Doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133 Submission March 2001 G. Chesson, A. Singa - Atheros Slide 1 VDCF...

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Transcript of Doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133 Submission March 2001 G. Chesson, A. Singa - Atheros Slide 1 VDCF...

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 1

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


VDCF Simulations

Greg Chesson,

Aman Singla,

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 2

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


Overview• Notation

• Load(a,b,c) means there are a highest-priority stations, b at the next priority, c at the next priority, etc. May be shown as L(a,b,c,d).

• CWmin(a,b,c) describes the assignment of CWmins to Traffic Categories where a is assigned to the highest priority, b at the next, etc. May be shown as W(a,b,c,d).

• QIFS(a,b,c), or Q(a,b,c), captures the setting of the QIFS[i] values by TC.

• Simulation Software– Public version of the Berkeley NS2 software suite– Contact authors for details

• Results– Usually 3 graphs per simulation

• BW - An instantaneous bandwidth slot for one or more flows• LAT – a per-frame latency plot over the lifetime of the run• Lat-dist – latency distribution (i.e P% of the packets had latency less than x)

• Scenarios– Usually fixed topology, varying load– Stations are added or removed usually on 3-sec intervals

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 3

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133



1. Basic differentiation demonstration and comparison with legacy DCF

2. Load(4,2,10) – phones, 2 videos, 10 background stations

3. Load(4,4,8) – constant demand from stations, uses same W/Q settings as scenario (2), demonstrates robust behavior of mechanism

4. Extreme differentiation: 8 active TCs

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 4

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


Scenario 1

• A simple scenario meant only to compare with DCF and to observe the effects of CWmin and QIFS controls.

• Load(2,4): two high-priority stations and 4 low-priority stations, all stations with backlogged queues (always ready to transmit) using UDP datagrams.

• Topology: an AP is sinking all traffic from the 6 stations.

• Simulation Runs (3 plots for each run: bw, lat, lat-dist):a) DCF only - for comparison

b) W(15,31) Q(0,0) - uses CWmin but not QIFS

c) W(15,15) Q(0,1) - uses QIFS but not CWmin

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 5

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


1 a bw

Per-flow Dropped packet counts for IFQ/MAC IFQ means dropped from software queue MAC means retry count exceeded

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 6

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


1 a lat

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 7

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


1 a lat-dist

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 8

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


1 b bw

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 9

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


1 b lat

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 10

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


1 b lat-dist

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 11

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


1 c bw

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 12

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


1 c lat-dist

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 13

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


Scenario 2

• Load(4,2,10)– 4 phone-like CBR flows (100 Kbit/s with 120B frames)

• Bidirectional flows: 2 Stations plus AP, 4 flows, each STA is source+sink

– 2 video-like CBR flows: 1 at 3 Mbit/s, 1 at 8 Mbit/s

– 10 background flows: 5 UDP and 5 TCP

– All other flows sink to AP unless specified otherwise

– New station added every 3 sec.

– Stations removed in same order after peak load is reached

• Runsa. W(15,15,31) Q(0,2,7)

b. W(15,15,31) Q(0,0,7)

c. W(15,15,31) Q(0,2,7) - video flows sourced at AP

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 14

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


2 a bw




Remove loads

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 15

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


2 a lat




March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 16

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


2 a lat-dist

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 17

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


2 a vdcf-background vs dcf-background

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 18

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


2 b bw

Background flows not shown

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 19

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


2 b lat

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 20

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


2 b lat-dist

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 21

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


2 c bw video sourced at AP

Background flows not shown

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 22

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


2 c lat video sourced at AP

Lower latency than 2 b lat.Fewer phone-video collisions than 2-b.

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 23

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


2 c lat-dist video sourced at AP

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 24

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


Scenario 3

• Load(4,4,8) – differentiation test using same W/Q as scenario 2– 4 high priority stations, 4 middle priority, 8 low priority

– All stations sending with backlogged queues to AP

– Stations are sequenced on at 3-sec intervals, high-priority stations first

– Stations are sequenced off after peak load is attained

• Demonstrates good differentiation without needing to adjust W/Qa. Uses W(15,15,31) Q(0,2,7) - same as scenario 2

b. Uses W(15,15,15) Q(0,1,2) - different recipe

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 25

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


3 a bw

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 26

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


3 b bw

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 27

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


3 a lat

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 28

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


3 b lat

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 29

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


3 a lat-dist

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 30

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


3 b lat-dist

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 31

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


Scenario 4

• 8 streams, 8 TCs

• Backlogged queues

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 32

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


4 bw

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 33

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


4 lat

March 2001

G. Chesson, A. Singa - AtherosSlide 34

doc.: IEEE 802.11-01/133


4 lat-dist