Does Your Biz Machine Have ABS

Post on 21-Jul-2016

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Another awesome biz building article from Emette Massey.

Transcript of Does Your Biz Machine Have ABS

Does Your Biz Machine Have ABS?


Boy, how time flies. It seems like just yesterday. I remember ripping through a winding road somewhere in Western North Carolina when all of the sudden a deer decided to take an alternate route . . . and detoured via the front of my car.

I slammed on brakes . . . let the skidding begin! Geez! It was a combination of slick tires, good brakes and no cool safety devices like anti-lock brakes (ABS)!

Luckily I dodged the deer and didn’t crash. Once my heart stopped racing I cruised on my way to the ABC (liquor store). That was a long, long time ago. Now my truck has all the modern tricks and safety stuff like ABS.

Hell, nowadays it’s hard to skid . . . even if you wanted to. But that’s good stuff cuz and you’re protected from sudden mishaps, you know like critters running wild on the highways.

But what about your business? Just as you would protect a brick ‘n mortar biz you’ll certainly want to protect your web-based business. What sort of prevention systems do you have in place? Are you using technology safely and sensibly? If not, then here’s some tips you can use to maximize your business pleasure and safety.

Update your computer with the latest security fixes and patches.

This is one of the best ways to protect your computer and online assets. By updating your PC, you block hackers from getting into your computer. Same goes for the software you are running. Updating your software makes it more difficult for attackers to take advantage of flaws (vulnerabilities).

Nowadays it’s easy to keep your PC updated. Recent versions of Windows can be easily be configured to automatically download and install security updates. This is true of many popular software packages these days. It becomes nearly a ‘set it and forget’ process.

Configure your computer securely

When you purchase a new computer it’s not always configured to have the right level of security for you. You have configuration choices to adjust the security level you need.

Most recent Web browsers allow you to set various security and privacy options. While setting your Web browser to strongest security may frustrate you by asking lots of questions like, “This may be safe, are you sure you want to do this?” It still may be the choice you want.

Making changes to your privacy or security can be as simple as using the “Help” feature on your program or going the publisher’s website. You can always get help by going to someone you know or calling the vendor directly.

Safeguard your password

Passwords . . . Ugg . . . you can’t live with ‘em and you can’t live without ‘em. It’s just a fact of life living in the modern world nowadays. You need a password for numerous Internet activities—from logging on to your bank to ordering your favorite book online.

Not only do you need a password but you need a strong password. What’s that you say? Strong password? Yea I did . . .

A strong password usually has 8 character using numbers and words and includes a special character or symbol. Here are some examples of special characters or symbols: !@#$%. You get the idea.

It’s best NOT to use any part of your name as your password or anything based on your personal information. It’s good practice not to use words found in a dictionary also.

Be sure to change your password at least every 90 days. And don’t use the same password for all of your online accounts. If you notice anything suspicious with any of your online accounts, the first step is to change your password.