Documentary Editing Process

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Documentary Editing Process


Documentary Editing with imovieBy Zoe Woodbridge


To change the effect of the clip, I selected the clip I wanted to be changed and clicked on the blue arrow.


I then clicked on ‘clip adjustments’ in the drop down menu that appeared.


I then selected the ‘vignette’ effect as this best suited our documentary.


To add in transitions, I clicked the button next to the world in the right hand corner.


I then selected the appropriate transition and dragged it across to the appropriate place in the documentary.


To add in the world transition, I pressed the world button on the right hand side of the screen.


I then chose the world that I wanted to use within my documentary and typed in the locations that I wanted the line to travel from and to.


To put sound into the documentary, I clicked on the music note on the right hand side of the screen.


I then selected the appropriate piece of music and clicked and dragged it across to the appropriate place in my documentary.


To make the pictures for the sexual assault charge voice over, I got a picture of one of the women who accused Julian Assange. I then put this image into Adobe Photoshop to edit.


I then clicked on the spot heal tool and dragged the brush around the face of the picture. After doing this, the face was blurred and I saved it.


I then went into the picture menu by clicking the picture in the right hand corner. I selected the appropriate picture and dragged it into my project. I repeated this for the second woman also.


The End Result…
