Dr. Jill’s 21

Post on 18-Dec-2021

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Transcript of Dr. Jill’s 21

Dr. Jill’s 21-Day Liver Detox Guide

As we roll into a new year, you might be setting an intention to prioritize your health and

well-being. There’s no better way to jump into 2021 than to kick-start your health with a

rejuvenating detox, so I’ve put together a 21-day detox plan to help you start the new

year off on the right foot.

This detox is the perfect way to hit the reset button and set yourself up for your

healthiest and happiest year yet. Let’s dive in!

What Exactly Is a 21-Day Liver Detox?

A 21-day detox is a strict, short-term protocol designed to essentially jump-start your

body and aid in detoxification. A detox works on the following principles:

● Entirely eliminating common allergens and potentially irritating foods

● Cutting out foods that promote inflammation and the build-up of harmful toxins

● Supplying the body with inflammation-fighting and detoxification-enhancing

essential nutrients

When it comes to completing a detox, approximately 21 days seems to be the sweet

spot. While a shorter detox can still be beneficial, it likely won’t yield the same results since the body needs adequate time to clear out toxins and resolve inflammation.


Why Is a Detox Important?

Let’s take a little deeper look at each of the core principles on which my 21-day detox is

built and why they’re important.

Eliminating Common Allergens

Many commonly consumed foods aren’t actually tolerated well by many people’s bodies. When you frequently eat foods that your body has a hard time processing, it can

damage your digestive tract and promote inflammation, thus creating a vicious cycle

that further hampers your body’s ability to properly break down these foods. A detox plan removes all of the most common food allergens, such as:

● Processed oils

● Refined sugars

● Wheat and gluten

● Soy

● Dairy

● Processed meat

Giving your body a vacation from these common culprits will allow your body to

essentially reset. Once you begin reintroducing foods, it’ll help you pinpoint any specific foods that might trigger your body so you can avoid them moving forward.

Minimizing Inflammation and Toxins

The food you eat either fights or promotes inflammation. Regularly consuming foods

that activate your immune system creates chronic, low-level inflammation. Chronic

inflammation can disrupt your body’s ability to function properly, burn out your immune system, and contribute to the development of nearly every known chronic disease.

On top of promoting inflammation, these foods can also contribute to your body’s toxic

burden by introducing harmful compounds such as pesticides, herbicides, chemicals,

and other pollutants. An overload of toxins can overwhelm your natural detoxification

systems and dampen your body’s ability to properly eliminate these toxins. This accumulation of toxins can further exacerbate immune system burnout and throw your

body’s balance out of whack.

A detox focuses on removing pro-inflammatory and toxin-laden foods. This gives your

body a much-needed break – allowing it to “catch up” on removing toxins and regulating inflammation.


Supplying the Body with Nutrients

As the old saying goes, “You are what you eat.” The nutrients you consume are quite literally the only building blocks your body has to work with. Unfortunately, thanks to

modern agricultural practices, an excess of processed foods, and an ever-increasing

toxic burden, the vast majority of us simply do not get all of the nutrients our bodies

need to thrive.

During the 21-day detox, you’ll be exclusively eating nutrient-dense foods that are

completely full of the micronutrients your body needs to heal and detoxify.

What Can I Eat During a 21-Day Liver Detox?

The 21-day detox plan centers around eating nutrient-dense fruits and veggies, high-

quality proteins, and healthy fats. The following foods are allowed on the 21-day detox:

● Vegetables: Fresh and/or frozen starchy and non-starchy veggies of any kind

are encouraged on the 21-day detox.

● Fruits: You’re free to enjoy nearly any kind of fruit; just ensure that it is fresh or

frozen and not loaded with processed sugar (as you’ll find in most canned or dried fruit).

● Nuts and seeds: All nuts and seeds are okay with the exception of peanuts.

● Fats and oils: Minimally refined fats and oils are allowed. Stick to oils like

coconut oil, olive oil, or avocado oil, and avoid refined oils.

● Protein: Protein from meat of any kind is allowed. Certain plant-based protein

powders are fine as well; just ensure they’re not full of sugar or other fillers.

● Non-gluten grains: Gluten-free grains like rice, quinoa, and gluten-free oats are


● Legumes: All legumes are allowed, with the exception of soybeans.

● Sweeteners: Natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or stevia extract are

allowed if you need to satisfy your sweet tooth; just be sure to use them in

moderation and pair them with proteins and fats to avoid blood sugar spikes and


● Drinks: Water (and lots of it) is encouraged – aim to drink at least half your body

weight in ounces of water each day. Herbal teas and minimally processed milk

alternatives, such as almond milk, are also acceptable.

● Seasonings: Sea salt, pepper, and fresh or dried herbs of any kind are allowed.

Essentially anything that is real, whole food is allowed and encouraged

during the 21-day detox.


Foods to Avoid During the 21-Day Liver Detox

During the 21-day detox, you’ll need to entirely avoid the following foods:

● Flour, bread, and gluten-containing grains: This includes anything containing

wheat flour or other gluten-containing grains like rye and barley.

● Refined oils: Avoid hydrogenated oils, margarine, vegetable oils, peanut oil,

soybean oil, etc.

● Refined sugars: Avoid table sugar, brown sugar, and high-fructose corn syrup.

Refined sugars can be disguised under dozens of different names, so if you’re not sure exactly what something is, it’s probably best to skip it.

● Dairy: Avoid milk, cheese, butter, etc.

● Soy and corn: While these might seem harmless, they can be inflammatory and

disrupt your hormonal balance.

● Processed meat: Avoid hotdogs, sausage, salami, etc.

● Caffeine, alcohol, and sugary drinks: Caffeine is not allowed, so coffee and

caffeinated teas should be avoided. Avoid alcohol of any kind, as well as

processed sugar-laden drinks (like fruit juice and soda).

While it can be challenging to cut some of these foods out – especially if you’re accustomed to eating them on a regular basis – remember it’s only temporary. And chances are, you’ll feel so good after your 21-day detox, you might reconsider how

frequently you eat these foods once your detox is over!


Should I Take Any Supplements During the 21-Day Liver


I highly recommend following a specific supplement protocol while completing the 21-

day detox. This protocol contains liver detox supplements which will aid in detoxing the

liver while simultaneously supplying your body with a large supply of beneficial vitamins

and minerals, micronutrients, and health-promoting botanicals. Here’s the supplement

protocol I suggest:

● Liver Essentials: Liver Essentials contains an essential amino acid known as N-

acetyl-cysteine, a key ingredient for the synthesis and generation of essential

antioxidants, detoxifying agents, and healthy immune function. Take 1 capsule of

Liver Essentials twice daily with food.

● Probiotic Daily Essentials: With 4 strains of beneficial bacteria, this daily

probiotic promotes a healthy balance in your gut flora, supports healthy digestion,

and boosts your immune system. Take 1 probiotic capsule every morning.

● Omega Curcumin: This highly bioavailable blend of ingredients provides

antioxidants, cytokine balance support, and promotes healthy cell life regulation.

Take 1 omega curcumin capsule twice daily with food.

● Gut Calm: This unique formula is specially designed to bolster the integrity of

your gut lining, promote healthy gut microflora, and enhance the production of

beneficial short-chain fatty acids. Take 1 scoop of Gut Calm daily with a smoothie

or water. Gut Calm is particularly important if you’re concerned that you might have leaky gut syndrome.

● Essential Fiber: Fiber is essential for proper elimination, which is crucial for

detoxification. Fiber also helps provide fuel for beneficial bacteria while promoting

a healthy ecosystem in your gut. Take 2-3 capsules of Essential Fiber at bedtime

with a large glass of water.

● MitoVite: This scientifically proven formula jump-starts cellular energy

production, recharges cellular antioxidants, and supercharges your cells’ cycle of energy production. Take 2 capsules of MitoVite twice daily with food.

I also recommend starting each morning with my plant protein smoothie. It’s full of plant-based protein, essential vitamins and minerals, inflammation-fighting antioxidants, and

satisfying healthy fats.


Dr. Jill’s Plant Protein Detox Smoothie Recipe

To make this tasty plant protein smoothie, you’ll need the following ingredients:

● Approximately 1 cup of ice cubes

● 1 frozen ripe banana

● 1 cup of organic frozen berries

● 1 scoop of Dr. Jill Plant Protein Powder (available in chocolate and vanilla)

● 1 TBSP of organic chia seeds, hemp seeds, or ground flax

● 2 cups leafy greens (spinach, baby kale, etc.)

● Enough water and/or coconut milk to achieve desired thickness (I recommend So

Delicious unsweetened Coconut milk)

● May add fresh parsley (for enhanced detoxification), cinnamon (for blood sugar

regulation), ginger (for improved bowel motility), and/or fresh ground turmeric

root (for reduced inflammation)

● May add organic liquid stevia to desired sweetness (make sure you’re using pure stevia and not unintentionally consuming toxic artificial sweeteners)

Simply combine everything in a heavy-duty blender and blend until you get a delicious,

smooth shake. Enjoy!


Helpful Hints While Following the 21-Day Liver Detox

Incorporating intermittent detoxes into your life can be a game-changer when it comes

to your health and well-being, but the truth is that they can also sometimes be a

challenge to complete. Here are some helpful tips to set you up for success before you

dive into your 21-day liver detox.

● Expect to not feel great at the beginning: The initial stages of your detox may

leave you feeling sluggish, irritable, and downright crummy. As your body

detoxes from sugar and processed foods and begins to process and eliminate

stored toxins, you’re likely going to feel worse before you feel better. But if you hang in there, you’ll likely be pleasantly surprised at how good you begin to feel.

● Plan from the start: Before starting your 21-day detox, it can be helpful to have

a game-plan in place. Stock up your fridge and have some meals and snacks

planned ahead of time each week.

● Don’t go hungry: Make sure you’re eating enough food. You might be surprised at how much food you actually need to fuel your body when you’re only eating real, unprocessed foods!

● Read all ingredient labels: Focusing only on whole foods can simplify this

detox, but if you eating anything that comes in a package, be sure to thoroughly

read through all the ingredients so you know exactly what you’re eating.

● Choose organic: Whenever possible, select fresh foods and organically-grown

fruits and vegetables to reduce the intake of pesticides and chemical residues.

It’s always a good idea to wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly.

● Choose cold-pressed oils: Cold-pressed oils are not heated during processing

and thus tend to be healthier than oils that have been heated since heat breaks

down oils’ molecular structure. Organic oils are always preferred when possible.

● Get plenty of rest: Strenuous or prolonged exercise may be reduced or

eliminated for some or all of your 21-day detox. Depending on how you feel, this

may help your body heal more effectively without the additional burden of

exercise. Adequate rest and stress reduction are also an important component of

healing and detoxification.

While completing a 21-day liver detox might be a bit difficult, it’s certainly worth it. If you use these helpful hints and go into it knowing it likely won’t be easy every step of the way, you’ll set yourself up for a successful detox.


Ready to Start Your 21-Day Liver Detox?

If you’re ready to jump-start your health and tackle 2021 with a renewed sense of

vitality, I encourage you to take on the challenge of completing a 21-day liver detox.

Your body will thank you for it – and it’s the perfect way to set yourself up for new healthy habits for years to come. You can get all of my recommended supplement and

protein powders through my online store, and you can even get 10% off your first order

by clicking here.

If you’re committing to your own 21-day detox, I’d love to connect with you and see your progress. Tag me in your photos on Instagram and update me on your 21-day detox.

Here’s to a healthy and happy new year!
