Does Drinking Alcohol Affect Weight Loss? | Men Over 40 | Men Over 50

Post on 12-Jan-2017

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Men Over 40: Does Drinking Alcohol Affect Weight Loss?

If you drink alcohol regularly and you would like to lose weight, you may be wondering if drinking would affect your weight loss. The

truth is - alcohol and fat loss don’t really mix!

You may have read (or heard) that drinking

moderate quantities of red wine reduces your

risk of high blood pressure and makes your

heart healthy…

However it is only the antioxidants and Resveratrol in the grapes that are

responsible for these health benefits and NOT the alcohol.

Here are few things you need to know about how drinking alcohol could prevent you from achieving your weight loss goals:

1.) The Body Treats Alcohol Differently From Other

DrinksThe moment you drink

alcohol, your body treats it as top priority because it does not have to be digested and

the body regards it as a toxin.

If you drink alcohol on an empty stomach, it gets absorbed quickly and moves to the liver and brain in a

few minutes. While, if you have recently eaten, the absorption is slower but still gets absorbed before the


The body ignores the food that you have eaten while processing alcohol. The only choice left is for it to convert the food to body fat – which is

what you don’t want when trying to lose weight.

2.) Drinking Alcohol Causes Water Loss And Reduces Fat Metabolism

Alcohol causes the body to produce urine. It is not just water that you lose when you drink alcohol you also lose essential minerals that the body needs to keep its fat metabolism at

optimal levels.

3.) Alcohol Is Basically Useless CaloriesYour body gets 7 calories per gram from alcohol…

calories without nutrients! If you want to lose weight, then it only makes sense to stay away from


4.) Alcohol Disturbs Your SleepAlcohol may help you fall asleep but the sleep is not very deep – which means you don’t get enough rest and this can cause you to eat more food when you

wake up.

5.) Alcohol Lowers Your Will Power

If you are trying to lose weight, it takes will power to

follow a plan. Alcohol messes everything up. It

lowers your inhibitions to monitor what type and how

much food you eat.

When under the influence of alcohol, it is very easy to over-eat all the kinds of foods that you

should stay away from when trying to lose weight.

If you know beforehand that you are going to drink alcohol, it is better you eat a low-calorie healthy

meal to fill your belly up so that you don’t go over-eating when alcohol lowers your inhibitions.

6.) Alcohol Reduces Your Testosterone LevelsTestosterone is important for losing body fat and building muscle. Lesser amounts of testosterone

mean more difficulty in losing body fat and building muscle.

A research study conducted in Finland found out that testosterone levels drop by an average of 23% after 10 – 16 hours of

consuming alcohol.

Drinking alcohol once in a while would not affect your testosterone levels considerably; it is regular consumption that would sabotage your

efforts to lose weight.

Liquor contains no carbohydrates, while beer and wine contains some amounts of

carbohydrates in them. So it seems liquor is better for your fat loss than beer or wine…

right? Not really!

What you should be on the lookout for is calories consumed based on how much

you drink. And liquor has almost the same amount of calories as wine or beer.

To help you make better decisions about alcohol, here is a breakdown of the amount of calories and carbohydrates that is contained in

some popular alcoholic beverages:

Alcoholic Drink Serving Size Calories & Carbohydrates

Red wine 148 mL (5 oz) 100 calories / 2 grams carbs

White wine 148 mL (5 oz) 100 calories / 2 grams carbs

Scotch 44 mL (1.5 oz) 104 calories / 0 grams carbs

Light beer 355 mL (12 oz) 108 calories / 6 grams carbs

Draft beer 355 mL (12 oz) 144 calories / 13.2 grams carbs

Martini 65 mL (2.2 oz) 135 calories / 0.2 grams carbs

Vodka 44 mL (1.5 oz) 104 calories / 0 grams carbs

Manhattan 98 mL (3.3 oz) 153 calories / 3.6 grams carbs

If you really want to lose weight, avoid drinking alcohol since it pushes you to eat more food,

disrupts your digestive process and reduces fat metabolism which all sabotage your fat loss efforts.

And even when you have achieved you desired weight loss goal, bear it in mind that alcohol is

not necessary for good health, so you are better off without it.

If you want more information about

alcohol and weight loss visit this page now:

Click the link below to get my free pdf report.