Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Post on 21-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Don’t Ask,

Don’t Tell!

Varun Singh, Shrey Goyal



Anatol by Arthur Schnitzler

Der Vorleser

Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak

East Coker, Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot

Emilia Galotti by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Epodes by Horace

Intrigue and Love by Friedrich Schiller

JAWS by Peter Benchley

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

To an Army Wife, in Sardis by Sappho

Sappho, A New Translation by Mary Barnard

The World of Yesterday by Stefan Zweig

Connect (Not exhaustive)3

What connects Richard Rodgers, Helen Hayes, Rita Moreno, John Gielgud, Audrey Hepburn, Marvin Hamlisch, Jonathan Tunick, Mel Brooks and Mike Nichols?


Whose epitaph?My heart is not happy in this despoiled landWho has ever felt fulfilled in this transient worldThe nightingale laments neither to the gardener nor to the hunterImprisonment was written in fate in the season of springTell these emotions to go dwell elsewhereWhere is there space for them in this besmirched (bloodied) heart?I had requested for a long life a life of four daysTwo passed by in pining, and two in waiting.The days of life are over, Its evening of death, Now I can sleep without any stress forever in my tombHow unlucky is _______! For burialEven two yards of land were not to be had, in the land (of the) beloved.


Frequency distribution graph of the size of something. What?


This set of 30 people received an exclusive gift hamper set consisting of

Nokia N-Series cell phones, a gold coin, a custom T-Shirt and

personalized letter of thanks.

Who and why?


In 1981, Jimmy Page, Chris Squire and Alan White got together to form a band, and tried to recruit Robert Plant into it. Plant attended one rehearsal, chose not to join the band, and the project fell through. Had it survived, the band would have called itself XYZ. Why?


In Japan, what are ‘Soft Beckhams’, ‘Popular Beckhams’ and ‘Hardcore Beckhams’ types of?


Who? When?I ask you to forgive me for not fulfilling the hopes of those people who believed that we would be able to jump from the grey, stagnating, totalitarian past into a bright, rich and civilised future in one go. I myself believed in this. But it could not be done in one fell swoop… I am leaving. I have done everything I could… In saying farewell, I wish to say to each of you the following. Be happy. You deserve happiness. You deserve happiness and peace.


The term “Coolidge effect” comes from the following retelling of an old and common joke/anecdote, according to which President Calvin Coolidge and his wife allegedly visited a poultry farm, where she was amazed by the vast output of the small farm.

Mrs. Coolidge asked the farmer “___________________?”The farmer proudly explained that ___________________."Perhaps you could point that out to Mr. Coolidge," pointedly replied the First Lady.

The President, overhearing the remark, asked the farmer, “_________________?""No," replied the farmer, “_________________""Perhaps you could point that out to Mrs. Coolidge," replied the President.

Explain the conversation and the effect.


In 1276, a statute was passed in England applying this term to events that occurred prior to 1189, the year in which Richard I ascended the throne. In 1832, this definition was abandoned as a legal term, but common use has prevailed.

The implication of the phrase is that the subject referred to is, or can be regarded as, indefinitely ancient. The phrase is one of the few cases in the English Language where the postmodifier is an adjective.

Modern historians often criticize the use of the term as a view of contemporary conditions as without history.

What term/phrase?


Raphael, Michael and Gabriel are three of the seven Archangels of

Judeo-Christian mythology. What do their computing counterparts do?


In the JG Ballard short story, “The Sound-Sweep”, a deaf-and-dumb

character goes around vacuuming up stray music in a world that has none. While doing so, he comes across an

opera singer hiding in a sewer. Which New Wave song did this inspire?


X is a unit of time. One kiloX is equal to 10.42 days. One MegaX is

equal to 28.5 years.

What is X, and why is it so called?


Up & down, circular swing (windmill), Drunk style, half-circle, figure eight, side to side, whiplash, Two up, Two down, all-out, tandem, hammer, full body.

Different ways of doing what?


The _____ ______ theory states that _____ ______s are short in times when general consumer confidence and excitement is high, meaning the markets are bullish. In contrast, the theory says _____ ______s are long in times of fear and general gloom, indicating that things are bearish.

Fill in the blanks.


Dear _________,Once your current commitments are over, may we invite you to experience the healing nature of India. ... As a beauty therapist, you may be especially interested in visiting one of the many spas where you can cleanse your stresses away, enjoy yoga in the land that invented it and experience Ayurvedic healing, which promotes positive health and natural beauty. ... We look forward to welcoming you soon.Yours sincerely, _____________


“____ ____ was a phenomenon at that time, and what was I? I was a non-entity. The press turned me into a life-sized monster. I have a fourth degree black belt in martial arts and all these plus points became my negative points.I would go to hospital regularly to see ____ ____. For 3, 4 years, I did not get any work. I had a wife to support and was jobless. I did Z grade films at that time. I struggled for six years after that accident and only after that did people start coming forward to work with me.”

Who, about what?


"I took a beach chair down to the beach and sat down. And I’m thinking, How the hell am I going to pull this off? I was just thinking to myself, What do I need? Well, the first thing I need is some sort of code. And the only code I knew of was Morse code. You know, I had to learn that in the Boy Scouts when I was a youngster. And I was thinking, [singing] ‘dit-dit-dit, daaah-daaah-daaah, dit-dit-dit’. Remember what that is? That’s SOS. Dit-dit-dit was S. I stuck my four fingers down into the sand and for whatever reason I pulled them to myself.”

This is a chap named Joe Woodland speaking. What did he go on to invent?


____ ____ was a scientific belief prevalant amongst ancient Greek Scientists and philosophers around the 4th century BC.

The ___ ___ Society (also known as the International ____ ____ Research Society) was founded by Englishman Samuel Shenton in 1956, and later led by Charles K. Johnson, who based the organization out of his home in Lancaster, California. After Johnson’s death in 2001, it weakened and decentralized, but there are recent attempts to create a more unified and worldwide movement.

Johnson claimed the United Nations supports the belief through their flag.


Daniel ____, the son of Johann _____, was one of the many prominent mathematicians in the _____ family. He is said to have had a bad relationship with his father. Upon both of them entering and tying for first place in a scientific contest at the University of Paris, Johann, unable to bear the "shame" of being compared to his offspring, banned Daniel from his house. Johann also tried to steal Daniel's book Hydrodynamica and rename it Hydraulica. Despite Daniel's attempts at reconciliation, his father carried the grudge until his death.


Identify the document23

Tata Motors dealers have been asked to set up compact showrooms for the Nano. What are these outlets to be called?


Whose last words were “Once I was waxing and now I am waning”?


Inspiration for which Brand?26

There were 5213 cases of this recorded among Union soldiers during the first year of the Civil War. The term was coined by Johannes Hofer in 1688, for a condition suffered by Swiss mercenaries in France and Italy, and British military doctor Robert Hamilton noted that it could be cured by simply talking about the patient’s family and hometown. Name this emotion once considered a disease, which comes from the Greek words for “return home” and “pain”.


Taking his own daughter Revati, Kakudmi went to Lord Brahma in Brahmaloka which is transcendental to the three modes of material nature, and enquired about a husband for her. When Kakudmi arrived there, lord Brahma was engaged in hearing musical performances by the Gandharvas and had not a moment to talk with him. Therefore Kakudmi waited, and at the end of the musical performances he offered his obeisance’s to Lord Brahma and thus submitted his long-standing desire. After hearing his words, Lord Brahma, who is most powerful, laughed loudly and said to Kakudmi, “O King, all those whom you may have decided within the core of your heart to accept as your son-in-law have passed away in the course of time. Twenty-seven catur-yugas have already passed. Those upon whom you may have decided are now gone, and so are their sons, grandsons and other descendants. You cannot even hear about their names.”

An excerpt from the 9th Canto of the Srimad Bhagawatham throws light into a very famous complex scientific concept. Identify the theory?


That’s All Folks !!!

Visit for answers (and possibly scores) on Thursday, 9th April