Do you want to live a life of high Impact by helping others? Abundance Coaching

Post on 11-Aug-2014

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Living life with a high impact is gained by helping others. Scott Epp, a certified professional coach, in Abundance Coaching shares his views about what he was taught and how he helped others in achieving what was must to them at a time. Source:

Transcript of Do you want to live a life of high Impact by helping others? Abundance Coaching

How to live a life of high impact by helping others?

How my father helped me see? I remember my father Roger Epp stopping

on the side of the road to help tow people through the snow out of the ditch. If someone was pulled over with the flashers on he would stop and make sure that they were alright. Maybe it was because he knew what it was like to be on the other side. Maybe he was just compassionate. Maybe it was because my father’s father showed him how to care for others.

I know my grandfather was always looking for ways to help others and that he believed in unity and community. I believe that my father was influenced by his father and that deep down it was put in him from his creator to desire to give back and make a difference in whatever way he could. This is how I see it.

The stormy winter evening where my friend Colin and I got to help a family in need I remember one Stormy winter evening I was

travelling down a quiet Saskatchewan highway with my friend Colin. We noticed a car had spun out and were stuck in the ditch so we decided to stop and try to help them. In this car was a mom with her 2 kids. It turned out that they had tried to call someone but it was going to be a long while until they would be able to come help them so they were just waiting in the running car trying to keep warm.

Colin and I immediately offered to help. After some time with digging and pushing we got that car unstuck and mom and her two kids were safely back on the road. That feeling of helpfulness, worthiness and fulfilment streamed through my body for a long time. You see, the desire to help others is ingrained in us from our creator – it is our own agenda, selfishness, attitude and busyness that allow us to not see the opportunity.

You see my mate Colin felt the same way and deep down that moment of helping that family was the most memorable moment of our day. In fact we were both working for about 12 hours that day and we were tired and late in getting home. Stopping to help this family could have been seen as a massive inconvenience. Thankfully our nature kicked in and we overcame our selfishness and as a reward we got to experience something greater – but it wasn’t the reward that we were after when we pulled over to help.

Do you want to be a man or woman of high impact?

Men and Women of impact I call out to you to be refreshed with an attitude of helpfulness. May you resist the hectic nature of life to see the multiple ways you can help others today. It could be as simple as recognizing someone’s pain and helping them in the moment. It could be stopping to help someone pulled over on the side of the road. It could be responding to a pressing need in your neighbourhood.

It could be giving of your time, energy or money to the poor or someone in need. It could be through asking someone how they are really doing and then listening to their heart and caring for them. It could be in making a phone call to someone who you have been avoiding calling. You have been influenced like me from mentors, fathers, mothers, friends and others to be kind, compassionate and giving but it is also in your nature.

My father has passed down to me an attitude of helpfulness and I am so grateful for his influence in my life as someone who cares deeply to help others. This inspiring video will demonstrate how amazing people are in their acts of kindness, helpfulness and care for others. As you watch this video I ask you to think about how you will be a man or woman of high impact by helping others. Then I challenge you to write your response to this question below: ‘How will you be a man or woman or high impact by helping others?’

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