Diverse traditions of southeast asia

Post on 18-May-2015

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Transcript of Diverse traditions of southeast asia

Diverse Traditions of Southeast Asia

Geography of Southeast AsiaMainlandMyanmarThailandCambodiaLaosVietnamPart of Malaysia


Trade Routes in the Southern SeasMONSOONS

Ships traveled northeast in summerShips traveled southwest in winterBetween seasons ships docked at ports

Early TraditionsDiverse ethnic groups speaking many

languages settled in Southeast Asia.Societies built around nuclear familiesFemale merchants took part in the Spice

TradeMatrilineal descentWomen could choose or divorce marriage


Impact of IndiaIndians married into

influential familiesIndian families

exercised considerable power.

IslamIndians carried

Islam into the regionArab merchants

spread the new faith

PaganFertile rice-growing Irrawaddy Valley in

present-day Myanmar1044, King Anawrata united the regionBuddhism to Burman people1287 conqueror by Mongols

The Khmer EmpirePresent day Cambodia, Thailand, and

MalaysiaAdapted Indian writing, mathematics,

architecture, and artRulers were Hindus1100s, King Suryacarman II built the great

temple complex at Angkor Wat

SrivijayaControlled the Strait of MalaccaBlended Indian beliefs into their own forms of

worship, based on nature spirits

VietnamHeart of the country- Red River DeltaIrrigated fertile rice padisHad their own distinct cultureWomen often held positions of authority

Vietnam cont.Han armies conquered the regionAdopted the Chinese civil service system and

built a government bureaucracyLearned the Chinese language and read

Chinese charactersAdopted Mahayana beliefs from China

Vietnam cont.Trung Sisters (Trung Trac and Trung Nhi)Drove Chinese occupiers from the landBecame martyrs and heroes