Document Generation Solution for Child Support Bureau Pre-Proposal Information Session October 24,...

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Transcript of Document Generation Solution for Child Support Bureau Pre-Proposal Information Session October 24,...

Document Generation Solution for Child Support Bureau

Pre-Proposal Information SessionOctober 24, 2011

9:30AMFrank Poole, Indiana Department of


Agenda• General Information• Proposal Preparation• Proposal Evaluation• Key Dates• Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises• Purpose of RFP• Goals of Project• Scope of Work• Contract Terms• Cost Proposal Workbook• Response Form• Question and Answer Session

General Information• Sign-In Sheet for Attendees• Sign-In Sheet and PowerPoint will be

posted on State’s Solicitation Website• Hold questions until the end of the

presentation– Any verbal response is not considered binding;

respondents are encouraged to submit any question formally in writing if it affects the proposal that will be submitted to the state.

Proposal PreparationAttachment C, Indiana Economic Impact

Definition of FTE (Full-Time Equivalent)

Example: If a Respondent has 5 full time employees and is

bidding on its 5th contract, and all contracts get an equal amount

of commitment from the employees then each employee commits

20% of his or her time to the new contract:

0.2 x 5 employees= 1 FTE.

Attachment E, RFP Response Form

Attachment F, Cost Proposal Workbook

Pricing shall be all inclusive of any costs associated with the response to the technical proposal.

Proposal Evaluation

Summary of Evaluation Criteria:

1. Adherence to Minimum Requirements – Pass/Fail

2. Management Assessment/Quality (Business & Technical)– 35 points

3. Cost (Cost Proposal)– 20 points (5 bonus points are available if certain criteria is met)

4. Indiana Economic Impact– 15 points

5. Buy Indiana– 10 points

6. Minority (10) and Women Business (10) – Subcontractor Commitment 20 points

(5 bonus points are available if certain criteria is met)

* 100 Total Points (107 if bonus awarded)

Evaluation CriteriaManagement Assessment/Quality (Business & Technical)

Points based on evaluation of the response to 2.3 Business Proposal, 2.4 Technical

Proposal, and Appendixes A, B, C.

Minimum Points allotted Represents:

• Respondent has not addressed any of the requirements/deliverables and/or has provided

a response that is limited in scope, vague, or incomplete. Response did not provide a

description of how the CSB's needs would be met.

Maximum Points allotted Represents:

• Respondent has agreed to comply with the requirements/deliverables and provided a clear

and compelling description of how each requirement/deliverable would be met, with

relevant and supporting materials.

• Respondent's proposed approach frequently goes above and beyond the minimum

requirements and indicates superior ability to serve the needs of the CSB.

Price will be measured against the State’s baseline cost for this scope of work. The cost that the State is currently paying or its best estimate will constitute the baseline cost. The baseline established for this RFP is $3,250,000. Cost scoring points will be assigned as follows:

Respondents who meet the State’s current baseline cost will receive zero (0) cost points.

Respondents who propose a decrease to the State’s current costs will receive positive points at the same rate as bid increasing cost.

Respondents who propose an increase to the State’s current cost will receive negative points at the same rate as bid lowering cost.

Respondents who propose a 10% decrease to the State’s current baseline cost will receive all of the available cost points.

If multiple Respondents decrease costs below 10% of the current baseline, an additional 5 points will be added to the Respondent proposing the lowest cost to the State.

Evaluation Criteria

Key DatesActivity Date

Issue of RFP October 17, 2011

Pre-Proposal Conference October 24, 2011

Deadline to Submit Written Questions October 28, 2011

Response to Written Questions/RFP AmendmentsNovember 4, 2011

Submission of ProposalsNovember 28, 2011

The dates for the following activities are target dates only. These activities may be completed earlier or later than the date shown.

Proposal evaluation December 13, 2011

Proposal Discussions/Clarifications (if necessary) December 15 - 16, 2011

Oral Presentations (if necessary) December 19 - 20, 2011

Best and Final Offers (if necessary) December 29 - 30, 2011

Contract Award January 5, 2011

Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises

Charles Hill, M/WBE Division• Phone: 317-233-0545

• Complete Attachment A, M/WBE Form– Include sub-contractor letters of commitment

• Goals for Proposal– 8% Minority Business Enterprise– 8% Women’s Business Enterprise

Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises

Prime Contractors must ensure that the proposed subcontractors meet the following criteria:• Must be listed on the IDOA Directory of Certified Firms• Each firm may only serve as one classification – MBE or WBE• A Prime Contractor who is an MBE or WBE must meet subcontractor goals by using other listed certified firms. Certified Prime Contractors cannot count their own workforce or companies to meet this requirement.• Must serve a commercially useful function. The firm must serve a value-added purpose on the engagement.• Must provide goods or service only in the industry area for which it is certified as listed in the directory at • Must be used to provide the goods or services specific to the contract• National Corporate Diversity Plans are generally not acceptable

Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises

Purpose of the RFP

The purpose of this RFP is to select a vendor that can satisfy the Child Support Bureau’s (CSB) need for a Document Generation COTS Solution and the associated Services for implementation and roll out of the solution.

It is the intent of CSB to contract with a vendor that provides quality products and services, as it pertains to the Document Generation Solution, in the areas of:

• Product architecture & platform verification, • Product Installation & Configuration, • Project Management including all phases of System Life Cycle Deliverables, • Product capabilities of Document Design, • Document Workflow, • Business Rule creation with Source Data Integration, and• Integration with other products.

Goals of Project• Leverage new technologies to provide State and county workers with a

more robust and efficient way to generate documents, forms and use templates.

• Provide better tools for State Child Support Bureau stakeholders to improve program performance, enhance communication, and increase efficiency.

• Improve overall performance metrics and increase federal incentive funding.

• Integrate in the future with a Document Management System and the overall INvest architecture.

• Implement the Document Generation Solution to all 92 counties within a 1 year timeframe.

Scope of Work

The Indiana Child Support Bureau has identified three core work product deliverables as the Scope of Work (SOW):

A. Project Management and SDLC Deliverables

B. Product Installation Services

C. Core Product Capabilities of the proposed Document Generation COTS Solution along with the architecture and platform considerations

Attachment D – Business Requirements

Scope of Work(Appendix B example)

 Contract Terms

The State intends to sign a contract with one or more Respondent(s) to fulfill the requirements in this RFP.

The term of the fixed price Service contract shall be for a period of 1 year from the date of contract execution. There may be up to two (2) 6 month extensions for a total of 2 years at the State’s option. Additional extensions would be addressed through Statements of Work for agreed upon additional scope.

The term of the Ongoing Maintenance contract with the Tool Vendor would start after the implementation of the solution and the expiration of the 60 day Maintenance and Warranty Agreement. The Maintenance period would cover years 2-5 for a total of 4 years.

Total Cost Summary

Packaged Software and Ongoing Maintenance

Implementation Services(Total Implementation Cost)

Implementation Services(Respondent Proposed Payment Phases)

Cost Proposal Workbook (Payment Plan)

Response Form(Attachment E)

The following should be filled out in the RFP Response Form and submitted back to the State of Indiana. :

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) or Assistive Technology Compliance Evaluation Form,

Transmittal Letter,Business Proposal,Technical Project Approach Proposal, Cost Proposal Workbook, andAppendixes (A, B, C).

This will confirm the Respondent provided back all items requested for this RFP.

Response Form(Sample RFP Response Item)

Questions and Answers

Additional Information


1-877-77BUYIN (8946) For Vendor Registration Questions

For Inquiries Regarding Substantial Indiana Economic ImpactA. Secretary of State of Indiana:

Can be reached at (317) 232-6576 for registration assistance. Indiana Economic Impact Form:

Online version available at C. Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise: for more information for table of IDOA certified MBEs and WBEs.

D. RFP posting and updates:Go to (select “State of Indiana Opportunities” link) Drag through table until you find desired RFP/RFI number on left-hand side and click the link.

E. Information Technology (IT) Standards and Policies

Thank You