DJ Dara Volume Up

Post on 01-Oct-2015

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post script of Dara's DJ gig in absence of Yoo In Na May 27, 2014

Transcript of DJ Dara Volume Up

[140527] DJ Dara at KBS Volume Up with Bom and H-EugeneFrom@sumiinkim:#DJDaraBom is actually supposed to come more later at 9PM, but she came earlier for Dara.#DJDaraQ; How do u think of Dara for MC? Bom;Its just the first,but I think Dara is really good, we were busy,I wonder when she practiced.#DJDaraBoms voice is an angelic voice, as always, our 2NE1 main vocal.#DJDaraBom: Dara is actually a very perfect woman.#DJDaraBom: I have a wish, nowadays, I do roommate, I wish people would watch and like it.#DJDaraWell have to say goodbye to Park Bom for a while..#DJDaraI know some babies around me who still cant talk, but dont worry, seems like these babies can talk better later.#DJDaraWhy did you run away from study time? But if you decided to run away, run away smoothly.#DJDaraYoure such a nice child! I Really hope youre parents would stay healthy, and would always have happy things.#DJDaraQ: Dara! Please give us a Ssanpark album! Dara; Haha, I should discuss this with Ms Park Bom later!DJDaraYes, I really hope youll pass youre exam, and become a good teacher!#DJDaraActually, all passport pictures comes out funny, so dont worry about it so much.#DJDaraOur concert in seoul is over, but Ill hope you can see YG Family Concert on August!#DJDaraI have a younger brother, I hope I get a very good sister-in-law fast.#DJDaraQ: DalD! When will your partner come out? Dara; Im now waiting calmly, I believe the person will come naturally.#DJDaraQ: Dara! Im Thunders wife! Dara: OMG! Cheondung-ah are you married?#DJDaraDara was talking about a story where the persons brother married a woman who theyve dated for 10 years.#DJDaraThere are times when a good person becomes a bit weird.#DJDaraBom is reading a script.#DJDaraDara, Bom: 3 of us met for the first time, lets get closer.#DJDaraDara: Bom, its the first time here in a corner right? Youve always been the guest. Bom: Yes! Dara: But youre so good at acting!#DJDaraOmg! Jo seho! (Roommate member) Just sent a message that hes a 2NE1 fan, and asked to treat Bom nicely!#DJDaraBom: Seho opaa is a person that should be there in roommate, hes so funny and heslike the pillar of the show.#DJDaraQ: How is Seho for boyfriend? Bom: ummm.. I should think abt it.. Dara: Am I getting a brother-in-law?#DJDaraDara: at the end of my 20s, Ive been a but confused, but now, Im so happy.#DJDaraDara: Lets talk about the stories our volume up families sent us.#DJDaraDara: I hope you get a better result in the next meeting! Bom: Youre so good Dara!#DJDaraBom is talking about a woman whos been so sad after a break up.#DJDaraDara: I think youll be getting a better person in the future.#DJDaraH-Eugene: I dont want the person to be so sad cause Im sure she can get a better person.#DJDaraWell listen to one song! WOW! A good song! Dont cry~ Bom: Oh yeah~~#DJDaraDara: Such a good song! Bom: Such a good song! Made by Teddy oppa!#DJDaraDara is talking about a person who liked a teacher, but the teacher was dating a music teacher and was going to get married.#DJDaraDara: Theres a lot of teachers dating each other! Bom: Ohhh#DJDaraBom: There were less pretty people? H-Eugene: Yes really, nobody was as pretty as Ms Scott.#DJDaraBom: There was a person, before debut, he was so good to me, but he a girlfriend.#DJDaraBom is talking abt a woman who realized that she became old and shabby, so she went to a shop to buy her clothes.#DJDaraDara, Bom to H-Eugene: Call us, well eat with you.#DJDaraYoure not coming to the dorm nowadays! Bom: Cause Im doing Roommate, so I realized its very nice to be with other people.#DJDaraIm happy to be home cause I have a cute cat who welcomes me home.#DJDaraIt once happened when I reserved flights and hotels but I couldnt go cause of schedules. Then I cried. But its ok, I like working.#DJDaraIsnt the friendship of guys very strong? H-EUGENE: No. Bom: Isnt it only you?#DJDaraDara: Boys like older women nowadays? H-EUGENE: Yes.. the trend is like that.. Dara: Hmmm~~ really?#DJDara40s are very young nowadays. H-EUGENE: Yes, many people live for about 100 years old.#DJDaraBom is talking about a woman who is not allowed to go and spend the night in the friends house cause shes a girl.#DJDaraBom: My dad also used to call me at 10PM, he used to lock the door and when the door opened oranges used to fly to me.#DJDaraBom: We should listen carefully. Dara: Yes, H-Eugene is telling us good things.#DJDaraBom: Oh? A message? Bom-ah! Youre doing good! Be confident! Dara: Do you know the number? Bom: I dont know.. I dont even memorize my own number#DJDaraMany seniors tell me when Im sad, that many people wants to be where I am.#DJDaraYes! Ill buy Chicken for you!#DJDaraBom: I think Im still in puberty! Dara; Oh my!#DJDaraDara: New Evolution has been 2 years already..#DJDaraUnfortunately, its finished today..#DJDaraDo you have any favorite restaurant? Bom:I have a lot.. but talking of Chicken.. Im thinking of steamed chicked.#DJDaraYou guys worked well today~ Thank you~~#DJDaraA fan said they she gained strength by watching New Evolution. And Bom said that these stories makes them work harder.From@ilove2ne1girls:Dara: Hot Park Bom has came in the studio! Bom: Hello. Wassup were 2NE1! Im 2NE1s Park Bom#DJDaraListener: Bom please come to Hawaii Bom: I want to go!#DJDaraListener: I want to listen to you live (Bom) Bom: What should I sing? Happy? /sings happy but forgotten the lyrics/ I forgot the lyricsListener: Please show us an aegyo too. Bom: I dont have an aegyo Dara: You have a lot of aegyo!#DJDaraListener: Bom unnie do you have a wish? Bom: Yes.. should I say it? Im doing a show Roommate and i hope a lot of ppl will watch & like it.Listener: Please say that my parents wont be stressed anymore. Dara: Ill pray that your parents wont be stressed anymore#DJDaraListener: Please have a Double Park unit album.. Dara: Lets talk about that after Big Park comes in again#DJDaraListener: Please hope I can save money & go to 2NE1s con Dara: Our concert in Korea has ended but theres YG famcon so Ill wait for you thereDara is reading a story and theres a line First love and she said theres a song she remembers and sang Gotta Be You#DJDaraListener: Dara, im Cheondungs wife! Dara: Cheondung ah, you got married?? Anyways, nice to meet you..#DJDaraDara: This is Yoo In Nas Volume up and im special DJ Dara. The second part will now start!#DJDaraH-Eugene: Im a fan of 2NE1 so i feel good. Dara: Lets do it comfortably and be friends H-eugene: YesJo Seho sent a message: Im 2NE1s fan Seho Dara: Omo Seho-ssi, please take care of Park Bom on Roommate#DJDaraBom: Seho oppa is really fun.. but as a boyfriend? Ill think about it in the future lol#DJDaraJo Seho also congratulated Dara on being a radio DJ#DJDaraDara: Lets play a song now. Omo! Its a popular song! Park Boms Dont Cry! Bom: Yeah!#DJDaraDara: Because of Roommate, Bom doesnt go back to the dorm anymore. The members are waiting for you#DJDaraDara: I have cats and theyre really cute when they say Meow lol#DJDaraBom: When i joined Roommate, there are times that I feel frustrated when im at home by myself#DJDaraListener: Please send me midnight snack Dara: I like chicken the most so ill send you chicken!Bom: Pizza.. Dara: And pizza#DJDaraBom: When we hear stories from fans (that they went to our concert and cried).. it gives us strength and make us want to work harder#DJDaraFrom@MyPeas_:#DJDarais encouraging her fellow A blood type people to not be shy & introverted. Speak your mind!#DJDaraShe find it hard to speak her mind directly. For example, when its hot shell say hmm, dont you guys think its hot?-then CL immediately tells the manger to put on the AC#DJDarashe said to look forward to not 4D personalities but 8D personalities today with her and Bom together keke#DJDarais so touched Bom came even earlier than she needed to so she can support her~#DJDarasaid their personalities are different so they match wellBom speaks her mind, while Dara cant say things directlyhaha Bom gets annoyed when Dara takes forever to choose from a menu#DJDaraPark Bom sang a little bit of Happy but she forgot the lyricsXDBom says Dara is perfect, she has no complaints about her except the choosing thing keke#DJDaraWish corner: Boms wish is to more people to watch/support Roommate#DJDaraA listener said Unnie marry my brother! Dara: Is this a blind date? haha Send me a picture#DJDaraThere are times when a good person becomes a bit weird.#DJDaratodays corner is called Your Reason with Park Bom & H-Eugene#DJDaraA listener requested IATB but instead they played Dont Cry LOL Dara promised to play it next time (another day)Bom. Before she was a trainee, there was a vocal trainer she liked (just a tiny bit) but he had a girl friend#DJDaraH-Eugene and Teddy knew each other from before. What a small world#DJDara: Is there a time you didnt want back to the dorm Bom: Well these days Im recording roommate: D: Yeah thats right! she rarely does#DJDarasays she likes going back home these days. Shes raising a cat, so its nice to be welcomed backEugene said he used to eat alone so much before, the delivery guy knew him. He even invited him in ones lol. He hates it.#DJDaraA listener: Youre doing well Bom unnie! Dara: Oh its a supporting message. Do you know thatnumber? Bom? Bom: What? I dont even memorize my own number#DJDaraA fan sent in a message that he went to their New Evolution concert and he was so happy & got so much energy from it. They werereally touched and Bom said shes motivated to work harder when she hears words like that.#DJDaraNo matter how hard it gets, thinking about my family today and tomorrow Fighting! I liked this part of her closing commentSource:MediaVolume891via OhDara