Double page deconstructions

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Double page deconstructions

The masthead is a direct address to the reader as it is asking the audience a rhetorical question, this gains reader interest. Furthermore this direct address makes the reader more likely to purchase the magazine

The images are used effectively to increase reader interest drawing attention to key aspects of the article. The images also serve the purpose of breaking up the text, making it a more reader friendly article as there are smaller, easier to read chunks in comparison to large blocks of texts earlier in the article. The images further serve the purpose of helping the reader visualise the article. Moreover the large, main image, generates even more reader interest as it’s a large and colourful image and it is out of the ordinary.

The use of highlighting the name “Sophie Morris” draws reader attention as it is a recognisable figure

It also includes a stand first, which serves the purpose of informing the people who don’t know who the mentioned expect or recognisable figure is and a little explanation of who they are.

Another aspect that generates reader interest is the content of the article, this being on recycling old items, a very hot topic in current times of 'Eco' and being environmentally friendly. This article appeal to any environmentally conscious reader.

The image while not being completely over both pages, it shows continuity across both pages, this is common convention for music magazines. It draws reader attention to the article creating interest in this page. Furthermore the image relates to the article which generates more reader interest again.

An appealing feature of the article to the target audience is the exclusive my chemical romance content, this would make this magazine appeal to the target audience of my chemical romance fans. Furthermore this makes this magazine for more appealing as it gives it a unique selling point in comparison to other magazines with the similar target audience and genre.

The main coverline draws reader attention through its bold font and contrasting colour scheme in comparison to the background. Also the white and red bold writing on the black background is the colour scheme associated with the genre. Furthermore the fact that it is a quote is direct address towards the audience making a connection with the audience

Another stand out feature of the double page spread is the column located to the right, with exclusive information and teasers on the new tracks to be released, an exclusive for this magazine. Furthermore a way it stands out is the colour contrast as its a white on black as such, a bright section in comparison to the majority of the double page spread.

A feature of the double page spread is the direct address which is achieved through the eye contact in the main image. This gives an instant connection with the reader as the main subjects of the image appear to be looking straight at the reader.

Another feature of this double page spread is the continuity of the image across the two pages, a very common convention for music magazines. The large image draws attention to the article as a reader is scrolling through a magazine they will be less likely to overlook the article.

Another stand out feature of this article is the stand first, this is giving the reader a teaser as to what the article will contain, and the name of the interviewer.

The initial at the start of the main paragraph draws attention to the writings it is not lost and overshadowed by the main image. I believe the reason the final paragraph doesn’t have one is due to it having a large quote above it which draws attention towards it.

The quotation in the midst of the block of text is used to split up the text to retain reader interest, however following common conventions it is a slightly controversial statement as it says “we are a pop band and we want to be a pop band” as the majority of pop bands of current attempt to be R&B or others alike.