Downtown Cleveland Trends & Inspiration

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Presentation slides on downtown trends and inspiration created by Progressive Urban Management Associates (P.U.M.A.) for the first STEP UP DOWNTOWN public meeting on March 18, 2014.

Transcript of Downtown Cleveland Trends & Inspiration

Global Trends Shaping DowntownsOpportunities for Cleveland

Presented by Brad Segal, P.U.M.A. March 18, 2014

Global Trends Shaping Downtowns

Demographics Lifestyles Global

Competition Inspiration from

Other Cities


America’s Urban Migration

Young skilled workers increasingly at a premium – Cities and companies are competing for them Today millennials are 36%

of the U.S. workforce – by 2020, they will comprise 50% of the workforce

By 2042, there will be no racial majority.


America’s Urban Migration

Young skilled workers are attracted to live and work in cities and vital downtowns. The young college-educated

population is growing twice as fast within 3 miles of city centers as in the remainder of metro areas.

Each percentage point increase in a city’s college-educated population results in a $856 increase in its per capita income.


America’s Urban Migration

Young professional women will dominate the workforce. Nearly 60% of all

bachelor and master degrees are now earned by women.


America’s Urban Migration

Gen X is taking charge -- Moving into leadership positions plus have the most discretionary income. Slackers to slacks!

Don’t forget the boomers -- Most are now aging in place and are predisposed to urban living.


New Habits Reshaping Cities

Millennials prefer transit, bikes and walking to cars.• U.S. driving miles have

decreased since 2006.

• Persons in their 20s accounted for 21% of all driving miles in 1995; 14% of all miles today


New Habits Reshaping Cities

Compact, walkable, transit-rich real estate creates value.• Urban real estate with

high walk scores command value premiums of 50% to 100%


New Habits Reshaping Cities

Movements toward healthy & active living.

Connection between health and built environment increasingly important

Opportunities from new food movements – locavore, urban ag & grocers

Global Competition

New Economic Models

Global wealth and rise of an international middle class affects us at home.• Today about 30% of the

planet’s population is considered “middle class”, expected to be over 50% by 2022

• Next year, 7.4B mobile connections will outnumber humans on Earth

Global Competition

New Economic Models

Innovation economy places a premium on attracting skilled workers and providing support for entrepreneurs.• Importance of

technology infrastructure, social spaces and access to real time information.

Global Competition

New Economic Models

Social equity emerging as a critical pillar of sustainability.

U.S. income inequality most extreme since 1928 – 1% earn 22.5% of wealth, 90% earn less than 50% for first time ever.

Rising tide of civic activism expected to promote equity in schools, wages, housing

Global Trends Conclusions

America’s population growing more diverse, as well as younger & older

Increasingly connected & competitive world

Resource-intensive lifestyles are not sustainable

Innovation & investment more reliant on regional initiative

Planning for economic diversity emerging as a priority

Inspiration from Other Cities

Downtown’s are changing from one-dimensional 9 to 5 employment centers to 24/7 multi-dimensional neighborhoods.

Inspiration from Other Cities

Downtown economic development initiatives increasingly focus on place-based strategies & programming that appeal to young skilled workers.

Milwaukee Downtown BID

Inspiration from Other Cities

Downtown Boulder is working with venture capitalists to reengineer its approach to support tech and innovation through special events, landlord education and regulatory relief.

Downtown Boulder Inc.

Inspiration from Other Cities

Cleveland’s Evergreen Cooperatives create green jobs in urban neighborhoods through innovative linkages with major hospitals and universities.Cleveland Foundation

Inspiration from Other Cities

Improving K-12 education and creating downtown schools helps to encourage families to stay downtown.Minneapolis School District

Inspiration from Other Cities

Bike sharing has experienced the fastest growth of any mode of transport in the history of the planet: Today more than 500 cities in 49 countries host advanced bike-sharing programs, with a fleet of over 500,000 bicycles. Earth Policy Institute

Inspiration from Other Cities

The 8-mile Indianapolis Cultural Trail connects downtown and five neighborhood districts to each other and a regional trail system. The $63 million Trail was funded by private and federal sources.Indianapolis Cultural Trail

Inspiration from Other Cities

Oklahoma City just spent nearly $176 million to make its downtown streets more walkable and bikeable, including the conversion of several one-way streets to two-way – “Transforming Downtown OKC 180 degrees”Oklahoma City Project 180

Inspiration from Other Cities

The tactical urbanism movement is creating temporary interventions that inspire permanent change in downtowns. Cleveland’s “Hipp Deck”, CUDC

Inspiration from Other Cities

Simple, inexpensive interventions can change the nature of a sidewalk or street. New Haven Yale Art Gallery

Inspiration from Other Cities

Downtown Philadelphia counts the number of street café seats as a primary economic indicator. There were 296 outdoor cafes in 2012.Philadelphia Center City District

Inspiration from Other Cities

Parks and open spaces are being activated for a variety of uses, transforming downtowns, creating a central gathering place with a variety of activities and enhancing the value of surrounding real estate. Detroit’s Campus Martius Park

Inspiration from Other Cities

Making downtown public spaces inviting and fun for a variety of age groups, including kids and families. San Antonio’s Main Plaza

Inspiration from Other Cities

Downtown park activation can come in all forms. An outdoor “library and reading room” in New York’s Bryant Park.

New York City Bryant Park

Inspiration from Other Cities

“Pocket parks” can make a big difference. Cleveland’s Perk Park has transformed a crime-ridden remnant into a value-added downtown amenity. Downtown Cleveland Alliance

Inspiration from Other Cities

New York’s High Line Park has changed conventional thinking on how to use downtown spaces that were barriers and not inviting. New York’s High Line Conservancy

Inspiration from Other Cities

Denver’s Highland Bridge, providing only bike and pedestrian access, has connected a neighborhood to downtown resulting in millions in new residential and retail investment. Downtown Denver Partnership

Inspiration from Other Cities

“Building Healthy Places” is the new international focus for the Urban Land Institute inspired by emerging trends in health and wellness. Urban Land Institute

Global Trends Shaping DowntownsOpportunities for Cleveland