Double page spread

Post on 22-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Double page spread

Double Page Spread


The layout of this double page spread from a ‘Q’ magazine shows the image of Lady Gaga on the entire of the left hand side of the spread. The double page spread is organised and not cluttered with the picture being one side and the article being on the other side. The route of the eye goes is shown by the green Z and it starts with going through Lady Gaga’s face, this is done to immediately draw the audience to the image of her. The route of the eye then goes through the article and back down and through the image. The image is on the left hand side and this is conventional as this shows what the most important part of the double spread is. There is a small logo of ‘Q’ in the bottom right corner of the page and this is used to remind the reader that it is a ‘Q’ magazine.


The colours of this double page spread fit in with the colour scheme of the entire magazine. The colours used are black white and red and even the picture used is in black and white to fit in with the colour theme. All three of the front cover, contents page and double page spread fit to make the house style. The large bright red letter ‘L’ creates a contrast to all of the other black and white on the spread. The red ‘L’ is the only colour on the page so also makes it stand out over the other text.


The typography of the article is a serif font, this is conventional of most magazines as serif fonts are thought to be easier to read than sans-serif fonts. The big kicker ‘L’ on the right hand side of the page is used to show what the first letter of the article and this is conventional of all magazines. The ‘Lady Gaga’ at the top of the page stands out against each other as the ‘Lady’ is in a serif font and the ‘Gaga’ is in a sans-serif font. There are also two smaller kickers in the article and these are in a smaller font size and in a different colour of black.


The only image used on this double page spread is of the artist herself, Lady Gaga. Lady gaga is featured in the image as the entire article is about her. The image is also used for celebrity endorsement as she is a well-known celebrity. Also the image is used to make female readers aspire to be Lady Gaga and this would then therefore persuade them to purchase the magazine. The shot used is also a mid to close shot to show her beauty.