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IZA DP No. 14019

Agnieszka Postepska

Beyond the Origin Dummy: Heterogeneity of Ethnicity and Human Capital Accumulation


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ISSN: 2365-9793

IZA DP No. 14019

Beyond the Origin Dummy: Heterogeneity of Ethnicity and Human Capital Accumulation


Agnieszka PostepskaUniversity of Groningen and IZA


IZA DP No. 14019 JANUARY 2021

Beyond the Origin Dummy: Heterogeneity of Ethnicity and Human Capital Accumulation*

Ethnic background is a well recognized complementary factor in human capital accumulation

process. This paper investigates how three aspects of ethnicity affect human capital

formation: group’s quality, size and closeness of ties. Relying on heteroskedasticity

to identify parameters in the presence of endogenous regressors, I find evidence of

heterogenous effects of ethnicity for men and women. The results show that women in

groups characterized by close ties benefit from high-quality ethnic environment, regardless

of the group’s size. In contrast, among men, the group’s size appears to be of importance,

and men in large groups characterized by loose ties benefit the most from higher quality

of the ethnic group. The results are consistent with different socialization patterns, as

evidenced by the literature.

JEL Classification: J62, J16, J15

Keywords: human capital formation, ethnicity, endogamy, networks, identification through conditional second moments

Corresponding author:Agnieszka PostepskaDepartment of Economics, Econometrics & FinanceUniversity of GroningenP.O. Box 8009700 AV GroningenThe Netherlands

E-mail: a.postepska@rug.nl

* I would like to thank participants of the University of Groningen seminars series for useful comments. All errors

and omissions are the sole responsibility of the author.

1 Introduction

Ethnicity is a well recognized complementary factor in the human capital accumulation

process, and the ethnic hierarchy in educational attainment has been well documented in the

literature (see Kao & Thompson (2003) for an excellent review). However, little is known

about the mechanisms through which ethnicity affects schooling outcomes. With a couple of

exceptions (Gang & Zimmermann, 2000), studies concerned with ethnicity and schooling

outcomes typically focus on immigrants and their children assimilation in terms of human

capital and find significant differences concerning the country of origin (Gang & Zimmermann,

2000; Riphahn, 2003). In that way, at best, they can establish systematic differences between

individuals of different backgrounds but fail to shed light on the mechanisms behind the

relationship between ethnicity and the human capital accumulation process and capture

the vast within ethnic group heterogeneity. Moreover, the country of origin is considered

exogenous to schooling decisions. However, this assumption might be violated if, for instance,

there are systematic differences in the quality of immigrant groups. This study aims to fill

this gap in the literature and show how three group’s attributes (size, tightness, and quality)

affect the human capital formation process.

The choice of the attributes is driven by the literature (and data availability). Group’s

quality has been proven as an important predictor of human capital accumulation. In

the pioneering paper Borjas (1992), ethnicity is assumed to serve as an externality in

the human accumulation process. The skills of the next generation depend on parental

human capital and on the quality of the ethnic environment in which parents make their

investment decisions. Borjas (1992) pins down the term ethnic capital and finds a strong

positive correlation between the average educational attainment in the parents’ generation

and children’s educational attainment. Recent replication (Postepska, 2019) finds a much

smaller yet significant effect suggesting that an increase in average schooling in the parents’

generation leads to a 0.08 of a year increase in children’s schooling1. Group’s size may affect

human capital formation as the presence of ethnic networks may help the assimilation of

immigrants. Indeed, Gang & Zimmermann (2000) find a positive effect of network size on

educational attainment. Lastly, the impact of ethnicity can be affected by the group’s ties.

The stronger the ties, the stronger the effects of the group’s attributes are expected to be.1However, other studies found no effect of the ethnic capital in Switzerland (Bauer & Riphahn, 2007)

Canada (Aydemir et al., 2013) or Denmark (Nielsen et al., 2003).


Moreover, the literature finds significant differences in ethnicity’s effect on the schooling

process among men and women. Ethnic socialization, a concept that describes maturing

to ethnic identity, has been recognized to vary significantly between boys and girls. Shah

et al. (2010) provides an excellent example of a qualitative study that shows that the role of

social capital in the process of human capital accumulation differs between young British

Pakistanis women and men. While all women shared the belief passed on to them from their

parents that education is the best way to upward social mobility, men did not have such a

unified view of schooling’s role for achieving social status. They were more subject to the

influence of the majority of peers who did not share that view. Since, in general, girls are

more susceptible to social influences (Eagly & Carli, 1981), they might be more likely to be

isolated due to parental fear of the "bad" influence of the majority, especially as women are

often held accountable for preserving the ethnic traditions and identity (Mani, 1993; Bailey,

2001). Therefore, girls are prone to a much stricter control over their brothers (Djajić,

2003; Sung, 1987; Olsen, 1997; Agarwal, 1991) - a concept phrased as double standard in

parental monitoring by Le Espiritu (2001). This finding is consistent over time and across

many ethnic groups (Dasgupta, 1998; Gupta, 1997; Williams et al., 2002; Yung, 1999; Sung,

1987). As a result, girls might be more likely to have peers of the same ethnicity than

boys. Moreover, such vigilant supervision has proved to positively affect schooling among

Vietnamese girls (Zhou & Bankston III, 2001). Also, this could lead to stronger importance

of gender roles within one’s ethnic group. A high correlation between parental education

implies that high average education within the ethnic group is directly related to a high

average education among women within this ethnic group. Even though women are seen as

the culture keepers, girls are more likely to rebel against the traditions and values, and they

are more flexible in choosing ethnic identity by bridging home and host country identities

(Rumbaut, 1997; Olsen, 1997).

Moreover, the literature focuses on immigrants (either first or second-generation) and

the differences in schooling achievement gaps between natives and immigrants. In contrast,

this study focuses on the long-term effects of native-born individuals’ self-reported ethnicity

to assume away the effects of immigration shock, whether of the individual herself or the

parents on the schooling process. Specifically, immigrants are dropped from the sample

to ensure equal access to educational institutions across individuals and level the grounds

concerning barriers that especially first-generation immigrants face when navigating the


host country’s education system, such as language barriers and asymmetry in information.

The immigration shock has a detrimental effect on the children’s schooling outcomes and

the transmission of the human capital between generations (Gang & Zimmermann, 2000).

However, the impact of ethnicity likely persists over subsequent generations of migrants.

Studying the native-born children allows us to capture the long term effects of ethnicity net

of the immigration shock.

The remaining of the paper is organized as follows. The next section discusses the data

and summary statistics. Section 3 describes the model and identification strategy, while

section 4 discusses the results. Section 5 concludes.

2 Data and summary statistics

I use the 1977-2018 General Social Survey data, and the final sample consists of 17021

individuals aged 18-64 born in the United States. I exclude individuals born abroad as well

as native and African Americans. Since the literature found differential effects of parental

education transfer on native and foreign-born children, I focus exclusively on native children.

By doing so, the results of this analysis should be seen as a long-term effect of ethnic identity,

and a larger role of unobserved characteristics is expected. The ethnicity of individuals was

obtained through an open-ended question in which respondents were asked about the country

or the part of the world that the ancestors came from. If a respondent named more than one

country, the country to which the respondent was asked to name the county to which he/she

feels closer to. The final sample contains individuals coming from 26 different origins, noting

that descendent of immigrants from England and Wales, Germany, and Ireland constitute a

great majority of the sample (almost 70% of all observations). Only individuals who grew up

with both parents are included. Individuals for whom information about their own or their

parents’ education attainment is not available are omitted from the sample. Individuals in

the sample are divided into five cohorts. Parental human capital is measured with both

father’s and mother’s education.

Following Borjas (1992), group’s quality is measured with average years of schooling in

the fathers (or mothers) generation2 within given cohort and region3. The group’s size is2Borjas refers to this as ethnic capital3Since ethnic capital is measured as an average of educational attainment in the parents’ generation within

a cohort, only individuals for whom there is at least 30 other individuals in the same cohort of the sameethnic origin are included. Correlation between averages of the mother’s and father’s schooling within the


measured as the share of individuals belonging to the same cohort and ethnicity residing in

the same region4). Lastly, the group’s tightness is measured with endogamy rates, so the

rates of intra-group marriages in a given region and cohort. Table 1 presents the summary

Table 1: Summary statistics of the main variables

Men WomenYears of schooling 13.96 13.73

(2.86) (2.62)Father’s years of schooling 11.38 11.21

(4.04) (3.99)Mother’s years of schooling 11.59 11.33

(3.19) (3.28)Age 44.69 46.27

(16.00) (16.74)Number of siblings 3.24 3.32

(2.39) (2.43)Living in a city at 16 0.42 0.42

(0.49) (0.49)Living in a Southern state at 16 0.23 0.23

(0.42) (0.42)At least one parent born abroad 0.09 0.10

(0.29) (0.31)Endogamy rates 0.35 0.35

(0.15) (0.15)Group’s quality 11.24 11.06

(1.97) (1.99)Network size 0.11 0.11

(0.07) (0.07)Number of observations 8032 9362Notes: Standard deviations in brackets. Group’s quality is measured with average years of schoolingin the father’s generation.

statistics for all variables used in this analysis separately for men and women, noting that

54 percent of the sample are women. The only noticeable difference between men and

women appears along the age dimension, with women being on average two years older than

men. The average individual has about three siblings and has completed almost 14 years of

schooling5. The average parental and ethnic capital are approximately the same at 11 years

of schooling. Forty-one percent of all individuals lived in urban settings at the age of 16,

and 25 percent lived in the South at 16. Only 10 percent of individuals have at least one

parent born abroad. The average network size is 11 percent and on average 35 percent of

ethnic group is 0.96, which makes identification of individual effects not feasible.4region of the U.S. is the finest geographical division available in the data5This might appear as surprisingly high. Cross-checking with US Census data on men born in the US

between 1889 and 1995, the average years of schooling is about 13. Limiting the sample to individuals whogrew up with both parents would likely result in a higher average. Therefore, GSS data appears to resemblea representative sample of the US population


marriages appear within the ethnic group.

3 Model, Identification and Estimation Strategy

Let edu denote the individual’s education. Then the basic specification of the model is as


edui = γ1edufi + γ2edumi + γ3qualityi + γ4network + γ5tigntess+ δ0Xi + ui (1)

where quality denotes ethnic group’s quality measured with average years of schooling in the

father’s generation6; network denotes network size measured with a share of individuals in a

given cohort living in the same region, and tightness denotes the closeness of ties measured

with endogamy rates. X denotes a vector of socioeconomic characteristics (age, age squared,

number of siblings, indicators whether the individual lived in the South, lived in the city at

the age of 15, and has a foreign-born parent) as well as time and region fixed effects.

If we apply OLS to equation 1, the obtained estimates will be biased due to confounding

effects of unobserved ability affecting both parents and children schooling outcomes, noting

that quality of the group is measured with the average education in the father’s or mother’s

generation7. Therefore, I follow Postepska (2019) and apply Klein & Vella (2010) estimation

strategy. I extend the model in Postepska (2019) to allow for differential effects of maternal

and paternal schooling on men’s and women’s educational attainment. This extension is

crucial when analyzing the heterogeneity of gender as mothers’ and fathers’ schooling have

been found to have differential effects on men’s and women’s schooling outcomes. Especially

for girls, an advantageous ethnic environment can have a very different effect on their

educational attainment depending on the mother’s educational attainment. For the cohorts

considered, it is reasonable to assume that fathers’ schooling serves as a good proxy of

socioeconomic status, while mothers’ education affects schooling decisions through different

channels, such as role models. As the conceptual framework mimics the one in Postepska6Alternatively, quality could be measured with average mothers schooling within a cohort. Results are

basically the same and are available upon request. Inclusion of both variables is not feasible due to very highcorrelation between average schooling among mothers and fathers (0.96)

7Since ethnic capital is measured as an average of educational attainment in the parents’ generation withina cohort, only individuals for whom there is at least 30 other individuals in the same cohort of the sameethnic origin are included. Correlation between averages of the mother’s and father’s schooling within theethnic group is 0.96, which makes identification of the effect of individual effects not feasible.


(2019), below, I focus on the key features of the extended model and refer the reader to the

above manuscript for details.

The three endogenous regressors are edum, eduf and quality. All other regresors are

considered exogenous. In absence of exclusion restrictions to identify the parameters of

equation 1, identification of the parameters relies on assumptions about the structure of the

error term and heteroskedasticity in the model. The three endogenous equations are of the

following form:

edufi = δ2Xi + vfi

edumi = δ2Xi + vmi

qualityi = δ3Xi + vqi (2)

As given in Klein & Vella (2010), there are two conditions necessary for identification. The

first condition states that there has to be heteroskedasticity in the error term of the main

equation and/or in the error terms of the three auxiliary equations. In other words we can

write the error terms of the main equation and of the three endogenous equations as:

ui = Hu(Xi)u∗i , vfi = Hf

v (Xi)vf∗i , v

mi = Hm

v (Xi)vm∗i and vqi = Hq

v (Xi)vq∗i (3)

where u∗i , v

f∗i , vm∗

i , vq∗i are correlated homoskedastic error terms and H2u(Xi), Hf2

v (Xi),

Hm2v (Xi) and Hq2

v (Xi) denote the conditional variance functions for ui, vfi , vmi and vqi ,


The second assumption states that the correlation between the homoskedastic part of

the error terms are constant:

E[u∗i vf∗i |Xi] = E[u∗

i vf∗i ] = ρf

E[u∗i vm∗i |Xi] = E[u∗

i vm∗i ] = ρf

E[u∗i vq∗i |Xi] = E[u∗

i vq∗i ] = ρq (4)

To summarize, this assumption implies that there exists a constant transfer that is not

affected by any socioe-conomic characteristics or behavior of the individual or the parents.

As argued in details in Postepska (2019) both assumptions appear plausible in the context


of this paper.8 The conditional constant correlation assumption implies that after controlling

for all the exogenous variables in the model, the correlation between the unobserved factors

affecting individual’s educational attainment and father’s, mother’s educational attainment

or average educational attainment in the ethnic group remains constant. In the case of

parental schooling, the genetic transmission of ability yields a natural interpretation of this

error structure. In case of the group’s quality, Postepska (2019) argues that aside from

average ability, transfer of cultural capital can be deemed consistent with this assumption.

Furthermore, the second assumption of heteroskedasticity in the child’s schooling and/or

the three endogenous equations is guaranteed. The contribution of the unobservables to

educational attainment formation differs depending on the child’s characteristics such as

age, gender, or place of residence.

This assumed error structure allows construction of control functions which inclusion in

equation 1 makes estimation of all parameters in equation 1 feasible by estimation of the

following model:

edui = γ1edufi + γ2edumi + γ3qualityi + γ4sizei + γ5tightnessi + δ0Xi

+ ρfHu(Xi)Hfv (Xi)

vfi + ρmHu(Xi)Hmv (Xi)

vmi + ρavHu(Xi)Hqv (Xi)

vqi + εi (5)

The estimation strategy follows closely Farré et al. (2012) and Postepska (2019).9 I first

estimate the three endogenous equations using OLS. Next, the conditional variance in all three

equations is estimated using non linear least squares. I use exponential function to model

the conditional variance in all equations. The last step involves simultaneous estimation of

the three heteroskedastic index and the coefficients of the main equation. The results of

the estimation of the auxiliary equation including the estimation of the heteroskedasticity

equations and construction of the correction term is not of a core importance for our analysis

and thus the results are discussed in Appendix B.8Extending the model with one additional endogenous equation does not alter the interpretation of the

identifying assumptions.9For details of estimation I refer the reader to Appendix A and the aforementioned manuscripts.


4 Estimation results

Table 2 presents the summary for the estimation results. All models are estimated separately

for men and women. For the sake of brevity, OLS results are only presented for the

base model as specified in equation 1. Since the literature delivers suggestive evidence

that the group’s attributes can interact in how they affect human capital accumulation,

interactions between group’s quality and size, and group’s quality and tightness are added to

the base specification, noting that interactions between group’s tightness and group’s size

are insignificant in all models, so they are not included.10 First, each interaction term is

added in isolation (columns 2, 3, 8 and 9) and finally a model with both interaction terms is

estimated (columns 5 and 10). Even though the estimates concerning parental schooling

effect on educational attainment are not of core importance, they are included for two

reasons: to show that the estimation strategy is successful at accounting for endogeneity of

these two regressors, and to serve as a reference point for the assessment of the magnitude of

the estimated effects. Overall, the results deliver evidence that the ethnic groups’ attributes,

considered in this paper, play a significant role in the human capital accumulation process,

regardless of controlling for the country of origin. Second, substantial gender heterogeneity

is apparent, as evident in figure 1, which summarizes the main results.

Consider group’s size first. In columns (2) and (7) it is evident that individuals from

larger networks accumulate more human capital, a results consistent with the literature

(Gang & Zimmermann, 2000). However, the effect is twice as large for men than for women.

A 1% increase in the share of one’s ethnicity in the population composition of a region yields

a 0.05 increase in years of schooling for men. At face value, this is not a large effect. However,

it is comparable to the magnitude of the effect of an additional year of mother’s schooling.

Allowing for an interaction between group’s size and quality (column 3 and 8) shows that a

larger network benefits men from the least advantageous ethnic groups, while for women,

the opposite relationship is observed suggesting two attributes act as complements in the

human capital process and women in most advantaged groups benefit the most from larger

presence of their ethnic group. However, columns (5) and (10) further highlight that it is

necessary to take into account the interaction between the group’s size and quality as well

as the interaction between group’s tightness and quality. In the model with both interaction10Note that once endoegenity of group’s quality is accounted for by the control term in equation 5, the

interaction terms with quality are assumed to be exogenous


terms, the effect of the group’s size for women is small and not significant as depicted on

the top panel of figure 1. The contrast between the results in column (8) and (10) highlights

the interplay between the group’s attributes in the human capital process and stresses the

importance of the group’s tightness for how ethnicity affects women’s educational attainment.

While group’s tightness appears insignificant in the base specification, results in columns

(4) and (9) suggest that ties’ closeness affects men and women in an almost identical way

but its effect is not constant with respect to group’s quality. Holding the group’s quality

constant at "at least high school" level, individuals from groups characterized by closer ties

accumulate more human capital. The magnitude of this effect increases with the group’s

quality, suggesting that the group’s tightness and quality act as complements in the human

capital accumulation process. In contrast, among individuals of ethnic groups with low

average schooling levels, closer ties decrease human capital accumulation, noting that the

average educational attainment below ten years is rather low (about 15 percent of the

sample). The results also deliver evidence of gender heterogeneity. Men benefit more from

closer ties in more advantaged groups (higher quality), and women lose more because of

closer ties in less advantaged groups. These observed patterns are consistent with parents

relying more on the role of social networks in the human capital accumulation process of

their female offspring, resulting in under-investment in the schooling process.

Last, consider the group’s quality. Bottom panel of figure 1 further confirms the

importance of group’s tightness among women and group’s size among men. A "tight group"

is defined to have an endogamy rate of 0.6 (meaning that 60 percent of individuals marry

within the same ethnicity), and a "loose" group has an endogamy rate at 0.2. Women in

tight groups benefit from increasing quality of the ethnic environment at a constant rate,

regardless of group size. The magnitude is quite small, though - approximately 0.02 years

per one standard deviation increase in the group’s endogamy rate. The opposite is true

for women in groups characterized by looser ties. It could be that women in tight groups

benefit a lot from the group’s capital due to socialization styles and through role models.

The correlation between mothers and fathers average schooling in parents generation is

very high in the data implying that higher quality implies higher educational attainment

among mothers. For men, the effect of group’s quality is larger in magnitude (2-3 fold) and

in addition to group’s tightness, group’s size plays a significant role. Men in small, tight

groups appear to enjoy the same benefits as women in tight groups (of any size). It might


be the case that they are also subject to tighter upbringing compared to their counterparts

in large groups and are more likely to have peers from the same ethnic group. In contrast,

men in large groups, characterized by close ties, decrease educational attainment when the

group’s quality increases. It is consistent with parents putting too much confidence in the

role of social capital when they belong to a large and close group and investing less in the

human capital accumulation process of their male offspring in a more advantageous ethnic



Table 2: Ethnicity and human capital accumulation

Men Women(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

OLS Eq. 1 CF∗ CF CF CF OLS Eq. 1 CF CF CF CFFather schooling 0.174 0.120 0.119 0.126 0.131 0.151 0.173 0.172 0.177 0.177

(0.009) (0.010) (0.007) (0.011) (0.009) (0.008) (0.008) (0.009) (0.009) (0.009)Mother schooling 0.164 0.073 0.072 0.060 0.059 0.192 0.078 0.073 0.067 0.067

(0.012) (0.013) (0.015) (0.014) (0.013) (0.010) (0.008) (0.010) (0.011) (0.012)Quality 0.015 -0.055 -0.013 -0.161 -0.139 0.003 -0.027 -0.082 -0.186 -0.184

(0.039) (0.045) (0.048) (-0.049) (0.054) (0.032) (0.033) (0.035) (0.047) (0.043)Network 4.619 5.426 10.522 4.527 14.625 1.947 2.635 -3.302 1.750 1.404

(1.001) (1.170) (3.292) (1.098) (4.167) (0.792) (1.005) (2.420) (0.990) (2.827)Tightness -0.809 -1.098 -0.873 -4.514 -5.154 -0.614 -0.760 -0.991 -5.031 -4.988

(0.563) (0.600) (0.573) (1.112) (1.325) (0.437) (0.552) (0.510) (0.943) (1.239)Quality×network -0.480 -1.007 0.560 0.033

(0.260) (0.338) (0.208) 0.245Quality×tightness 0.359 0.499 0.447 0.441

(0.090) (0.119) (0.084) (0.12)ρfather 0.082 0.084 0.075 0.068 -0.047 -0.043 -0.052 -0.052

(0.014) (0.014) (0.016) (0.012) (0.014) (0.017) (0.017) (0.013)ρmother 0.101 0.101 0.112 0.111 0.180 0.183 0.191 0.191

(0.011) (0.012) (0.013) (0.013) (0.012) (0.013) (0.013) (0.012)ρquality 0.010 0.011 0.006 0.015 0.007 0.007 0.006 0.006

(0.003) (0.003) (0.003) (0.004) (0.003) 0.004 (0.004) (0.003)Ethnicity dummies Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesNotes: Columns 1-5 present the results for men and columns 6-10 for women. ∗columns 2-5 and 7-10 present the control functionestimates (CF). Standard errors bootstrapped. Other controls include age, age squared, dummies indicating whether the personlived in a city and in the South at the age of 16, number of siblings and a dummy variable indicating whether at least one parentis foreign born, and year and region dummies.


Figure 1: Marginal effects of group’s size, tightness and quality on human capital accumulationcomputed based on results in column 5 and 10 in table 2


5 Conclusion

This paper extends the framework developed in Postepska (2019) to analyze the effects of

different ethnic groups’ attributes on the human capital formation process. I find evidence

of substantial gender heterogeneity consistent with the literature on the socialization of

minority youth. A high-quality ethnic group affects men and women differently, depending

on the group’s size and ties’ closeness. Women in groups characterized by close ties benefit

from the high-quality ethnic environment, regardless of the group’s size. In contrast, among

men, the group’s size appears to be of importance, and men in large groups characterized by

loose ties benefit the most from higher quality of the ethnic group. The results are consistent

with different socialization patterns, as evidenced by the literature.

The results of this paper are important for two reasons. First, they show that ethnic

background affects human capital accumulation in a complex way, and studies interested

in understanding the differences in human capital accumulation should account for various

group attributes. Second of all, by looking at native-born individuals, this paper establishes a

long-term link between ethnicity and human capital accumulation, net of the migration shock.

In most studies, native-born individuals are considered natives (or at best second-generation

migrants), concealing the effects studied in this paper. I show that ethnic background has

an impact that lasts over generations and under certain circumstances, gives individuals

from more advantaged backgrounds a head start in schooling outcomes.



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A Estimation procedure

This section outlines the two step procedure to estimate the model. First, regress edufi,

edumi and qualityi on Xi and obtain αf , αm and αq. Then define the residuals from these

two regressions as follows:

vfi = edufi −Xiαf

vmi = edumi −Xiαm

vqi = qualityi −Xiαq

The conditional variances of the parental education and average education (group’s quality)

errors can be estimated using both parametric and non-parametric methods. In this

paper I employ parametric approach and assume the following functional form of the


Hf2vi = exp(Ziθf )

Hm2vi = exp(Ziθm)

Hq2vi = exp(Ziθq)

where Zi is a vector of variables responsible for the heteroskedasticty of the errors. The set

of variables Zi can vary between the three equations. Note that there are no restrictions

imposed over the relationship between Zi and Xi, i.e. model is identified even if Zi = Xi. If,

however, there are variables that appear in Zi but not in Xi, they do not help identify the

model in a standard way. Since it is the movement in the variances that grants identification

in the model, variables in Zi aid identification only if they can explain the differences in the

variance across observations.

The conditional variances are estimated using non linear least squares using ln(vif ),

ln(vim) and ln(viq) as dependent variables. Then we can compute the standard deviation

of the error terms associated with the two reduced forms: Hfvi =

√exp(Ziθf ), Hm

vi =√exp(Ziθm) and Hq

vi =√



Last element necessary to estimate the parameters of the main equation is the standard

deviation of the child’s education error (so the error term of the main equation). Since

consistent residuals are not readily available, it is estimated simultaneously with the pa-

rameters of the main equation in an iterative procedure. Let β = {γ1, γ2, γ3, γ4, γ5, δ0, θu}.

Parameters in equation?? are found using a non linear least squares:

minβ,ρf ,ρm,ρq


(edui − γ1edufi − γ3edumi + γ3eduavi + γ4networki + γ5tightnessi

− δ0Xi − ρfHui


vfi − ρmHui


vmi − ρqHui


vqi )2 (6)

where H2ui denotes the conditional variance of the child’s education equation. In a fully

parametric specification, assume H2ui = exp(Ziθu).

To simplify the computations, Klein and Vella (2010) suggest a two step procedure. First,

for a given value of β = β, define the residuals ui(β) and compute the standard deviation

of the child’s education error in the same way as Hfvi, Hm

vi and Hqvi, so Hui =


Second, estimate ρf , ρm and ρq by minimizing the sum of the squared residuals of the child’s

education equation:

minρf ,ρm,ρq


(ui(β)− ρf Hui(β)


vfi − ρm Hui(β)


vmi − ρqHui(β)Hqvi




Repeat the last two steps until the minimum of (7) is found.

B Auxiliary equations

This appendix discusses the results of the estimation of the auxiliary equations. For the

sake of brevity, I only present the results for the base specification (equation 1), including

the estimation of the heteroskedastcity indexes of the three endogenous equations and the

construction of the correction terms. All other results can be obtained on request. The

sets of variables included in father’s, mother’s and the group’s quality equations are almost

the same, so I discuss them together. Since I do not have information about the age of the

parents, I include the age of the children (and age squared) in both equations. This, together

with the dummy variable indicating the cross section, controls for the age of the fathers

and mothers. Dummy variables for regions control for geographic differences in educational


attainment that might result from labor market specific needs of given region or different

access to educational institutions. I also include a dummy variable indicating whether the

child was living in the South or in the city at the age of 16. Unfortunately, this information

is not available for the parents so I use the information for the children as proxies. In the

group’s quality equation, equation I also include a dummy indicating whether at least one of

the parents is foreign born and in both of the parents schooling equation a dummy variable

indicating whether that parent is foreign born.

The OLS estimates of the conditional means of the parental capital and group’s quality

equations presented in Table ?? are in line with the literature. Most of the year dummies

are significant and indicate an upward trend in educational attainment among parents and

increasing average schooling among all ethnic groups. The results in the men and women

sub-sample are alike. Individuals of ethnic origins with bigger networks have substantially

better educated parents and have more favorable ethnic environment. The opposite is true

for individuals of ethnic origin with closer ties. Younger individuals and those with fewer

siblings have not only better educated parents but also more favorable ethnic environment.

Individuals living in the city at 16 have, on average, better educated parents than their

counterparts residing outside of the cities. The correlation with the group’s quality is also

positive but it’s of much smaller magnitude. Residence in southern states lowers the average

educational attainment of both parents as well as the average ethnic capital individuals

are exposed to by almost one year. Parents born outside of the US have on average 2.7

years less of schooling than US born fathers. Also, average group’s quality decreases for

individuals with at least one parent born abroad by about 0.8 on average. This might reflect

the fact that more recent immigrant groups are on average less educated than members of

established groups within the US. There is also some evidence of regional differences for

both parental capital as well as for the group’s quality.

Lower panel of Table ?? presents the test statistics for White and Breush-Pagan tests

for heteroskedasticity in all three equations. The null hypothesis of homoskedastic errors is

strongly rejected in all equations confirming presence of heteroskedasticity in both of the

parental as well as in the group’s quality equations necessary for identification.


Table B.4: Conditional means: parental capital and group’s quality

Men Women

Father Mother Quality Father Mother Quality

Network size 6.25∗∗∗ 6.54∗∗∗ 9.39∗∗∗ 5.74∗∗∗ 7.03∗∗∗ 10.11∗∗∗

(0.69) (0.60) (0.34) (0.68) (0.58) (0.30)

Group’s tightness -4.97∗∗∗ -4.93∗∗∗ -7.02∗∗∗ -4.17∗∗∗ -4.68∗∗∗ -7.01∗∗∗

(0.37) (0.33) (0.19) (0.37) (0.32) (0.17)

Number of siblings -0.29∗∗∗ -0.26∗∗∗ -0.08∗∗∗ -0.28∗∗∗ -0.24∗∗∗ -0.09∗∗∗

(0.02) (0.02) (0.01) (0.02) (0.01) (0.01)

Lived in a city at 16 1.21∗∗∗ 0.53∗∗∗ 0.15∗∗∗ 1.11∗∗∗ 0.61∗∗∗ 0.10∗∗∗

(0.08) (0.06) (0.03) (0.08) (0.06) (0.03)

Lived in the South at 16 -0.50∗∗∗ -0.30∗∗ -0.21∗∗∗ -0.38∗∗∗ -0.17 -0.09∗

(0.15) (0.12) (0.06) (0.14) (0.11) (0.05)

Age -0.10∗∗∗ -0.05∗∗∗ -0.06∗∗∗ -0.08∗∗∗ -0.06∗∗∗ -0.05∗∗∗

(0.01) (0.01) (0.00) (0.01) (0.01) (0.00)

Age2 0.00∗∗∗ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00

(0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)

Foreign born father -2.45∗∗∗ -1.91∗∗∗ -2.44∗∗∗ -2.22∗∗∗

(0.17) (0.15) (0.16) (0.14)

At least one parent -0.83∗∗∗ -0.73∗∗∗

born abroad (0.06) (0.05)

Constant 13.30∗∗∗ 13.35∗∗∗ 15.87∗∗∗ 12.93∗∗∗ 12.61∗∗∗ 15.47∗∗∗

(0.44) (0.35) (0.13) (0.42) (0.35) (0.12)

Observations 8032 8032 8032 9362 9362 9362

Breush-Pagan test 146.88 486.09 742.98 111.81 426.97 650.49

White test 913.13 1115.24 2039.32 951.35 1160.08 2252.42

Robust standard errors in parentheses∗ p < .1, ∗∗ p < .05, ∗∗∗ p < .01

Having established the presence of heteroskedasticity in all three endogenous equations,

I proceed with estimation of the form of the heteroskedasticity and further construct

the three control functions11. Results of the non linear least squares estimation of the

conditional variances are presented in Table B.5. Given the assumed exponential form of

heteroskedasticity, I can directly interpret the coefficients. Older individuals are exposed to11In the paper results using the preferred specification are discussed. The results are qualitatively unaffected

by the choice of the form of heterskedasticity. However, some small quantitative differences are present.


a smaller variation in average education among individuals from the same origin as well as

their fathers and mothers have smaller residual variance. This could result from increasing

heterogeneity of immigrants coming from the same origin as well as easier access to education.

Living in the city at the age of 16 decreases the dispersion in father’s schooling among men

and in the group’s quality for women, while it increases the dispersion in mother’s schooling

among men. Living in the South at 16 increases dispersion in fathers schooling among men

and women and decreases dispersion in group;s quality in the men sub-sample. Parents

born abroad appear to have lower residual variance variance in educational attainment. I

also find smaller dispersion in group’s quality for individuals with at least one parent born

abroad. Larger groups also appear to be more homogeneous with respect to the groups’

quality and mothers belonging to groups with closer ties appear to be more heterogenous

with respect to their schooling outcomes. To construct the correction terms we still need the

Table B.5: Parental capital and group’s quality - heteroskedastic indexes

Men WomenFather’s Mother’s Group’s Father’s Mother’s Group’sschooling schooling quality schooling schooling quality

Age -0.007 -0.069 -0.523 0.003 -0.058 -0.498(0.008) (0.008) (0.020) (0.008) (0.006) (0.013)

Living in a city at -0.400 0.291 -0.051 0.213 -0.012 -0.342the age of 16 (0.047) (0.063) (0.109) (0.040) (0.045) (0.093)

Living in the South 0.262 0.060 -0.530 0.206 0.051 -0.028at the age of 16 (0.041) (0.104) (0.178) (0.050) (0.097) (0.175)

Number of siblings 0.032 0.000 0.000 0.017 0.029 -0.039(0.008) (0.12) (0.020) (0.009) (0.009) (0.022)

Father born abroad -0.305 -0.329 -0.453 -0.636(0.048) (0.075) (0.047) (0.051)

At least one parent -0.185 -0.601born abroad (0.227) (0.256)

Network size -0.142 -2.465 -3.142 -0.544 -0.591 -3.580(0.330) (0.492) (1.189) (0.324) (0.558) (1.029)

Group’s tightness 0.279 1.208 -0.796 0.476 0.691 0.201(0.157) (0.159) (0.737) (0.144) (0.222) (0.490)

Constant 0.571 2.212 9.745 0.643 1.834 9.336(0.225) (0.242) (0.352) (0.218) (0.177) (0.237)

Number of observations 8032 9362Notes: Standard errors bootstrapped. All regressions also include age squared, dummyvariables for region of residence. The regressions for father and mother schooling alsoinclude year dummies.

estimates of the heteroskesdticity index in the primary equation (equation 1). It is estimated


simultaneously with the coefficients of the same equation. The results are presented in

Table B.6. It appears that older individuals and men whose at least one parent is born

abroad have higher residual variance.

Table B.6: Heteroskedastic indexes for children’s human capital equation

Men WomenAge 0.113 0.150

(0.021) (0.038)Age2 -0.001 -0.001

(0.000) (0.000)At least one parent born abroad 0.205 0.073

(0.113) (0.258)Network size 0.457 -0.757

(0.732) (1.032)Number of siblings -0.017 0.078

(0.020) (0.060)Constant -3.340 -4.870

(0.513) (0.931)Notes: Standard errors bootstrapped.