency

    Using similar approaches for diagnosis, safety evaluation and design of intervention Subjectivity is still possible Importance of personal judgment

    Recognize the need for experts and the value of their personal judgment

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    65|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Practice: Simple concepts vs. Difficult practice Basic aspects: Durability, compatibility, reversibility NO bargaining on safety Traditional AND novel intervention techniques are accepted Change of use IS allowed: A living cultural heritage Conservation engineering is an art, requiring specific education but some assets cannot survive without hard interventions


  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    67|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Conflicting views? Reconstruct a new city? (I)


    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    68|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Conflicting views? Move buildings? (II)


  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    69|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Conflicting views? Birth-destruction-rebirth? (III)

    Japan. Preserving technology / skills

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    70|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Conflicting views? Replacing carved stone?

    India. Preserving technology / skills

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    71|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Conflicting views? Wrong doing with traditional materials?

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    72|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Innovative materials in a non-controlled environment?

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    73|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    How much can we invest in knowledge?




    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    74|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Conflicting views? Excess of regulations?

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    75|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Conflicting views? Keep the faades?

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    76|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Conflicting views? More than we can keep?

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    77|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Urbanization and a dying rural landscape?

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    78|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Conflicting views? Disasters?




    Rebuilding ofFrauenkirche in Dresden, Germany

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    79|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    What not to do (I)?

    The need to understand materials, structural arrangements and construction techniques from existing buildings

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    80|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    What not to do (II)?

    It is necessary to adopt adequate safety evaluation procedures (history, quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, experimental analysis)

  • Recent research

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    82|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    The need of experimental knowledge

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    83|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Survey and visual inspection

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    84|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Non-destructive Testing

    Sonic tomography-3.4 -3 -2.6 -2.2 -1.8 -1.4 -1 -0.6 -0.21





    0 0.5 1 1.5 2

    GPR testing

    Strain gaugeMeasurements

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    85|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno


    Crack opening and tilting, Cathedral of Porto

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    86|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Computer Simulation

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    87|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Remedial Measures

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    88|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Educacin (I)

    Taylor y Francis,desde 2007(6 numeros/ao) Serie de conferencias: Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions(Anlisis estructural de construcciones histricas)

    Bath, 2008250 participants

    Padua, 2004350 participantsGuimares, 2001500 participants

    New Delhi, 2006300 participants Wroclaw, 2012350 participants

    Shanghai, 2010250 participants

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    89|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Educacin (II) Erasmus Mundus MSc Curso en Anlisis Estructural de Monumentos y Construcciones Histricas: 200 estudiantes de 50 pases en 7 ediciones hasta ahora

    Edicin n 8 en 2014/2015secretariat@msc-sahc.orgwww.msc-sahc.orgBecas para estudiantes:Entre 16.000 y 24.000 euro/ao.

    Becas para profesores:1.200 euro/semana

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    90|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Recent PhD theses at ISISE / Masonry & Timber (2011+)Earthquake engineering

    Repair and strengthening

    NDT and monitoringInnovative materials and construction technologies

    Lifecycle analysis, safety and durability

    Experimental characterization of the behavior of half-timber construction, Elisa Poletti (2013) Earth based grout injection materials, Rui Silva (2013) Durability analysis of bond between composite materials and masonry substrates, Bahman Ghiassi (2013) Avaliao do desempenho das envolventes dos edifciosface aco dos sismos, Manuel Paulo Pereira (2013) Metodologias inovadoras no clculo simples de estruturasde alvenaria simples e confinada, Rui Marques (2013) Seismic assessment of ancient masonry buildings: Shaking table tests and numerical analysis, Nuno Mendes (2013), with LNEC Anlise experimental de caldas base de cal para Injeode alvenaria antiga, Eduarda Luso (2012), with VTT, Finland Multiscale analysis of masonry structures using homogenization, Alberto Mauro (2012) cotutelle with Univ. Roma Tre A discrete element method for the study of masonry gravity dams, Eduardo Bretas (2012), with LNEC Safety assessment of ancient timber structures, Ricardo Brites (2011) Numerical analysis of FRP strengthened masonry structures, Claudio Maruccio (2011), Cotutelle with Univ. Rome Sapienza Assessment of the mechanical microstructure of masonry clay brick by nanoindentation, Konrad J. Krakowiak (2011), with MIT

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    91|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Durability of bond between composites and masonry

    Material testing



    (R.H. 90%)R.H.

    0 2 4 6 83 different hygtothermal cycles + water immersion

    NDT: IR thermography; DIC; Acoustic Emission Prediction models

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    92|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Formulation and assessment of lime based grouts

    Performance Mechanical characterization

    Durability Wall repair and strengthening

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    93|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Multiscale analysis of masonry structures

    Homogeneization tools

    Out of plane seismic testing Analytical models and design rules


    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    94|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Discrete element for masonry gravity dams

    Draining andwaterprooofmembranes

    Static analysis

    Nailing andinjections

    Dynamic analysis

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    95|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Safety assessment of ancient timber structures

    Biological deterioration

    Detailed geometrical survey of ancient timber structures Meso-specimens and correlations


    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    96|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Analysis of FRP strengthened masonry structures

    Multifan model, Braga and Liberatore (1990) Cyclic + FRP extension. Simulation of Pavia building

    Constitutive bond model for interface, single lap tests and masonry arch tests

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    97|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Microstructure of clay brick by nanoindentation

    Material science paradigm

    Identified phases and mechanical data

    Better masonryHierarchical model for brick

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    98|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Boxed buildings in the metropolitan area of Recife, Brazil


    13 collapses on masonry buildings (1 in 500, 40 years): 250.000 people at risk Opening up


  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    99|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Dynamic identification and Wireless Sensor Networks

    New prototype, with built in synchronization

    Wireless monitoring systems Off the shelf solutions

    Automatic system identification

    Case studies

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    101|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Applications (I)

    Monastery of Jernimos Monastery of Salzedas Cathedral of Porto Convent of Tomar

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    102|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Applications (II)Canterbury cathedral, UK

    Qutb Minar, New Deli, India

    Safi and Mazagan, Morocco

    Pontifical defense, Italy
































    3 .55













    2.581 .45













    3 .55











    *Deteriorao daspedras do arco

    Fendas na separapanos de alvenaria

    Fendas na chave dasabbadas

    Mashad, Iran

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    103|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    104|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Cathedral of Porto (I)

    South Tower

    North Tower

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    105|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Cathedral of Porto (II)

    ferior F3F4



    C1 F2





    Advanced structural analysis

    Non-destructive testing

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    106|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Cathedral of Porto (III)

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    107|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Iglesia de San Cristbal, Cusco (I)

    Origin1560 (18th century)

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    108|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Iglesia de San Cristbal, Cusco (II)

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    109|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Iglesia de San Cristbal, Cusco (III)

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    110|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Iglesia de San Cristbal, Cusco (IV)

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    111|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Monastery of Salzedas

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    112|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Typical Cistercian Abbey. Considerable size in plan, 75.0 101.0 m2. Origin from the XII century.Cloister from the 17th century. Classical model with columns and closed upper gallery. Ribbed crossed vaults in the first floor and cannon vaults in the second floor.

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    113|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Context Portugal 1834: the new political system, of liberal and constitutional origin, decides the extinction of religious Orders, confiscates their properties and sells them in auction. Monastery of Salzedas was left abandoned with demolitions, stealing, ruined or in the verge of collapse parts. Nature slowly taking care of the site. No restoration. Unfinished works. A harmonious disorder where everything evokes time. A time of multiple pasts felt in each single part of the building: the scars, the clear vestiges from other eras, the unexpected shapes of the incomplete and the empty. General actions: (a) Cleaning removal of biological infestation, and removal and selection of debris with the archaeological assistance, from which a set of stabilized and stored elements and fragments resulted; (b) Consolidation of the parts considered at risk; (c) Protection stopping, even if with temporary system, infiltration of rainwater; (d) Access creation reinstate, using permanent, or temporary structures, the horizontal and vertical communications lost; install scaffolding for inspection; (e) Geometrical Survey of the entire compound; (f) Inventory and Conservation for movable heritage.

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    114|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Stop tourist visits Protect against rainwater infiltration Urgent measures in the cloister Moderate funding Decision: To preserve the ruin (or keep the aesthetics of time). Present

    intervention would be as much effective, as it would remain invisible

    Further action after a global strategy for the monument was decided

    Step 1

    Step 2

    Step 3

    Actions in the main cloister

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    115|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Situation found




    Replacement of the barrel vault of theWest wingDismantling and reassembly of the wall between the small and the large cloisters

    A ChurchB SacristyC Chapter roomD Main cloisterE Small cloister

    Damage survey

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    117|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Main cracks (I)

    First floor crossed vaults Second floor barrel vaults

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    118|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Main cracks (II)

    South wing at the 2nd level

    South-West corner at the 2nd level

    West wing at the 1st level

    South-West corner at the 1st level

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    119|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Limited cracksin the walls

    Internal wall of the West wing

    External wall of East wing External wall of South wing

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    120|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Separation between vaults and walls

    Out of plumbness of walls (2nd level). Resulted in vertical displacements in vaults extrados up to 0.10 m

    Large movements in the cloisters internal walls

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    121|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Other damage

    Crushing / shearing ofbrackets Deterioration of bricks

    Stone deterioration Biological colonization and moisture stains

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    122|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Stone deterioration mapping and study on salts

  • Highlights of structural survey, NDT and numerical analysis

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    124|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Aspect of column foundations

    EmbankmentOrganic soil

    Alluvial soil with stonesAlluvial stones with pebble

    Granular soil with clayLarge stones

    Soil foundation exhibits moderate resistance and very large heterogeneity for depths between 1.0 and 1.8 m

    Aspect of wall foundations

    Foundation inspection pits

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    125|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Tests on walls and vaults (I)

    The vaults are built with clay brick masonry with 0.22m thickness and infill (soil in 1st level and lime concrete in the 2nd level)The walls are built with large granite stones, mostly with clay mortared jointsInternal longitudinal cracks or voids were not foundLow strength and high porosity bricks (compressive strength 5 N/mm2)

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    126|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Tests on walls and vaults (II)

    Samples for the uniaxial compression tests Eb = 7.3 GPa fb = 5.2 MPaEm = 8.6 GPa fm = 3.8 MPa

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    127|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Structural analysis (Linear Elastic)

    Deformation of the structure Maximum principal stresses Minimal principal stresses The large horizontal displacements observed in the structure can only be explained by a geometrical and physical non-linear analysis The 3D model served also for validation of a simplified 2D model (only of the 2nd floor) The structure presents original conceptual deficiencies (insufficient buttressing in internal walls)

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    128|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Non-linear analysis

    0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0Deslocamento (cm)


    de car



    Damage in the barrel vault

    Damage in all the entire structure

    Displacement (cm)

    Load fa


    Relation between the load factor and the displacements exhibited by the structure (zero safety level)Foundations and long term behaviour of the structure are mostly responsible for observed damageStrengthening is needed

  • Execution details

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    130|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Remedial measuresReforo com CFRP

    Inclinao do pavimento = 1.0%

    Inclinao do pavimento = 2.5%Lajeado em pedra a repor

    Adjustable propping Partial removal of infill (2 wings in 2nd level) Partial removal of infill (2 wings in 1st level) Elevation of 2 wings (1 in each level). 10 cm Pulling of one corner. 12.5 cm Local protheses in stone brackets / ribs Repointing and injection of cracks andjoints in vaults Stainless steel ties Water tightening of 2nd level Repointing joints in the external walls Closing of openings

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    131|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Reforo com CFRP

    Inclinao do pavimento = 1.0%

    Inclinao do pavimento = 2.5%Lajeado em pedra a repor

    Reforo com CFRP

    Inclinao do pavimento = 1.0%

    Inclinao do pavimento = 2.5%Lajeado em pedra a repor

    Reforo com CFRP

    Inclinao do pavimento = 1.0%

    Inclinao do pavimento = 2.5%Lajeado em pedra a repor

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    132|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno2nd Level

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    133|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. LourenoPiso 2UNI


    ADE DO




    O DE E


    ARIA C


    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    134|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno1st Level



    DO MIN



    ENTO D

    E ENG



  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    135|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Elevation of vaults (I)

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    136|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Elevation of vaults (II)

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    137|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Dismantling (III).

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    138|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno


  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    139|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Adjusting colors

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    140|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Completed South wall



  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    141|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Stainless steel AISI 316L

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    142|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno


  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    143|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    2nd Level

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    144|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    1st Level

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    145|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Floor Level

    2nd Level

    1st Level

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    146|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Escuela de Teologia en Braga

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    147|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. LourenoDescripcin Edificio de gran tamao con dimensiones en (cuerpo principal 110 x15 m2) y 5 plantas (Planta Baja + 4 niveles)

    Losas y muros internos de concreto reforzado y mampostera en granito en los muros exteriores Uno de los primeros edificios en concreto reforzado en Braga (1930s) 5o planta con piso de concreto no utilizado como tico 3o y 4o planta originalmente como dormitorios para estudiantes. Losas soportadas por vigas transversales, soportadas en paredes externas, muros rellenos con concreto reforzado (plantas 2/5)

    Seccin transversal Blueprint and body and consideration

    Vigas principalesVigas secundriasMuros de concretoreforzado

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    148|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Descriccin (I)

    Fachada principal Fachada trasera

    Corredor tipico (nivel 2, 3 y 4) Muros y vigas no alineados

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    149|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Descriccin (II)

    Hall en la planta baja (luz de 13 m)

    tico irregularidades

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    150|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Inspeccin Geometrica

    Planta Seccin transversal Nivel 1 (Hall) es un espacio de luz libre Muros transversales con un espaciamiento de 2.60 m Muros transversales no simtricos Muros externos de mampostera con espesor variable en altura: 0.30-0.60 m. Vigas principales con 0.25 x 0.50 m2 (niveles 3 y 4) y 0.30 x 0.60 m2 (nivel 2)


  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    151|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Caracterizacin de materiales


    Acero (aberturas de inspeccin y deteccin de refuerzo)

    Propiedades del concreto obtenidas a travs de extraccin de muestras, uso del martillo Schmidt y pruebas ultrasnicasEn promedio para las vigas un valor de 25 N/mm2 y de 12 N/mm2 paralos muros Viga principal con un As, lower de 31 (nivel 3 y 4) y 41+ 41 (nivel 2).(1% y 3%) Losas con 0.12 m de espesor, con 3/8@0.125 (Asl) y 3/8@0.25 (Ast).(0.5% y 0.25%) Muros interiores con 0.06 m de espesor, con 3/16@0.25 (Asv) y 5/32@0.25 (Ash). (0.25% y 0.08%) Varillas de acero templado y no corrugadas

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    152|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. LourenoValoracin de la seguridad de las losas

    Nuevo uso: Los niveles superiores (3 y 4) son utilizados como archivo, mientras que los nivelesinferiores (1 y 2) permanecen como escuela. Se han previsto cargas muy altas (11 a 15kN/m2). Las losas estaban bien para el uso previo. Pero para el nuevo uso es necesario elreforzamiento (Mitad del refuerzo requerido). Un conjunto de HEB 100 puestastransversalmente a la celda, soportadas en una L 80x80 y un nuevo tablero de madera serianecesario (700 euro por celda).

    Propuesta original:3 armarios con 2.40 mNueva propuesta:2.80 m + 0.80 m + 2.80 m (nivel 4)3.60 m + 0.80 m + 3.60 m (nivel 3)4.00 m + 0.80 m + 4.00 m (nivel 2)Nuevo piso con soportes cerca a los muros No intervencin

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    153|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Valoracin de la seguridad del edificio completo (I)

    Esfuerzos principales de tensin

    Modelo en tres dimensiones Malla deformada por G+Q

    Esfuerzos principales de compresin

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    154|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Valoracin de la seguridad del edificio completo(II)

    Momentos deflexin

    Esfuerzos principales en los muros externos: tensin y compresin

    Nive 2

    Nive 3

    Nivel 4

    MSd, mx = 56.5 kN.m

    MSd, mx = 44.5 kN.m

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    155|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Valoracin de la seguridad del edificio completo(III)

    MomentosDe flexin

    Reemplazo del modelo 3D al modelo equivalente en 2D 3D 2D

    Nivel 2

    Nivel 3

    Nivel 4

    MSd, mx = 47.3 kN.m

    MSd, mx = 48.3 kN.m

    Error:Mupper: -16%Mlowe: +9%

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    156|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Valoracin de la seguridad del edificio completo (IV)

    Separacin progresiva entre las vigas del nivel 2 y los muros

    Combinacin de cargas 1.35G+1.35Q y desplazamientos en la mitad de la luz (Level 2)

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    157|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Valoracin de la seguridad del edificio completo (V)

    Posibilidad de un refuerzo localizado (no aconcejable)

    Agrietamiento Posible reforzamiento local(no recomendado y no adoptado)

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    158|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Reforzamiento (I) Dos soluciones fueron consideradas: (a) Reforzamiento de la losa del primernivel con una parrilla de vigas de acero y nuevas columnas; (b)reforzamiento con suspensin y transferencia de cargas parciales de lasvigas transversales a los muros externos. El diseo preliminar conduca a una diferencia de costo de 1:2. La solucinde menor costo fue usada, incluso teniendo menos implicacionesarquitectnicas y menos restricciones durante el tiempo de ejecucin El reforzamiento fue llevado a cabo con nuevas cerchas de acero, barras deapoyo de suspensin de 40mm hasta el nivel 2. un sistema paralelo doblees usado para amarrar las cerchas de madera original y los muros y vigasde concreto. Gatos hidrulicos fueron usados para garantizar latransferencia de carga.

  • Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    159|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    Reforzamiento (I)

    Tipica cercha de acero a nivel de piso

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    160|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. Loureno

    (a) Soportes de las cerchas de acero; (b) diagonales amarrando los muros transversales;(c) Gatos para la transferencia del nuevo sistema; (d) suporte de las nuevas vigas de acero

  • Conclusiones

    Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

    162|ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings Paulo B. LourenoConclusiones La conservacin es un complejo y emocionante campo. Herramientas y conocimientos especficos para esta disciplina estn disponibles Una metodologa cientfica y solida est disponible, sin embargo la experiencia y el criterio personal continan siento un asunto importante Dos casos de estudio han sido presentados en mampostera y edificios de concreto reforzado. Mampostera es muy durable, en cuanto concreto reforzado es ms susceptible a la corrosin. Se entiende que la fbrica se debe mantener se posible en ambos los casos y las intervenciones deben ser mnimas. La construccin en mampostera necesitaba reparacin debido a envejecimiento, aislamiento cimentaciones y alteraciones, con perdida de capacidad. La construccin en concreto reforzado necesitaba refuerzo debido a un aumento de carga y deficiencias originales Se subray la necesidad de: (a) un claro entendimiento del comportamiento de estructuras complejas; (b) una adecuada valoracin de la necesidad de reforzamiento estructural; (c) una anlisis de costo de diferentes posibles soluciones en la fase inicial de diseo.

  • ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings: Concepts, challenges, research and application to case studiesPaulo B. Loureno pbl@civil.uminho.pt www.civil.uminho.pt/masonry